[Rcpp-devel] Loading my own dynamic library using Module ?

Tama Ma pingnang at phys.ethz.ch
Sat Dec 4 11:25:03 CET 2010

Dear Rcpp developers,

	I use gcc compiler and manage to compile my  Rcpp-wrapped C++ code  to  /my/project/dir/lib/mod.so .  

	Now, I want to call it inside R. Is there a way to do something like:
		export R_LIBRARY_PATH= $R_LIBRARY_PATH:/my/project/dir/lib

	and call within R, say:
		> require(Rcpp)
		> mod <- Module("mod")

	Meanwhile, I tried googling around, and looking into the src code, but I haven't got an idea yet. 

	Is there a fast solution, or may I help a bit?

	Thank you very much.

Best regards,
Tama Ma


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