[Rcpp-commits] r4363 - in pkg/RcppGSL: . inst inst/unitTests inst/unitTests/cpp

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Jun 22 22:23:33 CEST 2013

Author: edd
Date: 2013-06-22 22:23:33 +0200 (Sat, 22 Jun 2013)
New Revision: 4363

C++-based unit tests for RcppGSL now use sourceCpp

Modified: pkg/RcppGSL/ChangeLog
--- pkg/RcppGSL/ChangeLog	2013-06-22 17:55:15 UTC (rev 4362)
+++ pkg/RcppGSL/ChangeLog	2013-06-22 20:23:33 UTC (rev 4363)
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
+2013-06-22  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd at debian.org>
+	* inst/unitTests/runit.gsl.R: Rewritten to use sourceCpp() 
+	* inst/unitTests/cpp/gsl.cpp: New C++ file with unit tests
 2013-06-21  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd at debian.org>
 	* vignettes/buildVignette.R: Added simple helper script to build

Modified: pkg/RcppGSL/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/RcppGSL/inst/NEWS.Rd	2013-06-22 17:55:15 UTC (rev 4362)
+++ pkg/RcppGSL/inst/NEWS.Rd	2013-06-22 20:23:33 UTC (rev 4363)
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
     as R 3.0.0 supports different vignette engines, so the vignette
     build process has been simplified. A convenience helper script has
     also been added for command-line builds.
+    \item Unit tests now use \code{sourceCpp()} instead of
+    \code{cxxfunction()} from the \pkg{inline} package

Added: pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/cpp/gsl.cpp
--- pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/cpp/gsl.cpp	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/cpp/gsl.cpp	2013-06-22 20:23:33 UTC (rev 4363)
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
+// gsl.cpp: RcppGSL R integration of GSL via Rcpp -- unit tests
+// Copyright (C) 2010 - 2013  Romain Francois and Dirk Eddelbuettel
+// This file is part of RcppGSL.
+// RcppGSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// RcppGSL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with RcppGSL.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+#include <Rcpp.h>
+using namespace Rcpp;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_vector_wrapper() {
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> x_double( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<float> x_float( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<int> x_int( 10 );
+    //RcppGSL::vector<long> x_long( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<char> x_char( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<long double> x_long_double( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<short> x_short( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<unsigned char> x_uchar( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<unsigned int> x_uint( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<unsigned short> x_ushort( 10 );
+    //RcppGSL::vector<unsigned long> x_ulong( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex> x_complex( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex_float> x_complex_float( 10 );
+    RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex_long_double> x_complex_long_double( 10 );
+    List res = List::create(_["gsl_vector"] = x_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_float"] = x_float,
+			    _["gsl_vector_int"] = x_int,
+			    //_["gsl_vector_long"] = x_long,
+			    _["gsl_vector_char"] = x_char,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex"] = x_complex,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex_float"] = x_complex_float,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex_long_double"] = x_complex_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_long_double"] = x_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_short"] = x_short,
+			    _["gsl_vector_uchar"] = x_uchar,
+			    _["gsl_vector_uint"] = x_uint,
+			    _["gsl_vector_ushort"] = x_ushort
+			    //,_["gsl_vector_ulong"] = x_ulong
+			    );
+    x_double.free();
+    x_float.free();
+    x_int.free();
+    //x_long.free();
+    x_char.free();
+    x_long_double.free();
+    x_short.free();
+    x_uchar.free();
+    x_uint.free();
+    x_ushort.free();
+    //x_ulong.free();
+    x_complex.free();
+    x_complex_float.free();
+    x_complex_long_double.free();
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_vector() {
+    gsl_vector * x_double = gsl_vector_calloc (10);
+    gsl_vector_float * x_float = gsl_vector_float_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_int * x_int  = gsl_vector_int_calloc(10);
+    //gsl_vector_long * x_long  = gsl_vector_long_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_char * x_char  = gsl_vector_char_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_complex * x_complex  = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_complex_float * x_complex_float  = gsl_vector_complex_float_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_complex_long_double * x_complex_long_double  = gsl_vector_complex_long_double_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_long_double * x_long_double  = gsl_vector_long_double_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_short * x_short  = gsl_vector_short_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_uchar * x_uchar  = gsl_vector_uchar_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_uint * x_uint  = gsl_vector_uint_calloc(10);
+    gsl_vector_ushort * x_ushort  = gsl_vector_ushort_calloc(10);
+    //gsl_vector_ulong * x_ulong  = gsl_vector_ulong_calloc(10);
+    /* create an R list containing copies of gsl data */
+    List res = List::create(_["gsl_vector"] = *x_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_float"] = *x_float,
+			    _["gsl_vector_int"] = *x_int,
+			    //_["gsl_vector_long"] = *x_long,
+			    _["gsl_vector_char"] = *x_char,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex"] = *x_complex,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex_float"] = *x_complex_float,
+			    _["gsl_vector_complex_long_double"] = *x_complex_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_long_double"] = *x_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_vector_short"] = *x_short,
+			    _["gsl_vector_uchar"] = *x_uchar,
+			    _["gsl_vector_uint"] = *x_uint,
+			    _["gsl_vector_ushort"] = *x_ushort
+			    //,_["gsl_vector_ulong"] = *x_ulong
+			    );
+    /* cleanup gsl data */
+    gsl_vector_free(x_double);
+    gsl_vector_float_free( x_float);
+    gsl_vector_int_free( x_int );
+    //gsl_vector_long_free( x_long );
+    gsl_vector_char_free( x_char );
+    gsl_vector_complex_free( x_complex );
+    gsl_vector_complex_float_free( x_complex_float );
+    gsl_vector_complex_long_double_free( x_complex_long_double );
+    gsl_vector_long_double_free( x_long_double );
+    gsl_vector_short_free( x_short );
+    gsl_vector_uchar_free( x_uchar );
+    gsl_vector_uint_free( x_uint );
+    gsl_vector_ushort_free( x_ushort );
+    //gsl_vector_ulong_free( x_ulong );
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_matrix() {
+    gsl_matrix * x_double                                   = gsl_matrix_alloc(5, 2);
+    gsl_matrix_set_identity( x_double );
+    gsl_matrix_float * x_float                              = gsl_matrix_float_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_float_set_identity( x_float );
+    gsl_matrix_int * x_int                                  = gsl_matrix_int_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_int_set_identity( x_int );
+    //gsl_matrix_long * x_long                                = gsl_matrix_long_alloc(5,2);
+    //gsl_matrix_long_set_identity( x_long );
+    gsl_matrix_char * x_char                                = gsl_matrix_char_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_char_set_identity( x_char );
+    gsl_matrix_complex * x_complex                          = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity( x_complex );
+    gsl_matrix_complex_float * x_complex_float              = gsl_matrix_complex_float_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_complex_float_set_identity( x_complex_float );
+    gsl_matrix_complex_long_double * x_complex_long_double  = gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_alloc(5,2);  
+    gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_set_identity( x_complex_long_double );
+    gsl_matrix_long_double * x_long_double                  = gsl_matrix_long_double_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_long_double_set_identity( x_long_double );
+    gsl_matrix_short * x_short                              = gsl_matrix_short_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_short_set_identity( x_short );
+    gsl_matrix_uchar * x_uchar                              = gsl_matrix_uchar_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_uchar_set_identity( x_uchar );
+    gsl_matrix_uint * x_uint                                = gsl_matrix_uint_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_uint_set_identity( x_uint);
+    gsl_matrix_ushort * x_ushort                            = gsl_matrix_ushort_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_ushort_set_identity( x_ushort );
+    //gsl_matrix_ulong * x_ulong                            = gsl_matrix_ulong_alloc(5,2);
+    gsl_matrix_ulong_set_identity( x_ulong );
+    List res = List::create(_["gsl_matrix"] = *x_double ,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_float"] = *x_float,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_int"] = *x_int,
+			    //_["gsl_matrix_long"] = *x_long,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_char"] = *x_char,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_complex"] = *x_complex,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_complex_float"] = *x_complex_float,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_complex_long_double"] = *x_complex_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_long_double"] = *x_long_double,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_short"] = *x_short,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_uchar"] = *x_uchar,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_uint"] = *x_uint,
+			    _["gsl_matrix_ushort"] = *x_ushort
+			    //,_["gsl_matrix_ulong"] = *x_ulong
+			    );
+    gsl_matrix_free( x_double );
+    gsl_matrix_float_free( x_float);
+    gsl_matrix_int_free( x_int );
+    //gsl_matrix_long_free( x_long );
+    gsl_matrix_char_free( x_char );
+    gsl_matrix_complex_free( x_complex );
+    gsl_matrix_complex_float_free( x_complex_float );
+    gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_free( x_complex_long_double );
+    gsl_matrix_long_double_free( x_long_double );
+    gsl_matrix_short_free( x_short );
+    gsl_matrix_uchar_free( x_uchar );
+    gsl_matrix_uint_free( x_uint );
+    gsl_matrix_ushort_free( x_ushort );
+    //gsl_matrix_ulong_free( x_ulong );
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_vector_view() {
+    int n = 10;
+    gsl_vector *v = gsl_vector_calloc (n);
+    for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
+	gsl_vector_set( v, i, i );
+    }
+    gsl_vector_view v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 0, 2, n/2);
+    gsl_vector_view v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 1, 2, n/2);
+    List res = List::create(_["even"] = v_even,
+			    _["odd" ] = v_odd);
+    gsl_vector_free(v);
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_matrix_view() {
+    int nrow = 4;
+    int ncol = 6;
+    gsl_matrix *m = gsl_matrix_alloc(nrow, ncol);
+    int k =0;
+    for( int i=0; i<nrow; i++){
+	for( int j=0; j<ncol; j++, k++){
+	    gsl_matrix_set( m, i, j, k );
+	}
+    }
+    gsl_matrix_view x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(m, 2, 2, 2, 2 );
+    List res = List::create(_["full"] = *m,
+			    _["view"] = x);
+    gsl_matrix_free(m);
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+double test_gsl_vector_input(NumericVector vec_) {
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_);
+    int n = vec->size;
+    double res = 0.0;
+    for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
+	res += gsl_vector_get( vec, i );
+    }
+    vec.free();
+    return wrap( res );
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+double test_gsl_matrix_input(NumericMatrix mat_) {
+    RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat = as< RcppGSL::matrix<double> >( mat_);
+    int nr = mat->size1;
+    double res = 0.0;
+    for( int i=0; i<nr; i++){
+	res += mat( i, 0 );
+    }
+    mat.free();
+    return wrap(res);
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+IntegerVector test_gsl_vector_conv() { 
+    RcppGSL::vector<int> vec(10);
+    for( int i=0; i<10; i++){
+	gsl_vector_int_set( vec, i, i );
+    }
+    Rcpp::IntegerVector x;
+    x = vec;
+    return x;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+NumericVector test_gsl_vector_indexing(NumericVector vec_) {
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_);
+    for( size_t i=0; i< vec.size(); i++){
+	vec[i] = vec[i] + 1.0;
+    }
+    NumericVector res = Rcpp::wrap( vec );
+    vec.free();
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+double test_gsl_vector_iterating(NumericVector vec_) {
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_);
+    double res= std::accumulate( vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0.0 );
+    vec.free();
+    return wrap( res );
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_matrix_indexing(NumericMatrix mat_) {
+    RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat= as< RcppGSL::matrix<double> >( mat_ );
+    for( size_t i=0; i< mat.nrow(); i++){
+	for( size_t j=0; j< mat.ncol(); j++){
+	    mat(i,j) = mat(i,j) + 1.0;
+	}
+    }
+    Rcpp::NumericMatrix res = Rcpp::wrap(mat);
+    mat.free();
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_vector_view_wrapper() {
+    int n = 10;
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec( 10 );
+    for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
+	vec[i] = i;
+    }
+    RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 0, 2, n/2);
+    RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 1, 2, n/2);
+    List res = List::create(_["even"] = v_even,
+			    _["odd" ] = v_odd);
+    vec.free();
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_matrix_view_wrapper() {
+    int nrow = 4;
+    int ncol = 6;
+    RcppGSL::matrix<double> m(nrow, ncol);
+    int k =0;
+    for( int i=0; i<nrow; i++){
+	for( int j=0; j<ncol; j++, k++){
+	    m(i, j) = k;
+	}
+    }
+    RcppGSL::matrix_view<double> x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(m, 2, 2, 2, 2 );
+    List res = List::create(_["full"] = m,
+			    _["view"] = x);
+    m.free();
+    return res;
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+double test_gsl_vector_view_iterating(NumericVector vec_) {
+    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_);
+    int n = vec.size();
+    RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 0, 2, n/2);
+    double res = std::accumulate( v_even.begin(), v_even.end(), 0.0 );
+    return wrap( res );
+// [[Rcpp::export]]
+List test_gsl_matrix_view_indexing() {
+    int nr = 10;
+    int nc = 10;
+    RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat( nr, nc );
+    int k = 0;
+    for( size_t i=0; i< mat.nrow(); i++){
+	for( size_t j=0; j< mat.ncol(); j++, k++){
+	    mat(i,j) = k;
+	}
+    }
+    RcppGSL::matrix_view<double> x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(mat, 2, 2, 2, 2 );
+    double res = 0.0;
+    for( size_t i=0; i<x.nrow(); i++){
+	for( size_t j=0; j<x.ncol(); j++){
+	    res += x(i,j);
+	}
+    }
+    mat.free();
+    return wrap( res );

Modified: pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/runit.gsl.R
--- pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/runit.gsl.R	2013-06-22 17:55:15 UTC (rev 4362)
+++ pkg/RcppGSL/inst/unitTests/runit.gsl.R	2013-06-22 20:23:33 UTC (rev 4363)
@@ -19,427 +19,52 @@
 # along with RcppGSL.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 .setUp <- function(){
-    require( inline )
-    tests <- ".rcppgsl.tests"
-    if( ! exists( tests, globalenv() ) ){
-        f <- list(
-            test_gsl_vector_wrapper = list(
-                signature(),
-                '
-    RcppGSL::vector<double> x_double( 10 );
-	RcppGSL::vector<float> x_float( 10 );
-	RcppGSL::vector<int> x_int( 10 ) ;
-	//RcppGSL::vector<long> x_long( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<char> x_char( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<long double> x_long_double( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<short> x_short( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<unsigned char> x_uchar( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<unsigned int> x_uint( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<unsigned short> x_ushort( 10 ) ;
-	//RcppGSL::vector<unsigned long> x_ulong( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex> x_complex( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex_float> x_complex_float( 10 ) ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<gsl_complex_long_double> x_complex_long_double( 10 ) ;
-	List res = List::create(
-		_["gsl_vector"] = x_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_float"] = x_float,
-		_["gsl_vector_int"] = x_int,
-		//_["gsl_vector_long"] = x_long,
-		_["gsl_vector_char"] = x_char,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex"] = x_complex,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex_float"] = x_complex_float,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex_long_double"] = x_complex_long_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_long_double"] = x_long_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_short"] = x_short,
-		_["gsl_vector_uchar"] = x_uchar,
-		_["gsl_vector_uint"] = x_uint,
-		_["gsl_vector_ushort"] = x_ushort
-		//,_["gsl_vector_ulong"] = x_ulong
-		) ;
-	x_double.free();
-	x_float.free();
-	x_int.free() ;
-	//x_long.free() ;
-	x_char.free() ;
-	x_long_double.free() ;
-	x_short.free() ;
-	x_uchar.free() ;
-	x_uint.free() ;
-	x_ushort.free() ;
-	//x_ulong.free() ;
-	x_complex.free() ;
-	x_complex_float.free() ;
-	x_complex_long_double.free() ;
-	return res ;
-                '
-            ),
-            test_gsl_vector = list(
-                signature(),
-                '
-	gsl_vector * x_double = gsl_vector_calloc (10);
-	gsl_vector_float * x_float = gsl_vector_float_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_int * x_int  = gsl_vector_int_calloc(10) ;
-	//gsl_vector_long * x_long  = gsl_vector_long_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_char * x_char  = gsl_vector_char_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_complex * x_complex  = gsl_vector_complex_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_complex_float * x_complex_float  = gsl_vector_complex_float_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_complex_long_double * x_complex_long_double  = gsl_vector_complex_long_double_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_long_double * x_long_double  = gsl_vector_long_double_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_short * x_short  = gsl_vector_short_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_uchar * x_uchar  = gsl_vector_uchar_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_uint * x_uint  = gsl_vector_uint_calloc(10) ;
-	gsl_vector_ushort * x_ushort  = gsl_vector_ushort_calloc(10) ;
-	//gsl_vector_ulong * x_ulong  = gsl_vector_ulong_calloc(10) ;
-	/* create an R list containing copies of gsl data */
-	List res = List::create(
-		_["gsl_vector"] = *x_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_float"] = *x_float,
-		_["gsl_vector_int"] = *x_int,
-		//_["gsl_vector_long"] = *x_long,
-		_["gsl_vector_char"] = *x_char,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex"] = *x_complex,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex_float"] = *x_complex_float,
-		_["gsl_vector_complex_long_double"] = *x_complex_long_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_long_double"] = *x_long_double,
-		_["gsl_vector_short"] = *x_short,
-		_["gsl_vector_uchar"] = *x_uchar,
-		_["gsl_vector_uint"] = *x_uint,
-		_["gsl_vector_ushort"] = *x_ushort
-		//,_["gsl_vector_ulong"] = *x_ulong
-		) ;
-	/* cleanup gsl data */
-	gsl_vector_free(x_double);
-	gsl_vector_float_free( x_float);
-	gsl_vector_int_free( x_int );
-	//gsl_vector_long_free( x_long );
-	gsl_vector_char_free( x_char );
-	gsl_vector_complex_free( x_complex );
-	gsl_vector_complex_float_free( x_complex_float );
-	gsl_vector_complex_long_double_free( x_complex_long_double );
-	gsl_vector_long_double_free( x_long_double );
-	gsl_vector_short_free( x_short );
-	gsl_vector_uchar_free( x_uchar );
-	gsl_vector_uint_free( x_uint );
-	gsl_vector_ushort_free( x_ushort );
-	//gsl_vector_ulong_free( x_ulong );
-	return res ;
-                  '
-            ),
-            test_gsl_matrix = list(
-                signature(),
-                '
-	gsl_matrix * x_double                                   = gsl_matrix_alloc(5, 2);                      gsl_matrix_set_identity( x_double ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_float * x_float                              = gsl_matrix_float_alloc(5,2) ;                gsl_matrix_float_set_identity( x_float ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_int * x_int                                  = gsl_matrix_int_alloc(5,2) ;                  gsl_matrix_int_set_identity( x_int ) ;
-	//gsl_matrix_long * x_long                                = gsl_matrix_long_alloc(5,2) ;                 gsl_matrix_long_set_identity( x_long ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_char * x_char                                = gsl_matrix_char_alloc(5,2) ;                 gsl_matrix_char_set_identity( x_char ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_complex * x_complex                          = gsl_matrix_complex_alloc(5,2) ;              gsl_matrix_complex_set_identity( x_complex ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_complex_float * x_complex_float              = gsl_matrix_complex_float_alloc(5,2) ;        gsl_matrix_complex_float_set_identity( x_complex_float ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_complex_long_double * x_complex_long_double  = gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_alloc(5,2) ;  gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_set_identity( x_complex_long_double ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_long_double * x_long_double                  = gsl_matrix_long_double_alloc(5,2) ;          gsl_matrix_long_double_set_identity( x_long_double ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_short * x_short                              = gsl_matrix_short_alloc(5,2) ;                gsl_matrix_short_set_identity( x_short ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_uchar * x_uchar                              = gsl_matrix_uchar_alloc(5,2) ;                gsl_matrix_uchar_set_identity( x_uchar ) ;
-	gsl_matrix_uint * x_uint                                = gsl_matrix_uint_alloc(5,2) ;                 gsl_matrix_uint_set_identity( x_uint) ;
-	gsl_matrix_ushort * x_ushort                            = gsl_matrix_ushort_alloc(5,2) ;               gsl_matrix_ushort_set_identity( x_ushort ) ;
-	//gsl_matrix_ulong * x_ulong                              = gsl_matrix_ulong_alloc(5,2) ;                gsl_matrix_ulong_set_identity( x_ulong ) ;
-	List res = List::create(
-		_["gsl_matrix"] = *x_double ,
-		_["gsl_matrix_float"] = *x_float,
-		_["gsl_matrix_int"] = *x_int,
-		//_["gsl_matrix_long"] = *x_long,
-		_["gsl_matrix_char"] = *x_char,
-		_["gsl_matrix_complex"] = *x_complex,
-		_["gsl_matrix_complex_float"] = *x_complex_float,
-		_["gsl_matrix_complex_long_double"] = *x_complex_long_double,
-		_["gsl_matrix_long_double"] = *x_long_double,
-		_["gsl_matrix_short"] = *x_short,
-		_["gsl_matrix_uchar"] = *x_uchar,
-		_["gsl_matrix_uint"] = *x_uint,
-		_["gsl_matrix_ushort"] = *x_ushort
-		//,_["gsl_matrix_ulong"] = *x_ulong
-		) ;
-	gsl_matrix_free( x_double );
-	gsl_matrix_float_free( x_float);
-	gsl_matrix_int_free( x_int );
-	//gsl_matrix_long_free( x_long );
-	gsl_matrix_char_free( x_char );
-	gsl_matrix_complex_free( x_complex );
-	gsl_matrix_complex_float_free( x_complex_float );
-	gsl_matrix_complex_long_double_free( x_complex_long_double );
-	gsl_matrix_long_double_free( x_long_double );
-	gsl_matrix_short_free( x_short );
-	gsl_matrix_uchar_free( x_uchar );
-	gsl_matrix_uint_free( x_uint );
-	gsl_matrix_ushort_free( x_ushort );
-	//gsl_matrix_ulong_free( x_ulong );
-	return res ;
-                '
-            ),
-            test_gsl_vector_view = list(
-                signature(),
-                '
-	int n = 10 ;
-	gsl_vector *v = gsl_vector_calloc (n);
-	for( int i=0 ; i<n; i++){
-		gsl_vector_set( v, i, i ) ;
-	}
-	gsl_vector_view v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 0, 2, n/2);
-    gsl_vector_view v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 1, 2, n/2);
-    List res = List::create(
-    	_["even"] = v_even,
-    	_["odd" ] = v_odd
-    	) ;
-    gsl_vector_free(v);
-    return res ;
-                '
-            ),
-            test_gsl_matrix_view = list(
-                signature(),
-                '
-	int nrow = 4 ;
-	int ncol = 6 ;
-	gsl_matrix *m = gsl_matrix_alloc(nrow, ncol);
-	int k =0 ;
-	for( int i=0 ; i<nrow; i++){
-		for( int j=0; j<ncol; j++, k++){
-			gsl_matrix_set( m, i, j, k ) ;
-		}
-	}
-	gsl_matrix_view x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(m, 2, 2, 2, 2 ) ;
-	List res = List::create(
-		_["full"] = *m,
-		_["view"] = x
-		) ;
-	gsl_matrix_free(m);
-	return res ;
-                '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_input = list(
-                    signature( vec_ = "numeric" ),
-                    '
-	RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_) ;
-    int n = vec->size ;
-	double res = 0.0 ;
-	for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
-		res += gsl_vector_get( vec, i ) ;
-	}
-	vec.free() ;
-	return wrap( res ) ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_matrix_input = list(
-                    signature( mat_ = "matrix" ),
-                    '
-    RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat = as< RcppGSL::matrix<double> >( mat_) ;
-	int nr = mat->size1 ;
-	double res = 0.0 ;
-	for( int i=0; i<nr; i++){
-		res += mat( i, 0 ) ;
-	}
-	mat.free() ;
-	return wrap(res) ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_conv = list(
-                    signature(),
-                    '
-	RcppGSL::vector<int> vec(10) ;
-	for( int i=0; i<10; i++){
-		gsl_vector_int_set( vec, i, i ) ;
-	}
-	Rcpp::IntegerVector x ;
-	x = vec ;
-	return x ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_indexing = list(
-                    signature( vec_ = "numeric" ),
-                    '
-    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_) ;
-	for( size_t i=0; i< vec.size(); i++){
-		vec[i] = vec[i] + 1.0 ;
-	}
-	NumericVector res = Rcpp::wrap( vec ) ;
-	vec.free() ;
-	return res ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_iterating = list(
-                    signature( vec_ = "numeric" ),
-                    '
-    RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_) ;
-	double res= std::accumulate( vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0.0 );
-	vec.free() ;
-	return wrap( res ) ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_matrix_indexing = list(
-                    signature( mat_ = "matrix" ),
-                    '
-    RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat= as< RcppGSL::matrix<double> >( mat_ ) ;
-	for( size_t i=0; i< mat.nrow(); i++){
-		for( size_t j=0; j< mat.ncol(); j++){
-			mat(i,j) = mat(i,j) + 1.0 ;
-		}
-	}
-	Rcpp::NumericMatrix res = Rcpp::wrap(mat) ;
-	mat.free() ;
-	return res ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_view_wrapper = list(
-                    signature(),
-                    '
-	int n = 10 ;
-	RcppGSL::vector<double> vec( 10 ) ;
-	for( int i=0 ; i<n; i++){
-		vec[i] = i ;
-	}
-	RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 0, 2, n/2);
-    RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 1, 2, n/2);
-    List res = List::create(
-    	_["even"] = v_even,
-    	_["odd" ] = v_odd
-    	) ;
-    vec.free() ;
-    return res ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_matrix_view_wrapper = list(
-                    signature(),
-                    '
-	int nrow = 4 ;
-	int ncol = 6 ;
-	RcppGSL::matrix<double> m(nrow, ncol);
-	int k =0 ;
-	for( int i=0 ; i<nrow; i++){
-		for( int j=0; j<ncol; j++, k++){
-			m(i, j) = k ;
-		}
-	}
-	RcppGSL::matrix_view<double> x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(m, 2, 2, 2, 2 ) ;
-	List res = List::create(
-		_["full"] = m,
-		_["view"] = x
-		) ;
-	m.free() ;
-	return res ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_vector_view_iterating = list(
-                    signature( vec_ = "numeric" ),
-                    '
-	RcppGSL::vector<double> vec = as< RcppGSL::vector<double> >(vec_) ;
-	int n = vec.size() ;
-	RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(vec, 0, 2, n/2);
-    double res = std::accumulate( v_even.begin(), v_even.end(), 0.0 );
-    return wrap( res ) ;
-                    '
-                ),
-                test_gsl_matrix_view_indexing = list(
-                    signature(),
-                    '
-	int nr = 10 ;
-	int nc = 10 ;
-	RcppGSL::matrix<double> mat( nr, nc ) ;
-	int k = 0;
-	for( size_t i=0; i< mat.nrow(); i++){
-		for( size_t j=0; j< mat.ncol(); j++, k++){
-			mat(i,j) = k ;
-		}
-	}
-	RcppGSL::matrix_view<double> x = gsl_matrix_submatrix(mat, 2, 2, 2, 2 ) ;
-	double res = 0.0 ;
-	for( size_t i=0; i<x.nrow(); i++){
-		for( size_t j=0; j<x.ncol(); j++){
-			res += x(i,j) ;
-		}
-	}
-	mat.free() ;
-	return wrap( res ) ;
-                    '
-                )
-        )
-        signatures <- lapply(f, "[[", 1L)
-        bodies <- lapply(f, "[[", 2L)
-        fun <- cxxfunction( signatures, bodies, plugin = "RcppGSL")
-        getDynLib( fun ) # just forcing loading the dll now
-        assign( tests, fun, globalenv() )
-    }
+    if (!exists("pathRcppTests")) pathRcppTests <- getwd()
+    sourceCpp(file.path(pathRcppTests, "cpp/gsl.cpp"))
 test.gsl.vector.wrappers <- function(){
-	fx <- .rcppgsl.tests$test_gsl_vector_wrapper
+	fx <- test_gsl_vector_wrapper
 	res <- fx()
-	checkEquals( res,
-		list(
-			"gsl_vector" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_float" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_int" = integer(10),
-			#"gsl_vector_long" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_char" = raw(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex_float" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex_long_double" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_long_double" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_short" = integer(10),
-			"gsl_vector_uchar" = raw(10),
-			"gsl_vector_uint" = integer(10),
-			"gsl_vector_ushort" = integer(10)
-            #,"gsl_vector_ulong" = numeric(10)
-		),
-		msg = "wrap( gsl_vector )" )
+	checkEquals(res,
+                list("gsl_vector" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_float" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_int" = integer(10),
+                     ##"gsl_vector_long" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_char" = raw(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex_float" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex_long_double" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_long_double" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_short" = integer(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_uchar" = raw(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_uint" = integer(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_ushort" = integer(10)
+                     ##,"gsl_vector_ulong" = numeric(10)
+                     ),
+                msg = "wrap( gsl_vector )" )
 test.gsl.vector <- function(){
-    fx <- .rcppgsl.tests$test_gsl_vector
+    fx <- test_gsl_vector
     res <- fx()
-    checkEquals( res,
-		list(
-			"gsl_vector" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_float" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_int" = integer(10),
-            #"gsl_vector_long" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_char" = raw(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex_float" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_complex_long_double" = complex(10),
-			"gsl_vector_long_double" = numeric(10),
-			"gsl_vector_short" = integer(10),
-			"gsl_vector_uchar" = raw(10),
-			"gsl_vector_uint" = integer(10),
-			"gsl_vector_ushort" = integer(10)
-            #,"gsl_vector_ulong" = numeric(10)
-		),
-		msg = "wrap( gsl_vector )" )
+    checkEquals(res,
+                list("gsl_vector" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_float" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_int" = integer(10),
+                     ##"gsl_vector_long" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_char" = raw(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex_float" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_complex_long_double" = complex(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_long_double" = numeric(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_short" = integer(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_uchar" = raw(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_uint" = integer(10),
+                     "gsl_vector_ushort" = integer(10)
+                     ##,"gsl_vector_ulong" = numeric(10)
+                     ),
+                msg = "wrap( gsl_vector )" )
 test.gsl.matrix <- function(){
@@ -451,104 +76,102 @@
 		dim( x )  <- c(5,2)
-	 fx <- .rcppgsl.tests$test_gsl_matrix
-	 res <- fx()
-	checkEquals( res,
-		list(
-			"gsl_matrix"                     = helper( numeric ),
-			"gsl_matrix_float"               = helper( numeric ),
-			"gsl_matrix_int"                 = helper( integer ),
-            #"gsl_matrix_long"                = helper( numeric ),
-			"gsl_matrix_char"                = helper( raw ),
-			"gsl_matrix_complex"             = helper( complex ),
-			"gsl_matrix_complex_float"       = helper( complex ),
-			"gsl_matrix_complex_long_double" = helper( complex ),
-			"gsl_matrix_long_double"         = helper( numeric ),
-			"gsl_matrix_short"               = helper( integer ),
-			"gsl_matrix_uchar"               = helper( raw ),
-			"gsl_matrix_uint"                = helper( integer ),
-			"gsl_matrix_ushort"              = helper( integer )
-			#,"gsl_matrix_ulong"               = helper( numeric )
-		),
-		msg = "wrap( gsl_matrix )" )
+    fx <- test_gsl_matrix
+    res <- fx()
+	checkEquals(res,
+                list("gsl_matrix"                     = helper( numeric ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_float"               = helper( numeric ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_int"                 = helper( integer ),
+                     ##"gsl_matrix_long"                = helper( numeric ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_char"                = helper( raw ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_complex"             = helper( complex ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_complex_float"       = helper( complex ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_complex_long_double" = helper( complex ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_long_double"         = helper( numeric ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_short"               = helper( integer ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_uchar"               = helper( raw ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_uint"                = helper( integer ),
+                     "gsl_matrix_ushort"              = helper( integer )
+                     ##,"gsl_matrix_ulong"               = helper( numeric )
+                     ),
+                msg = "wrap( gsl_matrix )" )

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 4363

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