[Rcpp-commits] r3465 - pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Feb 5 17:05:56 CET 2012

Author: edd
Date: 2012-02-05 17:05:56 +0100 (Sun, 05 Feb 2012)
New Revision: 3465

this has not been used in a long time

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty	2012-02-04 23:25:20 UTC (rev 3464)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty	2012-02-05 16:05:56 UTC (rev 3465)
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `RJournal.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% RJournal.dtx  (with options: `package')
-\def\docdate {2009/05/05}
-%% Package `RJournal' to use with LaTeX2e
-%% Copyright (C) 2009 by the R Foundation
-%% Please report errors to KH or FL
-%% %% -*- LaTeX -*-
-                        RJournal package]
-\typeout{Package: `\filename\space\fileversion \@spaces <\filedate>'}
-\typeout{English documentation as of <\docdate>}
-\newboolean{RJ at driver}
-\DeclareOption{driver}{\setboolean{RJ at driver}{true}}
-\DeclareOption*{\PackageWarning{\filename}{Unknown option
-    `\CurrentOption'}}
-\ifthenelse{\boolean{RJ at driver}}{}{
-    colorlinks,%
-    citecolor=link,%
-    filecolor=link,%
-    linkcolor=link,%
-    urlcolor=link
-\newcommand{\volume}[1]{\def\RJ at volume{#1}}
-\newcommand{\volnumber}[1]{\def\RJ at number{#1}}
-\renewcommand{\date}[1]{\def\RJ at date{#1}}
-\renewcommand{\author}[1]{\def\RJ at author{#1}}
-\renewcommand{\title}[1]{\def\RJ at title{#1}}
-\newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{\def\RJ at subtitle{#1}}
-\newcommand{\sectionhead}[1]{\def\RJ at sectionhead{#1}}
-  \author{}\title{}\subtitle{}}{\end{multicols}}
-  \begin{multicols}{2}[\chapter{\RJ at title}\refstepcounter{chapter}][3cm]
-    \ifx\empty\RJ at subtitle\else\noindent\textbf{\RJ at subtitle}
-    \par\nobreak\addvspace{\baselineskip}\fi
-    \ifx\empty\RJ at author\else\noindent\textit{\RJ at author}
-    \par\nobreak\addvspace{\baselineskip}\fi
-    \@afterindentfalse\@nobreaktrue\@afterheading}
-    \textbf{Abstract } #1 \end{minipage}\end{center} \subsubsection{} \vspace{-12pt}}
-\renewcommand\chapter{\secdef\RJ at chapter\@schapter}
-  \hyphenpenalty=10000\exhyphenpenalty=10000\relax}
-\newcommand{\RJ at chapter}{%
-  \edef\name at of@eq{equation.\@arabic{\c at chapter}}%
-  \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{}%
-  \@startsection{chapter}{0}{0mm}{%
-    -2\baselineskip \@plus -\baselineskip \@minus -.2ex}{\p@}{%
-    \normalfont\Huge\bfseries\raggedright}%
-\renewcommand*\l at chapter{\@dottedtocline{0}{0pt}{1em}}
-  \def\@captype{figure}
-  \noindent
-  \begin{minipage}{\columnwidth}}{%
-  \end{minipage}\par\addvspace{\baselineskip}}
-\renewcommand{\theequation}{\@arabic\c at equation}
-\renewcommand{\thefigure}{\@arabic\c at figure}
-\renewcommand{\thetable}{\@arabic\c at table}
-\node[right,text width=15.5cm, draw=black, rounded corners=20pt,
-fill=white,inner sep=2em, very thick]
-  \begin{minipage}[t][16.5cm][c]{1.0\linewidth}
-  \section*{\contentsname}
- {
-  \@starttoc{toc}
- }
-  \end{minipage}
-  \noindent
-  \begin{center}
-    \fontsize{60pt}{60pt}\selectfont
-The \raisebox{-8pt}{\includegraphics[height=77pt]{Rlogo-4}}\hspace{10pt}
-    Journal
-  \end{center}
-{\large\hfill Volume \RJ at volume/\RJ at number, \RJ at date\qquad}
-  \rule{\textwidth}{1pt}
-{\Large A peer-reviewed, open-access publication of the R Foundation\\
-for Statistical Computing}
-  \fancyhf{}
-  \fancyhead[LO,RE]{\textsc{\RJ at sectionhead}}
-  \fancyhead[RO,LE]{\thepage}
-  \fancyfoot[L]{The R Journal Vol. \RJ at volume/\RJ at number, \RJ at date}
-  \fancyfoot[R]{ISSN 2073-4859}
-  \thispagestyle{empty}
-  \newpage\noindent
-  \begin{center}
-    \fontsize{15mm}{1mm}\selectfont
-    \includegraphics[height=15mm]{Rlogo}\hspace{7mm}
-    News
-  \end{center}
-  \rule{\textwidth}{.5pt}
-  \vspace{1cm}
-  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{R News}
-%%   sf &  almost european \\
-\newsavebox{\RJ at box}
-\newlength{\RJ at len}
-  \begin{figure*}[b]
-    \begin{center}
-      \noindent
-      \begin{lrbox}{\RJ at box}
-        \begin{minipage}{0.99\textwidth}}{%
-        \end{minipage}
-      \end{lrbox}
-      \addtolength{\RJ at len}{\fboxsep}
-      \addtolength{\RJ at len}{\fboxrule}
-      \hspace*{-\RJ at len}\fbox{\usebox{\RJ at box}}
-    \end{center}
-  \end{figure*}}
-  \def\verbatim at processline{%
-    {\setbox0=\hbox{\the\verbatim at line}%
-    \hsize=\wd0 \the\verbatim at line\par}}%
-  \@minipagetrue
-  \@tempswatrue
-  \setbox0=\vbox
-  \bgroup\small\verbatim
-  \endverbatim
-  \unskip\setbox0=\lastbox
-  \egroup
-  \fbox{\box0}
-} % \ifthenelse{\boolean{RJ at driver}}
-{{\normalfont\ttfamily\hyphenchar\font=-1 #1}}%
-{{\normalfont\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}%
-  \mathop{\operator at font#1}\nolimits}
-  \mathop{\operator at font I\hspace{-1.5pt}P\hspace{.13pt}}}
-  \mathop{\operator at font I\hspace{-1.5pt}E\hspace{.13pt}}}
-%% End of file `RJournal.sty'.

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