[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp on R 2.12.0 / windows / gcc 4.5

Uwe Ligges ligges at statistik.tu-dortmund.de
Thu Sep 30 15:04:32 CEST 2010

On 30.09.2010 14:17, Romain Francois wrote:
> Hmm. This failed on win builder.
>> Dear package maintainer,
>> this notification has been generated automatically.
>> Your package Rcpp_0.8.6.3.tar.gz has been built (if working) and
>> checked for Windows.
>> Please check the log files and (if working) the binary package at:
>> http://win-builder.r-project.org/7zee4m5kHIjB
>> The files will be removed after roughly 72 hours.
>> Installation time in seconds: 87
>> Check time in seconds: 2385
>> Check result: ERROR
>> R version 2.12.0 alpha (2010-09-27 r53048) (32+64-bit)
> I initially tested it with
> $ Rscript --arch 64 -e "Rcpp:::test()"
> which worked fine.

Brian just said he fixed it. Can you try with the very recent svn from 
minutes (or few hours) ago?


> R CMD check gives me the same failures as win builder... more work
> required then :-(
> Le 30/09/10 13:45, Romain Francois a écrit :
>> Hello,
>> I spent some of my time this morning tweaking Rcpp so that it builds and
>> checks on the R 2.12.0 alpha (the latest snapshot) on windows with the
>> latest Rtools on both archs.
>> It appears to work fine at the latest svn revision (rev 2259).
>> I've sent it to the R-devel branch of win builder and posted a tarball
>> here: http://addictedtor.free.fr/misc/rcpp/Rcpp_0.8.6.3.tar.gz
>> I'd appreciate if other people would also try it, I'm always a bit
>> insecure when it comes to windows.
>> Our aim is to synchronize release of Rcpp 0.8.7 with the release of R
>> 2.12.0
>> Issues were:
>> - the hello function in the module that is part of the testRcppmodule
>> package:
>> std::string hello() {
>> throw std::range_error( "boom" ) ;
>> }
>> This makes windows (or gcc 4.5, or something else) unhappy. This is
>> probably an issue with throw declarations, exceptions accross
>> translation unites, etc ... as we have seen before. For now, I commented
>> it out. This is low priority.
>> - fast indexing, i.e. as provided by the Rcpp::Fast class makes windows
>> unhappy, so I am only using Fast on other platforms. See the #ifndef
>> WIN32 in the Extractor.h file. This seems like a good enough workaround
>> for now. People who want faster indexing on windows are welcome to
>> submit a (((tested))) patch. Note that this is possible that the newer
>> compiler produces better code, so the need for the Rcpp::Fast trick
>> might not be needed at all.
>> Romain

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