[Rcpp-devel] Preferred way to create an instance of a C++ class exported in a module?
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Nov 30 18:01:19 CET 2010
On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 10:31 AM, <romain at r-enthusiasts.com> wrote:
> I'd say up to you. I prefer the new( Class , ... ) construct.
> Also, with Rcpp 0.8.9 with populate, you dont need to use the $ so much.
> You can, in your .onLoad call populate once and then just use the class. See the Rcpp-modules vignette.
Is there a PDF of a recent version of the Rcpp-modules vignette online
somewhere? I get a segfault when trying to build it during the
package build process (svn revision 2624)
cp -f Rcpp-modules/Rcpp-modules.Rnw .
Rscript --vanilla -e "require(highlight); driver <-
HighlightWeaveLatex(boxes = TRUE, bg = 'white' ); Sweave(
'Rcpp-modules.Rnw', driver = driver ); "
WARNING: ignoring environment value of R_HOME
Loading required package: highlight
Loading required package: tools
Loading required package: codetools
Loading required package: parser
Loading required package: Rcpp
*** caught segfault ***
address 0x2b43e97181d0, cause 'invalid permissions'
1: .Call(Module__get_function, pointer, name)
2: .get_Module_function(module, fun, xp)
3: Module(module, mustStart = TRUE)
4: .getModulePointer(x)
5: module$set_data_path
6: module$set_data_path
7: fun(...)
8: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
> Romain
> Le 30 nov. 2010 à 05:21 PM, Douglas Bates <bates at stat.wisc.edu> a écrit :
>> I have seen a couple of ways of creating an instance of a C++ class
>> exported in a module
>> mod <- Module("myMod", "myPackage")
>> cls <- mod$myClass
>> inst <- cls$new(constructorArgs)
>> and
>> inst <- new(mod$myClass, constructorArgs)
>> Is one of these the preferred way?
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