[Rcpp-devel] Good idioms for creating a named list?
Romain Francois
romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Tue Mar 16 23:20:46 CET 2010
Oops. commited now.
Le 16/03/10 23:16, Douglas Bates a écrit :
> I don't see that commit. I have SVN revision 909, which AFAICS is the
> latest version, and there is no mention of make_list or Rcpp::Argument
> that I can find.
> On Tue, Mar 16, 2010 at 5:49 AM, Romain Francois
> <romain.francois at dbmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have now commited make_list as a set of templates taking variable number
>> of arguments and creating named generic vectors. There is again some code
>> bloat involved and it handles up to 20 arguments. (this is not painful to
>> make it 50 or 100, but I think 20 is good enough for now).
>> For example (see more of this in the runit.make.list.R file):
>> fx<- cfunction(signature(),'
>> return make_list(
>> Named("a") = 1 ,
>> Named("b") = 2 ,
>> Named("c") = "foobar",
>> Named("d") = 4.0 ) ;
>> ',
>> Rcpp = TRUE, includes = "using namespace Rcpp; " )
>> I've also added the Argument class, which is somewhat similar to Named,
>> except that it does not hold the object (only its name) and it is the
>> templated operator= that makes a Named object from it. This means that the
>> code above can be replaced by this:
>> return make_list(
>> Argument("a") = 1 ,
>> Argument("b") = 2 ,
>> Argument("c") = "foobar",
>> Argument("d") = 4.0 ) ;
>> But it can also be used to first declare a set of arguments that a given
>> package uses a lot, and then just use them with a nice construct. For
>> example :
>> // declare the arguments:
>> // maybe in some header file
>> Argument x("x"), y("y") ;
>> // use them:
>> make_list( x = 2, y = "foo" ) ;
>> Language call( "somefunction", x = 2, y = "foo" ) ;
>> Pairlist pl( x = 2, y = 3 )
>> Function f("somefunction" ) ;
>> f( x = 2, y = 3 )
>> For example minqa uses the same arguments several times : "par", "fval",
>> "feval", "intpval", so maybe this would be useful to have this on top of the
>> file:
>> static Rcpp::Argument par("par") ;
>> static Rcpp::Argument fval("fval") ;
>> static Rcpp::Argument feval("feval") ;
>> static Rcpp::Argument minpval("minpval") ;
>> and then replace :
>> Rcpp::List rr(Rcpp::Pairlist(Rcpp::Named("par", par),
>> Rcpp::Named("fval",
>> F77_NAME(calfun)(&n,
>> par.begin(),
>> ip.begin())),
>> Rcpp::Named("feval", rho.get(".feval.")),
>> Rcpp::Named("intpval", fval)));
>> by :
>> Rcpp::List rr = make_list(
>> par = par_,
>> fval = F77_NAME(calfun)(&n, par.begin(), ip.begin()),
>> feval = rho.get(".feval."),
>> intpval = fval_
>> )
>> (notice the underscore in par_ and fval_ because I use the variable name for
>> the Argument instance ... but this is just an example.
>> Romain
>> Le 15/03/10 21:26, Romain Francois a écrit :
>>> Le 15/03/10 21:13, Douglas Bates a écrit :
>>>> R functions often return a named list, sometimes with an S3 class
>>>> attached. Over the weekend I exchanged some email with Dirk and
>>>> Romain about good ways to create such a return object. The way that I
>>>> am currently doing so is through creating an Rcpp::Pairlist of
>>>> Rcpp::Named objects then converting the Pairlist to a List.
>>>> Another possibility would be to create a
>>>> std::map<std::string, Rcpp::Robject>
>>>> add components to the map and wrap the result. I can check for
>>>> myself, of course, but can someone tell me off the bat what the form
>>>> of the R object resulting from Rcpp::wrap applied to such an object
>>>> would be?
>>> If all works as expected, you should get exactly what you want : a named
>>> generic vector.
>>> What we need is new constructors in Rcpp::List, but this is not as easy
>>> as it sounds (Rcpp::List is actually cooked from a template, etc ...).
>>> Maybe we can do some templated factory functions. Something like:
>>> template<typename T1, typename T2>
>>> Rcpp::make_list( const T1& t1, const T2& t2)
>>> ...
>>> with the appropriate handling of the Named class, so that we could do
>>> things like :
>>> List res = make_list(
>>> Named( "x" ) = 1,
>>> Named( "y ) = "foo"
>>> ) ;
>>> or (this does not pass the Dirk test though):
>>> List res = make_list(
>>> _["x"] = 1,
>>> _["y"] = "foo" ) ;
>>> Romain
>> --
>> Romain Francois
>> Professional R Enthusiast
>> +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
>> http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr
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Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- http://tr.im/OIXN : raster images and RImageJ
|- http://tr.im/OcQe : Rcpp 0.7.7
`- http://tr.im/O1wO : highlight 0.1-5
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