[Rcpp-commits] r4434 - in pkg/RcppArmadillo: . inst vignettes

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Aug 18 00:31:23 CEST 2013

Author: edd
Date: 2013-08-18 00:31:23 +0200 (Sun, 18 Aug 2013)
New Revision: 4434

converted (main) vignette from LaTeX minted (a no-go on CRAN) to listings
removed BuildVignettes: FALSE from DESCRIPTION
removed vignettes/Makefile which is no longer needed

Modified: pkg/RcppArmadillo/ChangeLog
--- pkg/RcppArmadillo/ChangeLog	2013-08-15 10:24:25 UTC (rev 4433)
+++ pkg/RcppArmadillo/ChangeLog	2013-08-17 22:31:23 UTC (rev 4434)
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2013-08-17  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd at debian.org>
+	* vignettes/RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw: Converted from LaTeX minted
+	(which farms out to Python's pygmentize) to LaTeX listings (which is
+	plainer, but works on CRAN)
+	* DESCRIPTION: Remove 'BuildVignettes: FALSE'
 2013-08-12  Dirk Eddelbuettel  <edd at debian.org>
 	* DESCRIPTION: Release 0.3.910.0

Modified: pkg/RcppArmadillo/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/RcppArmadillo/DESCRIPTION	2013-08-15 10:24:25 UTC (rev 4433)
+++ pkg/RcppArmadillo/DESCRIPTION	2013-08-17 22:31:23 UTC (rev 4434)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: RcppArmadillo
 Type: Package
 Title: Rcpp integration for Armadillo templated linear algebra library
-Version: 0.3.910.0
+Version: 0.3.910.0.1
 Date: $Date$
 Author: Romain Francois, Dirk Eddelbuettel and Doug Bates
 Maintainer: Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
@@ -36,4 +36,3 @@
 LinkingTo: Rcpp
 Suggests: RUnit
 URL: http://arma.sourceforge.net/, http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/code/rcpp.armadillo.html, http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr/index.php?category/R-package/RcppArmadillo
-BuildVignettes: FALSE

Modified: pkg/RcppArmadillo/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/RcppArmadillo/inst/NEWS.Rd	2013-08-15 10:24:25 UTC (rev 4433)
+++ pkg/RcppArmadillo/inst/NEWS.Rd	2013-08-17 22:31:23 UTC (rev 4434)
@@ -2,6 +2,14 @@
 \title{News for Package 'RcppArmadillo'}
+\section{Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.3.910.0.1 (2013-08-17)}{
+  \itemize{
+    \item Converted main vignette from \code{LaTeX} style \code{minted}
+    to \code{lstlisting} which permits builds on CRAN; removed
+    set \code{BuildVignettes: FALSE}.
+  }
 \section{Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.3.910.0 (2013-08-12)}{
     \item Upgraded to Armadillo release Version 3.910.0 (Pyrenees)

Deleted: pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/Makefile
--- pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/Makefile	2013-08-15 10:24:25 UTC (rev 4433)
+++ pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/Makefile	2013-08-17 22:31:23 UTC (rev 4434)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-all: 	RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf
-	rm -f RcppArmadillo-unitTests.pdf RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf
-ifeq (${R_HOME},)
-R_HOME=	$(shell R RHOME)
-RPROG=	$(R_HOME)/bin/R
-RcppArmadillo-intro.tex: RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw
-	${RPROG} CMD Sweave RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw
-RcppArmadillo-intro.pdf: RcppArmadillo-intro.tex
-	pdflatex -shell-escape RcppArmadillo-intro
-	bibtex RcppArmadillo-intro
-	pdflatex -shell-escape RcppArmadillo-intro
-	pdflatex -shell-escape RcppArmadillo-intro
-	rm RcppArmadillo-intro.aux RcppArmadillo-intro.log RcppArmadillo-intro.out \
-		RcppArmadillo-intro.bbl RcppArmadillo-intro.blg \
-		RcppArmadillo-intro.tex RcppArmadillo-intro.spl

Modified: pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw
--- pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw	2013-08-15 10:24:25 UTC (rev 4433)
+++ pkg/RcppArmadillo/vignettes/RcppArmadillo-intro.Rnw	2013-08-17 22:31:23 UTC (rev 4434)
@@ -7,12 +7,36 @@
 \usepackage{url}                 % break URLs
 \usepackage{booktabs}            % fancier tables
 \usepackage{color}               % color use
-%\usemintedstyle{bw}             % enfore black/white for publication
+\lstset{ %
+  %basicstyle=\small,             % the size of the fonts that are used for the code
+  numbers=left,                   % where to put the line-numbers
+  numberstyle=\tiny,              % the size of the fonts that are used for the line-numbers
+  stepnumber=2,                   % the step between two line-numbers. If it's 1, each line 
+                                  % will be numbered
+  numbersep=5pt,                  % how far the line-numbers are from the code
+  backgroundcolor=\color{darkgray}, % choose the background color. Must add \usepackage{color}
+  showspaces=false,               % show spaces adding particular underscores
+  showstringspaces=false,         % underline spaces within strings
+  showtabs=false,                 % show tabs within strings adding particular underscores
+  %frame=single,                  % adds a frame around the code
+  tabsize=2,                      % sets default tabsize to 2 spaces
+  captionpos=b,                   % sets the caption-position to bottom
+  breaklines=true,                % sets automatic line breaking
+  breakatwhitespace=false,        % sets if automatic breaks should only happen at whitespace
+  %title=\lstname,                % show the filename of files included with \lstinputlisting;
+                                  % also try caption instead of title
+  %escapeinside={\%*}{*)},        % if you want to add a comment within your code
+  %morekeywords={*,...}           % if you want to add more keywords to the set
+  %
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  commentstyle=\textsl,
+  keywordstyle=\ttfamily\small
+  %keywordstyle=\color{black}\bfseries\tt
 \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}% for \href
 \definecolor{link}{rgb}{0,0,0.3} % next few lines courtesy of RJournal.sty
@@ -35,14 +59,14 @@
 \newcommand{\Cpp}{\proglang{C++}\ }
 %\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}\index{#1}}
-%\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\it #1}}
+ %\newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\it #1}}
 \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{#1}}  % null op for now
 \journal{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}
-prettyVersion <- packageDescription("RcppArmadillo")$Version
+prettyVersion <- packageDescription("RcppArmadillo")$Version #$
 prettyDate <- format(Sys.Date(), "%B %e, %Y")
@@ -331,11 +355,12 @@
 templates, \R objects such as vectors and matrices can be mapped directly to
 the corresponding \pkg{Armadillo} objects.
-\caption{Integrating \pkg{Armadillo}-based C++ code via the
-  \mbox{RcppArmadillo} package.\label{code:RcppArmaEx}
+  language=R,
+  caption={Integrating \pkg{Armadillo}-based C++ code via the \mbox{RcppArmadillo} package.},
+  label={code:RcppArmaEx}
 R> library(inline)
 R> g <- cxxfunction(signature(vs="numeric"),
@@ -357,8 +382,7 @@
 [1] 415
 Consider the simple example in Listing~\ref{code:RcppArmaEx}.  Given a
 vector, the \code{g()} function returns both the outer and inner products.
@@ -457,9 +481,13 @@
 and shown in Listing~\ref{code:matlabkalman}.
-\caption{Basic Kalman Filter in \proglang{Matlab}.\label{code:matlabkalman}}
+  language=matlab,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize,
+  caption={Basic Kalman filter in \proglang{Matlab}.},
+  label={code:matlabkalman}
 % Copyright 2010 The MathWorks, Inc.
 function y = kalmanfilter(z)
@@ -476,7 +504,7 @@
     p_est = zeros(6, 6);
-  x_prd = A * x_est;                  % Predicted state and covariance
+  x_prd = A * x_est;                  % Predicted state + covar.
   p_prd = A * p_est * A' + Q;
   S = H * p_prd' * H' + R;            % Estimation
@@ -486,18 +514,21 @@
   % Estimated state and covariance
   x_est = x_prd + klm_gain * (z - H * x_prd);
   p_est = p_prd - klm_gain * H * p_prd;
-  y = H * x_est;                      % Compute the estimated measurements
+  y = H * x_est;                      % Comp. estim. measurements
 end                                   % of the function
-%function x = kalmanExample
+% function x = kalmanExample
 %  load pos.txt;			      % renamed here
 %  x = kalmanM(pos);
-\caption{Basic Kalman filter in \Rns ~ (referred to as {\it FirstKalmanR}).\label{code:FirstKalmanR}}
+  language=R,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  caption={Basic Kalman filter in \Rns ~ (referred to as {\it FirstKalmanR}).},
+  label={code:FirstKalmanR}
 FirstKalmanR <- function(pos) {
     kalmanfilter <- function(z) {
@@ -535,8 +566,7 @@
 A straightforward \R implementation can be written as a close transcription
 of the \proglang{Matlab} version; we refer to this version as
@@ -563,9 +593,13 @@
 estimation can be accessed from \R via a short and simple routine such as the
 one shown in Listing~\ref{code:InlineKalman}.
-\caption{An improved Kalman filter implemented in \Rns ~ (referred to as {\it KalmanR}).\label{code:Rkalman}}
+  language=R,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  caption={An improved Kalman filter implemented in \Rns ~ (referred to as {\it KalmanR}).},
+  label={code:Rkalman}
 KalmanR <- function(pos) {
     kalmanfilter <- function(z) {
@@ -612,13 +646,15 @@
-\caption{A Kalman filter class in \proglang{C++}, using \pkg{Armadillo} classes.\label{code:CppKalmanClass}
+  language=C++,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  caption={A Kalman filter class in \proglang{C++}, using \pkg{Armadillo} classes.},
+  label={code:CppKalmanClass}
 using namespace arma;
 class Kalman {
@@ -665,16 +701,19 @@
        return Y;
-  \caption{A Kalman filter function implemented in a mixture of \proglang{R}
+  language=R,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  caption={A Kalman filter function implemented in a mixture of \proglang{R}
     and \proglang{C++} code, using the \pkg{RcppArmadillo} package to embed
     \pkg{Armadillo} based \proglang{C++} code (using the {\it Kalman} class from
     Listing~\ref{code:CppKalmanClass}) within R code.
-    The resulting program is referred to as {\it KalmanCpp}.\label{code:InlineKalman}}
+    The resulting program is referred to as {\it KalmanCpp}.},
+  label={code:InlineKalman}
 R> kalmanSrc <- '
 +  mat Z = as<mat>(ZS);       // passed from R
 +  Kalman K;
@@ -683,8 +722,7 @@
 R> KalmanCpp <- cxxfunction(signature(ZS="numeric"),
 +                           body=kalmanSrc, include=kalmanClass,
 +                           plugin="RcppArmadillo")
 The content of Listing~\ref{code:CppKalmanClass} is assigned to a variable
 \code{kalmanClass} which (on line seven) is passed to the \code{include=}
@@ -720,9 +758,13 @@
 \section{Empirical Speed Comparison}
-\caption{R code for timing comparison of Kalman filter implementations.\label{code:BenchmarkKalman}}
+  language=R,
+  basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,
+  caption={R code for timing comparison of Kalman filter implementations.},
+  label={code:BenchmarkKalman}
 R> require(rbenchmark)
 R> require(compiler)
@@ -744,8 +786,7 @@
 +                               "elapsed", "relative"),
 +                   order="relative",
 +                   replications=100)
 Listing~\ref{code:BenchmarkKalman} contains the code for creating a simple
 benchmarking exercise.  It compares several functions for implementing the
@@ -871,755 +912,8 @@
-% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-\title{RcppArmadillo: \\ Easily Extending R with High-Performance C++ Code}
-\author{Dirk Eddelbuettel \and Conrad Sanderson}
-\date{\pkg{RcppArmadillo} version \Sexpr{prettyVersion} as of \Sexpr{prettyDate}}
-  \noindent
-  The \proglang{R} statistical environment and language has demonstrated
-  particular strengths for interactive development of statistical
-  algorithms, as well as data modelling and visualisation.  Its current
-  implementation has an interpreter at its core which may result in a
-  performance penalty in comparison to directly executing user algorithms
-  in the native machine code of the host CPU.  In contrast, the
-  \proglang{C++} language has no built-in visualisation capabilities,
-  handling of linear algebra or even basic statistical algorithms; however,
-  user programs are converted to high-performance machine code, ahead of
-  execution.
-  %
-  We present a new method of avoiding possible speed penalties in
-  \proglang{R} by using the \pkg{Rcpp} extension package in conjunction
-  with the \pkg{Armadillo} \Cpp matrix library.  In addition to the
-  inherent performance advantages of compiled code, \pkg{Armadillo}
-  provides an easy-to-use template-based meta-programming framework,
-  allowing the automatic pooling of several linear algebra operations into
-  one, which in turn can lead to further speedups.  We demonstrate that
-  with the aid of \pkg{Rcpp} and \pkg{Armadillo}, conversion of linear
-  algebra centered algorithms from \proglang{R} to \proglang{C++} becomes
-  straightforward, with the algorithms retaining the overall structure as
-  well as readability, all while maintaining a bidirectional link with the
-  host R environment.  Empirical timing comparisons of \proglang{R} and
-  \proglang{C++} implementations of a Kalman filtering algorithm indicate a
-  speedup of several orders of magnitude.
-Linear algebra is a cornerstone of statistical computing and statistical
-software systems.  Various matrix decompositions, linear program solvers, and
-eigenvalue / eigenvector computations are key to many estimation and analysis
-routines.  As generally useful procedure, these are often abstracted and
-regrouped in specific libraries for linear algebra which statistical
-programmers have provided for various programming languages and environments.
-One such environment (and statistical programming language) is R
-\citep{R:Main}.  It has become a tool of choice for data analysis and applied
-work in statistics \citep{Morandat_2012}.  While R has particular strengths
-at fast prototyping and easy visualisation of data, its current
-implementation has an interpreter at its core.  In comparison to running user
-algorithms in the native machine code of the host CPU, the use of an
-interpreter often results in a performance penalty for non-trivial algorithms
-that perform elaborate data manipulation \citep{Morandat_2012}.  With user
-algorithms becoming more complex and increasing in functionality, as well as
-with data sets which continue to increase in size, the issue of execution
-speed becomes more important.
-The \Cpp language offers a complementary set of attributes: while it has no
-built-in visualisation capabilities nor handling of linear algebra or
-statistical methods, user programs are converted to high-performance machine
-code ahead of execution.  It is also inherently flexible. One key feature is
-\textit{operator overloading} which allows the programmer to define custom
-behaviour for mathematical operators such as $+$, $-$, $*$
-\citep{Meyers:2005:EffectiveC++}.  \Cpp also provides language constructs
-known as {\it templates}, originally intended to easily allow the reuse of
-algorithms for various object types, and later extended to a programming
-construct in its own right called \textit{template meta-programming}
-Operator overloading allows mathematical operations to be extended to
-user-defined objects, such as matrices.  This in turn allows linear algebra
-expressions to be written in a more natural manner (eg.~\mbox{$X = 0.1*A +
-  0.2*B$}), rather than the far less readable traditional function call
-syntax, eg.~\mbox{$X = \mbox{\it add}(\mbox{\it multiply}(0.1,A), \mbox{\it
-    multiply}(0.2,B))$}.
-Template meta-programming is the process of inducing the \Cpp compiler to
-execute, at compile time, Turing-complete programs written in a somewhat
-opaque subset of the \Cpp language~\citep{Vandevoorde_2002,Abrahams_2004}.
-These meta-programs in effect generate further \Cpp code (often specialised
-for particular object types), which is finally converted into machine code.
-An early and influential example of exploiting both meta-programming and
-overloading of mathematical operators was provided by the Blitz++ library
-\citep{Veldhuizen:1998:Blitz}, targeted for efficient processing of arrays.
-Blitz++ employed elaborate meta-programming to avoid the generation of
-temporary array objects during the evaluation of mathematical expressions.
-However, the library's capabilities and usage were held back at the time by
-the limited availability of compilers correctly implementing all the
-necessary features and nuances of the \Cpp language.
-In this paper we present a new method of avoiding the speed penalty in R:
-using the Rcpp extension package \citep{Eddelbuettel+Francois:2011:Rcpp,
-  CRAN:Rcpp} in conjunction with the \pkg{Armadillo} \Cpp linear algebra
-library \citep{Sanderson:2010:Armadillo}.  In a similar manner to Blitz++,
-\pkg{Armadillo} uses operator overloading and various template
-meta-programming techniques to attain efficiency.  However, it has been
-written to target modern \Cpp compilers as well as providing a much larger
-set of linear algebra operations than Blitz++.  R programs augmented to use
-\pkg{Armadillo} retain the overall structure as well as readability, all
-while retaining a bidirectional link with the host R environment.
-We continue the paper as follows.  In Section~\ref{sec:arma} we provide an
-overview of the \pkg{Armadillo} \Cpp library, followed by its integration
-with the Rcpp extension package in Section~\ref{sec:rcpparma}.  In
-Section~\ref{sec:kalman} we provide an example of an R program and its
-conversion to \Cpp via the use of Rcpp and \pkg{Armadillo}.
-Section~\ref{sec:speed} provides an empirical timing comparison between the R
-and \Cpp versions.  We conclude the paper in Section~\ref{sec:conclusion}.
-The \pkg{Armadillo} \Cpp library provides vector, matrix and cube types
-(supporting integer, floating point and complex numbers) as well as a subset
-of trigonometric and statistics functions~\citep{Sanderson:2010:Armadillo}.
-In addition to elementary operations such as addition and matrix
-multiplication, various matrix factorisations and other commonly-used
-functions are provided.  The corresponding application programming interface
-(syntax) enables the programmer to write code which is both concise yet
-easy-to-read to those familiar with scripting languages such as
-\proglang{Matlab} and \proglang{R}.  Table~\ref{tab:arma} lists a few common
-Armadillo functions.
-Matrix multiplication and factorisations are accomplished through integration
-with the underlying operations stemming from standard numerical libraries
-such as BLAS and LAPACK~\citep{Demmel_1997}.  Similar to how environments
-such as R are implemented, these underlying libraries can be replaced in a
-transparent manner with variants that are optimised to the specific hardware
-platform and/or multi-threaded, to automatically take advantage of the
-now-common multi-core platforms~\citep{Kurzak_2010}.
-%% CS: Talking about cubes and fields currentlly seems like a digression...
-%%     However, cubes do add to the overall "meat" of the paper
-% Armadillo also provides cubes and fields. Cubes generalize matrices to three dimensions,
-% and (just like vectors and matrices) can contain either integer, floating-point or
-% complex types. Fields are similar to R list type as they allow the collection
-% of objects of types in a single variable.
-  \centering
-  \footnotesize
-  \begin{tabular}{ll}
-    \toprule
-    \textbf{Armadillo function} \phantom{XXXXXXX}    &  \textbf{Description}  \\
-    \midrule
-    \code{X(1,2) = 3} & Assign value 3 to element at location (1,2) of matrix $X$ \\ % DE shortened to fit on \textwidth
-    \code{X = A + B}    & Add matrices $A$ and $B$ \\
-    \code{X( span(1,2), span(3,4) )} & Provide read/write access to submatrix of $X$ \\
-    \code{zeros(rows [, cols [, slices]))} & Generate vector (or matrix or cube) of zeros\\
-    \code{ones(rows [, cols [, slices]))} & Generate vector (or matrix or cube) of ones\\
-    \code{eye(rows, cols)}  & Matrix diagonal set to 1, off-diagonal elements set to 0 \\
-    %\code{linspace(start, end, N=100)} & $N$ element vector with elements from start to end \\
-    \code{repmat(X, row_copies, col_copies)}  & Replicate matrix $X$ in block-like manner \\
-    \code{det(X)} & Returns the determinant of matrix $X$\\
-    %\code{dot(A, B)} & Dot-product of confirming vectors $A$ and $B$ \\
-    \code{norm(X, p)} & Compute the $p$-norm of matrix or vector $X$\\
-    \code{rank(X)} & Compute the rank of matrix $X$ \\
-    %\code{trace(X)} & Compute the trace of matrix $X$ \\
-    %\code{diagvec(X, k=0)} & Extracts the $k$-th diagnonal from matrix $X$\\
-    \code{min(X, dim=0)};~ \code{max(X, dim=0)} & Extremum value of each column~of $X$~(row if \code{dim=1}) \\
-    \code{trans(X)} ~or~ \code{X.t()} & Return transpose of $X$ \\
-    \code{R = chol(X)} & Cholesky decomposition of $X$ such that $R^{T} R = X$ \\
-    \code{inv(X)} ~or~ \code{X.i()} & Returns the inverse of square matrix $X$ \\
-    \code{pinv(X)} & Returns the pseudo-inverse of matrix $X$ \\
-    \code{lu(L, U, P, X)} & LU decomp.~with partial pivoting; also \code{lu(L, U, X)} \\
-    %\code{lu(L, U, P, X)} & LU decomposition with partial pivoting \\
-    \code{qr(Q, R, X)} & QR decomp.~into orthogonal $Q$ and right-triangular $R$\\
-    \code{X = solve(A, B)} & Solve system $AX = B$ for $X$ \\
-    \code{s = svd(X); svd(U, s, V, X)} & Singular-value decomposition of $X$ \\
-    \bottomrule
-  \end{tabular}
-\caption{Selected Armadillo functions with brief descriptions; see
-  \texttt{http://arma.sf.net/docs.html} for more complete
-  documentation. Several optional additional arguments have been omitted
-  here for brevity.}
-\pkg{Armadillo} uses a delayed evaluation approach to combine several
-operations into one and reduce (or eliminate) the need for temporary objects.
-In contrast to brute-force evaluations, delayed evaluation can provide
-considerable performance improvements as well as reduced memory usage.  The
-delayed evaluation machinery accomplished through template
-meta-programming~\citep{Vandevoorde_2002,Abrahams_2004}, where the \Cpp
-compiler is induced to reason about mathematical expressions at {\it compile
-  time}.  Where possible, the \Cpp compiler can generate machine code that is
-tailored for each expression.
-As an example of the possible efficiency gains, let us consider the
-expression \mbox{$X = A - B + C$}, where $A$, $B$ and $C$ are matrices.  A
-brute-force implementation would evaluate $A-B$ first and store the result in
-a temporary matrix $T$.  The next operation would be \mbox{$T + C$}, with the
-result finally stored in $X$.  The creation of the temporary matrix, and
-using two separate loops for the subtraction and addition of matrix elements
-is suboptimal from an efficiency point of view.
-Through the overloading of mathematical operators, \pkg{Armadillo} avoids the
-generation of the temporary matrix by first converting the expression into a
-set of lightweight \code{Glue} objects, which only store references to the
-matrices and Armadillo's representations of mathematical expressions
-(eg.~other \code{Glue} objects).  To indicate that an operation comprised of
-subtraction and addition is required, the exact type of the \code{Glue}
-objects is automatically inferred from the given expression through template
-meta-programming.  More specifically, given the expression \mbox{$X = A - B +
-  C$}, \pkg{Armadillo} automatically induces the compiler to generate an
-instance of the lightweight \code{Glue} storage object with the following
-\Cpp {\it type}:
-\centerline{\code{Glue< Glue<Mat, Mat, glue\_minus>, Mat, glue\_plus>}}
-where \code{Glue<...>} indicates that \code{Glue} is a C++ template class,
-with the items between `\code{<}' and `\code{>}' specifying template
-parameters; the outer \code{Glue<..., Mat, glue\_plus>} is the \code{Glue}
-object indicating an addition operation, storing a reference to a matrix as
-well as a reference to another \code{Glue} object; the inner \code{Glue<Mat,
-  Mat, glue\_minus>} stores references to two matrices and indicates a
-subtraction operation.  In both the inner and outer \code{Glue}, the type
-\code{Mat} specifies that a reference to matrix object is to be held.
-The expression evaluator in \pkg{Armadillo} is then automatically invoked
-through the ``\code{=}'' operation, which interprets (at compile time) the
-template parameters of the compound \code{Glue} object and generates \Cpp
-code equivalent to:
-\centerline{\code{for(int i=0; i<N; i++) \{ X[i] = (A[i] - B[i]) + C[i]; \}}}
-where $N$ is the number of elements in $A$, $B$ and $C$, with \code{A[i]}
-indicating the $i$-th element in $A$.  As such, apart from the lightweight
-\code{Glue} objects (for which memory is pre-allocated at compile time), no
-other temporary object is generated, and only one loop is required instead of
-two.  Given a sufficiently advanced \Cpp compiler, the lightweight
-\code{Glue} objects can be optimised away, as they are automatically
-generated by the compiler and only contain compile-time generated references;
-the resultant machine code can appear as if the \code{Glue} objects never
-existed in the first place.
-Note that due to the ability of the \code{Glue} object to hold references to
-other \code{Glue} objects, far longer and more complicated operations can be
-easily accommodated.  Further discussion is of template meta-programming is
-beyond the scope of this paper; for more details, the interested reader is
-referred to~\cite{Vandevoorde_2002} as well as~\cite{Abrahams_2004}.
-The \pkg{RcppArmadillo} package \citep{CRAN:RcppArmadillo} employs the Rcpp
-package \citep{Eddelbuettel+Francois:2011:Rcpp,CRAN:Rcpp} to provide a
-bidirectional interface between \R and \Cpp at the object level.  Using
-templates, \R objects such as vectors and matrices can be mapped directly to
-the corresponding \pkg{Armadillo} objects.
-Consider the simple example in Listing~\ref{code:RcppArmaEx}.  Given a
-vector, the \code{g()} function returns both the outer and inner products.
-We load the inline package \citep{CRAN:inline}, which provides
-\code{cxxfunction()} that we use to compile, link and load the \Cpp code
-which is passed as the \code{body} argument.  We declare the function
-signature to contain a single argument named `\code{vs}'.  On line six, this
-argument is used to instantiate an \pkg{Armadillo} column vector object named
-`\code{v}' (using the templated conversion function \code{as()} from Rcpp).
-In lines seven and eight, the outer and inner product of the column vector
-are calculated by appropriately multiplying the vector with its transpose.
-This shows how the \code{*} operator for multiplication has been overloaded
-to provide the appropriate operation for the types implemented by
-\pkg{Armadillo}.  The inner product creates a scalar variable, and in
-contrast to \R where each object is a vector type (even if of length one), we
-have to explicitly convert using \code{as_scalar()} to assign the value to a
-variable of type \code{double}.
-  caption={Example of integrating Armadillo based C++ code within R via the RcppArmadillo package.}}
-R> library(inline)
-R> g <- cxxfunction(signature(vs="numeric"),
-+                 plugin="RcppArmadillo", body='
-+     arma::vec v = Rcpp::as<arma::vec>(vs);
-+     arma::mat op = v * v.t();
-+     double ip = arma::as_scalar(v.t() * v);
-+     return Rcpp::List::create(Rcpp::Named("outer")=op,
-+                               Rcpp::Named("inner")=ip);
-R> g(7:11)
-     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
-[1,]   49   56   63   70   77
-[2,]   56   64   72   80   88
-[3,]   63   72   81   90   99
-[4,]   70   80   90  100  110
-[5,]   77   88   99  110  121
-[1] 415
-Finally, the last line creates an \R named list type containing both results.
-As a result of calling \code{cxxfunction()}, a new function is created. It
-contains a reference to the native code, compiled on the fly based on the
-\Cpp code provided to \code{cxxfunction()} and makes it available directly
-from \R under a user-assigned function name, here \code{g()}.  The listing
-also shows how the \code{Rcpp} and \code{arma} namespaces are used to
-disambiguate symbols from the different libraries; the \code{::} operator is
-already familiar to R programmers who use the NAMESPACE directive in \R in a
-similar fashion.
-The listing also demonstrates how the new function \code{g()} can be called
-with a suitable argument.  Here we create a vector of five elements,
-containing values ranging from 7 to 11.  The function's output, here the list
-containing both outer and inner product, is then displayed as it is not
-assigned to a variable.
-This simple example illustrates how \R objects can be transferred directly
-into corresponding \pkg{Armadillo} objects using the interface code provided
-by \pkg{Rcpp}.  It also shows how deployment of \pkg{RcppArmadillo} is
-straightforward, even for interactive work where functions can be compiled on
-the fly.  Similarly, usage in packages is also uncomplicated and follows the
-documentation provided with \pkg{Rcpp}~\citep{CRAN:Rcpp}.
-As of mid-2012, there are nineteen R packages on CRAN which deploy
-  \url{http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/RcppArmadillo/}}, showing both
-the usefulness of RcppArmadillo and its acceptance by the R community.
-\section{Kalman Filtering Example}
-The Kalman filter is ubiquitous in many engineering disciplines as well as in
-statistics and econometrics~\citep{Tusell:2010:Kalman}.  Even its simplest
-linear form, the Kalman filter can provide simple estimates by recursively
-applying linear updates which are robust to noise and can cope with missing
-data.  Moreover, the estimation process is lightweight and fast, and consumes
-only minimal amounts of memory as few state variables are required.
-We discuss a standard example below.  The (two-dimensional) position of an
-object is estimated based on past values.  A $6 \times 1$ state vector
-includes $X$ and $Y$ coordinates determining the position, two variables for
-speed (or velocity) $V_X$ and $V_Y$ relative to the two coordinates, as well
-as two acceleration variables $A_X$ and $A_Y$.
-We have the positions being updated as a function of the velocity
-   X  = X_0 + V_X dt
-   \mbox{\phantom{XX} and \phantom{XX}}
-   Y  =  Y_0 + V_Y dt
-and the velocity being updated as a function of the (unobserved) acceleration:
-   V_x  =  V_{X,0} + A_X dt
-   \mbox{\phantom{XX} and \phantom{XX}}
-   V_y  = V_{Y,0} + A_Y dt
-% \begin{eqnarray*}
-%   X   & = & X_0 + V_x dt \\
-%   Y   & = & Y_0 + V_y dt \\
-%   V_x & = & V_{x,0} + A_x dt \\
-%   V_y & = & V_{y,0} + A_y dt \\
-% \end{eqnarray*}
-With covariance matrices $Q$ and $R$ for (Gaussian) error terms, the standard
-Kalman filter estimation involves a linear prediction step resulting in a new
-predicted state vector, and a new covariance estimate.  This leads to a
-residuals vector and a covariance matrix for residuals which are used to
-determine the (optimal) Kalman gain, which is then used to update the state
-estimate and covariance matrix.
-All of these steps involve only matrix multiplication and inversions, making
-the algorithm very suitable for an fast implementation in any language which
-can use matrix expressions. An example for \proglang{Matlab} is provided on
-the Mathworks website.\footnote{See
-  \url{http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab-coder/demos.html?file=/products/demos/shipping/coder/coderdemo_kalman_filter.html}.}

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    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 4434

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