[Rcpp-devel] Some remarks on Classic Rcpp API

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Sat Dec 4 23:55:04 CET 2010

Le 04/12/10 19:52, Dominick Samperi a écrit :
> Romain,
> On the proposal to release the Classic Rcpp API as a separate
> package can you please say a few words about how packages
> that make use of these classic features (as well as the newer
> features of Rcpp) can make the transition?

We are still working on it (mostly on the documentation front). The 
RcppClassic package will contain a vignette explaining how package 
maintainers can use the classic API if they really want to.

There is a draft of the vignette in svn. The changes are minimal and 
roughly just involve :
- updating the DESCRIPTION file so that the client package declares that 
it depends on both Rcpp and RcppClassic in terms of the Depends: and 
LinkingTo: fields
- updating the Makevars and Makevars.win to link against both libraries
- using #include <RcppClassic.h> instead of #include <Rcpp.h>

RcppClassic will contain an example package that can be used as a template.

Packages that only use the current API don't need to do anything.

> When do you plan to release this change?

There is no definite schedule yet. Proper announcements will be made 
when we release Rcpp 0.9.0 and RcppClassic 0.0.0

> How may people out there actually depend on the classic
> features?

CRAN makes it easy to find reverse dependencies of Rcpp. You can look 
for yourself inside the packages. Most of them use the new API.

> Thanks,
> Dominick

Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
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