[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp internal versions of lapply and sapply

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Wed Jun 16 17:58:07 CEST 2010

Le 16/06/10 17:44, Douglas Bates a écrit :
> Thank you very much, Romain.  This certainly helps my understanding of
> unary_function, traits, etc.  These are the sorts of things I can read
> about but until I see a non-trivial usage it is hard to keep these
> ideas straight.
> Two minor questions occur to me at this point.  In my code I assigned
> the names to be the names of the input list but I think now that I
> should have assigned a clone of the object names instead.

I have been lazy (the wrong kind of lazyness) when implementing names<-, 
and just used a callback to the R function names<- . The relevant chunk 
is in Vector.h in the NamesProxy class:

		void set(SEXP x) const {
			SEXP new_vec = PROTECT( internal::try_catch(
			Rf_lcons( Rf_install("names<-"),
					Rf_cons( parent, Rf_cons( x , R_NilValue) )))) ;
			/* names<- makes a new vector, so we have to change
			   the SEXP of the parent of this proxy, it might be
			   worth to work directly with the names attribute instead
			   of using the names<- R function, but then we need to
			   take care of coercion, recycling, etc ... we cannot just
			   brutally assign the names attribute */
			const_cast<Vector&>(parent).setSEXP( new_vec ) ;
			UNPROTECT(1) ; /* new_vec */

So with this implementation, you don't need to worry about copying 
names. But it might not be the best implementation.

> To be safe
> I should have cloned before assigning, right?  I also checked the
> length before assigning but you didn't.  Am I reflecting too much of
> my C programming background here?  In other words, is there some magic
> in the Rcpp names assignment that does the checking?

The magic comes from R.

 > x <- 1:10
 > names(x) <- c("a", "b")
 > x
    a    b <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8    9   10

In your example ll.names() is either NULL or a vector of the appropriate 
size. I think (not sure though) that names<- is restrictive about the rhs:

 > names(x) <- rnorm
Erreur dans as.character(function (n, mean = 0, sd = 1)  :
   cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'


> Thanks again.
> On Wed, Jun 16, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Romain Francois
> <romain.francois at dbmail.com>  wrote:
>> Small update incorporating the use of all (and using namespace Rcpp to make
>> things slightly less cluterred).
>> require( Rcpp )
>> require( inline )
>> inc<- '
>> using namespace Rcpp ;
>> template<typename OBJECT, typename FUN>
>> Vector<  traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename FUN::result_type>::rtype>
>> sapply(const OBJECT&  object, FUN fun) {
>>         const int RTYPE = traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>> FUN::result_type>::rtype ;
>>         Vector<RTYPE>  ans = Vector<RTYPE>::import_transform(
>>                 object.begin(), object.end(), fun
>>                 ) ;
>>         return ans ;
>> }
>> template<int RT, typename FUN>
>> Vector<  traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename FUN::result_type>::rtype>
>> sapply( const Vector<RT>&  object, FUN fun){
>>         const int RTYPE = traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>> FUN::result_type>::rtype ;
>>         Vector<RTYPE>  ans = Vector<RTYPE>::import_transform(
>>                 object.begin(), object.end(), fun
>>                 ) ;
>>         ans.names() = object.names() ;
>>         return ans ;
>> }
>> template<typename T>
>> struct square : std::unary_function<T,T>  {
>>         inline T operator()( const T&  t ){ return t*t ; }
>> } ;
>> '
>> code<- '
>>         NumericVector xx( x) ;
>>         return all( sapply( xx, square<double>() )<  15 ) ;
>> '
>> fx<- cxxfunction( signature( x = "numeric" ), code, "Rcpp", inc )
>> fx( seq(1,10, length = 5 ) )
>> This needs rev 1555 of Rcpp for the "<  15" part. I'll try to come up with a
>> lazy version of this for the Rcpp sugar.
>> I'll probably recycle some of this thread into a blog post (with nicer
>> formatting).
>> Also worth noting the existence of Rcpp::unary_call, Rcpp::fixed_call and
>> Rcpp::binary_call that wrap up an R function in a strong type illusion
>> (powered by the twins Rcpp::as and Rcpp::wrap).
>> So for example (this will be less efficient for obvious reasons):
>> code<- '
>>         NumericVector xx( x) ;
>>         return all( sapply( xx, unary_call<double,double>( Function("square")
>> ) )<  15 ) ;
>> '
>> square<- function(x) x^2
>> fx<- cxxfunction( signature( x = "numeric" ), code, "Rcpp", inc )
>> fx( seq(1,10, length = 5 ) )
>> Romain
>> PS : More examples of these in the runit.Language.R file.
>> Le 16/06/10 16:18, Romain Francois a écrit :
>>> Le 16/06/10 14:58, Douglas Bates a écrit :
>>>> Ever since I read Phil Spector's book on S I have been a fan of
>>>> functional programming in S and R. When Jose Pinheiro and I were
>>>> working on the nlme package there was a joke between us that you could
>>>> tell which of us wrote which parts of the code because his parts
>>>> always had an object named "aux" and my parts always had
>>>> "unlist(lapply(list(...)))".
>>>> Even within C++ I like to use the std:: algorithms like
>>>> std::transform, but, of course, there are differences between a
>>>> strongly typed language like C++ and a dynamically typed language like
>>>> S. Templates can get around these differences to some extent but I am
>>>> still a bit of a novice regarding templates.
>>>> Currently I want to apply some functions to lists but entirely within
>>>> the C++ code (i.e. I don't want to create Rcpp Function objects and
>>>> call back to R). For the sake of argument, consider a function that
>>>> extracts the lengths of the components of the lists.
>>>> library(Rcpp)
>>>> library(inline)
>>>> inc<- '
>>>> class length {
>>>> public:
>>>> R_len_t operator() (RObject const&  x) {return Rf_length(SEXP(x));}
>>>> };
>>>> '
>>>> code<- '
>>>> List lst(ll);
>>>> IntegerVector ans(lst.size());
>>>> std::transform(lst.begin(), lst.end(), ans.begin(), length());
>>>> return ans;
>>>> '
>>>> ltst<- cxxfunction(signature(ll = "list"), code, "Rcpp", inc)
>>>> ll<- list(a = numeric(0), b = LETTERS[6:9], c = c)
>>>> ltst(ll)
>>>> sapply(ll, length)
>>>> I would like to create a templated sapply function like
>>>> template<int RTYPE>
>>>> Vector<RTYPE>  sapply(List ll, ??) {
>>>> Vector<RTYPE>  ans(ll.size());
>>>> CharacterVector nms = ll.names();
>>>> if (nms.size() == ll.size()) ans.names() = nms;
>>>> std::transform(ll.begin(), ll.end(), ans.begin(), ??);
>>>> return ans;
>>>> }
>>>> but I don't know how to specify the second argument that is a function
>>>> that returns the atomic element type of a Vector<RTYPE>  (is this as
>>>> simple as Vector<RTYPE>::value_type?) and has a single argument which
>>>> probably should be an RObject (although might be an SEXP, if that was
>>>> more convenient). Can someone (probably Romain) provide some
>>>> guidance?
>>> I recently added Vector::import_transform which might be all you need.
>>> NumericVector x = NumericVector::import_transform(
>>> y.begin(), y.end(), f) ;
>>> This will work as long as f is of some type acceptable by std::transform.
>>> But let's keep going anyway. One way (I'll write later why this is not
>>> fully satisfactory) is here:
>>> require( Rcpp )
>>> require( inline )
>>> inc<- '
>>> template<typename OBJECT, typename FUN>
>>> SEXP sapply(const OBJECT&  object, FUN fun) {
>>> const int RTYPE = Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>>> FUN::result_type>::rtype ;
>>> Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>  ans = Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::import_transform(
>>> object.begin(), object.end(), fun
>>> ) ;
>>> return ans ;
>>> }
>>> template<int RT, typename FUN>
>>> SEXP sapply( const Rcpp::Vector<RT>&  object, FUN fun){
>>> const int RTYPE = Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>>> FUN::result_type>::rtype ;
>>> Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>  ans = Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::import_transform(
>>> object.begin(), object.end(), fun
>>> ) ;
>>> ans.names() = object.names() ;
>>> return ans ;
>>> }
>>> template<typename T>
>>> struct square : std::unary_function<T,T>  {
>>> inline T operator()( T&  t ){ return t*t ; }
>>> } ;
>>> '
>>> code<- '
>>> NumericVector xx( x );
>>> return sapply( xx, square<double>() ) ;
>>> '
>>> fx<- cxxfunction( signature( x = "numeric" ), code, "Rcpp", inc )
>>>   >  fx( seq(1,10, length = 5 ) )
>>> [1] 1.0000 10.5625 30.2500 60.0625 100.0000
>>> I'll try to explain bit by bit. Please let me know if something is too
>>> cryptic. The good thing about templates is that as long as they work
>>> they don't complain. The bad thing is that when they start complaining,
>>> you need large screens to accomodate all the warnings/erros you get...
>>> Starting from the last thing, the square struct.
>>> template<typename T>
>>> struct square : std::unary_function<T,T>  {
>>> inline T operator()( const T&  t ){ return t*t ; }
>>> } ;
>>> we need the function that goes into sapply to help, i.e we need it to be
>>> aware of the result type. inheriting from std::unary_function makes this
>>> easy. It essentially just adds some typedef. See
>>> http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/std/functional/unary_function/
>>> So when we do square<double>(), the function is self aware that it
>>> returns a double. We need that to decide which kind of R vectors we want
>>> to create. Which is the job of the Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits
>>> trait. So:
>>> const int RTYPE = Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>>> FUN::result_type>::rtype ;
>>> it is very important that this is const, because we are using this as a
>>> template argument later and this needs to be compile time constant.
>>> Then, we just delegate to std::transform through Vector::import_transform:
>>> Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>  ans = Rcpp::Vector<RTYPE>::import_transform(
>>> object.begin(), object.end(), fun
>>> ) ;
>>> For now the sapply just return a SEXP because that is easy, but we could
>>> have the result type deduced as well (fasten your seatbelt):
>>> template<typename OBJECT, typename FUN>
>>> Rcpp::Vector<  Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<  typename
>>> FUN::result_type>::rtype>
>>> sapply(const OBJECT&  object, FUN fun) {
>>> Anyway, why is there two sapply ? because the first one is more generic,
>>> you could sapply on a std::vector<double>  for example, the only thing we
>>> do with the object is to call begin() and end(), so as long as they
>>> exist and they produce something that makes sense for std::transform, we
>>> are fine (this is why templates are just so great).
>>> The second version is specific to Rcpp vectors, on which we can call
>>> names().
>>> Now why is not satisfactory ? This is not lazy enough for me. With a
>>> little bit more work, instead of returning a Rcpp::Vector which
>>> allocates all of its memory right now (not lazy), we could have sapply
>>> returning some sort of proxy object. The proxy object would expose a
>>> similar interface : operator[] and iterator, but the result will only be
>>> calculated when truly necessary.
>>> Why should we care about that ? Imagine, instead of just calculating the
>>> square, we want to find out if all the squared values are below 15, ie.
>>> the equivalent of the R code "all( x^2<  15 )" ? We only need to
>>> calculate three values to make our decision, so why bother calculating
>>> the 2 last ones. (lazy)
>>> This is the kind of thing I want to bring to Rcpp with the "sugar" piece
>>> of the puzzle.
>>> We would then have this expression:
>>> code<- '
>>> Rcpp::NumericVector xx( x) ;
>>> return Rcpp::all( sapply( xx, square<double>() )<  15 ) ;
>>> '
>>> It almost work right now (I need to add some code so that<15 makes
>>> sense, I only added Vector<  Vector so far), but currently requires to
>>> compute all the 5 values before handling the data to all.
>>> Please come back with questions if some gaps need to be filled.
>>> Romain

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
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