[Rcpp-commits] r2375 - in pkg/RcppDE: . src
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Sun Oct 31 04:37:33 CET 2010
Author: edd
Date: 2010-10-31 04:37:31 +0100 (Sun, 31 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 2375
devol() and permute() now moved into their own files
Modified: pkg/RcppDE/ChangeLog
--- pkg/RcppDE/ChangeLog 2010-10-31 02:43:19 UTC (rev 2374)
+++ pkg/RcppDE/ChangeLog 2010-10-31 03:37:31 UTC (rev 2375)
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
2010-10-30 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
+ * src/devol.cpp: Split function devol() off into its own file
+ * src/permute.cpp: Split function devol() off into its own file
* profile.r: Simple front-end script used for profiling runs
* src/evaluate.cpp: Slight performance increase and simplification
Modified: pkg/RcppDE/src/de4_0.cpp
--- pkg/RcppDE/src/de4_0.cpp 2010-10-31 02:43:19 UTC (rev 2374)
+++ pkg/RcppDE/src/de4_0.cpp 2010-10-31 03:37:31 UTC (rev 2375)
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@
arma::colvec & ta_popC, arma::colvec & ta_oldC, arma::colvec & ta_newC, double & t_bestC,
arma::colvec & t_bestitP, arma::colvec & t_tmpP, arma::mat & d_pop, Rcpp::List & d_storepop,
arma::mat & d_bestmemit, arma::colvec & d_bestvalit, int & i_iterations, double i_pPct, long & l_nfeval);
-void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth, int i_NP, int i_avoid, int ia_urntmp[]);
-double evaluate(long &l_nfeval, const double *param, SEXP parS, SEXP fcall, SEXP env);
RcppExport SEXP DEoptimC(SEXP lowerS, SEXP upperS, SEXP fnS, SEXP controlS, SEXP rhoS) {
@@ -95,286 +93,3 @@
return R_NilValue;
-void devol(double VTR, double f_weight, double f_cross, int i_bs_flag,
- arma::colvec & fa_minbound, arma::colvec & fa_maxbound, SEXP fcall, SEXP rho, int i_trace,
- int i_strategy, int i_D, int i_NP, int i_itermax, arma::mat & initialpopm,
- int i_storepopfrom, int i_storepopfreq, int i_specinitialpop, int i_check_winner, int i_av_winner,
- arma::mat &ta_popP, arma::mat &ta_oldP, arma::mat &ta_newP, arma::colvec & t_bestP,
- arma::colvec & ta_popC, arma::colvec & ta_oldC, arma::colvec & ta_newC, double & t_bestC,
- arma::colvec & t_bestitP, arma::colvec & t_tmpP,
- arma::mat &d_pop, Rcpp::List &d_storepop, arma::mat & d_bestmemit, arma::colvec & d_bestvalit,
- int & i_iterations, double i_pPct, long & l_nfeval) {
- //ProfilerStart("/tmp/RcppDE.prof");
- const int urn_depth = 5; // 4 + one index to avoid
- Rcpp::NumericVector par(i_D); // initialize parameter vector to pass to evaluate function
- arma::icolvec::fixed<urn_depth> ia_urn2; // fixed-size vector for urn draws
- arma::icolvec ia_urntmp(i_NP); // so that we don't need to re-allocated each time in permute
- arma::mat initialpop(i_D, i_NP);
- int i_nstorepop = ceil((i_itermax - i_storepopfrom) / i_storepopfreq);
- int p_NP = round(i_pPct * i_NP); // choose at least two best solutions
- p_NP = p_NP < 2 ? 2 : p_NP;
- arma::icolvec sortIndex(i_NP); // sorted values of ta_oldC
- if (i_strategy == 6) {
- for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)
- sortIndex[i] = i;
- }
- GetRNGstate();
- initialpop.zeros(); // initialize initial popuplation
- d_bestmemit.zeros(); // initialize best members
- d_bestvalit.zeros(); // initialize best values
- d_pop.zeros(); // initialize best population
- i_nstorepop = (i_nstorepop < 0) ? 0 : i_nstorepop;
- if (i_specinitialpop > 0) { // if initial population provided, initialize with values
- initialpop = trans(initialpopm); // transpose as we prefer columns for population members here
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) { // ------Initialization-----------------------------
- if (i_specinitialpop <= 0) { // random initial member
- for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
- ta_popP.at(j,i) = fa_minbound[j] + ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
- }
- } else { // or user-specified initial member
- ta_popP.col(i) = initialpop.col(i);
- }
- ta_popC[i] = evaluate(l_nfeval, ta_popP.colptr(i), par, fcall, rho);
- if (i == 0 || ta_popC[i] <= t_bestC) {
- t_bestC = ta_popC[i];
- t_bestP = ta_popP.unsafe_col(i);
- }
- }
- ta_oldP = ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1); // ---assign pointers to current ("old") population---
- ta_oldC = ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1);
- int i_iter = 0; // ------Iteration loop--------------------------------------------
- int popcnt = 0;
- int i_xav = 1;
- while ((i_iter < i_itermax) && (t_bestC > VTR)) { // main loop ====================================
- if (i_iter % i_storepopfreq == 0 && i_iter >= i_storepopfrom) { // store intermediate populations
- d_storepop[popcnt++] = Rcpp::wrap( trans(ta_oldP) );
- } // end store pop
- d_bestmemit.col(i_iter) = t_bestP; // store the best member
- d_bestvalit[i_iter] = t_bestC; // store the best value
- t_bestitP = t_bestP;
- i_iter++; // increase iteration counter
- double f_dither = f_weight + ::unif_rand() * (1.0 - f_weight); // ----computer dithering factor -----------------
- if (i_strategy == 6) { // ---DE/current-to-p-best/1 -----------------------------------------------------
- arma::colvec temp_oldC = ta_oldC; // create a copy of ta_oldC to avoid changing it
- rsort_with_index( temp_oldC.memptr(), sortIndex.begin(), i_NP ); // sort temp_oldC to use sortIndex later
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) { // ----start of loop through ensemble------------------------
- t_tmpP = ta_oldP.col(i); // t_tmpP is the vector to mutate and eventually select
- permute(ia_urn2.memptr(), urn_depth, i_NP, i, ia_urntmp.memptr()); // Pick 4 random and distinct
- int k = 0; // loop counter used in all strategies below
- // ===Choice of strategy=======================================================
- switch (i_strategy) {
- case 1: { // ---classical strategy DE/rand/1/bin-----------------------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- case 2: { // ---DE/local-to-best/1/bin---------------------------------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target
- t_tmpP[j] = t_tmpP[j] + f_weight * (t_bestitP[j] - t_tmpP[j]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- case 3: { // ---DE/best/1/bin with jitter------------------------------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target
- double f_jitter = 0.0001 * ::unif_rand() + f_weight;
- t_tmpP[j] = t_bestitP[j] + f_jitter * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- case 4: { // ---DE/rand/1/bin with per-vector-dither-------------------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target *
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + (f_weight + ::unif_rand()*(1.0 - f_weight))* (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- case 5: { // ---DE/rand/1/bin with per-generation-dither---------------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_dither * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- case 6: { // ---DE/current-to-p-best/1 (JADE)--------------------------------------------
- int i_pbest = sortIndex[static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * p_NP)]; // select from [0, 1, 2, ..., (pNP-1)]
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- do { // add fluctuation to random target
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,i) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,i_pbest) - ta_oldP.at(j,i)) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- break;
- }
- default: { // ---variation to DE/rand/1/bin: either-or-algorithm--------------------------
- int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
- if (::unif_rand() < 0.5) { // differential mutation, Pmu = 0.5
- do { // add fluctuation to random target */
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- } else { // recombination with K = 0.5*(F+1) -. F-K-Rule
- do { // add fluctuation to random target */
- t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + 0.5 * (f_weight + 1.0) * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) + ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]) - 2 * ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]));
- j = (j + 1) % i_D;
- } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
- }
- break;
- }
- } // end switch (i_strategy) ...
- for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) { // ----boundary constraints, bounce-back method was not enforcing bounds correctly
- if (t_tmpP[j] < fa_minbound[j]) {
- t_tmpP[j] = fa_minbound[j] + ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
- }
- if (t_tmpP[j] > fa_maxbound[j]) {
- t_tmpP[j] = fa_maxbound[j] - ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
- }
- }
- // ------Trial mutation now in t_tmpP-----------------
- double t_tmpC = evaluate(l_nfeval, t_tmpP.memptr(), par, fcall, rho); // Evaluate mutant in t_tmpP[]
- if (t_tmpC <= ta_oldC[i] || i_bs_flag) { // i_bs_flag means that we will choose best NP vectors from old and new population later
- ta_newP.col(i) = t_tmpP; // replace target with mutant
- ta_newC[i] = t_tmpC;
- if (t_tmpC <= t_bestC) {
- t_bestP = t_tmpP;
- t_bestC = t_tmpC;
- }
- } else {
- ta_newP.col(i) = ta_oldP.col(i);
- ta_newC[i] = ta_oldC[i];
- }
- } // End mutation loop through pop., ie the "for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)"
- if (i_bs_flag) { // examine old and new pop. and take the best NP members into next generation
- ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1) = ta_oldP;
- ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1) = ta_oldC;
- ta_popP.cols(i_NP, 2*i_NP-1) = ta_newP;
- ta_popC.rows(i_NP, 2*i_NP-1) = ta_newC;
- int i_len = 2 * i_NP;
- int step = i_len, done; // array length
- while (step > 1) {
- step /= 2; // halve the step size
- do {
- done = 1;
- int bound = i_len - step;
- for (int j = 0; j < bound; j++) {
- int i = j + step + 1;
- if (ta_popC[j] > ta_popC[i-1]) {
- ta_popP.swap_cols(j, i-1);
- ta_popC.swap_rows(j, i-1);
- done = 0;
- } // if
- } // for
- } while (!done); // while
- } // while (step > 1)
- ta_newP = ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1); // now the best NP are in first NP places in gta_pop, use them
- ta_newC = ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1);
- } // i_bs_flag
- ta_oldP = ta_newP; // have selected NP mutants move on to next generation
- ta_oldC = ta_newC;
- if (i_check_winner) { // check if the best stayed the same, if necessary
- int same = 1;
- for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
- if (t_bestitP[j] != t_bestP[j]) {
- same = 0;
- }
- }
- if (same && i_iter > 1) {
- i_xav++;
- double tmp_best = evaluate(l_nfeval, t_bestP.memptr(), par, fcall, rho); // if re-evaluation of winner
- if (i_av_winner) // possibly letting the winner be the average of all past generations
- t_bestC = ((1/(double)i_xav) * t_bestC) + ((1/(double)i_xav) * tmp_best) +
- (d_bestvalit[i_iter-1] * ((double)(i_xav - 2))/(double)i_xav);
- else
- t_bestC = tmp_best;
- } else {
- i_xav = 1;
- }
- }
- t_bestitP = t_bestP;
- if ( (i_trace > 0) && ((i_iter % i_trace) == 0) ) {
- Rprintf("Iteration: %d bestvalit: %f bestmemit:", i_iter, t_bestC);
- for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
- Rprintf("%12.6f", t_bestP[j]);
- Rprintf("\n");
- }
- } // end loop through generations
- d_pop = ta_oldP;
- i_iterations = i_iter;
- PutRNGstate();
- // ProfilerStop();
-// Function : void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth)
-// Author : Rainer Storn (w/bug fixes contributed by DEoptim users)
-// Description : Generates i_urn2_depth random indices ex [0, i_NP-1]
-// which are all distinct. This is done by using a
-// permutation algorithm called the "urn algorithm"
-// which goes back to C.L.Robinson.
-// Functions : -
-// Globals : -
-// Parameters : ia_urn2 (O) array containing the random indices
-// i_urn2_depth (I) number of random indices (avoided index included)
-// i_NP (I) range of indices is [0, i_NP-1]
-// i_avoid (I) is the index to avoid and is located in ia_urn2[0].
-// ia_urn1 (I) additional temp vector
-// Preconditions : # Make sure that ia_urn2[] has a length of i_urn2_depth.
-// # i_urn2_depth must be smaller than i_NP.
-// Postconditions : # the index to be avoided is in ia_urn2[0], so fetch the
-// indices from ia_urn2[i], i = 1, 2, 3, ..., i_urn2_depth.
-// Return Value : -
-inline void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth, int i_NP, int i_avoid, int ia_urn1[]) {
- GetRNGstate();
- int k = i_NP;
- int i_urn1 = 0;
- int i_urn2 = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)
- ia_urn1[i] = i; /* initialize urn1 */
- i_urn1 = i_avoid; /* get rid of the index to be avoided and place it in position 0. */
- while (k > i_NP - i_urn2_depth) { /* i_urn2_depth is the amount of indices wanted (must be <= NP) */
- ia_urn2[i_urn2] = ia_urn1[i_urn1]; /* move it into urn2 */
- ia_urn1[i_urn1] = ia_urn1[k-1]; /* move highest index to fill gap */
- k = k - 1; /* reduce number of accessible indices */
- i_urn2 = i_urn2 + 1; /* next position in urn2 */
- i_urn1 = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * k); /* choose a random index */
- }
- PutRNGstate();
Added: pkg/RcppDE/src/devol.cpp
--- pkg/RcppDE/src/devol.cpp (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppDE/src/devol.cpp 2010-10-31 03:37:31 UTC (rev 2375)
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8 -*-
+// Port of DEoptim (2.0.7) by Ardia et al to Rcpp/RcppArmadillo/Armadillo
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
+// DEoptim is Copyright (C) 2009 David Ardia and Katharine Mullen
+// and based on DE-Engine v4.0, Rainer Storn, 2004
+// (http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~storn/DeWin.zip)
+#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
+void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth, int i_NP, int i_avoid, int ia_urntmp[]);
+double evaluate(long &l_nfeval, const double *param, SEXP parS, SEXP fcall, SEXP env);
+void devol(double VTR, double f_weight, double f_cross, int i_bs_flag,
+ arma::colvec & fa_minbound, arma::colvec & fa_maxbound, SEXP fcall, SEXP rho, int i_trace,
+ int i_strategy, int i_D, int i_NP, int i_itermax, arma::mat & initialpopm,
+ int i_storepopfrom, int i_storepopfreq, int i_specinitialpop, int i_check_winner, int i_av_winner,
+ arma::mat &ta_popP, arma::mat &ta_oldP, arma::mat &ta_newP, arma::colvec & t_bestP,
+ arma::colvec & ta_popC, arma::colvec & ta_oldC, arma::colvec & ta_newC, double & t_bestC,
+ arma::colvec & t_bestitP, arma::colvec & t_tmpP,
+ arma::mat &d_pop, Rcpp::List &d_storepop, arma::mat & d_bestmemit, arma::colvec & d_bestvalit,
+ int & i_iterations, double i_pPct, long & l_nfeval) {
+ //ProfilerStart("/tmp/RcppDE.prof");
+ const int urn_depth = 5; // 4 + one index to avoid
+ Rcpp::NumericVector par(i_D); // initialize parameter vector to pass to evaluate function
+ arma::icolvec::fixed<urn_depth> ia_urn2; // fixed-size vector for urn draws
+ arma::icolvec ia_urntmp(i_NP); // so that we don't need to re-allocated each time in permute
+ arma::mat initialpop(i_D, i_NP);
+ int i_nstorepop = ceil((i_itermax - i_storepopfrom) / i_storepopfreq);
+ int p_NP = round(i_pPct * i_NP); // choose at least two best solutions
+ p_NP = p_NP < 2 ? 2 : p_NP;
+ arma::icolvec sortIndex(i_NP); // sorted values of ta_oldC
+ if (i_strategy == 6) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)
+ sortIndex[i] = i;
+ }
+ GetRNGstate();
+ initialpop.zeros(); // initialize initial popuplation
+ d_bestmemit.zeros(); // initialize best members
+ d_bestvalit.zeros(); // initialize best values
+ d_pop.zeros(); // initialize best population
+ i_nstorepop = (i_nstorepop < 0) ? 0 : i_nstorepop;
+ if (i_specinitialpop > 0) { // if initial population provided, initialize with values
+ initialpop = trans(initialpopm); // transpose as we prefer columns for population members here
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) { // ------Initialization-----------------------------
+ if (i_specinitialpop <= 0) { // random initial member
+ for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
+ ta_popP.at(j,i) = fa_minbound[j] + ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
+ }
+ } else { // or user-specified initial member
+ ta_popP.col(i) = initialpop.col(i);
+ }
+ ta_popC[i] = evaluate(l_nfeval, ta_popP.colptr(i), par, fcall, rho);
+ if (i == 0 || ta_popC[i] <= t_bestC) {
+ t_bestC = ta_popC[i];
+ t_bestP = ta_popP.unsafe_col(i);
+ }
+ }
+ ta_oldP = ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1); // ---assign pointers to current ("old") population---
+ ta_oldC = ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1);
+ int i_iter = 0; // ------Iteration loop--------------------------------------------
+ int popcnt = 0;
+ int i_xav = 1;
+ while ((i_iter < i_itermax) && (t_bestC > VTR)) { // main loop ====================================
+ if (i_iter % i_storepopfreq == 0 && i_iter >= i_storepopfrom) { // store intermediate populations
+ d_storepop[popcnt++] = Rcpp::wrap( trans(ta_oldP) );
+ } // end store pop
+ d_bestmemit.col(i_iter) = t_bestP; // store the best member
+ d_bestvalit[i_iter] = t_bestC; // store the best value
+ t_bestitP = t_bestP;
+ i_iter++; // increase iteration counter
+ double f_dither = f_weight + ::unif_rand() * (1.0 - f_weight); // ----computer dithering factor -----------------
+ if (i_strategy == 6) { // ---DE/current-to-p-best/1 -----------------------------------------------------
+ arma::colvec temp_oldC = ta_oldC; // create a copy of ta_oldC to avoid changing it
+ rsort_with_index( temp_oldC.memptr(), sortIndex.begin(), i_NP ); // sort temp_oldC to use sortIndex later
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++) { // ----start of loop through ensemble------------------------
+ t_tmpP = ta_oldP.col(i); // t_tmpP is the vector to mutate and eventually select
+ permute(ia_urn2.memptr(), urn_depth, i_NP, i, ia_urntmp.memptr()); // Pick 4 random and distinct
+ int k = 0; // loop counter used in all strategies below
+ // ===Choice of strategy=======================================================
+ switch (i_strategy) {
+ case 1: { // ---classical strategy DE/rand/1/bin-----------------------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2: { // ---DE/local-to-best/1/bin---------------------------------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target
+ t_tmpP[j] = t_tmpP[j] + f_weight * (t_bestitP[j] - t_tmpP[j]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3: { // ---DE/best/1/bin with jitter------------------------------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target
+ double f_jitter = 0.0001 * ::unif_rand() + f_weight;
+ t_tmpP[j] = t_bestitP[j] + f_jitter * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 4: { // ---DE/rand/1/bin with per-vector-dither-------------------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target *
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + (f_weight + ::unif_rand()*(1.0 - f_weight))* (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5: { // ---DE/rand/1/bin with per-generation-dither---------------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_dither * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ case 6: { // ---DE/current-to-p-best/1 (JADE)--------------------------------------------
+ int i_pbest = sortIndex[static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * p_NP)]; // select from [0, 1, 2, ..., (pNP-1)]
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,i) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,i_pbest) - ta_oldP.at(j,i)) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ break;
+ }
+ default: { // ---variation to DE/rand/1/bin: either-or-algorithm--------------------------
+ int j = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * i_D); // random parameter
+ if (::unif_rand() < 0.5) { // differential mutation, Pmu = 0.5
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target */
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + f_weight * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) - ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ } else { // recombination with K = 0.5*(F+1) -. F-K-Rule
+ do { // add fluctuation to random target */
+ t_tmpP[j] = ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]) + 0.5 * (f_weight + 1.0) * (ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[2]) + ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[3]) - 2 * ta_oldP.at(j,ia_urn2[1]));
+ j = (j + 1) % i_D;
+ } while ((::unif_rand() < f_cross) && (++k < i_D));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } // end switch (i_strategy) ...
+ for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) { // ----boundary constraints, bounce-back method was not enforcing bounds correctly
+ if (t_tmpP[j] < fa_minbound[j]) {
+ t_tmpP[j] = fa_minbound[j] + ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
+ }
+ if (t_tmpP[j] > fa_maxbound[j]) {
+ t_tmpP[j] = fa_maxbound[j] - ::unif_rand() * (fa_maxbound[j] - fa_minbound[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ // ------Trial mutation now in t_tmpP-----------------
+ double t_tmpC = evaluate(l_nfeval, t_tmpP.memptr(), par, fcall, rho); // Evaluate mutant in t_tmpP[]
+ if (t_tmpC <= ta_oldC[i] || i_bs_flag) { // i_bs_flag means that we will choose best NP vectors from old and new population later
+ ta_newP.col(i) = t_tmpP; // replace target with mutant
+ ta_newC[i] = t_tmpC;
+ if (t_tmpC <= t_bestC) {
+ t_bestP = t_tmpP;
+ t_bestC = t_tmpC;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ta_newP.col(i) = ta_oldP.col(i);
+ ta_newC[i] = ta_oldC[i];
+ }
+ } // End mutation loop through pop., ie the "for (i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)"
+ if (i_bs_flag) { // examine old and new pop. and take the best NP members into next generation
+ ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1) = ta_oldP;
+ ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1) = ta_oldC;
+ ta_popP.cols(i_NP, 2*i_NP-1) = ta_newP;
+ ta_popC.rows(i_NP, 2*i_NP-1) = ta_newC;
+ int i_len = 2 * i_NP;
+ int step = i_len, done; // array length
+ while (step > 1) {
+ step /= 2; // halve the step size
+ do {
+ done = 1;
+ int bound = i_len - step;
+ for (int j = 0; j < bound; j++) {
+ int i = j + step + 1;
+ if (ta_popC[j] > ta_popC[i-1]) {
+ ta_popP.swap_cols(j, i-1);
+ ta_popC.swap_rows(j, i-1);
+ done = 0;
+ } // if
+ } // for
+ } while (!done); // while
+ } // while (step > 1)
+ ta_newP = ta_popP.cols(0, i_NP-1); // now the best NP are in first NP places in gta_pop, use them
+ ta_newC = ta_popC.rows(0, i_NP-1);
+ } // i_bs_flag
+ ta_oldP = ta_newP; // have selected NP mutants move on to next generation
+ ta_oldC = ta_newC;
+ if (i_check_winner) { // check if the best stayed the same, if necessary
+ int same = 1;
+ for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++) {
+ if (t_bestitP[j] != t_bestP[j]) {
+ same = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (same && i_iter > 1) {
+ i_xav++;
+ double tmp_best = evaluate(l_nfeval, t_bestP.memptr(), par, fcall, rho); // if re-evaluation of winner
+ if (i_av_winner) // possibly letting the winner be the average of all past generations
+ t_bestC = ((1/(double)i_xav) * t_bestC) + ((1/(double)i_xav) * tmp_best) +
+ (d_bestvalit[i_iter-1] * ((double)(i_xav - 2))/(double)i_xav);
+ else
+ t_bestC = tmp_best;
+ } else {
+ i_xav = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ t_bestitP = t_bestP;
+ if ( (i_trace > 0) && ((i_iter % i_trace) == 0) ) {
+ Rprintf("Iteration: %d bestvalit: %f bestmemit:", i_iter, t_bestC);
+ for (int j = 0; j < i_D; j++)
+ Rprintf("%12.6f", t_bestP[j]);
+ Rprintf("\n");
+ }
+ } // end loop through generations
+ d_pop = ta_oldP;
+ i_iterations = i_iter;
+ PutRNGstate();
+ // ProfilerStop();
Added: pkg/RcppDE/src/permute.cpp
--- pkg/RcppDE/src/permute.cpp (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppDE/src/permute.cpp 2010-10-31 03:37:31 UTC (rev 2375)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8 -*-
+// Port of DEoptim (2.0.7) by Ardia et al to Rcpp/RcppArmadillo/Armadillo
+// Copyright (C) 2010 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>
+// DEoptim is Copyright (C) 2009 David Ardia and Katharine Mullen
+// and based on DE-Engine v4.0, Rainer Storn, 2004
+// (http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~storn/DeWin.zip)
+#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
+// Function : void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth)
+// Author : Rainer Storn (w/bug fixes contributed by DEoptim users)
+// Description : Generates i_urn2_depth random indices ex [0, i_NP-1]
+// which are all distinct. This is done by using a
+// permutation algorithm called the "urn algorithm"
+// which goes back to C.L.Robinson.
+// Functions : -
+// Globals : -
+// Parameters : ia_urn2 (O) array containing the random indices
+// i_urn2_depth (I) number of random indices (avoided index included)
+// i_NP (I) range of indices is [0, i_NP-1]
+// i_avoid (I) is the index to avoid and is located in ia_urn2[0].
+// ia_urn1 (I) additional temp vector
+// Preconditions : # Make sure that ia_urn2[] has a length of i_urn2_depth.
+// # i_urn2_depth must be smaller than i_NP.
+// Postconditions : # the index to be avoided is in ia_urn2[0], so fetch the
+// indices from ia_urn2[i], i = 1, 2, 3, ..., i_urn2_depth.
+// Return Value : -
+void permute(int ia_urn2[], int i_urn2_depth, int i_NP, int i_avoid, int ia_urn1[]) {
+ GetRNGstate();
+ int k = i_NP;
+ int i_urn1 = 0;
+ int i_urn2 = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_NP; i++)
+ ia_urn1[i] = i; /* initialize urn1 */
+ i_urn1 = i_avoid; /* get rid of the index to be avoided and place it in position 0. */
+ while (k > i_NP - i_urn2_depth) { /* i_urn2_depth is the amount of indices wanted (must be <= NP) */
+ ia_urn2[i_urn2] = ia_urn1[i_urn1]; /* move it into urn2 */
+ ia_urn1[i_urn1] = ia_urn1[k-1]; /* move highest index to fill gap */
+ k = k - 1; /* reduce number of accessible indices */
+ i_urn2 = i_urn2 + 1; /* next position in urn2 */
+ i_urn1 = static_cast<int>(::unif_rand() * k); /* choose a random index */
+ }
+ PutRNGstate();
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