[Rcpp-devel] loadRcppModules
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Mon Apr 11 12:14:59 CEST 2011
I've also updated the skeleton generator so that loadRcppModules is used
by the the package that is generated.
However, it should be noted that things are directly exported into the
namespace, where before only the module was exported.
So when you do:
> Rcpp.package.skeleton( "testmod", module = TRUE )
$ R CMD INSTALL testmod
> require( testmod )
> foo()
[1] 1
> w <- new( World )
> w$greet()
[1] "hello"
> w$set( "bonjour")
> w$greet()
[1] "bonjour"
you can use functions (e.g. foo) or classes (e.g. World ) directly.
Hope this is useful.
Le 11/04/11 11:41, Romain Francois a écrit :
> Hello,
> I've added an experimental feature to Rcpp minutes ago.
> This is to simplify (yet again) dealing with modules. Now, when one
> wants to use C++ functions and classes that are declared in a module,
> the only things you have to do are:
> * declare them in the "RcppModules" field of DESCRIPTION file, for
> example (taken from the testRcppModule package, part of Rcpp's testing
> universe):
> Package: testRcppModule
> Type: Package
> Title: Some test examples using Rcpp with the Module feature
> Version: 0.1
> Date: 2010-09-06
> Author: JMC
> Maintainer: <jmc at stat.stanford.edu>
> Description: Some examples taken (and perhaps modified) from the Rcpp
> Modules documentation.
> License: GPL(>=2)
> LazyLoad: yes
> Depends: methods, Rcpp (>= 0.8.5)
> LinkingTo: Rcpp
> RcppModules: yada, stdVector, NumEx
> Packaged: 2010-09-09 18:42:28 UTC; jmc
> The relevant line being:
> RcppModules: yada, stdVector, NumEx
> * load them. We used to have to load them individually by calling Module
> and maybe populate. Now, this is simpler. You just need a .onLoad
> function that looks like this:
> .onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname){
> loadRcppModules()
> }
> This will load the declared modules, and populate them into your
> package's namespace.
> I will update the Rcpp-modules vignette accordingly.
> Suggestions, comments, improvements, "what are you ? nuts !", ... are
> always welcome.
> Romain
Romain Francois
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