[Rcpp-devel] Conflit with sys/vnode.h on Solaris (gcc 4.4.3)

Giuseppe Milicia Giuseppe.Milicia at makoglobal.com
Wed Apr 13 17:51:16 CEST 2011

On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 11:11 AM, Giuseppe Milicia
<Giuseppe.Milicia at makoglobal.com> wrote:
> Dirk,
> I steer away from the Solaris compiler, too many headaches there...
> I'm currently using gcc 4.4.3
> I tried rearranging the headers (in my code) but I got nowhere :( I suspect this is the case because sys/vnode.h is
> used by the standard libraries and those are included in RcppCommon before the conflicting definitions. I'll see if
> I can figure a way out of this and let you know...

>Can you use qualified names, as in Rcpp::as, or would that mean
>rewriting most of the Rcpp headers?

Doing that actually solves the problem and seems to be limited to modifying 3 lines in two headers RObject.h and Environment.h

Essentially you qualify "as" in those files. Might be worth considering...



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