[Rcpp-devel] Speed gain assistance
Wray, Christopher
christopher.wray.10 at ucl.ac.uk
Tue Aug 16 18:51:03 CEST 2011
Hi list - although not strictly (or not really at all..) an Rcpp problem - I thought that since there are so many 'better-than-I' c++ coders here - whom are familiar with R... it might be a good place to ask.
I have a "naive" piece of code - that in essence replicates what the R function "sample" does.
Here is a full/toy example using inline, below.
My problem is this is used in part of a larger piece of code.. and it is a major bottleneck... Where I have put 50,000 in the function below - what I am really using is
10,000,000 so sscpp2(ttin,10000000,1.0,126) is the real function call.
I have toyed with the idea of running all the "runifs" at once (hence the make_matrix function) but R complains about allocating large vectors..sometimes.
I have also tried using std::random_shuffle (to get rid of the runifs) - although performance is then dependent upon the size of the incoming vector 'RetIn' (why shuffle all the elements when I only need some, etc).
I have thought (but not tried) importing R's sample function...but I suspect this may be a totally rude idea.
If anyone has time, or inclination, if they spot a dumb idea in my code - or know a better Rcpp way to do this - Id much appreciate it!
Thanks, chris
library(inline); library(Rcpp);
using namespace Rcpp;
double Fn(double a, double b)
return std::max(0.0,exp(a)-b);
SEXP make_matrix(int nr, int nc, int d){
NumericVector y=floor(runif(nr*nc)*(d-1));
return y;
NumericVector RetIn(RetVec);
int SS_C=as<int>(SamSize);
double St_C=as<double>(StM);
int ES_C=as<int>(ExpSize);
int i,j;
NumericVector OutVec=rep(0.0,SS_C),SamIndx(ES_C);
RNGScope scope;
//NumericMatrix SamIndx=make_matrix(SS_C,ES_C,RetIn.size()-1);
for(i=0; i<ES_C; i++)
NumericVector strVEC=rep(St_C,SS_C), ans(SS_C);
double MeanOut=mean(ans);
sscpp2<-cfunction( signature(RetVec="numericVector",SamSize="numeric",StM="numeric",ExpSize="numeric"), src,inc, Rcpp=TRUE,cppargs="",convention=".Call")
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