[Rcpp-commits] r3283 - pkg/RcppEigen/vignettes

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Sat Nov 5 03:09:08 CET 2011

Author: edd
Date: 2011-11-05 03:09:08 +0100 (Sat, 05 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 3283

committed after just adding

Added: pkg/RcppEigen/vignettes/RcppEigen-intro-jss.tex
--- pkg/RcppEigen/vignettes/RcppEigen-intro-jss.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/vignettes/RcppEigen-intro-jss.tex	2011-11-05 02:09:08 UTC (rev 3283)
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+%\VignetteKeywords{linear algebra, template programming, C++, R, Rcpp}
+\newcommand{\R}{\proglang{R}\ } % NB forces a space so not good before % fullstop etc.
+\newcommand{\Cpp}{\proglang{C++}\ }
+\author{Douglas Bates\\U Wisconsin/Madison \And Dirk Eddelbuettel\\Debian Project \And Romain Fran\c{c}ois\\R Enthusiasts}
+\title{An Introduction to \pkg{RcppEigen}}
+\Plainauthor{Douglas Bates, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Romain Fran\c{c}ois} 
+\Plaintitle{An Introduction to RcppEigen}
+\Shorttitle{An Introduction to RcppEigen}
+  \noindent
+  \noindent
+  The \pkg{RcppEigen} package provides access from \proglang{R}
+  \citep{R:Main} to the \pkg{Eigen} \citep*{Eigen:Web} \proglang{C++}
+  template library for numerical linear algebra. \pkg{Rcpp}
+  \citep{JSS:Rcpp,CRAN:Rcpp} classes and specializations of the
+  \proglang{C++} templated functions \code{as} and \code{wrap} from
+  \pkg{Rcpp} provide the ``glue'' for passing objects from \proglang{R} to
+  \proglang{C++} and back.  
+\Keywords{Linear algebra, template programming, \proglang{R}, \proglang{C++}, \pkg{Rcpp}} %% at least one keyword must be supplied
+\Plainkeywords{Linear algebra, template programmig, R, C++, Rcpp} %% without formatting
+  Douglas Bates \\
+  Department of Statistics \\
+  University of Wisconsin - Madison \\
+  Madison, WI, USA \\
+  E-mail: \email{bates at stat.wisc.edu} \\
+  URL: \url{http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/}\\
+  Dirk Eddelbuettel \\
+  Debian Project \\
+  River Forest, IL, USA\\
+  E-mail: \email{edd at debian.org}\\
+  URL: \url{http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com}\\
+  Romain Fran\c{c}ois\\
+  Professional R Enthusiast\\
+  1 rue du Puits du Temple, 34 000 Montpellier\\
+  FRANCE \\
+  E-mail: \email{romain at r-enthusiasts.com}\\
+  URL: \url{http://romainfrancois.blog.free.fr}
+%% need no \usepackage{Sweave.sty}
+%% highlights macros
+%% Style definition file generated by highlight 2.7, http://www.andre-simon.de/
+% Highlighting theme definition:
+%green: \newcommand{\hlstr}[1]{\textcolor[rgb]{0.13,0.67,0.13}{#1}} % 0.74 -> % 0.90; 0.55 -> 0.25
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Linear algebra is an essential building block of statistical computing.
+Operations such as matrix decompositions, linear program solvers, and
+eigenvalue / eigenvector computations are used in many estimation and
+analysis routines. As such, libraries supporting linear algebra have long been
+provided by statistical programmers for different programming languages and
+environments. \proglang{C++}, one of the central modern languages for numerical
+and statistical computing, can be extended particularly well due to its
+object-oriented nature, and numerous class libraries providing linear algebra
+routines have been written over the years.
+% Could cite Eddelbuettel (1996) here, but a real survey would be better.
+As both the \proglang{C++} language and standards have evolved
+\citep{Meyers:2005:EffectiveC++,Meyers:1995:MoreEffectiveC++}, so have the
+compilers implementing the language.  Relatively modern language constructs
+such as template meta-programming are particularly useful. It provides both
+overloading of operations (allowing expressive code in the compiled language
+similar to what can be done in scripting languages) and can shift some of the
+computational burden from the run-time to the compile-time (though a more
+detailed discussions of template programming is however beyond this
+paper). \cite{Veldhuizen:1998:Blitz} provided an early and influential
+implementation that already demonstrated key features of this approach.  Its
+usage however was held back at the time by the somewhat limited availability
+of compilers implementing all necessary features of the \proglang{C++}
+This situation has greatly improved over the last decade, and many more such
+libraries have been contributed. One such \proglang{C++} library is
+\pkg{Eigen} by \citet*{Eigen:Web}. \pkg{Eigen} started as a sub-project to
+KDE (a popular Linux desktop environment), initially focussing on fixed-size
+matrices which are projections in a visualization application. \pkg{Eigen}
+grew from there and has over the course of about a decade produced three
+major releases with ``Eigen3'' being the current version.
+\pkg{Eigen} is of interest as the \proglang{R} system for statistical
+computation and graphics \citep{R:Main} is itself easily extensible. This is
+particular true via the \proglang{C} language that most of \proglang{R}'s
+compiled core parts are written in, but also for the \proglang{C++} language
+which can interface with \proglang{C}-based systems rather easily. The manual
+``Writing R Extensions'' \citep{R:Extensions} is the basic reference for
+extending \proglang{R} with either \proglang{C} or \proglang{C++}.
+The \pkg{Rcpp} package by \citet{JSS:Rcpp,CRAN:Rcpp} facilitates extending
+\proglang{R} with \proglang{C++} code by providing seamless object mapping
+between both languages.
+As stated in the \pkg{Rcpp} \citep{CRAN:Rcpp} vignette, ``Extending \pkg{Rcpp}''
+  \pkg{Rcpp} facilitates data interchange between \proglang{R} and
+  \proglang{C++} through the templated functions \texttt{Rcpp::as} (for
+  conversion of objects from \proglang{R} to \proglang{C++}) and
+  \texttt{Rcpp::wrap} (for conversion from \proglang{C++} to \proglang{R}).
+The \pkg{RcppEigen} package provides the header files composing the
+\pkg{Eigen} \proglang{C++} template library and implementations of
+\texttt{Rcpp::as} and \texttt{Rcpp::wrap} for the \proglang{C++}
+classes defined in \pkg{Eigen}.
+The \pkg{Eigen} classes themselves provide high-performance,
+versatile and comprehensive representations of dense and sparse
+matrices and vectors, as well as decompositions and other functions
+to be applied to these objects.  The next section introduces some
+of these classes and shows how to interface to them from \proglang{R}.
+\section{Eigen classes}
+\pkg{Eigen} \citep*{Eigen:Web} is a \proglang{C++} template
+library providing classes for many forms of matrices, vectors, arrays
+and decompositions.  These classes are flexible and comprehensive
+allowing for both high performance and well structured code
+representing high-level operations. \proglang{C++} code based on Eigen
+is often more like \proglang{R} code, working on the ``whole object'',
+rather than compiled code in other languages where operations often must be
+coded in loops.
+As in many \proglang{C++} template libraries using template meta-programming
+\citep{Abrahams+Gurtovoy:2004:TemplateMetaprogramming}, the templates
+themselves can be very complicated.  However, \pkg{Eigen} provides
+\code{typedef}s for common classes that correspond to \proglang{R} matrices and
+vectors, as shown in Table~\ref{tab:REigen}, and this paper will use these
+\code{typedef}s throughout this document.
+  \caption{Correspondence between R matrix and vector types and classes in the \code{Eigen} namespace.}
+  \label{tab:REigen}
+  \centering
+  \begin{tabular}{l l}
+    \toprule
+    \multicolumn{1}{c}{\proglang{R} object type} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{\pkg{Eigen} class typedef}\\
+    \midrule
+    numeric matrix                          & \code{MatrixXd}\\
+    integer matrix                          & \code{MatrixXi}\\
+    complex matrix                          & \code{MatrixXcd}\\
+    numeric vector                          & \code{VectorXd}\\
+    integer vector                          & \code{VectorXi}\\
+    complex vector                          & \code{VectorXcd}\\
+    \code{Matrix::dgCMatrix} \phantom{XXX}  & \code{SparseMatrix<double>}\\
+    \bottomrule
+  \end{tabular}
+The \proglang{C++} classes shown in Table~\ref{tab:REigen} are in the
+\code{Eigen} namespace, which means that they must be written as
+\code{Eigen::MatrixXd}.  However, if one prefaces the use of these class
+names with a declaration like
+%% Alternatively, use 'highlight --enclose-pre --no-doc --latex --style=emacs --syntax=C++'
+%% as the command invoked from C-u M-|
+%% For version 3.5 of highlight this should be
+%%  highlight --enclose-pre --no-doc --out-format=latex --syntax=C++
+%% keep one copy to redo later
+%% using Eigen::MatrixXd;
+  \noindent
+  \ttfamily
+  \hlstd{}\hlkwa{using\ }\hlstd{Eigen}\hlopt{::}\hlstd{MatrixXd}\hlopt{;}\hlstd{}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \mbox{}
+  \normalfont
+  \normalsize
+then one can use these names without the namespace qualifier.
+\subsection{Mapped matrices in Eigen}
+Storage for the contents of matrices from the classes shown in
+Table~\ref{tab:REigen} is allocated and controlled by the class
+constructors and destructors.  Creating an instance of such a class
+from an \proglang{R} object involves copying its contents.  An
+alternative is to have the contents of the \proglang{R} matrix or
+vector mapped to the contents of the object from the Eigen class.  For
+dense matrices one can use the Eigen templated class \code{Map}, and for
+sparse matrices one can deploy the Eigen templated class \code{MappedSparseMatrix}.
+One must, of course, be careful not to modify the contents of the
+\proglang{R} object in the \proglang{C++} code.  A recommended
+practice is always to declare mapped objects as {\ttfamily\hlkwb{const}\normalfont}.
+\subsection{Arrays in Eigen}
+For matrix and vector classes \pkg{Eigen} overloads the \texttt{`*'}
+operator to indicate matrix multiplication.  Occasionally
+component-wise operations instead of matrix operations are preferred.  The
+\code{Array} templated classes are used in \pkg{Eigen} for
+component-wise operations.  Most often the \code{array()} method is used
+for Matrix or Vector objects to create the array.  On those occasions
+when one wishes to convert an array to a matrix or vector object
+the \code{matrix()} method is used.
+\subsection{Structured matrices in \pkg{Eigen}}
+There are \pkg{Eigen} classes for matrices with special structure such
+as symmetric matrices, triangular matrices and banded matrices.  For
+dense matrices, these special structures are described as ``views'',
+meaning that the full dense matrix is stored but only part of the
+matrix is used in operations.  For a symmetric matrix one needs to
+specify whether the lower triangle or the upper triangle is to be used as
+the contents, with the other triangle defined by the implicit symmetry.
+\section{Some simple examples}
+\proglang{C++} functions to perform simple operations on matrices or
+vectors can follow a pattern of:
+\item Map the \proglang{R} objects passed as arguments into Eigen objects.
+\item Create the result.
+\item Return \code{Rcpp::wrap} applied to the result.
+An idiom for the first step is
+% using Eigen::Map;
+% using Eigen::MatrixXd;
+% using Rcpp::as;
+% const Map<MatrixXd>  A(as<Map<MatrixXd> >(AA));
+  \noindent
+  \ttfamily
+  \hlstd{}\hlkwa{using\ }\hlstd{Eigen}\hlsym{::}\hlstd{Map}\hlsym{;}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \hlstd{}\hlkwa{using\ }\hlstd{Eigen}\hlsym{::}\hlstd{MatrixXd}\hlsym{;}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \hlstd{}\hlkwa{using\ }\hlstd{Rcpp}\hlsym{::}\hlstd{as}\hlsym{;}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \hlstd{}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \hlkwb{const\ }\hlstd{Map}\hlsym{$<$}\hlstd{MatrixXd}\hlsym{$>$}\hlstd{\ \ }\hlsym{}\hlstd{}\hlkwd{A}\hlstd{}\hlsym{(}\hlstd{as}\hlsym{$<$}\hlstd{Map}\hlsym{$<$}\hlstd{MatrixXd}\hlsym{$>$\ $>$(}\hlstd{AA}\hlsym{));}\hlstd{}\hspace*{\fill}\\
+  \mbox{}
+  \normalfont
+where \code{AA} is the name of the R object (called an \code{SEXP} in
+\proglang{C} and \proglang{C++}) passed to the \proglang{C++} function.
+The \code{cxxfunction} from the \pkg{inline} package \citep*{CRAN:inline} for
+\proglang{R} and its \pkg{RcppEigen} plugin provide a convenient way of
+developing and debugging the \proglang{C++} code.  For actual production code
+one generally incorporates the \proglang{C++} source code files in a package
+and include the line \code{LinkingTo: Rcpp, RcppEigen} in the package's
+\code{DESCRIPTION} file.  The \code{RcppEigen.package.skeleton} function
+provides a quick way of generating the skeleton of a package using
+\pkg{RcppEigen} facilities.
+The \code{cxxfunction} with the \code{"Rcpp"} or \code{"RcppEigen"}
+plugins has the \code{as} and \code{wrap} functions already defined as
+\code{Rcpp::as} and \code{Rcpp::wrap}.  In the examples below
+these declarations are omitted.  It is important to remember that they are
+needed in actual \proglang{C++} source code for a package.
+The first few examples are simply for illustration as the operations
+shown could be more effectively performed directly in \proglang{R}.
+Finally, the results from \pkg{Eigen} are compared to those from the direct
+\proglang{R} results.
+%%% Local Variables: 
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: 

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