[Rcpp-devel] Defining wrap methods for C++ classes that have data members of Rcpp types
Douglas Bates
bates at stat.wisc.edu
Tue Dec 7 17:06:15 CET 2010
I'm again trying to define instances of the wrap template for C++
classes that have data members defined in Rcpp.h
A stand-alone example, which is rather lengthy, is enclosed. In this
example I am unsuccessful in using the "intrusive" formulation
described in the "Extending Rcpp" vignette. I will try again with the
"non-intrusive" formulation. Other suggestions are welcome.
incl <- '
#include <RcppCommon.h>
namespace Rcpp {
template <int RTYPE> class Vector;
template <int RTYPE> class Matrix;
class S4;
typedef Vector<REALSXP> NumericVector;
typedef Vector<INTSXP> IntegerVector;
typedef Vector<VECSXP> List;
typedef Matrix<REALSXP> NumericMatrix;
class dtrMatrix {
Rcpp::NumericVector d_dat;
Rcpp::List d_dimnames;
int d_size; // must be square
bool d_upper; // true if upper triangular
bool d_unit; // true if unit diagonal
dtrMatrix(Rcpp::S4&) throw (std::runtime_error);
operator SEXP();
#include <Rcpp.h>
dtrMatrix::dtrMatrix(Rcpp::S4& xp) throw (std::runtime_error)
: d_dat(xp.slot("x")), d_dimnames(xp.slot("Dimnames")) {
if (!xp.inherits("dtrMatrix"))
throw std::runtime_error("constructor needs S4 class dtrMatrix");
IntegerVector dd = xp.slot("Dim");
if (dd.size() != 2 || dd[0] != dd[1])
throw std::runtime_error("Matrix must be square");
d_size = dd[0];
std::string uplo = as<std::string>(xp.slot("uplo"));
d_upper = (uplo == "U") || (uplo == "u");
std::string diag = as<std::string>(xp.slot("diag"));
d_unit = (diag == "U") || (diag == "u");
dtrMatrix::operator SEXP() {
Rcpp::S4 ans("dtrMatrix");
ans.slot("x") = clone(d_dat);
ans.slot("Dimnames") = clone(d_dimnames);
IntegerVector dd(2);
dd[0] = dd[1] = d_size;
ans.slot("Dim") = dd;
ans.slot("uplo") = d_upper ? "U" : "L";
ans.slot("diag") = d_unit ? "U" : "N";
return ans;
code <- '
dtrMatrix x(S4(x_));
return wrap(x);
ff <- cxxfunction(signature(x_ = "ANY"), code, incl, plugin="Rcpp")
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