[Rcpp-commits] r4558 - in pkg/Rcpp: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Oct 6 23:54:18 CEST 2013

Author: jmc
Date: 2013-10-06 23:54:18 +0200 (Sun, 06 Oct 2013)
New Revision: 4558

Rename classModule to exposeClass; recommend it from setRcppClass.Rd

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/ChangeLog
--- pkg/Rcpp/ChangeLog	2013-10-04 02:28:55 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/ChangeLog	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+2013-10-06  John M Chambers  <jmc at r-project.org>
+	* NAMESPACE: change classModule to expose Class
+	* R/classModule.R: delete
+	* man/classModule.Rd: delete
+	* R/exposeClass.R: add
+	* man/exposeClass.Rd: add
+	* man/setRcppClass.Rd: update, clarify, recommend exposeClass()
 2013-10-03  John M Chambers  <jmc at r-project.org>
 	* R/classModule.R: new function to write module file for class

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE	2013-10-04 02:28:55 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
-       classModule,
+       exposeClass,

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/R/classModule.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/R/classModule.R	2013-10-04 02:28:55 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/R/classModule.R	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-.stdHeader <- c(
-    "#include <Rcpp.h>",
-    "using namespace Rcpp ;"
-    )
-.asString <- function(what) if(is.character(what)) what else deparse(what)
-.strings <- function(expr) {
-    if(is.call(expr) && ! identical(expr[[1]], quote(`::`)))
-        lapply(as.list(expr)[-1], .strings)
-    else
-        .asString(expr)
-.specifyItems <- function(what) {
-    what <- as.list(what)
-    wn <- allNames(what)
-    simple <- !nzchar(wn)
-    ## todo:  error checking here that unnamed elements are single strings
-    wn[simple] <- as.character(what[simple])
-    names(what) <- wn
-    what[simple] <- list(character())
-    what
-.writeFieldFunction <- function(fldi, typei, CppClass, readOnly, ns, con){
-    rootName <- paste0("field_", fldi)
-    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s_get(%s *obj) { return obj->%s; }\n",
-                       typei, rootName, CppClass, fldi), con)
-    value <- "_get"
-    if(!readOnly) {
-        writeLines(sprintf("    void %s_set(%s *obj, %s value) { obj->%s = value; }\n",
-                           rootName, CppClass, typei, fldi), con)
-        value <- c(value, "_set")
-    }
-    paste0(ns, "::field_", fldi, value)
-.writeMethodFunction <- function(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con) {
-    mName <- paste0("method_", mdi)
-    if(length(sigi) < 1)
-        stop(gettextf("The type signature for method %s for class %s was of length 0: Must at least include the return type",
-                      mdi, CppClass))
-    rtnType <- sigi[[1]]
-    sigi <- sigi[-1]
-    if(length(sigi)) {
-        argNames <- paste0("a", seq_along(sigi))
-        args <- paste(" ,", paste(sigi, argNames, collapse = ", "))
-    }
-    else argNames <- args <- ""
-    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s(%s *obj%s){ return obj->%s(%s); }\n",
-                       rtnType, mName, CppClass, args, mdi, argNames), con)
-    paste0(ns, "::",mName)
-classModule <- function(class, constructors, fields, methods,
-                        file = paste0(CppClass, "Module.cpp"),
-                        header = character(),
-                        module = paste0("class_",class), CppClass = class,
-                        readOnly = character(), rename = character(),
-                        Rfile = TRUE) {
-    ## some argument checks
-    ## TODO:  checks on constructors, fields, methods
-    if(length(readOnly)) {
-        readOnly <- as.character(readOnly)
-        if(!all(nzchar(readOnly)))
-            stop("argument readOnly should be a vector of non-empty strings")
-    }
-    newnames <- allNames(rename)
-    if(length(rename)) {
-        if(!all(sapply(rename, function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && nzchar(x))))
-            stop("argument rename should be a vector of single, non-empty strings")
-        if(!all(nzchar(newnames)))
-            stop("all the elements of argument rename should be non-empty strings")
-    }
-    if(is.character(file)) {
-        ## are we in a package directory?  Writable, searchable src subdirectory:
-        if(file.access("src",3)==0)
-            cfile <- file.path("src", file)
-        else
-            cfile <- file
-        con <- file(cfile, "w")
-        on.exit({message(sprintf("Wrote C++ file \"%s\"", cfile)); close(con)})
-    }
-    else
-        con <- file
-    ## and for the R code:
-    if(identical(Rfile, FALSE)) {}
-    else {
-        if(identical(Rfile, TRUE))
-            Rfile <- sprintf("%sClass.R",class)
-        if(is.character(Rfile)) {
-            if(file.access("R",3)==0) # in a package directory
-                Rfile <- file.path("R", Rfile)
-            Rcon <- file(Rfile, "w")
-            msg <- sprintf("Wrote R file \"%s\"",Rfile)
-            on.exit({message(msg); close(Rcon)}, add = TRUE)
-        }
-        else
-            Rcon <- Rfile
-        Rfile <- TRUE
-    }
-    temp <- tempfile()
-    mcon <- file(temp, "w")
-    writeLines(.stdHeader, con)
-    if(length(header))
-        writeLines(header, con)
-    writeLines(c("", sprintf("RCPP_MODULE(%s) {\n",module), ""), mcon)
-    writeLines(sprintf("    class_<%s>(\"%s\")\n", CppClass, class), mcon)
-    ## the constructors argument defines a list of vectors of types
-    for( cons in constructors) {
-        if(length(cons) > 1 ||
-           (length(cons) == 1 && nzchar(cons) && !identical(cons, "void")))
-            cons <- paste0("<", paste(cons, collapse = ","),">")
-        else
-            cons = ""
-        writeLines(paste0("    .constructor",cons,"()"),mcon)
-    }
-    writeLines("", mcon)
-    flds <- .specifyItems(fields)
-    nm <- names(flds)
-    rdOnly <- nm %in% readOnly
-    macros <- ifelse(rdOnly, ".field_readonly", ".field")
-    test <- nm %in% rename
-    if(any(test))
-        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], newnames)]
-    ns <- NULL
-    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
-        typei <- flds[[i]]
-        nmi <- fldi <- nm[[i]]
-        macroi <- macros[[i]]
-        if(!length(typei) || identical(typei, "")) ## direct field
-            writeLines(sprintf("    %s(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
-                   macroi, nmi, CppClass, fldi), mcon)
-        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited field
-            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
-                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
-                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
-                           con)
-            }
-            fldFuns <- .writeFieldFunction(fldi, typei, CppClass, rdOnly[[i]], ns, con)
-            if(rdOnly[[i]])
-                ## NOTE:  string 3rd arg. required by problem w. module parsing 10/3/13
-                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, \"read-only field\")",
-                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]]), mcon)
-            else
-                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, &%s)",
-                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]], fldFuns[[2]]), mcon)
-        }
-    }
-    writeLines("", mcon)
-    sigs <- .specifyItems(methods)
-    nm <- mds <- names(sigs)
-    test <- nm %in% rename
-    if(any(test))
-        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], newnames)]
-    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
-        sigi <- sigs[[i]]
-        nmi <-  nm[[i]]
-        mdi <- mds[[i]]
-        if(!length(sigi) || identical(sigi, "")) # direct method
-            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
-                   nmi, CppClass, mdi), mcon)
-        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited method
-            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
-                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
-                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
-                           con)
-            }
-            mFun <- .writeMethodFunction(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con)
-            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s)",
-                  nmi, mFun), mcon)
-        }
-    }
-    writeLines("    ;\n}", mcon)
-    close(mcon)
-    if(!is.null(ns))
-        writeLines(sprintf("} // %s", ns), con) # close namespace
-    writeLines(readLines(file(temp, "r")), con)
-    if(Rfile) {
-        if(missing(CppClass))
-            CppString <- ""
-        else
-            CppString <- paste(",",dQuote(CppClass))
-        if(missing(module))
-            ModString <- ""
-        else
-            ModString <- paste(", module =", dQuote(module))
-        writeLines(sprintf("%s <- setRcppClass(\"%s\"%s%s)",
-                               class, class, CppString,ModString), Rcon)
-    }

Added: pkg/Rcpp/R/exposeClass.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/R/exposeClass.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/R/exposeClass.R	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+.stdHeader <- c(
+    "#include <Rcpp.h>",
+    "using namespace Rcpp ;"
+    )
+.asString <- function(what) if(is.character(what)) what else deparse(what)
+.strings <- function(expr) {
+    if(is.call(expr) && ! identical(expr[[1]], quote(`::`)))
+        lapply(as.list(expr)[-1], .strings)
+    else
+        .asString(expr)
+.specifyItems <- function(what) {
+    what <- as.list(what)
+    wn <- allNames(what)
+    simple <- !nzchar(wn)
+    ## todo:  error checking here that unnamed elements are single strings
+    wn[simple] <- as.character(what[simple])
+    names(what) <- wn
+    what[simple] <- list(character())
+    what
+.writeFieldFunction <- function(fldi, typei, CppClass, readOnly, ns, con){
+    rootName <- paste0("field_", fldi)
+    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s_get(%s *obj) { return obj->%s; }\n",
+                       typei, rootName, CppClass, fldi), con)
+    value <- "_get"
+    if(!readOnly) {
+        writeLines(sprintf("    void %s_set(%s *obj, %s value) { obj->%s = value; }\n",
+                           rootName, CppClass, typei, fldi), con)
+        value <- c(value, "_set")
+    }
+    paste0(ns, "::field_", fldi, value)
+.writeMethodFunction <- function(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con) {
+    mName <- paste0("method_", mdi)
+    if(length(sigi) < 1)
+        stop(gettextf("The type signature for method %s for class %s was of length 0: Must at least include the return type",
+                      mdi, CppClass))
+    rtnType <- sigi[[1]]
+    sigi <- sigi[-1]
+    if(length(sigi)) {
+        argNames <- paste0("a", seq_along(sigi))
+        args <- paste(" ,", paste(sigi, argNames, collapse = ", "))
+    }
+    else argNames <- args <- ""
+    writeLines(sprintf("    %s %s(%s *obj%s){ return obj->%s(%s); }\n",
+                       rtnType, mName, CppClass, args, mdi, argNames), con)
+    paste0(ns, "::",mName)
+exposeClass <- function(class, constructors, fields, methods,
+                        file = paste0(CppClass, "Module.cpp"),
+                        header = character(),
+                        module = paste0("class_",class), CppClass = class,
+                        readOnly = character(), rename = character(),
+                        Rfile = TRUE) {
+    ## some argument checks
+    ## TODO:  checks on constructors, fields, methods
+    if(length(readOnly)) {
+        readOnly <- as.character(readOnly)
+        if(!all(nzchar(readOnly)))
+            stop("argument readOnly should be a vector of non-empty strings")
+    }
+    newnames <- allNames(rename)
+    if(length(rename)) {
+        if(!all(sapply(rename, function(x) is.character(x) && length(x) == 1 && nzchar(x))))
+            stop("argument rename should be a vector of single, non-empty strings")
+        if(!all(nzchar(newnames)))
+            stop("all the elements of argument rename should be non-empty strings")
+    }
+    if(is.character(file)) {
+        ## are we in a package directory?  Writable, searchable src subdirectory:
+        if(file.access("src",3)==0)
+            cfile <- file.path("src", file)
+        else
+            cfile <- file
+        con <- file(cfile, "w")
+        on.exit({message(sprintf("Wrote C++ file \"%s\"", cfile)); close(con)})
+    }
+    else
+        con <- file
+    ## and for the R code:
+    if(identical(Rfile, FALSE)) {}
+    else {
+        if(identical(Rfile, TRUE))
+            Rfile <- sprintf("%sClass.R",class)
+        if(is.character(Rfile)) {
+            if(file.access("R",3)==0) # in a package directory
+                Rfile <- file.path("R", Rfile)
+            Rcon <- file(Rfile, "w")
+            msg <- sprintf("Wrote R file \"%s\"",Rfile)
+            on.exit({message(msg); close(Rcon)}, add = TRUE)
+        }
+        else
+            Rcon <- Rfile
+        Rfile <- TRUE
+    }
+    temp <- tempfile()
+    mcon <- file(temp, "w")
+    writeLines(.stdHeader, con)
+    if(length(header))
+        writeLines(header, con)
+    writeLines(c("", sprintf("RCPP_MODULE(%s) {\n",module), ""), mcon)
+    writeLines(sprintf("    class_<%s>(\"%s\")\n", CppClass, class), mcon)
+    ## the constructors argument defines a list of vectors of types
+    for( cons in constructors) {
+        if(length(cons) > 1 ||
+           (length(cons) == 1 && nzchar(cons) && !identical(cons, "void")))
+            cons <- paste0("<", paste(cons, collapse = ","),">")
+        else
+            cons = ""
+        writeLines(paste0("    .constructor",cons,"()"),mcon)
+    }
+    writeLines("", mcon)
+    flds <- .specifyItems(fields)
+    nm <- names(flds)
+    rdOnly <- nm %in% readOnly
+    macros <- ifelse(rdOnly, ".field_readonly", ".field")
+    test <- nm %in% rename
+    if(any(test))
+        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], newnames)]
+    ns <- NULL
+    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
+        typei <- flds[[i]]
+        nmi <- fldi <- nm[[i]]
+        macroi <- macros[[i]]
+        if(!length(typei) || identical(typei, "")) ## direct field
+            writeLines(sprintf("    %s(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
+                   macroi, nmi, CppClass, fldi), mcon)
+        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited field
+            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
+                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
+                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
+                           con)
+            }
+            fldFuns <- .writeFieldFunction(fldi, typei, CppClass, rdOnly[[i]], ns, con)
+            if(rdOnly[[i]])
+                ## NOTE:  string 3rd arg. required by problem w. module parsing 10/3/13
+                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, \"read-only field\")",
+                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]]), mcon)
+            else
+                writeLines(sprintf("    .property(\"%s\", &%s, &%s)",
+                      nmi, fldFuns[[1]], fldFuns[[2]]), mcon)
+        }
+    }
+    writeLines("", mcon)
+    sigs <- .specifyItems(methods)
+    nm <- mds <- names(sigs)
+    test <- nm %in% rename
+    if(any(test))
+        nm[test] <- newnames[match(nm[test], newnames)]
+    for(i in seq_along(nm)) {
+        sigi <- sigs[[i]]
+        nmi <-  nm[[i]]
+        mdi <- mds[[i]]
+        if(!length(sigi) || identical(sigi, "")) # direct method
+            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s::%s)",
+                   nmi, CppClass, mdi), mcon)
+        else { # create a free function, e.g. for an inherited method
+            if(is.null(ns)) { # enclose in a namespace
+                ns <- paste("module",class,"NS", sep = "_")
+                writeLines(sprintf("\nnamespace %s {\n", ns),
+                           con)
+            }
+            mFun <- .writeMethodFunction(mdi, sigi, CppClass, ns, con)
+            writeLines(sprintf("    .method(\"%s\", &%s)",
+                  nmi, mFun), mcon)
+        }
+    }
+    writeLines("    ;\n}", mcon)
+    close(mcon)
+    if(!is.null(ns))
+        writeLines(sprintf("} // %s", ns), con) # close namespace
+    writeLines(readLines(file(temp, "r")), con)
+    if(Rfile) {
+        if(missing(CppClass))
+            CppString <- ""
+        else
+            CppString <- paste(",",dQuote(CppClass))
+        if(missing(module))
+            ModString <- ""
+        else
+            ModString <- paste(", module =", dQuote(module))
+        writeLines(sprintf("%s <- setRcppClass(\"%s\"%s%s)",
+                               class, class, CppString,ModString), Rcon)
+    }

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/classModule.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/classModule.Rd	2013-10-04 02:28:55 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/classModule.Rd	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-Create an Rcpp Module to Expose a C++ Class in R
-The arguments specify a C++ class and some combination of
-constructors, fields and methods to be shared with \R by creating a
-corresponding reference class in \R.
-The information needed in the call to \code{classModule()} is the
-simplest possible in order to create a C++ module for the class; for
-example, fields and methods in this class need only be identified by
-their name.
-Inherited fields and methods can also be included, but more
-information is needed.
-The function writes a C++ source file,
-containing a module definition to expose the class to
-\R, plus one line of \R source to create the corresponding reference
-classModule(class, constructors = , fields = , methods = , file = ,
-    header = , module = , CppClass = class, readOnly = , rename = ,
-    Rfile = TRUE)
-  \item{class}{
-The name of the class in \R.  By default, this will be the same as the
-name of the class in C++, unless argument \code{CppClass} is supplied.
-  \item{constructors}{
-A list of the signatures for any of the class constructors to be
-called from \R.  Each element of the list gives the data types in C++
-for the arguments to the corresponding constructor.  See Details and
-the example.
-  \item{fields, methods}{
-The vector of names for the fields and for the methods to be exposed
-in \R.  For inherited fields and methods, type information needs to be
-supplied; see the section \dQuote{Inherited Fields and Methods}.
-  \item{file}{
-Usually, the name for the file on which to write the C++ code,  by default
-\code{paste0(CppClass, "Module.cpp")}.
-If the current working directory in \R is the top-level
-directory for a package, the function writes the file in the
-\code{"src"} subdirectory.
-Otherwise the file is written in the working directory.
-The argument may also be a connection, already open for writing.
-  \item{header}{
-Whatever lines of C++ header information are needed to include the
-definition of the class.  Typically this includes a file from the
-package where we are writing the module definition, as in the example below.
-  \item{module}{
-The name for the Rcpp module,   by default
-  \item{CppClass}{
-The name for the class in C++.  By default and usually, the intended
-class name in \R.
-  \item{readOnly}{
-Optional vector of field names.  These fields will be created as
-read-only in the interface.
-  \item{rename}{
-Optional named character vector, used to name fields or methods
-differently in \R from their C++ name.  The elements of the vector are
-the C++ names and the corresponding elements of \code{names(rename)}
-the desired names in \R.  So \code{c(.age = "age")} renames the C++
-field or method \code{age} as \code{.age}.
-  \item{Rfile}{
-Controls the writing of a one-line \R command to create the reference
-class corresponding to the C++ module information.  By default, this
-will be a file \code{paste0(class, "Class.R")}.
-If the working directory is an \R package source
-directory, the file will be written in the \code{R} subdirectory, otherwise in the working directory itself.
-Supplying a character string substitutes that file name for the
-The argument may also be a connection  open for
-writing or \code{FALSE} to suppress writing the \R source altogether.
-The file created by the call to these functions only depends on the
-information in the C++ class supplied.  This file is intended to be
-part of the C++ source for an \R package.  The file only needs to
-modified when the information changes, either because the class has
-changed or because you want to expose different information to \R.  In
-that case you can either recall \code{classModule()} or edit the C++
-file created.
-The Rcpp Module mechanism has a number of other optional techniques,
-not covered by \code{classModule()}.  These should be entered into the
-C++ file created.  See the \dQuote{rcpp-modules} vignette with the
-package for current possibilities.
-For fields and methods specified directly in the C++ class,
-the fields and method arguments to \code{classModule()} are character vectors naming the
-corresponding members of the class.  For module construction, the
-data types of directly specified fields and of the arguments for the methods are not
-For \emph{inherited} fields or methods, data type information is
-needed.  See the section \dQuote{Inherited Fields and Methods}.
-For exposing class constructors, the module needs to know the
-signatures of the constructors to be exposed; each signature is a
-character vector of the corresponding C++ data types.
-\section{Inherited Fields and Methods}{
-If the C++ class inherits from one or more other classes, the standard
-Rcpp \code{Module} mechanism can not be used to expose inherited
-fields or methods.
-An indirect mechanism is used, generating free functions in C++ to
-expose the inherited members in \R.
-This mechanism requires data type information in the call to
-This is provided by naming the corresponding element of the
-\code{fields} or \code{methods} argument with the name of the member.
-The actual element of the \code{fields} argument is then the single
-data type of the field.
-For the \code{methods} argument the argument will generally need to be
-a named list.
-The corresponding element of the list is the vector of data types for
-the return value and for the arguments, if any, to the method.
-For example, if C++ method \code{foo()} took a single argument of type
-\code{NumericVector} and returned a value of type \code{long}, the
-\code{methods} argument would be \code{list(foo = c("long",
-  "NumericVector"))}.
-See the second example below.
-Nothing, called for its side effect.
-  John Chambers
-\code{\link{setRcppClass}}, which must be called from some \R source
-in the package.
-### Given the following C++ class, defined in file PopBD.h,
-### the call to classModule() shown below will write a file
-### src/PopBDModule.cpp containing a corresponding module definition.
-###   class PopBD {
-###     public:
-###       PopBD(void);
-###       PopBD(NumericVector initBirth, NumericVector initDeath);
-###       std::vector<double> birth;
-###       std::vector<double> death;
-###       std::vector<int> lineage;
-###       std::vector<long> size;
-###       void evolve(int);
-###   };
-### A file R/PopBDClass.R will be written containing the one line:
-###   PopBD <- setRcppClass("PopBD")
-### The call below exposes the lineage and size fields, read-only,
-### and the evolve() method.
-      constructors =
-        list("", c("NumericVector", "NumericVector")),
-      fields = c("lineage", "size"),
-      methods = "evolve",
-      header = '#include "PopBD.h"',
-      readOnly = c("lineage", "size"))
-### Example with inheritance:  the class PopCount inherits from 
-### the previous class, and adds a method table().  It has the same
-### constructors as the previous class.
-### To expose the table() method, and the inherited evolve() method and size field:
-      constructors =
-        list("", c("NumericVector", "NumericVector")),
-      fields = c(size = "std::vector<long>"),
-      methods = list("table", evolve = c("void", "int")),
-      header = '#include "PopCount.h"',
-      readOnly = "size")
-\keyword{ programming }
-\keyword{ classes }

Added: pkg/Rcpp/man/exposeClass.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/exposeClass.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/exposeClass.Rd	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+Create an Rcpp Module to Expose a C++ Class in R
+The arguments specify a C++ class and some combination of
+constructors, fields and methods to be shared with \R by creating a
+corresponding reference class in \R.
+The information needed in the call to \code{exposeClass()} is the
+simplest possible in order to create a C++ module for the class; for
+example, fields and methods in this class need only be identified by
+their name.
+Inherited fields and methods can also be included, but more
+information is needed.
+The function writes a C++ source file,
+containing a module definition to expose the class to
+\R, plus one line of \R source to create the corresponding reference
+exposeClass(class, constructors = , fields = , methods = , file = ,
+    header = , module = , CppClass = class, readOnly = , rename = ,
+    Rfile = TRUE)
+  \item{class}{
+The name of the class in \R.  By default, this will be the same as the
+name of the class in C++, unless argument \code{CppClass} is supplied.
+  \item{constructors}{
+A list of the signatures for any of the class constructors to be
+called from \R.  Each element of the list gives the data types in C++
+for the arguments to the corresponding constructor.  See Details and
+the example.
+  \item{fields, methods}{
+The vector of names for the fields and for the methods to be exposed
+in \R.  For inherited fields and methods, type information needs to be
+supplied; see the section \dQuote{Inherited Fields and Methods}.
+  \item{file}{
+Usually, the name for the file on which to write the C++ code,  by default
+\code{paste0(CppClass, "Module.cpp")}.
+If the current working directory in \R is the top-level
+directory for a package, the function writes the file in the
+\code{"src"} subdirectory.
+Otherwise the file is written in the working directory.
+The argument may also be a connection, already open for writing.
+  \item{header}{
+Whatever lines of C++ header information are needed to include the
+definition of the class.  Typically this includes a file from the
+package where we are writing the module definition, as in the example below.
+  \item{module}{
+The name for the Rcpp module,   by default
+  \item{CppClass}{
+The name for the class in C++.  By default and usually, the intended
+class name in \R.
+  \item{readOnly}{
+Optional vector of field names.  These fields will be created as
+read-only in the interface.
+  \item{rename}{
+Optional named character vector, used to name fields or methods
+differently in \R from their C++ name.  The elements of the vector are
+the C++ names and the corresponding elements of \code{names(rename)}
+the desired names in \R.  So \code{c(.age = "age")} renames the C++
+field or method \code{age} as \code{.age}.
+  \item{Rfile}{
+Controls the writing of a one-line \R command to create the reference
+class corresponding to the C++ module information.  By default, this
+will be a file \code{paste0(class, "Class.R")}.
+If the working directory is an \R package source
+directory, the file will be written in the \code{R} subdirectory, otherwise in the working directory itself.
+Supplying a character string substitutes that file name for the
+The argument may also be a connection  open for
+writing or \code{FALSE} to suppress writing the \R source altogether.
+The file created by the call to these functions only depends on the
+information in the C++ class supplied.  This file is intended to be
+part of the C++ source for an \R package.  The file only needs to
+modified when the information changes, either because the class has
+changed or because you want to expose different information to \R.  In
+that case you can either recall \code{exposeClass()} or edit the C++
+file created.
+The Rcpp Module mechanism has a number of other optional techniques,
+not covered by \code{exposeClass()}.  These should be entered into the
+C++ file created.  See the \dQuote{rcpp-modules} vignette with the
+package for current possibilities.
+For fields and methods specified directly in the C++ class,
+the fields and method arguments to \code{exposeClass()} are character vectors naming the
+corresponding members of the class.  For module construction, the
+data types of directly specified fields and of the arguments for the methods are not
+For \emph{inherited} fields or methods, data type information is
+needed.  See the section \dQuote{Inherited Fields and Methods}.
+For exposing class constructors, the module needs to know the
+signatures of the constructors to be exposed; each signature is a
+character vector of the corresponding C++ data types.
+\section{Inherited Fields and Methods}{
+If the C++ class inherits from one or more other classes, the standard
+Rcpp \code{Module} mechanism can not be used to expose inherited
+fields or methods.
+An indirect mechanism is used, generating free functions in C++ to
+expose the inherited members in \R.
+This mechanism requires data type information in the call to
+This is provided by naming the corresponding element of the
+\code{fields} or \code{methods} argument with the name of the member.
+The actual element of the \code{fields} argument is then the single
+data type of the field.
+For the \code{methods} argument the argument will generally need to be
+a named list.
+The corresponding element of the list is the vector of data types for
+the return value and for the arguments, if any, to the method.
+For example, if C++ method \code{foo()} took a single argument of type
+\code{NumericVector} and returned a value of type \code{long}, the
+\code{methods} argument would be \code{list(foo = c("long",
+  "NumericVector"))}.
+See the second example below.
+Nothing, called for its side effect.
+  John Chambers
+\code{\link{setRcppClass}}, which must be called from some \R source
+in the package.
+### Given the following C++ class, defined in file PopBD.h,
+### the call to exposeClass() shown below will write a file
+### src/PopBDModule.cpp containing a corresponding module definition.
+###   class PopBD {
+###     public:
+###       PopBD(void);
+###       PopBD(NumericVector initBirth, NumericVector initDeath);
+###       std::vector<double> birth;
+###       std::vector<double> death;
+###       std::vector<int> lineage;
+###       std::vector<long> size;
+###       void evolve(int);
+###   };
+### A file R/PopBDClass.R will be written containing the one line:
+###   PopBD <- setRcppClass("PopBD")
+### The call below exposes the lineage and size fields, read-only,
+### and the evolve() method.
+      constructors =
+        list("", c("NumericVector", "NumericVector")),
+      fields = c("lineage", "size"),
+      methods = "evolve",
+      header = '#include "PopBD.h"',
+      readOnly = c("lineage", "size"))
+### Example with inheritance:  the class PopCount inherits from 
+### the previous class, and adds a method table().  It has the same
+### constructors as the previous class.
+### To expose the table() method, and the inherited evolve() method and size field:
+      constructors =
+        list("", c("NumericVector", "NumericVector")),
+      fields = c(size = "std::vector<long>"),
+      methods = list("table", evolve = c("void", "int")),
+      header = '#include "PopCount.h"',
+      readOnly = "size")
+\keyword{ programming }
+\keyword{ classes }

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/man/setRcppClass.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/setRcppClass.Rd	2013-10-04 02:28:55 UTC (rev 4557)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/setRcppClass.Rd	2013-10-06 21:54:18 UTC (rev 4558)
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
 Create a Class Extending a C++ Class
-A class is defined that includes the fields and methods of a C++ class
-defined, usually in this package.  For most applications, it is
-recommended to call
-\code{\link{classModule}()} to write files in the package with a call to \code{setRcppClass()} and the
-C++ module code required.  See Details.
+These routines create a class definition in \R for an exposed C++
+class, setting up and executing a load action to incorporate the C++
+pointer information.
+Neither function should normally need to be called directly; for most applications,
+a call to
+\code{\link{exposeClass}()} will create both C++ and \R code files to
+expose the C++ class.
 setRcppClass(Class, CppClass = , module = , fields = list(), contains = ,
@@ -33,12 +35,14 @@
 have to be loaded separately; \code{setRcppClass()} will arrange to

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 4558

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