[Rcpp-devel] Returning a named (and classed?) list from an RcppExport SEXP function
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Fri Mar 12 22:00:02 CET 2010
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 2:23 PM, Romain Francois
<romain at r-enthusiasts.com> wrote:
> Le 12/03/10 18:23, Douglas Bates a écrit :
>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel<edd at debian.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Doug,
>>> Welcome! We're honoured to have you here. And glad you picked the list.
>>> On 12 March 2010 at 10:14, Douglas Bates wrote:
>>> | I have looked at your (i.e. Dirk and Roman's) submitted Rjournal
>>> | article on Rcpp and decided that I should take the plunge.
>>> |
>>> | To get my feet wet I am starting with a relatively simple example
>>> | interfacing to (God help us) 1960's style Fortran written by Mike
>>> | Powell and incorporated in the minqa package.
>>> |
>>> | The value to be returned is a named list of heterogeneous values. I
>>> | can see how to construct such a list in the classic Rcpp API using a
>>> | RcppResultSet object but I don't know the best way to accomplish this
>>> | in the more modern Rcpp namespace. Can someone point me in the right
>>> | direction? Also, is there a convenient idiom for attaching an S3
>>> | class name to a list to be returned?
>>> Yes. See eg the examples I put on my blog, eg inside of RcppArmadillo we
>>> simply do (including actual fastLm source here modulu two ifdefs dealing
>>> with
>>> older versions -- which means you need Armadillo 0.9.0 or later)
>>> #include<RcppArmadillo.h>
>>> extern "C" SEXP fastLm(SEXP ys, SEXP Xs) {
>>> Rcpp::NumericVector yr(ys); // creates Rcpp vector
>>> from SEXP
>>> Rcpp::NumericMatrix Xr(Xs); // creates Rcpp matrix
>>> from SEXP
>>> int n = Xr.nrow(), k = Xr.ncol();
>>> arma::mat X(Xr.begin(), n, k, false); // reuses memory and
>>> avoids extra copy
>>> arma::colvec y(yr.begin(), yr.size(), false);
>>> arma::colvec coef = solve(X, y); // fit model y ~ X
>>> arma::colvec resid = y - X*coef; // residuals
>>> double sig2 = arma::as_scalar( trans(resid)*resid/(n-k) );
>>> // std.error of estimate
>>> arma::colvec stderrest = sqrt( sig2 * diagvec(
>>> arma::inv(arma::trans(X)*X)) );
>>> Rcpp::Pairlist res(Rcpp::Named( "coefficients", coef),
>>> Rcpp::Named( "stderr", stderrest));
>>> return res;
>>> }
>>> [ By the way, I still think I should try to implement all four of your
>>> "how
>>> to do lm" solutions from the older R News / R Journal piece in Armadillo
>>> one
>>> day :-) And see what the timing impacts would be. ]
>>> That works "on the fly" with Pairlist and named. We also have Rcpp::List
>>> examples, but AFAICR you need to 'predeclare' how long your list is and
>>> the
>>> set each element. The 200+ unit tests will have examples. Better docs
>>> will
>>> appear one day...
>> Nice approach. I presume that the Pairlist object is converted to an
>> VECSXP in the process of being packaged for return.
> No, they are shipped to R as a LISTSXP.
Hmm. That may cause problems in the long run. IIRC, having LISTSXPs,
other than those related to language objects, loose in R is frowned
upon. I'll check before saying anything definite.
>> I will play
>> around a bit with expressions like
>> Rcpp::List res(Rcpp::PairList(Rcpp::Named(...), ...))
> This should work since the List( SEXP ) constructor uses coercion. Let us
> know otherwise.
I tried it and was terribly frustrated that my example didn't work and
I couldn't decide why. After much exploration I found that it had
nothing to do with that construction and was in fact due to my using 6
SEXPs in a Pairlist constructor. Apparently my version is not
compiled with HAS_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES set and that means the
constructors only go up to 5. I see now that because I am using g++
4.4.1 I should probably set the compiler flag -std=c++0x
I have tried it again initializing a list from the Pairlist object and
that works. Do you happen to know if that conversion determines the
length of the result before allocating it? I tried to read the code
for internal::ListInitialization but I am not sufficiently fluent in
C++ to decide what is going on.
>> I would like to have the capability of attaching an attribute named
>> "class" to the VECSXP before returning it.
> res.attr( "class" ) = "foo" ;
>>> | An unrelated question -- has anyone looked at accessing S4 classed
>>> | objects in Rcpp? I have had considerable experience with S4 classes
>>> | and objects and could keep such a project in mind as I begin to
>>> | explore Rcpp.
>>> I'd be happy to go there (time permitting) but very gently as I am still
>>> much
>>> more firmly in S3 land. Romain may be more eager :)
>> One of the nice properties of S4 classed objects is that you can
>> define validity checks for classes and bypass some of the code that
>> does validity checking of arguments.
> For now the only things we have in the api to deal with S4'ness is these
> methods : "isS4", "slot", "hasSlot".
> Not sure right now how we could formalize S4 objects in the api, but this
> would definitely be a fine addition.
>>> | Yet another question, if i may. Does coercion take place in
>>> | constructing an object like
>>> |
>>> | Rcpp::NumericVector aa(a);
>>> |
>>> | where a is an SEXP, say an SEXP argument to a C++ function, where I
>>> | accidentally passed an integer vector instead of a double vector? If
>>> Very much so. Again, see my blog and the RcppVectorExample code. Int
>>> in,
>>> Double out. All magic hidden.
>>> And of course you can just try it:
>>> R> library(RcppExamples)
>>> Loading required package: Rcpp
>>> R> RcppVectorExample(c(1,4,9), api="new")
>>> $result
>>> [1] 1 2 3
>>> $original
>>> [1] 1 4 9
>>> R> RcppVectorExample(c(2,5,10), api="new")
>>> $result
>>> [1] 1.414 2.236 3.162
>>> $original
>>> [1] 2 5 10
>>> R>
>> Perhaps you are assuming that c(1,4,9) generates an integer vector in
>> this example. In fact, c(1,4,9) is a numeric (in the sense of double
>> precision) vector. You need to write c(1L, 4L, 9L) to ensure you have
>> an integer vector or coerce it with as.integer().
>>> At this level, behaviour is the same with 'classic' API but we know of at
>>> least one case where 'classic' doesn't cast a Matrix right and 'new'
>>> does.
>>> | so, what happens if there is no coercion? Are the contents of the
>>> | SEXP copied to newly allocated storage or not?
>>> It depends. In the new API we do fewer copies.
>>> | The reason that I ask is because there are some places in the lme4
>>> | code where I want to make sure that I have a pointer to the contents
>>> | of the original vector because I am want to change the contents
>>> | without copying.
>>> I think we do that. If you look at the vignette and the timing example --
>>> but
>>> using pointer accessors (eg double *x = foo.begin()) and pointer ops (eg
>>> x++)
>>> we get essentially the same speed as pure and ugly C code. Because we do
>>> away with the copy, and the operator[], for purest speed.
>> Yes, I like that idea of being able to use foo.begin() to access the
>> pointer. Part of my question related to whether I could count on
>> getting the pointer to the original contents from R.
> Yes. The objects of the new api have the SEXP as their data member and
> methods applied on objects are relayed back to the SEXP in terms of calls t
> the R API. We use R memory management all the way.
> There are some times though where memory is reallocated, because there is no
> other way. for example if you add values to a vector (push_back, push_front,
> etc ...)
> In some way I
>> would need to check whether the R object had been coerced, and hence
>> allocated new storage for its contents, or not. That's not an
>> immediate problem, though.
> There is something that might be helpful (or not). In the file RcppCommon.h,
> we have the RCPP_RETURN_VECTOR macro, this is an initial attempt to avoid
> writing the same switch( TYPEOF(x), case REALSXP: ... code over and over
> again. There is an example use in RcppCommon.cpp
>> Thanks for the response.
>>> Hope that answer the first batch of questions. Keep'em coming!
>>> Dirk
> --
> Romain Francois
> Professional R Enthusiast
> +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
> http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr
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