[Rcpp-devel] Sugar/inline and RTools
Dirk Eddelbuettel
edd at debian.org
Sun Dec 12 16:28:58 CET 2010
Hi Chris,
On 12 December 2010 at 15:03, Wray, Christopher wrote:
| Hi,
| Im using windows7, R2.12, Rtools2.12 and all the latest packages of inline,
| rcpp, etc. Over the last few weeks I have managed to get loads of the
| examples working, and all makes sense and is pretty clear. I had a couple of
| questions/comments:
| 1. RTools: On windows, I understand that Rcpp and R depend in a critical way upon RTools.
Yes. While one conceptually could also use other builds of the gcc compiler,
in practice this can backfire when library interactions, underscore
conventions, ... go wrong. For experts-only --- while "Depend" may be a
strong a term, for us as package authors it is simply an easy and reliable
way to follow R Core's lead and assume this toolchain to ensure identical
behaviour. Now, this has one known cost which is ...
| I have recently been rewriting some parallelized C++ code that uses omp.h
| and the RcppAramdillo plugin.
... that Rtools famously does not support OpenMP. I think this come up both
here and on r-devel in the last few weeks.
Duncan M's response basically was that the support in Rtools is for what R /
R Core needs --- hence no Open MP. I know of at least one package on CRAN
which disables Open MP on Windows (as CRAN doesn't have it) but provides Open
MP-enabled windows binaries at its site.
| Im also a fan of running code snippits using inline, etc. RTools does not
| provide full suport for omp (no real surprise given the "minimum"GW
| distribution). So I had to add libpthreads, etc, to my RTools installation
| (libgomp is already included) and use "cppargs= -fopenmp" and "libargs =
| -lgomp -lpthread" when using "cfunction" from inline. All works fine
| though. Is it *only* the core R build process that determines what RTools
That is my understanding.
| toolchain contains? Could this change with more usage of Rcpp (on windows)?
| Duncan Murdoch who maintains RTools pointed me in the right direction, to
| find this solution.
Yup. If you were to create, maintain, distribute, ... a new toolchain
including Open MP / libgomp for Windows it would certainly be appreciated.
CRAN may even end up using it. Or maybe liaise with Duncan M / Brian R and
help them. Dunno.
Romain and I are not particular heavy users of Windows so we are very
unlikely to be volunteering here. I plan to do some work with Open MP for
parallelised optimisation but I will surely do my work on Linux. But if and
when I am done there I'd probably be asking the same questions. So let's keep
that question in mind for future discussions.
| 2. As far as I can tell the "cxxfunction" does not allow the passing of
| *additional* PKG_CPPFLAGS and PKG_LIBS args explictly (these are set from
| "env <- settings$env" with "do.call(Sys.setenv, env)" if a plugin is
| used). Is there a cleaner way of passing compiler options/flags when using
| cxxfunction + plugin? I do appreciate that plugins circumvent the need for
| such compiler options, etc, and so I guess this is somewhat of a
| pathological example. Right now, I'm using my own hacked version of
| cxxfunction to pass the additional flags (in 1.) to get parallel code to
| compile (on windows).
Maybe you can contribute a clean patch to inline (and its manual page etc)
that we can review? Romain and I are ipso facto maintainers of inline now
that Oleg has no new needs whereas we do come across new use cases.
Alternatively, you could possibly write yourself (and / or the world via
CRAN) a support package 'RcppOMP' whose sole / main purpose it is to provide
a plugin for inline. The hooks are there...
| 3. Rcpp::sugar. I have been trying to replicate this R snippet using sugar, but have not had much luck:
| R> sapply(rep(3,100), runif)
| This returns a column major matrix of size 3x10.
| I tried (column assigment):
| int N = as<int>(nn); //N=3
| NumericMatrix hrcc;
| for(int k=0; k<100; k++){
| hrcc(_,k) = sapply(N, runif);}
| But the compiler complains about runif being overloaded and not resolved. I
| have checked for examples and docs and looked at the sugar unit tests
| also. Am I doing something stupid? Do I need to specify runif more
| carefully? Am I using or assiging NumericMatrix incorrectly?
Not sure. I could try later. From the top of my head I'd try to split
operations first: have sugar create a vector (all the r* vectors are
internally vectorised so runif(N) should give you a vector, no need for
sapply); test the vector and then assign the vectors to hrcc. But you could
probably also the whole matrix at once.
Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com
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