[Rcpp-devel] Rcpp-quickref patch - Inline, Random
Christian Gunning
xian at unm.edu
Thu Dec 9 06:34:06 CET 2010
Attached is a patch relative to pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-quickref that
supercedes the previous patch. Advice on using stats functions is
provided, and examples include doubles for distribution-specific
On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 3:15 AM, Christian Gunning <xian at unm.edu> wrote:
> Attached is a patch relative to pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-quickref.
> I added Douglas' suggestion to the Matrix section. In addition are
> reference examples for inline and the random functions.
> There was a recent list question about dnorm, and I ran across similar
> confusion. Is the default argument cascade the same for all of the d*
> family? For dnorm, assuming numvec contains {-1, 0, 1}, we have:
> //Working:
> NumericVector works1, works2;
> works1 = dnorm(numvec, 0, 1, false);
> works2 = dnorm(numvec, 0, false);
> As far as I could tell, all other combinations of missing arguments
> fails at compile time. Since e.g. rnorm(10) works, this seems a bit
> counter-intuitive. Personally, this isn't a priority for me - just
> trying to figure out the system.
> best,
> xian
A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal – Panama!
-------------- next part --------------
Index: Rcpp-quickref.Rnw
--- Rcpp-quickref.Rnw (revision 2748)
+++ Rcpp-quickref.Rnw (working copy)
@@ -90,6 +90,23 @@
int n = xx.size();
+ \newline
+ \newline
+## Note - this is R code. inline allows rapid testing.
+testfun = cxxfunction(
+ signature(x="numeric", i="integer"),
+ body = '
+ NumericVector xx(x);
+ int ii = as<int>(i);
+ xx = xx * ii;
+ return( xx );
+ ', plugin="Rcpp")
+testfun(1:5, 3)
@@ -99,8 +116,7 @@
- \newline
- \newline
+ \newline
Environment stats("package:stats");
Environment env( 2 ); // by position
@@ -173,7 +189,6 @@
\paragraph{Using matrices}~
- \newline
// Initializing from SEXP,
// dimensions handled automatically
@@ -188,13 +203,60 @@
for (int i = 0; i < xsize; i++) {
xx[i] = 7;
+// Same as above, using STL fill
+std::fill(xx.begin(), xx.end(), 8);
// Assign this value to single element
// (1st row, 2nd col)
xx(0,1) = 4;
-// Extract the second column
-NumericVector zz = xx( _, 1);
+// Reference the second column
+// Changes propagate to xx (same applies for Row)
+NumericMatrix::Column zzcol = xx( _, 1);
+zzcol = zzcol * 2;
+// Copy the second column into new object
+NumericVector zz1 = xx( _, 1);
+// Copy the submatrix (top left 3x3) into new object
+NumericMatrix zz2 = xx( Range(0,2), Range(0,2));
+\paragraph{Random functions}~
+ \newline
+// Set seed
+RNGScope scope;
+// For details see Section 6.7.1--Distribution functions of the `Writing R Extensions' manual. In some cases (e.g. rnorm), distribution-specific arguments can be omitted; when in doubt, specify all dist-specific arguments. The use of doubles rather than integers for dist-specific arguments is recommended. Unless explicitly specified, log=FALSE.
+// Equivalent to R calls
+NumericVector xx = runif(20);
+NumericVector xx1 = rnorm(20);
+NumericVector xx1 = rnorm(20, 0);
+NumericVector xx1 = rnorm(20, 0, 1);
+// Example vector of quantiles
+NumericVector quants(5);
+for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ quants[i] = (i-2);
+// in R, dnorm(-2:2)
+NumericVector yy = dnorm(quants) ;
+NumericVector yy = dnorm(quants, 0.0, 1.0) ;
+// in R, dnorm(-2:2, mean=2, log=TRUE)
+NumericVector yy = dnorm(quants, 2.0, true) ;
+// Note - cannot specify sd without mean
+// in R, dnorm(-2:2, mean=0, sd=2, log=TRUE)
+NumericVector yy = dnorm(quants, 0.0, 2.0, true) ;
+// To get original R api, use Rf_*
+double zz = Rf_rnorm(0, 2);
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