[Rcpp-commits] r3094 - in pkg/RcppEigen: R inst/unitTests man src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Jun 21 04:28:06 CEST 2011

Author: dmbates
Date: 2011-06-21 04:28:02 +0200 (Tue, 21 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 3094

Refactoring of the fastLm code to allow algorithms to be added easily.  Adjust docs and R code accordingly.

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/R/fastLm.R
--- pkg/RcppEigen/R/fastLm.R	2011-06-17 18:32:54 UTC (rev 3093)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/R/fastLm.R	2011-06-21 02:28:02 UTC (rev 3094)
@@ -17,22 +17,21 @@
 ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ## along with RcppEigen.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-fastLmPure <- function(X, y) {
+fastLmPure <- function(X, y, method = 0L) {
     stopifnot(is.matrix(X), is.numeric(y), NROW(y)==nrow(X))
-    .Call("fastLm", X, y, package="RcppEigen")
+    .Call("fastLm", X, y, as.integer(method[1]), PACKAGE="RcppEigen")
 fastLm <- function(X, ...) UseMethod("fastLm")
-fastLm.default <- function(X, y, ...) {
+fastLm.default <- function(X, y, method = 0L, ...) {
     X <- as.matrix(X)
     y <- as.numeric(y)
-    res <- fastLmPure(X, y)
-    names(res$coefficients) <- colnames(X)
+    res <- fastLmPure(X, y, as.integer(method[1]))
     res$call <- match.call()
     class(res) <- "fastLm"
@@ -47,13 +46,14 @@
 summary.fastLm <- function(object, ...) {
-    se <- object$stderr
-    tval <- coef(object)/se
+    coef <- object$coefficients
+    se   <- object$se
+    tval <- coef/se
-    object$coefficients <- cbind(Estimate = object$coefficients,
-                                 StdErr   = se,
-                                 t.value  = tval,
-                                 p.value  = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df=object$df))
+    object$coefficients <- cbind(Estimate     = coef,
+                                 "Std. Error" = se,
+                                 "t value"    = tval,
+                                 "Pr(>|t|)"   = 2*pt(-abs(tval), df=object$df))
     ## cf src/stats/R/lm.R and case with no weights and an intercept
     f <- object$fitted.values
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
     printCoefmat(x$coefficients, P.values=TRUE, has.Pvalue=TRUE)
     digits <- max(3, getOption("digits") - 3)
-    cat("\nResidual standard error: ", formatC(x$s, digits=digits), " on ",
+    cat("\nResidual standard error: ", formatC(sqrt(x$s2), digits=digits), " on ",
         formatC(x$df), " degrees of freedom\n", sep="")
     cat("Multiple R-squared: ", formatC(x$r.squared, digits=digits),
         ",\tAdjusted R-squared: ",formatC(x$adj.r.squared, digits=digits),
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@
-fastLm.formula <- function(formula, data=list(), ...) {
+fastLm.formula <- function(formula, data=list(), method = 0L, ...) {
     mf <- model.frame(formula=formula, data=data)
     X <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data=mf)
     y <- model.response(mf)
-    res <- fastLm.default(X, y, ...)
+    res <- fastLm.default(X, y, method=method, ...)
     res$call <- match.call()
     # I think this is redundant.  The formula is available as res$call$formula
     res$formula <- formula

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.fastLm.R
--- pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.fastLm.R	2011-06-17 18:32:54 UTC (rev 3093)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.fastLm.R	2011-06-21 02:28:02 UTC (rev 3094)
@@ -24,67 +24,43 @@
 test.fastLm <- function() {
     data(trees, package="datasets")
-    flm <- .Call("fastLm",
-                 cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
-                 log(trees$Volume),
-                 package="RcppEigen")
+    flm0 <- .Call("fastLm",
+                  cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
+                  log(trees$Volume), 0L,
+                  PACKAGE="RcppEigen")
+    flm1 <- .Call("fastLm",
+                  cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
+                  log(trees$Volume), 1L,
+                  PACKAGE="RcppEigen")
+    flm2 <- .Call("fastLm",
+                  cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
+                  log(trees$Volume), 2L,
+                  PACKAGE="RcppEigen")
+    flm3 <- .Call("fastLm",
+                  cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
+                  log(trees$Volume), 3L,
+                  PACKAGE="RcppEigen")
     fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$coefficients), as.numeric(coef(fit)),
-                msg="fastLm.coef")
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$stderr), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),
-                msg="fastLm.stderr")
+    fitCoef <- unname(coef(fit))
+    fitStdErr <- unname(coef(summary(fit))[, "Std. Error", drop = TRUE])
+    checkEquals(flm0$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm0.coef")
+    checkEquals(flm0$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm0.stderr")
+    checkEquals(flm1$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm1.coef")
+    checkEquals(flm1$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm1.stderr")
+    checkEquals(flm2$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm2.coef")
+    checkEquals(flm2$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm2.stderr")
+    checkEquals(flm3$coefficients, fitCoef, msg="fastLm3.coef")
+    checkEquals(flm3$se, fitStdErr, msg="fastLm3.stderr")
-test.fastLm.Bench <- function() {
-    data(trees, package="datasets")
-    flm <- .Call("fastLmBench",
-                 cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
-                 log(trees$Volume),
-                 package="RcppEigen")
-    fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$coefficients), as.numeric(coef(fit)),
-                msg="fastLm.coef")
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$se), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),
-                msg="fastLm.stderr")
-test.fastLm.Chol1 <- function() {
-    data(trees, package="datasets")
-    flm <- .Call("fastLmChol1",
-                 cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
-                 log(trees$Volume),
-                 package="RcppEigen")
-    fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$coefficients), as.numeric(coef(fit)),
-                msg="fastLm.coef")
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$se), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),
-                msg="fastLm.stderr")
-test.fastLm.Chol2 <- function() {
-    data(trees, package="datasets")
-    flm <- .Call("fastLmChol2",
-                 cbind(1, log(trees$Girth)),
-                 log(trees$Volume),
-                 package="RcppEigen")
-    fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$coefficients), as.numeric(coef(fit)),
-                msg="fastLm.coef")
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$se), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),
-                msg="fastLm.stderr")
 test.fastLm.formula <- function() {
     data(trees, package="datasets")
     flm <- fastLm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
     fit <- lm(log(Volume) ~ log(Girth), data=trees)
     checkEquals(flm$coefficients, coef(fit), msg="fastLm.formula.coef")
-    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$stderr), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),
+    checkEquals(as.numeric(flm$se), as.numeric(coef(summary(fit))[,2]),

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/man/fastLm.Rd
--- pkg/RcppEigen/man/fastLm.Rd	2011-06-17 18:32:54 UTC (rev 3093)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/man/fastLm.Rd	2011-06-21 02:28:02 UTC (rev 3094)
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@
 \title{Bare-bones linear model fitting function}
-  \code{fastLm} estimates the linear model using the a column-pivoted QR
-  decomposition from the \code{Eigen} linear algebra library.
+  \code{fastLm} estimates the linear model using one of several methods
+  implemented using the \code{Eigen} linear algebra library.
-fastLmPure(X, y)
+fastLmPure(X, y, method = 0L)
 fastLm(X, \dots)
-\method{fastLm}{default}(X, y, \dots)
-\method{fastLm}{formula}(formula, data = list(), \dots)
+\method{fastLm}{default}(X, y, method = 0L, \dots)
+\method{fastLm}{formula}(formula, data = list(), method = 0L, \dots)
@@ -32,6 +32,10 @@
     variables are taken from \code{environment(formula)},
     typically the environment from which \code{lm} is called.}
+  \item{method}{an integer scalar with value 0 for the column-pivoted QR
+    decomposition, 1 for the unpivoted QR decomposition, 2 for the LLT
+    Cholesky, 3 for the LDLT Cholesky.  Default is zero.}
   \item{\dots}{not used}

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.cpp
--- pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.cpp	2011-06-17 18:32:54 UTC (rev 3093)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.cpp	2011-06-21 02:28:02 UTC (rev 3094)
@@ -20,62 +20,127 @@
 // in file.path(R.home("share"), "licenses").  If not, see
 // <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <RcppEigen.h>
+#include "fastLm.h"
-extern "C" SEXP fastLm(SEXP Xs, SEXP ys) {
-    using namespace Eigen;
-    using namespace Rcpp;
+using namespace Rcpp;
+lm::lm(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y) :
+    m_n(X.rows()), m_p(X.cols()), m_coef(m_p), m_r(NA_INTEGER), m_df(m_n - m_p),
+    m_perm(m_p), m_fitted(m_n), m_unsc(m_p, m_p) {}
+ColPivQR::ColPivQR(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y) : lm(X, y) {
+    PivQRType           PQR(X);	// decompose the model matrix
+    PermutationType    Pmat = PQR.colsPermutation();
+    m_perm                  = Pmat.indices();
+    m_r                     = PQR.rank();
+    m_df                    = m_n - m_r;
+    MatrixXd              R = PQR.matrixQR().topLeftCorner(m_p, m_p);
+    if (m_r < (int)m_p) {		// The rank-deficient case
+	int           nsing = m_p - m_r;
+	MatrixXd     Atrunc = (X * Pmat).leftCols(m_r);
+	QRType           QR(Atrunc);
+	VectorXd  coefTrunc = QR.solve(y);
+	m_fitted            = Atrunc * coefTrunc;
+	m_coef.topRows(m_r) = coefTrunc;
+	std::fill(m_coef.data() + m_r, m_coef.data() + m_p, NA_REAL);
+	m_coef              = Pmat * m_coef;
+	MatrixXd     Rtrunc = R.topLeftCorner(m_r, m_r);
+	MatrixXd  Rinvtrunc = Rtrunc.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_r, m_r));
+	m_unsc.topLeftCorner(m_r, m_r) = Rtrunc.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().rankUpdate(Rinvtrunc);
+	m_unsc.rightCols(nsing).fill(NA_REAL);
+	m_unsc.bottomRows(nsing).fill(NA_REAL);
+    } else {			// full rank
+	MatrixXd       Rinv = R.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_p, m_p));
+	m_unsc              = R.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().rankUpdate(Rinv);
+	m_coef              = PQR.solve(y); 
+	m_fitted            = X * m_coef;
+    }
+QR::QR(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y) : lm(X, y) {
+    QRType     QR(X);
+    m_coef        = QR.solve(y);
+    m_fitted      = X * m_coef;
+    MatrixXd    R = QR.matrixQR().topLeftCorner(m_p, m_p);
+    MatrixXd Rinv = R.triangularView<Eigen::Upper>().solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_p, m_p));
+    m_unsc        = R.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>().rankUpdate(Rinv);
+    for (Index i = 0; i < m_p; ++i) m_perm[i] = i;
+LLT::LLT(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y) : lm(X, y) {
+    LLTType  Ch(m_unsc.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>().rankUpdate(X.adjoint()));
+    m_coef      = Ch.solve(X.adjoint() * y);
+    m_fitted    = X * m_coef;
+    m_unsc      = Ch.solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_p, m_p));
+    for (Index i = 0; i < m_p; ++i) m_perm[i] = i;
+LDLT::LDLT(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y) : lm(X, y) {
+    LDLTType Ch(m_unsc.setZero().selfadjointView<Eigen::Lower>().rankUpdate(X.adjoint()));
+    m_coef      = Ch.solve(X.adjoint() * y);
+    for (Index i = 0; i < m_p; ++i) m_perm[i] = i; // for now.  Maybe add a boolean flag to indicate if unsc is already reordered
+//    m_perm      = PermutationType(Ch.transpositionsP()).indices();
+    m_fitted    = X * m_coef;
+    m_unsc      = Ch.solve(MatrixXd::Identity(m_p, m_p));
+enum {ColPivQR_t = 0, QR_t, LDLT_t, LLT_t, SVD_t, SymmEigen_t};
+static inline lm do_lm(const MMatrixXd &X, const MVectorXd &y, int type)
+    throw (std::invalid_argument) {
+    switch(type) {
+    case ColPivQR_t:
+	return ColPivQR(X, y);
+    case QR_t:
+	return QR(X, y);
+    case LLT_t:
+	return LLT(X, y);
+    case LDLT_t:
+	return LDLT(X, y);
+    // case SVD_t:
+    // 	return SVD(X, y);
+    // case SymmEigen_t:
+    // 	return SymmEigen(X, y);
+    }
+    throw std::invalid_argument("invalid type");
+    return ColPivQR(X, y);	// -Wall
+extern "C" SEXP fastLm(SEXP Xs, SEXP ys, SEXP type) {
     try {
-	NumericMatrix X(Xs);
-	NumericVector y(ys);
-	size_t n = X.nrow(), p = X.ncol();
-	if ((size_t)y.size() != n)
+	const NumericMatrix    X(Xs);
+	const NumericVector    y(ys);
+	Index    n = X.nrow(), p = X.ncol();
+	if ((Index)y.size() != n)
 	    throw std::invalid_argument("size mismatch");
+	const MVectorXd       yy(y.begin(), n);
+	lm                   ans = do_lm(MMatrixXd(X.begin(), n, p), yy, as<int>(type));
-	MatrixXd A = Map<MatrixXd>(X.begin(), n, p); // shares storage
-	VectorXd b = Map<VectorXd>(y.begin(), n);
-	ColPivHouseholderQR<MatrixXd> mqr(A);      // decompose the model matrix
-	size_t        r = mqr.rank();
-	ptrdiff_t    df = n - r;
-	VectorXd   coef(p);
-	VectorXd fitted(n);
-	VectorXd     se(p);
-	MatrixXd   Rinv;
-	if (r < p) {		// Handle the rank-deficient case
-	    MatrixXd Atrunc = (A * mqr.colsPermutation()).leftCols(r);
-	    HouseholderQR<MatrixXd> QR(Atrunc);
-	    VectorXd coefTrunc = QR.solve(b);
-	    fitted = Atrunc * coefTrunc;
-	    MatrixXd   R = QR.matrixQR().topLeftCorner(r, r);
-	    Rinv = TriangularView<MatrixXd, Upper>(R).solve(MatrixXd::Identity(r, r));
-	    coef.topRows(r) = coefTrunc;
-	    std::fill(coef.data() + r, coef.data() + p,
-		      std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
-	    coef = mqr.colsPermutation() * coef;
-	    std::fill(se.data() + r, se.data() + p,
-		      std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN());
-	} else {
-	    coef = mqr.solve(b); 
-	    fitted = A * coef;
-	    MatrixXd  R = mqr.matrixQR().topRows(p);
-	    Rinv = TriangularView<MatrixXd, Upper>(R).solve(MatrixXd::Identity(p, p));
-	}
-	VectorXd      res = b - fitted;
-	double          s = std::sqrt(res.squaredNorm()/df);
-	se.topRows(r) = Rinv.rowwise().norm() * s;
-	se = mqr.colsPermutation() * se;
+	NumericVector       coef(ans.coef().data(), ans.coef().data() + p);
+				// install the names, if available
+	List            dimnames = X.attr("dimnames");
+	RObject         colnames = dimnames[1];
+	if (!(colnames).isNULL())
+	    coef.attr("names") = clone(CharacterVector(colnames));
+	VectorXd           resid = yy - ans.fitted();
+	double                s2 = resid.squaredNorm()/ans.df();
+	PermutationType     Pmat = PermutationType(p);
+	Pmat.indices()           = ans.perm();
+	VectorXd              dd = Pmat * ans.unsc().diagonal();
+	ArrayXd               se = (dd.array() * s2).sqrt();
 	return List::create(_["coefficients"]  = coef,
-			    _["rank"]          = r,
-			    _["df.residual"]   = df,
-			    _["perm"]          = mqr.colsPermutation().indices(),
-			    _["stderr"]        = se,
-			    _["s"]             = s,
-			    _["residuals"]     = res,
-			    _["fitted.values"] = fitted,
-			    _["Rinv"]          = Rinv
-	    );
+			    _["se"]            = se,
+			    _["rank"]          = ans.rank(),
+			    _["df.residual"]   = ans.df(),
+			    _["perm"]          = IntegerVector(ans.perm().data(), ans.perm().data() + p),
+			    _["residuals"]     = resid,
+			    _["s2"]            = s2,
+			    _["fitted.values"] = ans.fitted(),
+			    _["unsc"]          = ans.unsc());
     } catch( std::exception &ex ) {
 	forward_exception_to_r( ex );
     } catch(...) { 
@@ -84,14 +149,15 @@
     return R_NilValue; // -Wall
+#if 0
 extern "C" SEXP fastLmBench(SEXP Xs, SEXP ys) {
     using namespace Eigen;
     using namespace Rcpp;
     try {
 	NumericMatrix X(Xs);
 	NumericVector y(ys);
-	size_t        n = X.nrow(), p = X.ncol();
-	ptrdiff_t    df = n - p;
+	Indices       n = X.nrow(), p = X.ncol();
+	int          df = n - p;
 	if ((size_t)y.size() != n)
 	    throw std::invalid_argument("size mismatch");
@@ -164,7 +230,7 @@
 	MatrixXd        A = Map<MatrixXd>(X.begin(), n, p); // shares storage
 	VectorXd        b = Map<VectorXd>(y.begin(), n);
-	LDLT<MatrixXd> Ch(SelfAdjointView<MatrixXd, Lower>(MatrixXd::Zero(p, p)).rankUpdate(A.adjoint()));
+	LDLT           Ch(MatrixXd::Zero(p, p).selfAdjointView(Eigen::Lower).rankUpdate(A.adjoint()));
 	VectorXd     coef = Ch.solve(A.adjoint() * b);
 	double         s2 = (b - A*coef).squaredNorm()/df;
@@ -215,3 +281,4 @@
     return R_NilValue; // -Wall

Added: pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.h
--- pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/src/fastLm.h	2011-06-21 02:28:02 UTC (rev 3094)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8 -*-
+#include <RcppEigen.h>
+				// Basic matrix, vector and array types
+typedef Eigen::MatrixXd                                MatrixXd;
+typedef Eigen::VectorXd                                VectorXd;
+typedef Eigen::VectorXi                                VectorXi;
+typedef Eigen::ArrayXd                                 ArrayXd;
+typedef Eigen::ArrayXXd                                ArrayXXd;
+typedef Eigen::ArrayXi                                 ArrayXi;
+typedef Eigen::ArrayXXi                                ArrayXXi;
+typedef typename MatrixXd::Index                       Index;
+				// Mapped matrix and vector types (share storage)
+typedef Eigen::Map<MatrixXd>                           MMatrixXd;
+typedef Eigen::Map<VectorXd>                           MVectorXd;
+				// Views
+typedef Eigen::TriangularView<MatrixXd, Eigen::Upper>  UpperTri;
+typedef Eigen::TriangularView<MatrixXd, Eigen::Lower>  LowerTri;
+typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointView<MatrixXd, Eigen::Upper> UpperSym;
+typedef Eigen::SelfAdjointView<MatrixXd, Eigen::Lower> LowerSym;
+				// Decomposition types
+typedef Eigen::LLT<MatrixXd>                           LLTType;
+typedef Eigen::LDLT<MatrixXd>                          LDLTType;
+typedef Eigen::ColPivHouseholderQR<MatrixXd>           PivQRType;
+typedef Eigen::HouseholderQR<MatrixXd>                 QRType;
+typedef Eigen::JacobiSVD<MatrixXd>                     SVDType;
+				// Types derived from decompositions
+typedef typename PivQRType::PermutationType            PermutationType;
+typedef typename PermutationType::IndicesType          IndicesType;
+class lm {
+    Index        m_n;	   /**< number of rows */
+    Index        m_p;	   /**< number of columns */
+    VectorXd     m_coef;   /**< coefficient vector */
+    int          m_r;	   /**< computed rank or NA_INTEGER */
+    int          m_df;	   /**< residual degrees of freedom */
+    IndicesType  m_perm;   /**< column permutation */
+    VectorXd     m_fitted; /**< vector of fitted values */
+    MatrixXd     m_unsc;   /**< unscaled variance-covariance matrix */
+    lm(const MMatrixXd&, const MVectorXd&);
+    const VectorXd&    coef() const {return m_coef;}
+    int                rank() const {return m_r;}
+    int                  df() const {return m_df;}
+    const IndicesType& perm() const {return m_perm;}
+    const VectorXd&  fitted() const {return m_fitted;}
+    const MatrixXd&    unsc() const {return m_unsc;}
+class ColPivQR : public lm {
+    ColPivQR(const MMatrixXd&, const MVectorXd&);
+class LLT : public lm {
+    LLT(const MMatrixXd&, const MVectorXd&);
+class LDLT : public lm {
+    LDLT(const MMatrixXd&, const MVectorXd&);
+class QR : public lm {
+    QR(const MMatrixXd&, const MVectorXd&);
+extern "C" SEXP fastLm(SEXP Xs, SEXP ys, SEXP types);

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