[Rcpp-devel] Extract a function from a list and create a call
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Tue Mar 23 07:44:52 CET 2010
Le 22/03/10 23:29, Douglas Bates a écrit :
> On Mon, Mar 22, 2010 at 10:21 AM, Romain Francois
> <romain.francois at dbmail.com> wrote:
>> Le 22/03/10 14:14, Douglas Bates a écrit :
>>> I think the problem under Linux is extracting fam[0]. The error
>>> message to me indicates that even though fam is declared as a
>>> CharacterVector the SEXP it contains isn't a STRSXP.
>> This is not supposed to happen. The constructor of CharacterVector makes
>> sure the SEXP is a STRSXP.
>> Vector( SEXP x ) : Base() {
>> Base::setSEXP( r_cast<RTYPE>( x ) ) ;
>> }
>> and r_cast attempts to convert x to a STRSXP and throws otherwise.
>> When we do :
>> List ll(l) ;
>> CharacterVector fam = ll["family"] ;
>> ll["family"] makes a generic_name_proxy, we then ask to convert it to a
>> CharacterVector, so the templated conversion operator is called :
>> template<typename T>
>> operator T(){
>> return ::Rcpp::as<T>( get() ) ;
>> }
>> with T = CharacterVector, so then as<CharacterVector> is called, which
>> eventually calls CharacterVector( SEXP) constructor, so fam should refer to
>> a STRSXP.
>> You can do things like this to debug further.
>> Function str("str") ;
>> Rf_PrintValue( str( fam ) ) ;
>> to check.
>> or maybe even use the internal inspect:
>> inspect<- function(...) .Internal(inspect(...))
>> Function inspect("inspect") ;
>> Rf_PrintValue( inspect( fam ) ) ;
> Thanks for the suggestions. I should have realized that I can call
> str and inspect from within a C++ program compiled against Rcpp but I
> am still getting used to the flexibility that Rcpp offers.
> My test function is now
> inspect<- function(...) .Internal(inspect(...))
> fx<- cfunction( signature( l = "list" ), '
> Function str("str"), inspect("inspect");
> List ll(l);
> CharacterVector fam = ll["family"];
> Rprintf("Assigned fam of length %d\\n", fam.size());
> Rf_PrintValue(str(fam));
> Rf_PrintValue(inspect(fam));
> char *fpt = (char *)0;
> Rprintf("Initialized char * pointer to zero\\n");
> if (fam.size()) fpt = fam[0];
> Rprintf("Assigned fpt\\n");
> return R_NilValue;
> //List::create(_["fam"] = std::string(fpt));
> ', Rcpp = TRUE, includes = "using namespace Rcpp;" )
> and this segfaults on an Ubuntu (karmic) amd64 running a locally
> compiled R-devel.
>> sessionInfo()
> R version 2.11.0 Under development (unstable) (2010-03-18 r51313)
> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods base
> other attached packages:
> [1] Rcpp_0.7.10.3 inline_0.3.4
>> fx(binomial())
> Assigned fam of length 1
> chr "binomial"
> @2acb128 16 STRSXP g0c1 [NAM(2)] (len=1, tl=0)
> @2d39830 09 CHARSXP g0c2 [MARK,gp=0x21,ATT] "binomial"
> [1] "binomial"
The above looks ok and suggests that fam is correct. I agree that this
is "fam[0]" that is the problem.
> Initialized char * pointer to zero
> *** caught segfault ***
> address (nil), cause 'memory not mapped'
> Traceback:
> 1: .Call("file327b23c6", PACKAGE = f, l)
> 2: fx(binomial())
> It looks as if the segfault is occurring when extracting a char *
> pointer for fam[0]. I don't know if the problem is in the fam[0]
> operation or the extracting a char *.
This is getting really worrying. I don't get a segfault, but I get NA,
which is not much better :
Le chargement a nécessité le package : inline
Le chargement a nécessité le package : methods
Le chargement a nécessité le package : Rcpp
Assigned fam of length 1
chr "poisson"
@10239a0c8 16 STRSXP g0c1 [NAM(2)] (len=1, tl=1)
@1023d3038 09 CHARSXP g0c1 [MARK,gp=0x21] "poisson"
[1] "poisson"
Initialized char * pointer to zero
Assigned fpt : NA
I've replaced the line:
Rprintf("Assigned fpt : %s \\n", fpt);
I'll attempt to add some debugging information.
Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
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