[Rcpp-commits] r4455 - in pkg/Rcpp: inst/doc inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar vignettes

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Sat Aug 31 20:52:30 CEST 2013

Author: edd
Date: 2013-08-31 20:52:29 +0200 (Sat, 31 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 4455

Rcpp-sugar vignette moved to vignettes/

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar/Rcpp-sugar.Rnw
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar/Rcpp-sugar.Rnw	2013-08-31 18:44:09 UTC (rev 4454)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-sugar/Rcpp-sugar.Rnw	2013-08-31 18:52:29 UTC (rev 4455)
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-\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
-\newcommand{\sugar}{\textsl{Rcpp sugar}}
-prettyVersion <- packageDescription("Rcpp")$Version
-prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), "%B %e, %Y")
-\author{Dirk Eddelbuettel \and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}
-\title{\pkg{Rcpp} syntactic sugar}
-\date{\pkg{Rcpp} version \Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \Sexpr{prettyDate}}
-link <- function( f, package, text = f, root = "http://finzi.psych.upenn.edu/R/library/" ){
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-		sprintf( "\\\\textbf{%s}", f )
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-	link( sprintf("%s-class", cl), package, text, root )
-  \noindent
-  This note describes \sugar~which has been introduced in
-  version 0.8.3 of \pkg{Rcpp} \citep{CRAN:Rcpp,JSS:Rcpp}. \sugar~
-  brings a higher-level of abstraction to \proglang{C++} code
-  written using the \pkg{Rcpp} API.
-  \sugar~is based on expression templates
-  \citep{Abrahams+Gurtovoy:2004:TemplateMetaprogramming,Vandevoorde+Josuttis:2003:Templates} and provides
-  some 'syntactic sugar' facilities directly in \pkg{Rcpp}. This is similar
-  to how \pkg{RcppArmadillo} \citep{CRAN:RcppArmadillo} offers
-  linear algebra \proglang{C++} classes based on \pkg{Armadillo}
-  \citep{Sanderson:2010:Armadillo}.
-  % TODO: reference to armadillo, blitz, etc ...
-\pkg{Rcpp} facilitates development of internal compiled code in an \proglang{R}
-package by abstracting low-level details of the \proglang{R} API \citep{R:Extensions}
-into a consistent set of \proglang{C++} classes.
-Code written using \pkg{Rcpp} classes is easier to read, write and maintain,
-without loosing performance. Consider the following code example which
-provides a function \texttt{foo} as a \proglang{C++} extension to
-\proglang{R} by using the \pkg{Rcpp} API:
-RcppExport SEXP foo( SEXP x, SEXP y){
-    Rcpp::NumericVector xx(x), yy(y) ;
-    int n = xx.size() ;
-    Rcpp::NumericVector res( n ) ;
-    double x_ = 0.0, y_ = 0.0 ;
-    for( int i=0; i<n; i++){
-        x_ = xx[i] ;
-        y_ = yy[i] ;
-        if( x_ < y_ ){
-            res[i] = x_ * x_ ;
-        } else {
-            res[i] = -( y_ * y_)  ;
-        }
-    }
-    return res ;
-The goal of the function \texttt{foo} code is simple. Given two
-\texttt{numeric} vectors, we create a third one. This is typical low-level
-\proglang{C++} code that that could be written much more consicely in
-\proglang{R} thanks to vectorisation as shown in the next example.
-foo <- function(x, y){
-	ifelse( x < y, x*x, -(y*y) )
-Put succinctly, the motivation of \sugar~is to bring a subset of the
-high-level \proglang{R} syntax in \proglang{C++}. Hence, with \sugar, the
-\proglang{C++} version of \texttt{foo} now becomes:
-RcppExport SEXP foo( SEXP xs, SEXP ys){
-    Rcpp::NumericVector x(xs) ;
-    Rcpp::NumericVector y(ys) ;
-    return Rcpp::wrap( ifelse( x < y, x*x, -(y*y) )) ;
-Apart from the fact that we need to assign the two objects we obtain from
-\proglang{R}---which is a simple statement each thanks to the template magic
-in \pkg{Rcpp}---and the need for explicit \texttt{return} and
-\texttt{Rcpp::wrap} statements, the code is now identical between
-highly-vectorised \proglang{R} and \proglang{C++}.
-\sugar~is written using expression templates and lazy evaluation techniques
-This not only allows a much nicer high-level syntax, but also makes it
-rather efficient (as we detail in section~\ref{sec:performance} below).
-\sugar~takes advantage of \proglang{C++} operator overloading. The next few
-sections discuss several examples.
-\subsection{Binary arithmetic operators}
-\sugar~defines the usual binary arithmetic operators : \texttt{+}, \texttt{-},
-\texttt{*}, \texttt{/}.
-// two numeric vectors of the same size
-NumericVector x ;
-NumericVector y ;
-// expressions involving two vectors
-NumericVector res = x + y ;
-NumericVector res = x - y ;
-NumericVector res = x * y ;
-NumericVector res = x / y ;
-// one vector, one single value
-NumericVector res = x + 2.0 ;
-NumericVector res = 2.0 - x;
-NumericVector res = y * 2.0 ;
-NumericVector res = 2.0 / y;
-// two expressions
-NumericVector res = x * y + y / 2.0 ;
-NumericVector res = x * ( y - 2.0 ) ;
-NumericVector res = x / ( y * y ) ;
-The left hand side (lhs) and the right hand side (rhs) of each binary
-arithmetic expression must be of the same type (for example they should be both
-\texttt{numeric} expressions).
-The lhs and the rhs can either have the same size or one of them could
-be a primitive value of the appropriate type, for example adding a
-\texttt{NumericVector} and a \texttt{double}.
-\subsection{Binary logical operators}
-Binary logical operators create a \texttt{logical} sugar expression
-from either two sugar expressions of the same type or one sugar expression
-and a primitive value of the associated type.
-// two integer vectors of the same size
-NumericVector x ;
-NumericVector y ;
-// expressions involving two vectors
-LogicalVector res = x < y ;
-LogicalVector res = x > y ;
-LogicalVector res = x <= y ;
-LogicalVector res = x >= y ;
-LogicalVector res = x == y ;
-LogicalVector res = x != y ;
-// one vector, one single value
-LogicalVector res = x < 2 ;
-LogicalVector res = 2 > x;
-LogicalVector res = y <= 2 ;
-LogicalVector res = 2 != y;
-// two expressions
-LogicalVector res = ( x + y ) <  ( x*x ) ;
-LogicalVector res = ( x + y ) >= ( x*x ) ;
-LogicalVector res = ( x + y ) == ( x*x ) ;
-\subsection{Unary operators}
-The unary \texttt{operator-} can be used to negate a (numeric) sugar expression.
-whereas the unary \texttt{operator!} negates a logical sugar expression:
-// a numeric vector
-NumericVector x ;
-// negate x
-NumericVector res = -x ;
-// use it as part of a numerical expression
-NumericVector res = -x * ( x + 2.0 ) ;
-// two integer vectors of the same size
-NumericVector y ;
-NumericVector z ;
-// negate the logical expression "y < z"
-LogicalVector res = ! ( y < z );
-\sugar~defines functions that closely match the behavior of \proglang{R}
-functions of the same name.
-\subsection{Functions producing a single logical result}
-Given a logical sugar expression, the \texttt{all} function identifies if all
-the elements are \texttt{TRUE}. Similarly, the \texttt{any} function
-identifies if any the element is \texttt{TRUE} when
-given a logical sugar expression.
-IntegerVector x = seq_len( 1000 ) ;
-all( x*x < 3 ) ;
-any( x*x < 3 ) ;
-Either call to \texttt{all} and \texttt{any} creates an object of a class
-that has member functions \texttt{is\_true}, \texttt{is\_false},
-\texttt{is\_na} and a conversion to \texttt{SEXP} operator.
-One important thing to highlight is that \texttt{all} is lazy. Unlike
-\proglang{R}, there is no need to fully evaluate the expression. In the
-example above, the result of \texttt{all} is fully resolved after evaluating
-only the two first indices of the expression \verb|x * x < 3|. \texttt{any}
-is lazy too, so it will only need to resolve the first element of the example
-%\subsubsection{Conversion to bool}
-One important thing to note concernc the conversion to the \texttt{bool}
-type. In order to respect the concept of missing values (\texttt{NA}) in
-\proglang{R}, expressions generated by \texttt{any} or \texttt{all} can not
-be converted to \texttt{bool}. Instead one must use \texttt{is\_true},
-\texttt{is\_false} or \texttt{is\_na}:
-// wrong: will generate a compile error
-bool res = any( x < y) ) ;
-// ok
-bool res = is_true( any( x < y ) )
-bool res = is_false( any( x < y ) )
-bool res = is_na( any( x < y ) )
-% FIXME this may need some expanding the trivariate bool and how to use it
-\subsection{Functions producing sugar expressions}
-Given a sugar expression of any type, \verb|is_na| (just like the other
-functions in this section) produces a logical sugar expression of the same
-length. Each element of the result expression evaluates to \texttt{TRUE} if
-the corresponding input is a missing value, or \texttt{FALSE} otherwise.
-IntegerVector x = IntegerVector::create( 0, 1, NA_INTEGER, 3 ) ;
-is_na( x )
-all( is_na( x ) )
-any( ! is_na( x ) )
-Given a sugar expression of any type, \texttt{seq\_along} creates an
-integer sugar expression whose values go from 1 to the sire of the input.
-IntegerVector x = IntegerVector::create( 0, 1, NA_INTEGER, 3 ) ;
-seq_along( x )
-seq_along( x * x * x * x * x * x * x )
-This is the most lazy function, as it only needs to call the \texttt{size}
-member function of the input expression. The input expression need not to be
-resolved. The two examples above gives the same result with the same efficiency
-at runtime. The compile time will be affected by the complexity of the
-second expression, since the abstract syntax tree is built at compile time.
-\texttt{seq\_len} creates an integer sugar expression whose \ith\
-element expands to \texttt{i}. \texttt{seq\_len} is particularly useful in
-conjunction with \texttt{sapply} and \texttt{lapply}.
-// 1, 2, ..., 10
-IntegerVector x = seq_len( 10 ) ;
-lapply( seq_len(10), seq_len )
-\subsubsection{pmin and pmax}
-Given two sugar expressions of the same type and size, or one expression and
-one primitive value of the appropriate type, \texttt{pmin} (\texttt{pmax})
-generates a sugar expression of the same type whose \ith\ element expands to
-the lowest (highest) value between the \ith\ element of the first expression
-and the \ith element of the second expression.
-IntegerVector x = seq_len( 10 ) ;
-pmin( x, x*x )
-pmin( x*x, 2 )
-pmin( x, x*x )
-pmin( x*x, 2 )
-Given a logical sugar expression and either :
-\item two compatible sugar expression (same type, same size)
-\item one sugar expression and one compatible primitive
-\texttt{ifelse} expands to a sugar expression whose \ith\
-element is the \ith\ element of the first expression
-if the \ith\ element of the condition expands to \texttt{TRUE}
-or the \ith\ of the second expression if
-the \ith\ element of the condition expands to \texttt{FALSE},
-or the appropriate missing value otherwise.
-IntegerVector x ;
-IntegerVector y ;
-ifelse( x < y, x, (x+y)*y )
-ifelse( x > y, x, 2 )
-\texttt{sapply} applies a \proglang{C++} function to each element
-of the given expression to create a new expression. The type of the
-resulting expression is deduced by the compiler from the result type of
-the function.
-The function can be a free \proglang{C++} function such as the overload
-generated by the template function below:
-template <typename T>
-T square( const T& x){
-    return x * x ;
-sapply( seq_len(10), square<int> ) ;
-Alternatively, the function can be a functor whose type has a nested type
-called \texttt{result\_type}
-template <typename T>
-struct square : std::unary_function<T,T> {
-    T operator()(const T& x){
-        return x * x ;
-    }
-sapply( seq_len(10), square<int>() ) ;
-\texttt{lapply} is similar to \texttt{sapply} except that the result is
-allways an list expression (an expression of type \texttt{VECSXP}).
-Given a numeric or integer expression, \texttt{sign} expands to an expression
-whose values are one of 1, 0, -1 or \texttt{NA}, depending on the sign
-of the input expression.
-IntegerVector xx;
-sign( xx )
-sign( xx * xx )
-The \ith\ element of the result of \texttt{diff} is
-the difference between the $(i+1)$\textsuperscript{th} and the
-\ith\ element of the input expression. Supported types are
-integer and numeric.
-IntegerVector xx;
-diff( xx )
-\subsection{Mathematical functions}
-For the following set of functions, generally speaking, the \ith\ element of
-the result of the given function (say, \texttt{abs}) is the result of
-applying that function to this \ith\ element of the input expression.
-Supported types are integer and numeric.
-IntegerVector x;
-abs( x )
-exp( x )
-floor( x )
-ceil( x )
-pow(x, z)     # x to the power of z
-% log() and log10() maybe?  Or ln() ?
-\subsection{The d/q/p/q statistical functions}
-The framework provided by \sugar also permits easy and efficient access the
-density, distribution function, quantile and random number generation
-functions function by \proglang{R} in the \code{Rmath} library.
-Currently, most of these functions are vectorised for the first element which
-denote size. Consequently, these calls works in \proglang{C++} just as they
-would in \proglang{R}:
-x1 = dnorm(y1, 0, 1);  // density of y1 at m=0, sd=1
-x2 = pnorm(y2, 0, 1);  // distribution function of y2
-x3 = qnorm(y3, 0, 1);  // quantiles of y3
-x4 = rnorm(n, 0, 1);   // 'n' RNG draws of N(0, 1)
-Similar d/q/p/r functions are provided for the most common distributions:
-beta, binom, cauchy, chisq, exp, f, gamma, geom, hyper, lnorm, logis, nbeta,
-nbinom, nbinom\_mu, nchisq, nf, norm, nt, pois, t, unif, and weibull.
-One point to note is that the programmer using these functions needs to
-initialize the state of the random number generator as detailed in Section
-6.3 of the `Writing R Extensions' manual \citep{R:Extensions}.  A nice
-\proglang{C++} solution for this is to use a \textsl{scoped} class that sets
-the random number generatator on entry to a block and resets it on exit. We
-offer the \code{RNGScope} class which allows code such as
-RcppExport SEXP getRGamma() {
-    RNGScope scope;
-    NumericVector x = rgamma( 10, 1, 1 );
-    return x;
-As there is some computational overhead involved in using \code{RNGScope}, we
-are not wrapping it around each inner function.  Rather, the user of these
-functions (\textsl{i.e.} you) should place an \code{RNGScope} at the
-appropriate level of your code.
-This section details some of the techniques used in the implementation of
-\sugar. Note that the user need not to be familiar with the implementation
-details in order to use \sugar, so this section can be skipped upon a first
-read of the paper.
-Writing \sugar~functions is fairly repetitive and follows a well-structured
-pattern. So once the basic concepts are mastered (which may take time given
-the inherent complexities in template programming), it should be possible to
-extend the set of function further following the established pattern..
-\subsection{The curiously recurring template pattern}
-Expression templates such as those used by \sugar~use a technique
-called the \emph{Curiously Recurring Template Pattern} (CRTP). The general
-form of CRTP is:
-// The Curiously Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP)
-template <typename T>
-struct base {
-    // ...
-struct derived : base<derived> {
-    // ...
-The \texttt{base} class is templated by the class that derives from it :
-\texttt{derived}. This shifts the relationship between a base class and a
-derived class as it allows the base class to access methods of the derived
-\subsection{The VectorBase class}
-The CRTP is used as the basis for \sugar~with the \texttt{VectorBase}
-class template. All sugar expression derive from one class generated by the
-\texttt{VectorBase} template. The current definition of \texttt{VectorBase}
-is given here:
-template <int RTYPE, bool na, typename VECTOR>
-class VectorBase {
-    struct r_type : traits::integral_constant<int,RTYPE>{} ;
-    struct can_have_na : traits::integral_constant<bool,na>{} ;
-    typedef typename traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type stored_type ;
-    VECTOR& get_ref(){
-        return static_cast<VECTOR&>(*this) ;
-    }
-    inline stored_type operator[]( int i) const {
-        return static_cast<const VECTOR*>(this)->operator[](i) ;
-    }
-    inline int size() const { return static_cast<const VECTOR*>(this)->size() ; }
-    /* definition ommited here */
-    class iterator ;
-    inline iterator begin() const { return iterator(*this, 0) ; }
-    inline iterator end() const { return iterator(*this, size() ) ; }
-The \texttt{VectorBase} template has three parameters:
-\item \texttt{RTYPE}: This controls the type of expression (INTSXP, REALSXP,
-  ...)
-\item \texttt{na}: This embeds in the derived type information about whether
-  instances may contain missing values. \pkg{Rcpp} vector types
-  (\texttt{IntegerVector}, ...)  derive from \texttt{VectorBase} with this
-  parameter set to \texttt{true} because there is no way to know at
-  compile-time if the vector will contain missing values at run-time.
-  However, this parameter is set to \texttt{false} for types that are
-  generated by sugar expressions as these are guaranteed to produce
-  expressions that are without missing values. An example is the
-  \texttt{is\_na} function. This parameter is used in several places as part
-  of the compile time dispatch to limit the occurence of redundant
-  operations.
-\item \texttt{VECTOR}: This parameter is the key of \sugar. This is the
-  manifestation of CRTP. The indexing operator and the \texttt{size} method
-  of \texttt{VectorBase} use a static cast of \texttt{this} to the
-  \texttt{VECTOR} type to forward calls to the actual method of the derived
-  class.
-\subsection{Example : sapply}
-As an example, the current implementation of \texttt{sapply}, supported by
-the template class \texttt{Rcpp::sugar::Sapply} is given below:
-template <int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T, typename Function>
-class Sapply : public VectorBase<
-    Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<
-        typename ::Rcpp::traits::result_of<Function>::type
-    >::rtype ,
-    true ,
-    Sapply<RTYPE,NA,T,Function>
-> {
-    typedef typename ::Rcpp::traits::result_of<Function>::type  ;
-    const static int RESULT_R_TYPE =
-        Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<result_type>::rtype ;
-    typedef Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE,NA,T> VEC ;
-    typedef typename Rcpp::traits::r_vector_element_converter<RESULT_R_TYPE>::type
-        converter_type ;
-    typedef typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RESULT_R_TYPE>::type STORAGE ;
-    Sapply( const VEC& vec_, Function fun_ ) : vec(vec_), fun(fun_){}
-    inline STORAGE operator[]( int i ) const {
-        return converter_type::get( fun( vec[i] ) );
-    }
-    inline int size() const { return vec.size() ; }
-    const VEC& vec ;
-    Function fun ;
-} ;
-// sugar
-template <int RTYPE, bool _NA_, typename T, typename Function >
-inline sugar::Sapply<RTYPE,_NA_,T,Function>
-sapply( const Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE,_NA_,T>& t, Function fun ){
-    return sugar::Sapply<RTYPE,_NA_,T,Function>( t, fun ) ;
-\subsubsection{The sapply function}
-\texttt{sapply} is a template function that takes two arguments.
-\item The first argument
-is a sugar expression, which we recognize because of the relationship with
-the \texttt{VectorBase} class template.
-\item The second argument is the function to apply.
-The \texttt{sapply} function itself does not do anything, it is just used
-to trigger compiler detection of the template parameters that will be used
-in the \texttt{sugar::Sapply} template.
-\subsubsection{Detection of return type of the function}
-In order to decide which kind of expression is built, the \texttt{Sapply}
-template class queries the template argument via the \texttt{Rcpp::traits::result\_of}
-typedef typename ::Rcpp::traits::result_of<Function>::type result_type ;
-The \texttt{result\_of} type trait is implemented as such:
-template <typename T>
-struct result_of{
-    typedef typename T::result_type type ;
-} ;
-template <typename RESULT_TYPE, typename INPUT_TYPE>
-struct result_of< RESULT_TYPE (*)(INPUT_TYPE) >{
-    typedef RESULT_TYPE type ;
-} ;
-The generic definition of \texttt{result\_of} targets functors
-with a nested \texttt{result\_type} type.
-The second definition is a partial specialization targetting
-function pointers.
-\subsubsection{Indentification of expression type}
-Based on the result type of the function, the \texttt{r\_sexptype\_traits}
-trait is used to identify the expression type.
-const static int RESULT_R_TYPE =
-    Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<result_type>::rtype ;
-The \texttt{r\_vector\_element\_converter} class is used to convert an
-object of the function's result type to the actual storage type suitable
-for the sugar expression.
-typedef typename Rcpp::traits::r_vector_element_converter<RESULT_R_TYPE>::type
-    converter_type ;
-\subsubsection{Storage type}
-The \texttt{storage\_type} trait is used to get access to the storage type
-associated with a sugar expression type. For example, the storage type
-of a \texttt{REALSXP} expression is \texttt{double}.
-typedef typename Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RESULT_R_TYPE>::type STORAGE ;
-\subsubsection{Input expression base type}
-The input expression --- the expression over which \texttt{sapply} runs --- is
-also typedef'ed for convenience:
-typedef Rcpp::VectorBase<RTYPE,NA,T> VEC ;
-\subsubsection{Output expression base type}
-In order to be part of the \sugar~system, the type generated by the
-\texttt{Sapply} class template must inherit from \texttt{VectorBase}.
-template <int RTYPE, bool NA, typename T, typename Function>
-class Sapply : public VectorBase<
-    Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<
-        typename ::Rcpp::traits::result_of<Function>::type
-    >::rtype ,
-    true ,
-    Sapply<RTYPE,NA,T,Function>
-The expression built by \texttt{Sapply} depends on the result type
-of the function, may contain missing values, and the third argument
-is the manifestation of the \emph{CRTP}.
-The constructor of the \texttt{Sapply} class template is straightforward, it
-simply consists of holding the reference to the input expression and the
-Sapply( const VEC& vec_, Function fun_ ) : vec(vec_), fun(fun_){}
-    const VEC& vec ;
-    Function fun ;
-The indexing operator and the \texttt{size} member function is what
-the \texttt{VectorBase} expects. The size of the result expression is
-the same as the size of the input expression and the i\textsuperscript{th}
-element of the result is simply retrieved by applying the function
-and the converter. Both these methods are inline to maximize performance:
-inline STORAGE operator[]( int i ) const {
-	return converter_type::get( fun( vec[i] ) );
-inline int size() const { return vec.size() ; }

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp.bib
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp.bib	2013-08-31 18:44:09 UTC (rev 4454)
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@@ -1,628 +0,0 @@
- at String{CRAN = "http://CRAN.R-Project.org/" }
- at String{manuals = CRAN # "doc/manuals/" }
- at String{RCoreTeam = "{R Development Core Team}" }
- at String{RFoundation = "R Foundation for Statistical Computing" }
- at String{R-Forge = "http://R-Forge.R-Project.org/" }
- at Misc{Cpp11,
-  author =       "ISO/IEC",
-  organization = "{International Organization for Standardization}",
-  title =        "\proglang{C++} 2011 Standard Document 14882:2011",
-  howpublished = {ISO/IEC Standard Group for Information Technology / Programming Languages / C++},
-  year =         2011,
-  url =         "http://www.iso.org/iso/iso_catalogue/catalogue_tc/catalogue_detail.htm?csnumber=50372",
-  urlansi =     "http://webstore.ansi.org/RecordDetail.aspx?sku=ISO/IEC%2014882:2011"
- at manual{Abrahams+Grosse-Kunstleve:2003:Boost.Python,
-  author =	 { David Abrahams and Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve },
-  organization = "Boost Consulting",
-  title =	 "Building Hybrid Systems with Boost.Python",
-  year =	 2003,
-  url =		 "http://www.boostpro.com/writing/bpl.pdf"
- at Book{Abrahams+Gurtovoy:2004:TemplateMetaprogramming,
-  author =	 {David Abrahams and Aleksey Gurtovoy},
-  title =	 {{C++} {T}emplate {M}etaprogramming: Concepts, Tools
-                  and Techniques from {B}oost and Beyond},
-  publisher =	 {Addison-Wesley},
-  year =	 2004,
-  address =	 {Boston}
- at Manual{Armstrong:2009:RAbstraction,
-  title =	 {{RAbstraction}: {C++} abstraction for {R} objects},
-  author =	 {Whit Armstrong},
-  year =	 2009,
-  note =	 {Code repository last updated 2009-07-22.},
-  url =		 {http://github.com/armstrtw/rabstraction}
- at Manual{Armstrong:2009:RObjects,
-  title =	 {{RObjects}: {C++} wrapper for R objects (a better
-                  implementation of {RAbstraction}},
-  author =	 {Whit Armstrong},
-  year =	 2009,
-  note =	 {Code repository last updated 2009-11-28.},
-  url =		 {http://github.com/armstrtw/RObjects}
- at InProceedings{Bates+DebRoy:2001:C++Classes,
-  author =	 {Douglas M. Bates and Saikat DebRoy},
-  title =	 {{C++} Classes for {R} Objects},
-  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Distributed
-                  Statistical Computing, March 15--17, 2001, Technische
-		  Universit\"at Wien, Vienna, Austria},
-  editor =       {Kurt Hornik and Friedrich Leisch},
-  year =         {2001},
-  url =          {http://www.ci.tuwien.ac.at/Conferences/DSC-2001/Proceedings/},
-  note =         {ISSN 1609-395X}
- at Misc{Brokken:2011:Cpp,
-  author = 	 {Frank B. Brokken},
-  title = 	 {C++ Annotations},
-  howpublished = {Electronic book, University of Groningen},
-  year = 	 2011,
-  url =          {http://www.icce.rug.nl/documents/cplusplus/}
- at Book{Chambers:2008:SoDA,
-  author = 	 {John M. Chambers},
-  title = 	 {Software for Data Analysis: Programming with {R}},
-  publisher = 	 {Springer-Verlag},
-  year = 	 2008,
-  series = 	 {Statistics and Computing},
-  address = 	 {Heidelberg},
-  note = 	 {{ISBN} 978-0-387-75935-7}
- at Book{Chambers:1998:PwD,
-  author = 	 {John M. Chambers},
-  title = 	 {Programming with Data: {A} Guide to the {S} Language},
-  publisher = 	 {Springer-Verlag},
-  year = 	 1998,
-  address = 	 {Heidelberg},
-  note = 	 {{ISBN} 978-0387985039}
- at Manual{CRAN:RInside,
-  title =	 {RInside: C++ classes to embed R in C++ applications},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  year =	 2012,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.2.10},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RInside"
- at Manual{CRAN:RProtoBuf,
-  title =	 {RProtoBuf: R Interface to the Protocol Buffers API},
-  author =	 {Romain Fran\c{c}ois and Dirk Eddelbuettel},
-  year =	 2012,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.2.6},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RProtoBuf"
- at Manual{CRAN:RQuantLib,
-  title =	 {RQuantLib: {R} interface to the {QuantLib} library},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Khanh Nguyen},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.3.10},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RQuantLib"
- at Manual{CRAN:rbenchmark,
-  title =	 {\pkg{rbenchmark}: Benchmarking routine for \proglang{R}},
-  author =	 {Wacek Kusnierczyk},
-  year =	 2012,
-  note =	 {R package version 1.0.0},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=rbenchmark"
- at Article{JSS:Rcpp,
-  title =	 {{Rcpp}: Seamless {R} and {C++} Integration},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  journal =	 {Journal of Statistical Software},
-  year =	 2011,
-  volume =	 40,
-  number =	 8,
-  pages =	 {1--18},
-  url =		 {http://www.jstatsoft.org/v40/i08/},
- at Manual{CRAN:Rcpp,
-  title =	 {{Rcpp}: Seamless {R} and {C++} Integration},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.10.4},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=Rcpp"
- at Manual{CRAN:Rcpp:Attributes,
-  crossref =     {CRAN:Rcpp},
-  author = 	 {J. J. Allaire and Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  title = 	 {{Rcpp} Attributes},
-  year = 	 2013,
-  note = 	 {Vignette included in R package Rcpp},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=Rcpp"
- at Manual{CRAN:Rcpp:Modules,
-  crossref =     {CRAN:Rcpp},
-  author = 	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  title = 	 {Exposing {C++} functions and classes with {Rcpp} modules},
-  year = 	 2013,
-  note = 	 {Vignette included in R package Rcpp},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=Rcpp"
- at Manual{CRAN:Rcpp:Sugar,
-  crossref =     {CRAN:Rcpp},
-  author = 	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  title = 	 {{Rcpp} syntactic sugar},
-  year = 	 2013,
-  note = 	 {Vignette included in R package Rcpp},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=Rcpp"
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppArmadillo,
-  title =	 {RcppArmadillo: Rcpp integration for Armadillo
-                  templated linear algebra library},
-  author =	 {Romain Fran\c{c}ois and Dirk Eddelbuettel and
-                  Douglas Bates},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.3.900.0},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppArmadillo"
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppClassic,
-  title =	 {RcppClassic: Deprecated 'classic' Rcpp API},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  year =	 2012,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.9.3},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppClassic"
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppDE,
-  title =	 {RcppDE: Global optimization by differential evolution in C++},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel},
-  year =	 2010,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.1.0},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppDE"
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppEigen,
-  title =	 {RcppEigen: Rcpp integration for the Eigen templated linear 
-		  algebra library}, 
-  author =	 {Douglas Bates and Romain Fran\c{c}ois and Dirk Eddelbuettel},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {{R} package version},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppEigen"
- at Article{JSS:RcppEigen,
-  title =	 {Fast and Elegant Numerical Linear Algebra Using the
-                  {RcppEigen} Package},
-  author =	 {Douglas Bates and Dirk Eddelbuettel},
-  journal =	 {Journal of Statistical Software},
-  year =	 {2013},
-  volume =	 {52},
-  number =	 {5},
-  pages =	 {1--24},
-  url =		 {http://www.jstatsoft.org/v52/i05/},
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppExamples,
-  title =	 {RcppExamples: Examples using {Rcpp} to interface {R}
-                  and {C++}},
-  author =	 {Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.1.6},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppExamples"
- at Manual{CRAN:RcppGSL,
-  title =	 {RcppGSL: Rcpp integration for GNU GSL vectors and matrices},
-  author = 	 {Romain Fran\c{c}ois and Dirk Eddelbuettel},
-  year =	 2012,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.2.0},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=RcppGSL"
- at Manual{CRAN:Rserve,
-  title =	 {Rserve: Binary R server},
-  author =	 {Simon Urbanek},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package version 0.6-8.1},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=Rserve"
- at Manual{CRAN:cxxPack,
-  title =	 {cxxpack: {R/C++} Tools for Literate Statistical
-                  Practice},
-  author =	 {Dominick Samperi},
-  year =	 2010,
-  note =	 {R package version 7.0.6},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=cxxPack"
- at Manual{CRAN:highlight,
-  title =	 {highlight: Syntax highlighter},
-  author =	 {Romain Fran\c{c}ois},
-  year =	 2013,
-  note =	 {R package with version 0.4.1},
-  url =		 CRAN # "package=highlight"
- at Manual{CRAN:inline,
-  title =	 {inline: Inline C, C++, Fortran function calls from
-                  R},
-  author =	 {Oleg Sklyar and Duncan Murdoch and Mike Smith and
-                  Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois},

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 4455

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