[Rcpp-commits] r3142 - in pkg/RcppEigen/inst: include unitTests

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Sat Jul 16 00:53:38 CEST 2011

Author: dmbates
Date: 2011-07-16 00:53:37 +0200 (Sat, 16 Jul 2011)
New Revision: 3142

added as methods for Eigen::SparseMatrix and Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix classes and tests of same

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenForward.h
--- pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenForward.h	2011-07-13 16:46:39 UTC (rev 3141)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenForward.h	2011-07-15 22:53:37 UTC (rev 3142)
@@ -33,19 +33,6 @@
 namespace Rcpp {
     /* support for wrap */
-    // [romain] : don't need all this anymore
-    // template<typename Derived> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::EigenBase<Derived>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> >&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >&);
-    // template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>&);
     template<typename T> SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> >&);
     namespace traits {
@@ -56,6 +43,8 @@
 	template<typename T> class Exporter< Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >;
 	template<typename T> class Exporter< Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >;
 	template<typename T> class Exporter< Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> >;
+	template<typename T> class Exporter< Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<T> >;
+	template<typename T> class Exporter< Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> >;
     } // namespace traits 

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenWrap.h
--- pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenWrap.h	2011-07-13 16:46:39 UTC (rev 3141)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/inst/include/RcppEigenWrap.h	2011-07-15 22:53:37 UTC (rev 3142)
@@ -100,79 +100,6 @@
     } /* namespace RcppEigen */
-    // /* wrap */
-    // [romain] : no longer necessary
-    // template <typename Derived>
-    // SEXP wrap(const Eigen::EigenBase<Derived>& object) {
-    //     //FIXME: Check IsRowMajor and transpose if needed
-    // 	::Rcpp::RObject x = ::Rcpp::wrap(object.data(), object.data() + object.size());
-    // 	if (object.ColsAtCompileTime == 1) return x; // represented as a vector
-    // 	x.attr("dim") = ::Rcpp::Dimension(object.rows(), object.cols());
-    // }
-    // 
-	// template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& data) {
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(data.rows(), data.cols()));
-	// }
-    // 
-	// template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& object ){
-	// 	return ::Rcpp::wrap(object.data(), object.data() + object.size());
-    // }
-    // 
-    // template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap( const Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic>& data ){
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(1, data.size()));
-    // }
-    // 
-    // template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>& data) {
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(data.rows(), data.cols()));
-	// }
-    // 
-	// template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>& object ){
-	// 	return ::Rcpp::wrap(object.data(), object.data() + object.size());
-    // }
-    // 
-    // template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >& data) {
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(data.rows(), data.cols()));
-	// }
-    // 
-	// template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >& object ){
-	// 	return ::Rcpp::wrap(object.data(), object.data() + object.size());
-    // }
-    // 
-    // template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<T, 1, Eigen::Dynamic> >& data ){
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(1, data.size()));
-    // }
-    // 
-    // template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> >& data) {
-	// 	return RcppEigen::Eigen_wrap(data, Dimension(data.rows(), data.cols()));
-	// }
-    // 
-	// template <typename T>
-	// SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::Array<T, Eigen::Dynamic, 1> >& object ){
-	// 	return ::Rcpp::wrap(object.data(), object.data() + object.size());
-    // }
-    // template <typename T>
-    // SEXP wrap(const Eigen::Map<Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> >& object ) {
-	// 	int          nnz = object.nonZeros(), p = object.outerSize();
-	// 	Dimension    dim(object.innerSize(), p);
-	// 	const int    *ip = object._innerIndexPtr(), *pp = object._outerIndexPtr();
-	// 	const T      *xp = object._valuePtr();
-	// 	IntegerVector iv(ip, ip + nnz), pv(pp, pp + p + 1);
-	// 	NumericVector xv(xp, xp + nnz);
-	// 	
-	// 	return ::Rcpp::wrap(List::create(_["Dim"] = dim,
-	// 									 _["i"]   = iv,
-	// 									 _["p"]   = pv,
-	// 									 _["x"]   = xv));
-	// }
     /* support for Rcpp::as */
@@ -238,7 +165,61 @@
 			Exporter(SEXP x) :
 				MatrixExporter< Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>, T >(x){}
+		template<typename T>
+		class Exporter<Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<T> > {
+		public:
+			Exporter(SEXP x)
+				: d_x(x), d_dims(d_x.slot("Dim")), d_i(d_x.slot("i")), d_p(d_x.slot("p")) {
+				if (!d_x.is("CsparseMatrix")) 
+					throw std::invalid_argument("Need S4 class CsparseMatrix for an mapped sparse matrix");
+				const int RTYPE = ::Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<T>::rtype ;
+				SEXP xx = d_x.slot("x");
+				if (TYPEOF(xx) != RTYPE)
+					throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong R type for mapped sparse matrix");
+				typedef typename ::Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type STORAGE;
+				d_start         = ::Rcpp::internal::r_vector_start<RTYPE,STORAGE>(xx);
+			}
+			Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<T> get() {
+				return Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<T>(d_dims[0], d_dims[1], d_p[d_dims[1]],
+													d_p.begin(), d_i.begin(), d_start);
+			}
+		protected:
+			S4            d_x;
+			T*            d_start;
+			IntegerVector d_dims, d_i, d_p;
+		};
+		template<typename T>
+		class Exporter<Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> > {
+		public:
+			Exporter(SEXP x)
+				: d_x(x), d_dims(d_x.slot("Dim")), d_i(d_x.slot("i")), d_p(d_x.slot("p")) {
+				if (!d_x.is("CsparseMatrix"))
+					throw std::invalid_argument("Need S4 class CsparseMatrix for an mapped sparse matrix");
+				const int RTYPE = ::Rcpp::traits::r_sexptype_traits<T>::rtype ;
+				SEXP xx = d_x.slot("x");
+				if (TYPEOF(xx) != RTYPE) // should coerce instead - see Rcpp/inst/include/Rcpp/internal/export.h
+					throw std::invalid_argument("Wrong R type for sparse matrix");
+				typedef typename ::Rcpp::traits::storage_type<RTYPE>::type STORAGE;
+				d_start         = ::Rcpp::internal::r_vector_start<RTYPE,STORAGE>(xx);
+			}
+			Eigen::SparseMatrix<T> get() {
+				Eigen::SparseMatrix<T>  ans(d_dims[0], d_dims[1]);
+				ans.reserve(d_p[d_dims[1]]);
+				for(int j = 0; j < d_dims[1]; ++j) {
+					ans.startVec(j);
+					for (int k = d_p[j]; k < d_p[j + 1]; ++k) ans.insertBack(d_i[k], j) = d_start[k];
+				}
+				ans.finalize();  
+				return ans;
+			}
+		protected:
+			S4            d_x;
+			T*            d_start;
+			IntegerVector d_dims, d_i, d_p;
+		};
     } // namespace traits

Modified: pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.RcppEigen.R
--- pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.RcppEigen.R	2011-07-13 16:46:39 UTC (rev 3141)
+++ pkg/RcppEigen/inst/unitTests/runit.RcppEigen.R	2011-07-15 22:53:37 UTC (rev 3142)
@@ -200,253 +200,51 @@
                                ), msg = "as<MMat>" )
-if (FALSE) {
-test.as.Mat <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list" ) , '
+test.as.MSpMat <- function() {
+    suppressMessages(require("Matrix"))
+    data("KNex", package = "Matrix")
+    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list"), '
     List input(input_) ;
-    Eigen::MatrixXi                                             m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    Eigen::MatrixXd                                             m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
-    Eigen::Matrix<unsigned int, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic> m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    Eigen::MatrixXf                                             m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
+    const Eigen::MappedSparseMatrix<double>  m1 = input[0]; // maps share storage and do not allow conversion
-    List res = List::create(m1.sum(), m2.sum(), m3.sum(), m4.sum());
+    List res = List::create(_["nnz"]   = m1.nonZeros(),
+                            _["nr"]    = m1.rows(),
+                            _["nc"]    = m1.cols(),
+                            _["inSz"]  = m1.innerSize(),
+                            _["outSz"] = m1.outerSize(),
+                            _["sum"]   = m1.sum());
     return res ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    integer_mat <- matrix( as.integer(diag(4)), ncol = 4, nrow = 4 )
-    numeric_mat <- diag(5)
-    res <- fx( list( integer_mat, numeric_mat ) )
-    checkEquals( unlist( res), c(4L, 5L, 4L, 5L ), msg = "as<Mat>" )
-test.wrap.Glue <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( , '
-    arma::mat m1 = arma::eye<arma::mat>( 3, 3 ) ;
-    arma::mat m2 = arma::eye<arma::mat>( 3, 3 ) ;
-    List res ;
-    res["mat+mat"] = m1 + m2 ;
-    return res ;
     ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-	res <- fx()
-    checkEquals( res[[1]], 2*diag(3), msg = "wrap(Glue)" )
+    KNX <- KNex[[1]]
+    res <- fx(KNex)
+    checkEquals(unname(unlist(res)),
+                c(nnzero(KNX), nrow(KNX), ncol(KNX),  nrow(KNX), ncol(KNX), sum(KNX at x)),
+                msg = "as<MSPMatrix>")
-test.wrap.Op <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( , '
-    arma::mat m1 = arma::eye<arma::mat>( 3, 3 ) ;
-    List res ;
-    res["- mat"] = - m1 ;
-    return res ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    res <- fx()
-    checkEquals( res[[1]], -1*diag(3), msg = "wrap(Op)" )
-test.as.Col <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list" ) , '
+test.as.SpMat <- function() {
+    suppressMessages(require("Matrix"))
+    data("KNex", package = "Matrix")
+    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list"), '
     List input(input_) ;
-    arma::icolvec m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::colvec  m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::ucolvec m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::fcolvec m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
+    const Eigen::SparseMatrix<double>  m1 = input[0];
-    List res = List::create(
-    	arma::accu( m1 ),
-    	arma::accu( m2 ),
-    	arma::accu( m3 ),
-    	arma::accu( m4 ) ) ;
+    List res = List::create(_["nnz"]   = m1.nonZeros(),
+                            _["nr"]    = m1.rows(),
+                            _["nc"]    = m1.cols(),
+                            _["inSz"]  = m1.innerSize(),
+                            _["outSz"] = m1.outerSize(),
+                            _["sum"]   = m1.sum());
     return res ;
     ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    res <- fx( list( 1:10, as.numeric(1:10) ) )
-    checkEquals( unlist( res ), rep(55.0, 4 ), msg = "as<Col>" )
+    KNX <- KNex[[1]]
+    res <- fx(KNex)
+    checkEquals(unname(unlist(res)),
+                c(nnzero(KNX), nrow(KNX), ncol(KNX),  nrow(KNX), ncol(KNX), sum(KNX at x)),
+                msg = "as<MSPMatrix>")
-test.as.Row <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(input_ = "list" ) , '
-    List input(input_) ;
-    arma::irowvec m1 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::rowvec  m2 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::urowvec m3 = input[0] ; /* implicit as */
-    arma::frowvec m4 = input[1] ; /* implicit as */
-    List res = List::create(
-    	arma::accu( m1 ),
-    	arma::accu( m2 ),
-    	arma::accu( m3 ),
-    	arma::accu( m4 ) ) ;
-    return res ;
-	', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    res <- fx( list( 1:10, as.numeric(1:10) ) )
-    checkEquals( unlist( res ), rep(55.0, 4 ), msg = "as<Row>" )
-test.cxmat <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature() , '
-    arma::cx_mat m1  = arma::eye<arma::cx_mat> ( 3, 3 ) ;
-    arma::cx_fmat m2 = arma::eye<arma::cx_fmat>( 3, 3 ) ;
-    return List::create( _["double"] = m1, _["float"] = m2 ) ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    checkEquals( fx(),
-		list( double = (1+0i)*diag(3), float = (1+0i)*diag(3) ),
-		msg = "support for complex matrices" )
-test.mtOp <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature() , '
-    std::complex<double> x( 1.0, 2.0 ) ;
-    arma::mat m1  = arma::eye<arma::mat> ( 3, 3 ) ;
-    return wrap( x * m1 ) ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    checkEquals( fx(),
-		(1+2i)*diag(3),
-		msg = "support for mtOp" )
-test.mtGlue <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature() , '
-    arma::imat m2 = arma::eye<arma::imat> ( 3, 3 ) ;
-    arma::mat m1  = arma::eye<arma::mat> ( 3, 3 ) ;
-    return wrap( m1 + m2 ) ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    checkEquals( fx(),
-		2.0 * diag(3) ,
-		msg = "support for mtOp" )
-test.sugar <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(x= "numeric") , '
-    NumericVector xx(x) ;
-    arma::mat m = forward( xx + xx ) ;
-    return wrap( m ) ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    checkEquals( fx(1:10),
-		matrix( 2*(1:10), nrow = 10 ) ,
-		msg = "RcppEigen and sugar" )
-test.sugar.cplx <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(x= "complex") , '
-    ComplexVector xx(x) ;
-    arma::cx_mat m = forward( exp( xx ) ) ;
-    return wrap( m ) ;
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    x <- 1:10*(1+1i)
-    checkEquals( fx(x),
-		matrix( exp(x), nrow = 10 ) ,
-		msg = "RcppEigen and sugar (complex)" )
-test.armadillo.sugar.ctor <- function(){
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(x= "numeric") , '
-    NumericVector xx(x) ;
-    arma::mat m = xx + xx ;
-    arma::colvec co = xx ;
-    arma::rowvec ro = xx ;
-    return List::create(
-    	_["mat"] = m + m,
-    	_["rowvec"] = ro,
-    	_["colvec"] = co
-    );
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen" )
-    checkEquals( fx(1:10),
-		list(
-                     mat = matrix( 4*(1:10), nrow = 10 ),
-                     rowvec = matrix( 1:10, nrow = 1 ),
-                     colvec = matrix( 1:10, ncol = 1 )
-                     )
-		,
-		msg = "Mat( sugar expression )" )
-test.armadillo.sugar.matrix.ctor <- function(){
-    inc <- '
-    double norm( double x, double y){
-		return ::sqrt( x*x + y*y );
-    }
-    '
-    fx <- cxxfunction( signature(x= "numeric") , '
-    NumericVector xx(x) ;
-    NumericVector yy = NumericVector::create( 1 ) ;
-    arma::mat m = diag( xx ) ;
-    arma::colvec co = outer( xx, yy, ::norm ) ;
-    arma::rowvec ro = outer( yy, xx, ::norm ) ;
-    return List::create(
-    	_["mat"] = m + m ,
-    	_["rowvec"] = ro,
-    	_["colvec"] = co
-    );
-    ', plugin = "RcppEigen", includes = inc )
-    res <- fx(1:10)
-    norm <- function(x, y) sqrt( x*x + y*y )
-    checkEquals( res,
-		list(
-                     mat = diag(2*(1:10)),
-                     rowvec = outer( 1, 1:10, norm ),
-                     colvec = outer( 1:10, 1, norm )
-                     ),
-		msg = "Mat( sugar expression )" )
-test.armadillo.rtti.check <- function() {
-    inc <- '
-    void blah(arma::mat& X) {
-         X.set_size(5,5);
-    }
-    '
-    src <- '
-    arma::vec V;
-    blah(V); // if blah() worked, we have a problem
-    '
-    fun <- cxxfunction(signature(), body=src, inc=inc, plugin = "RcppEigen")
-    checkException(fun(), msg="RTTI check on matrix constructor exception")

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