[Rcpp-devel] Using sugar expressions for evaluating deviance residuals

Romain Francois romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Mon Aug 16 15:53:53 CEST 2010

Le 16/08/10 15:33, Douglas Bates a écrit :
> On Mon, Aug 16, 2010 at 8:10 AM, Romain Francois
> <romain at r-enthusiasts.com>  wrote:
>> Nothing really conclusive here ...
>> I've added a preliminary version of SUGAR_BLOCK_3 (only for the case where
>> all inputs are vectors) so that one can write :
>> incl8<- '
>> inline double y_log_y(double y, double mu) {
>>     return y ? y*log(y/mu) : 0.;
>> }
>> inline double yMu(double y, double mu) {
>>     return 2. * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1.-y,1.-mu));
>> }
>> double yEta(double y, double eta, double w) {
>>     return w * yMu(y, 1./(1. + exp(-eta)));
>> }
>> SUGAR_BLOCK_3(yeta, ::yEta)
>> '
>> code8<- '
>>     NumericVector ans = yeta(NumericVector(yy), NumericVector(ee),
>> NumericVector(ww) );
>>     return ans ;
>> '
>> I get :
>> $ Rscript ylogy.R
>> Le chargement a nécessité le package : methods
>>              test replications elapsed user.self
>> 1 fx0(yy, ee, ww)          500   0.953     0.947
>> 2 fx1(yy, ee, ww)          500   2.576     2.521
>> 3 fx2(yy, ee, ww)          500   2.887     2.843
>> 4 fx3(yy, ee, ww)          500   2.898     2.854
>> 5 fx4(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.273     1.241
>> 6 fx5(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.502     1.450
>> 7 fx6(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.408     1.356
>> 8 fx7(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.303     1.273
>> 9 fx8(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.452     1.389
>> So slightly better than fx5 but not as good as fx4
>> I guess there needs to be some investigation on why fx1, fx2 and fx3 don't
>> perform "well".
> To me the interesting question is why fx0 does better than fx4 when my
> guess is that it should not be as fast.

Yes. This is perturbing to me too.

One element of confusion perhaps is that inline does bring some overhead 
which we can minimize by massaging the object it creates (don't try this 
at home kids ... ):

 > fx4
An object of class "CFunc"
function (yy, ee, ww)
     if (!file.exists(libLFile))
         libLFile <<- compileCode(f, code, "C++", verbose)
     if (!(f %in% names(getLoadedDLLs())))
     .Call("file4431b782", PACKAGE = f, yy, ee, ww)
<environment: 0x1022a3060>

 > fx4_ <- fx4 at .Data
 > body(fx4_) <- call( "{", body( fx4_ )[[4]] )
 > fx4__ <- fx4_
 > body(fx4__)[[2]][[2]] <- as.name( "SYMBOL" )
 > assign( "SYMBOL",
+ getNativeSymbolInfo( get( "f", environment(fx4) ), getDynLib( fx4 ) ) ,
+ environment(fx4__) )
 > fx4_
function (yy, ee, ww)
     .Call("file4431b782", PACKAGE = f, yy, ee, ww)
<environment: 0x1022a3060>
 > fx4__
function (yy, ee, ww)
     .Call(SYMBOL, PACKAGE = f, yy, ee, ww)
<environment: 0x1022a3060>

 > benchmark(fx0(yy,ee,ww), fx4(yy,ee,ww), fx4_(yy,ee,ww), 
fx4__(yy,ee,ww),replications = 500, columns=c("test", "replications", 
"elapsed", "user.self", "relative"))
                test replications elapsed user.self relative
1   fx0(yy, ee, ww)          500   0.956     0.913 1.000000
4 fx4__(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.165     1.130 1.218619
3  fx4_(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.186     1.152 1.240586
2   fx4(yy, ee, ww)          500   1.281     1.244 1.339958

It does not explain it all, but still ...

> Is it possible that the level
> of optimization for the C compiler when compiling R is different from
> the level of optimization when inline calls the C++ compiler?

Perhaps. I don't compile R these days, as I just install the nightlies 
every now and then, so I'm not sure which optimisation is used.

For inline, verbose = TRUE will show you what it is using.

>>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 10:34 AM, Douglas Bates<bates at stat.wisc.edu>
>>>   wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Aug 15, 2010 at 3:39 AM, Romain Francois
>>>> <romain at r-enthusiasts.com>    wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Could you provide some minimal example using inline, etc ...
>>>> I enclose a comparison of several different versions that I wrote.
>>>> Interestingly the old code, called by fx3, does reasonably well,
>>>> although I'm not sure if this is a fair comparison as the levels of
>>>> optimization by the compiler may not be the same for the code
>>>> generated by inline and for the code that is part of R.
>>>> As we have seen in the past, extracting the pointers and calling
>>>> scalar functions on individual elements does well.  The direct use of
>>>> the sugar functions is much easier to understand in the code (it is
>>>> essentially the same as writing R expressions) except that ifelse() is
>>>> expensive in R but not as a sugar expression.
>>>>> Here are a few hints in the meantime. In the next version of Rcpp, I've
>>>>> added a few things that help generating sugar functions. This is how for
>>>>> example the sugar version of choose is currently implemented :
>>>>> SUGAR_BLOCK_2(choose      , ::Rf_choose     )
>>>>> The SUGAR_BLOCK_2 macro (perhaps I should prefix it with RCPP_) lives in
>>>>> Rcpp/sugar/SugarBlock.h
>>>>> You can promote y_log_y to a sugar function like this :
>>>>> inc<- '
>>>>> double y_log_y(double y, double mu){
>>>>>     return (y) ? (y * log(y/mu)) : 0;
>>>>> }
>>>>> SUGAR_BLOCK_2( y_log_y , ::y_log_y )
>>>>> '
>>> I added a couple of other tests based on SUGAR_BLOCK_2 and cleaned up
>>> the logic a bit.  I enclose the results.
>>>>> fx<- cxxfunction( signature( y = "numeric", mu = "numeric" ), '
>>>>>         NumericVector res = y_log_y(
>>>>>                 NumericVector(y),
>>>>>                 NumericVector(mu)
>>>>>         ) ;
>>>>>         return res ;
>>>>> ', plugin = "Rcpp", includes = inc )
>>>>> fx( runif(11) , seq(0, 1, .1 ) )
>>>>> This gives you 3 Rcpp::y_log_y functions :
>>>>> - one for when y is a double and mu is a NumericVector (or any numeric
>>>>> sugar
>>>>> expression)
>>>>> - one for when y is a NumericVector and mu is a double
>>>>> - one for both are NumericVector.
>>>>> However, at the moment it does not take care about recycling so it is up
>>>>> to
>>>>> the user to make sure that y and mu have the same length. I'm currently
>>>>> thinking about how to deal with recycling.
>>>>> rep is a possibility here, but consider this hint in the TODO file:
>>>>>     o   not sure rep should be lazy, i.e. rep( x, 4 ) fetches x[i] 4
>>>>> times,
>>>>>         maybe we should use LazyVector like in outer to somehow cache the
>>>>>         result when it is judged expensive to calculate
>>>>> One other thing about sugar is that it has to do many checks for missing
>>>>> values so if (with the one defined above) you did call this expression:
>>>>> 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1.-y, 1.-mu))
>>>>> (and again, currently binary operators +,*,.. don't take care of
>>>>> recycling)
>>>>> you would have many checks for missing values. That is fine if you may
>>>>> have
>>>>> missing values, because it will propagate them correctly, but it can
>>>>> slow
>>>>> things down because they are tested for at every step.
>>>>> If you are sure that y and mu don't contain missing values, then perhaps
>>>>> one
>>>>> thing we can do is embed that information in the data so that sugar does
>>>>> not
>>>>> have to check for missing values because it just assumes there are not
>>>>> any.
>>>>> Most of the code in sugar contains version that ignores missing values,
>>>>> controlled by a template parameter. For example seq_len creates a sugar
>>>>> expression where we know for sure that it does not contain missing
>>>>> values.
>>>>> One way perhaps to short circuit this is to first write the code with
>>>>> double's and then promote it to sugar:
>>>>> double resid( double y, double mu, double w){
>>>>>         return 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1.-y, 1.-mu) ;
>>>>> }
>>>>> But then you need someone to write SUGAR_BLOCK_3 or write it manually.
>>>>> Another idea would be to have something like
>>>>> NumericVector::import_transform
>>>>> but that would take 3 vector parameters instead of 1.
>>>>> Sorry if this email is a bit of a mess, I sort of wrote the ideas as
>>>>> they
>>>>> came.
>>>>> Romain
>>>>> Le 14/08/10 20:28, Douglas Bates a écrit :
>>>>>> In profiling code for generalized linear mixed models for binary
>>>>>> responses I found that a substantial portion of the execution time was
>>>>>> being spend in evaluating the R functions for inverse links and for
>>>>>> the deviance residuals.  As I result I wrote C code (in
>>>>>> $RSRC/src/library/stats/src/family.c) or some of those.
>>>>>> The way that some research is going I expect that I will soon be in
>>>>>> the position where I need to evaluate such expressions even more
>>>>>> frequently so it is worthwhile to me to tune it up.
>>>>>> In general there will be three NumericVector objects -- y (observed
>>>>>> responses), wt (weights) and eta (linear predictors) -- plus an
>>>>>> IntegerVector ind.  y, wt and ind will all have length n.  eta's
>>>>>> length can be a multiple of n.
>>>>>> The index vector, ind, is a factor with k<      n levels so all of its
>>>>>> elements are between 1 and k.
>>>>>> The objective is to apply the inverse link function to eta, producing
>>>>>> the predicted mean response, mu, evaluate the deviance residuals for
>>>>>> y, mu and wt and sum the deviance residuals according to the indices
>>>>>> in ind.
>>>>>> The simplest inverse link is for the logit link
>>>>>>   NumericVector mu = 1./(1. + exp(-eta));
>>>>>> For the deviance residuals I defined an helper function
>>>>>> static R_INLINE
>>>>>> double y_log_y(double y, double mu)
>>>>>> {
>>>>>>      return (y) ? (y * log(y/mu)) : 0;
>>>>>> }
>>>>>> which has the appropriate limiting behavior when y is zero.  Using
>>>>>> that, the deviance residuals can be evaluated as
>>>>>> 2 * wt * (y_log_y(y, mu) + y_log_y(1.-y, 1.-mu))
>>>>>> That last expression could have different lengths of y and mu but I
>>>>>> could use rep to extend y, wt and ind to the desired length.
>>>>>> The conditional evaluation in y_log_y is not something that can be
>>>>>> ignored because, in many cases y consists only of 0's and 1's so
>>>>>> either y_log_y(y, mu) or y_log_y(1.-y, 1.-mu) will fail the condition
>>>>>> in the ? expression.
>>>>>> Are there suggestions on how best to structure the calculation to make
>>>>>> it blazingly fast?
>> --
>> Romain Francois
>> Professional R Enthusiast
>> +33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
>> http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr
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Romain Francois
Professional R Enthusiast
+33(0) 6 28 91 30 30
|- http://bit.ly/bzoWrs : Rcpp svn revision 2000
|- http://bit.ly/b8VNE2 : Rcpp at LondonR, oct 5th
`- http://bit.ly/aAyra4 : highlight 0.2-2

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