[Rcpp-devel] Dependence on GNU make because of $(shell)

Christoph Bergmeir c.bergmeir at decsai.ugr.es
Tue Nov 16 15:59:39 CET 2010

Hi Rcpp list,

the CRAN maintainers still don't seem to be too happy about the dependence on GNU make that gets introduced by $(shell) in the Makevars files.

The package I recently submitted to CRAN, RSNNS, uses exactly the same mechanism as proposed in the Rcpp vignette or is implemented e.g. in termstrc and many other Rcpp packages.

Brian Ripley proposed now in an email on CRAN at r-project.org to just use:

PKG_LIBS = `$(R_HOME)/bin/Rscript -e "Rcpp:::LdFlags()"`

Is this a solution? Or are there other drawbacks?

As it seems to me that this problem is not so much a problem of a specific package, as more a general Rcpp problem, I'd like to discuss this topic here..


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