[Rcpp-devel] Ref classes: can I register fields as I register methods?
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Sun Nov 21 23:57:24 CET 2010
Why would you also post here when you posted on R-devel minutes ago.
This is not Rcpp specific.
Le 21/11/10 23:53, Janko Thyson a écrit :
> Hi there,
> is it possible to register fields as you can register methods with
> getRefClass("Classname")$methods(.)?
> I know that you should usually give some thought on which fields you need
> and hardcode them in the class def. But I'm playing around with dynamically
> creating/extending sort of a template class that already offers basic
> functionality shared by all objects that "inherit" from that class. If I
> follow the usual inheritance paradigm I would have to actually define those
> new "subclasses" and let them inherit from the superclass (contains
> argument), right? But can I get around that by sort of registering new
> fields? Maybe with 'initFields(.)'?
> Thanks for any info on that,
> Janko
> ##### SYSTEM INFO #####
> Windows XP SP3
> R 2.12.0
> Eclipse 3.6.1 (Helios)
> StatET 0.9.1
> #####################
Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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