[Rcpp-devel] Question concerning use of Raster in C vi Rcpp plugin and inline
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Nov 16 17:15:16 CET 2010
On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:43 AM, Rainer M Krug <Rainer at krugs.de> wrote:
> On 11/16/2010 03:16 PM, Douglas Bates wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:31 AM, Rainer M Krug <r.m.krug-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I am new to C, and my question might be basic, but I am struggling with it:
>> I have about 10 lines of code in a simulation, which take up about 50%
>> of the whole simulation, As the simulation, takes several hours to run,
>> I want to make the code faster. After trying different approaches in R,
>> with different degrees of success, I decided to try out inline and Rcpp
>> for this.
>> I did some progress (using sugar), and the net-result is so far, that it
>> is as fast / slow as R; but as I said, this is a first step and I am
>> happy so far. My problem now is, in the R code, I have the following
>> (the complete code is below):
>> s <- seeds[x:(x+dx2), y:(y+dy2)]
>> dispSeeds[x,y] <- sum(
>> rbinom(
>> s,
>> s,
>> sd2D
>> ),
>> na.rm = TRUE
>> )
>>> I think it unlikely that you will be able to write C/C++ code that
>>> runs much faster than that expression in R. The sum and rbinom
>>> functions are vectorized and other than a small interpretation
>>> overhead not much can be saved by going to compiled code.
> The main reason why I am trying to use C are the loops around the code
> above. See attached code example.
>> As the rbinom part is only using the vector representation of s, I have
>> already translated it into C.
>> So my problem / question is: can I use a similar syntax for s in inline
>> using sugar?
>> As the code above sits in two large loops, I would like to translate the
>> whole loops into C.
>> Below the code (R and R / inline):
>> maxx, maxy, dx, dy: scalar integers
>> seeds: integer matrix
>> dispSeeds: integer matrix
>> The pure R code:
>> dispRparFor <- function(
>> maxx = maxx,
>> maxy = maxy,
>> seeds = seeds,
>> sd2D = sd2D,
>> dx = dx,
>> dy = dy,
>> dispSeeds = dispSeeds # the return value
>> ) {
>> dx2 <- 2*dx
>> dy2 <- 2*dy
>> for ( y in 1:maxy ) {
>> cat(y, " ")
>> for (x in 1:maxx) {
>> s <- seeds[x:(x+dx2), y:(y+dy2)]
>> if (all(is.na(s))) {
>> dispSeeds[x,y] <- NA
>> } else {
>> dispSeeds[x,y] <- sum(
>> rbinom(
>> s,
>> s,
>> sd2D
>> ),
>> na.rm = TRUE
>> )
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> return(dispSeeds)
>> }
>> #+END_SRC
>> How far I got with using inline and Rcpp / sugar:
>> dispRparForSugar <- function(
>> maxx = maxx,
>> maxy = maxy,
>> seeds = seeds,
>> sd2D = sd2D,
>> dx = dx,
>> dy = dy,
>> dispSeeds = dispSeeds # the return value
>> ) {
>> library(inline)
>> library(Rcpp)
>> dx2 <- 2*dx
>> dy2 <- 2*dy
>> fx2 <- cxxfunction(
>> sig = signature(N = "integer", SIZE = "integer",
>> PROB = "double"),
>> body = '
>> Rcpp::IntegerVector n (N);
>> Rcpp::IntegerVector size (SIZE);
>> Rcpp::NumericVector prob (PROB);
>> int res;
>> res = 0;
>> for( int i=0; i<n.size(); i++){
>> if (size[i]>0) {
>> res += rbinom( 1, size[i],
>> prob[i] )[0];
>> }
>> }
>> return wrap( res );
>> ',
>> plugin = "Rcpp",
>> verbose = TRUE
>> )
>> for ( y in 1:maxy ) {
>> cat(y, " ")
>> for (x in 1:maxx) {
>> s <- seeds[x:(x+dx2), y:(y+dy2)]
>> if (all(is.na(s))) {
>> dispSeeds[x,y] <- NA
>> } else {
>> dispSeeds[x,y] <- fx2(s, s, sd2D)
>> }
>> }
>> }
>> return(dispSeeds)
>> }
>> #+END_SRC
>>> It is peculiar to call cxxfunction within another function if the code
>>> being compiled is fixed. cxxfunction is a function generator and one
>>> usually regards a call to cxxfunction as the equivalent of entering a
>>> function definition.
> I changed that - yes, it was peculiar but based on my experimentation.
>>> It doesn't appear that you are using n in your C++ code (other than
>>> taking its length) and your C++ code seems to be evaluating
>>> sum(rbinom(1, s, sd2D)) rather than sum(rbinom(s, s, sd2D)). Is that
>>> intentional?
> Left over - changed as well. Thanks.
>>> And if your fx2 is always to be called as fx2(s, s, sd2D) then why not
>>> just pass s and sd2D?
> Done (partly).
> To add some more strange things:
> I attach the code in a working example as an R script file which will
> show something strange (for me):
> the function overwrites a variable, namely sd2D. Am I doing something
> wrong or do I underestimate the dangers of using Rcpp and inline and C
> in general?
Yes, it will. You are assigning the NumericVector's s and sd2D to use
the storage of the SD2D argument so when you assign s[indS] in the
first loop you are overwriting the contents of SD2D.
I am testing a rewrite now.
> In addition, the code is not doing what it is supposed to be doing, but
> that is a different question at the moment.
> Cheers,
> Rainer
>> Ultimately, I would like to have the complete dispRparFor function in C.
>> For the ones interested, I could send a working example with data.
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
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> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
> Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
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