[Rcpp-commits] r2564 - pkg/RcppGSL/inst/doc/RcppGSL

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun Nov 28 19:50:13 CET 2010

Author: edd
Date: 2010-11-28 19:50:13 +0100 (Sun, 28 Nov 2010)
New Revision: 2564

a bunch more edits

Modified: pkg/RcppGSL/inst/doc/RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw
--- pkg/RcppGSL/inst/doc/RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw	2010-11-28 04:55:53 UTC (rev 2563)
+++ pkg/RcppGSL/inst/doc/RcppGSL/RcppGSL.Rnw	2010-11-28 18:50:13 UTC (rev 2564)
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+\usepackage{booktabs}           % fancier \hrule
 \newcommand{\pkg}[1]{{\fontseries{b}\selectfont #1}}
@@ -145,7 +146,7 @@
         double chisq;
         RcppGSL::vector<double> coef(k);    // to hold the coefficient vector
-        RcppGSL::matrix<double> cov(k,k);     // and the covariance matrix
+        RcppGSL::matrix<double> cov(k,k);   // and the covariance matrix
         // the actual fit requires working memory we allocate and free
         gsl_multifit_linear_workspace *work = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc (n, k);
@@ -168,7 +169,7 @@
         // we cannot take advantage of automatic memory management
         coef.free(); cov.free(); y.free(); X.free();
-        return res;  // return the result list to R
+        return res;  		// return the result list to R
   } catch( std::exception &ex ) {
         forward_exception_to_r( ex );
@@ -179,6 +180,24 @@
+We first initialize a \textsl{RcppGSL} vector and matrix, each templated to
+the standard numeric type \texttt{double} (and the GSL supports other types
+ranging from lower precision floating point to signed and unsigned integers
+as well as complex numbers).  We the reserve another vector and matrix to
+hold the resulting coefficient estimates as well as the estimate of the
+covariance matrix. Next, we allocate workspace using a GSL routine, fit the
+linear model and free the workspace.  The next step involves extracting the
+diagonal element from the covariance matrix. We then employ a so-called
+iterator---a common \proglang{C++} idiom from the Standard Template Library
+(STL)---to iterate over the vector of diagonal and transforming it by
+applying the square root function to compute our standard error of the
+estimate. Finally we create a named list with the return value before we free
+temporary memory allocation (a step that has to be done because the
+underlying objects are really \proglang{C} objects conforming to the
+\pkg{GSL} interface and hence without the automatic memory management we
+could have with \proglang{C++} vector or matrix structures as used through
+the \pkg{Rcpp} package) and return the result to \proglang{R}.
 We should note that \pkg{RcppArmadillo} \citep{CRAN:RcppArmadillo} implements
 a matching \texttt{fastLm} function using the Armadillo library by
 \cite{Sanderson:2010:Armadillo}, and can do so with more compact code due to
@@ -186,8 +205,13 @@
-\subsection{GSL Vectors}
+This section details the different vector represenations, starting with their
+definition inside the \pkg{GSL}. We then discuss our layering before showing
+how the two types map. A discussion of read-only `vector view' classes
+concludes the section.
+\subsection{\pkg{GSL} Vectors}
 \pkg{GSL} defines various vector types to manipulate one-dimensionnal
 data, similar to \proglang{R} arrays. For example the \verb|gsl_vector| and \verb|gsl_vector_int|
 structs are defined as:
@@ -204,8 +228,8 @@
 typedef struct {
   size_t size;
   size_t stride;
-  int *data;
-  gsl_block_int *block;
+  int * data;
+  gsl_block_int * block;
   int owner;
@@ -215,67 +239,57 @@
 int i;
+gsl_vector * v = gsl_vector_alloc (3);  // allocate a gsl_vector of size 3
-// allocate a gsl_vector of size 3
-gsl_vector * v = gsl_vector_alloc (3);
-// fill the vector
-for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {               // fill the vector
   gsl_vector_set (v, i, 1.23 + i);
-// access elements
-double sum = 0.0 ;
+double sum = 0.0 ;                      // access elements
 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-	 sum += gsl_vector_set( v, i ) ;
+  sum += gsl_vector_set( v, i ) ;
-// free the memory
-gsl_vector_free (v);
+gsl_vector_free (v);                    // free the memory
 \pkg{RcppGSL} defines the template \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<T>} to manipulate
-\verb|gsl_vector| pointers taking advantage of C++ templates. Using the
-template the previous example becomes:
+\verb|gsl_vector| pointers taking advantage of C++ templates. Using this
+template type, the previous example now becomes:
 int i;
+RcppGSL::vector<double> v(3);           // allocate a gsl_vector of size 3
-// allocate a gsl_vector of size 3
-RcppGSL::vector<double> v(3);
-// fill the vector
-for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {               // fill the vector
   v[i] = 1.23 + i ;
-// access elements
-double sum = 0.0 ;
+double sum = 0.0 ;                      // access elements
 for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-	 sum += v[i] ;
+  sum += v[i] ;
-// free the memory
-v.free() ;
+v.free() ;                              // free the memory
 The class \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<double>} is a smart pointer, that can be used
 anywhere where a raw pointer \verb|gsl_vector| can be used, such as the
 \verb|gsl_vector_set| and \verb|gsl_vector_get| functions above.
-Beyond the convenience of a nicer syntax for allocation and release of memory,
-the \texttt{RcppGSL::vector} template faciliates interchange of \pkg{GSL}
-vectors with \pkg{Rcpp} concepts. The following example defines a \texttt{.Call}
-compatible function called \verb|sum_gsl_vector_int|
-that operates on a \verb|gsl_vector_int| through the \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<int>}
-template specialization:
+Beyond the convenience of a nicer syntax for allocation and release of
+memory, the \texttt{RcppGSL::vector} template faciliates interchange of
+\pkg{GSL} vectors with \pkg{Rcpp} objects, and hence \pkg{R} objects. The
+following example defines a \texttt{.Call} compatible function called
+\verb|sum_gsl_vector_int| that operates on a \verb|gsl_vector_int| through
+the \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<int>} template specialization:
 RCPP_FUNCTION_1( int, sum_gsl_vector_int, RcppGSL::vector<int> vec){
   int res = std::accumulate( vec.begin(), vec.end(), 0 ) ;
-  vec.free() ;
+  vec.free() ;  // we need to free vec after use
   return res ;
@@ -292,20 +306,17 @@
 RCPP_FUNCTION_1( double, gsl_vector_sum_2, Rcpp::List data ){
-  // grab "x" as a gsl_vector through
-  // the RcppGSL::vector<double> class
+  // grab "x" as a gsl_vector through the RcppGSL::vector<double> class
   RcppGSL::vector<double> x = data["x"] ;
-  // grab "y" as a gsl_vector through
-  // the RcppGSL::vector<int> class
+  // grab "y" as a gsl_vector through the RcppGSL::vector<int> class
   RcppGSL::vector<int> y = data["y"] ;
   double res = 0.0 ;
   for( size_t i=0; i< x->size; i++){
     res += x[i] * y[i] ;
-  // as usual with GSL, we need to explicitely free the
-  // memory
+  // as usual with GSL, we need to explicitely free the memory
   x.free() ;
   y.free() ;
@@ -324,40 +335,42 @@
-gsl vector & RcppGSL \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_int} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<int>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_float} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<float>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_long} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<long>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_char} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<char>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex\_float} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex\_float>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex\_long\_double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<long double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_short} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<short>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_uchar} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned char>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_uint} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned int>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_ushort} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<insigned short>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_ulong} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned long>} \\
+Table~\ref{tab:mappingVectors} shows the mapping between types defined by the
+\pkg{GSL} and their corresponding types in the \pkg{RcppGSL} package.
-\caption{Correspondance between \pkg{GSL} vector types and templates defined
-in \pkg{RcppGSL}.}
+  \centering
+  \begin{small}
+    \begin{tabular}{ll}
+      \toprule
+      gsl vector & RcppGSL \\
+      \midrule
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_int} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<int>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_float} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<float>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_long} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<long>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_char} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<char>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex\_float} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex\_float>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_complex\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<gsl\_complex\_long\_double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<long double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_short} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<short>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_uchar} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned char>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_uint} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned int>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_ushort} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<insigned short>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_ulong} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector<unsigned long>} \\
+      \bottomrule
+    \end{tabular}
+  \end{small}
+  \caption{Correspondance between \pkg{GSL} vector types and templates defined in \pkg{RcppGSL}.}
+  \label{tab:mappingVectors}
 \subsection{ Vector Views}
-Several \pkg{GSL} algorithms return \pkg{GSL} vector views as result. \pkg{RcppGSL}
-defines the template class \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view} to handle
-vector views using C++ syntax.
+Several \pkg{GSL} algorithms return \pkg{GSL} vector views as their result
+type. \pkg{RcppGSL} defines the template class \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view}
+to handle vector views using \proglang{C++} syntax.
 extern "C" SEXP test_gsl_vector_view(){
@@ -366,61 +379,61 @@
   for( int i=0 ; i<n; i++){
     v[i] = i ;
-  RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 0, 2, n/2);
-  RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v, 1, 2, n/2);
+  RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_even = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v,0,2,n/2);
+  RcppGSL::vector_view<double> v_odd  = gsl_vector_subvector_with_stride(v,1,2,n/2);
   List res = List::create(
     _["even"] = v_even,
     _["odd" ] = v_odd
     ) ;
-  // we only need to free v, the views don t own data
-  v.free() ;
+  v.free() ;  	// we only need to free v, the views do not own data
   return res ;
-As with vectors, c++ objects \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view} can be implicitely
-converted to their associated gsl view type, as listed in table \ref{tabviews}
-so that they can be passed to compatible gsl algorithms.
+As with vectors, \proglang{C++} objects of type
+\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view} can be converted implicitly to their
+associated \pkg{GSL} view type. Table~\ref{tab:mappingVectorViews} displays
+the pairwise correspondance so that the \proglang{C++} objects can be passed
+to compatible \pkg{GSL} algorithms.
-gsl vector views & RcppGSL \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_int} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<int>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_float} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<float>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_long} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<long>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_char} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<char>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex\_float} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex\_float>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex\_long\_double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<long double>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_short} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<short>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_uchar} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned char>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_uint} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned int>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_ushort} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<insigned short>} \\
-\texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_ulong} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned long>} \\
-\caption{\label{tabviews}Correspondance between \pkg{GSL} vector view types and templates defined
-in \pkg{RcppGSL}.}
+  \centering
+  \begin{small}
+    \begin{tabular}{ll}
+      \toprule
+      gsl vector views & RcppGSL \\
+      \midrule
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_int} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<int>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_float} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<float>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_long} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<long>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_char} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<char>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex\_float} & \texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex\_float>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_complex\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<gsl\_complex\_long\_double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_long\_double} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<long double>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_short} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<short>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_uchar} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned char>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_uint} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned int>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_ushort} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<insigned short>} \\
+      \texttt{gsl\_vector\_view\_ulong} & 	\texttt{RcppGSL::vector\_view<unsigned long>} \\
+      \bottomrule
+    \end{tabular}
+  \end{small}
+  \caption{Correspondance between \pkg{GSL} vector view types and templates defined
+    in \pkg{RcppGSL}.}
+  \label{tab:mappingVectorViews}
-\texttt{GSL} defines a set of matrix data types : \texttt{gsl\_matrix},
-\texttt{gsl\_matrix\_int} etc ... for which \pkg{RcppGSL} also defines
+The \pkg{GSL} also defines a set of matrix data types : \texttt{gsl\_matrix},
+\texttt{gsl\_matrix\_int} etc ... for which \pkg{RcppGSL} defines a corresponding
 convenience \proglang{C++} wrapper generated by the \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix}
-\subsection{creating matrices}
+\subsection{Creating matrices}
 The \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix} template exposes three constructors.
@@ -435,52 +448,61 @@
 matrix( int nrow, int ncol)
-\subsection{implicit conversion}
+\subsection{Implicit conversion}
 \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix} defines implicit conversion to a pointer to
-the associated GSL matrix type, as well as dereferencing operators, making
+the associated \pkg{GSL} matrix type, as well as dereferencing operators, making
 the class \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix} look and feel like a pointer to a GSL
 matrix type.
-	gsltype* data ;
-	operator gsltype*(){ return data ; }
-	gsltype* operator->() const { return data; }
-	gsltype& operator*() const { return *data; }
+  gsltype* data ;
+  operator gsltype*(){ return data ; }
+  gsltype* operator->() const { return data; }
+  gsltype& operator*() const { return *data; }
-Indexing of GSL matrices is usually the task of the functions
+Indexing of \pkg{GSL} matrices is usually the task of the functions
 \texttt{gsl\_matrix\_get}, \texttt{gsl\_matrix\_int\_get}, ... and
 \texttt{gsl\_matrix\_set}, \texttt{gsl\_matrix\_int\_set}, ...
 \pkg{RcppGSL} takes advantage of both operator overloading and templates
-to make indexing a GSL matrix much more convenient.
+to make indexing a \pkg{GSL} matrix much more convenient.
-// create a matrix of size 10x10
-RcppGSL::matrix<int> mat(10,10) ;
+RcppGSL::matrix<int> mat(10,10);        // create a matrix of size 10x10
-// fill the diagonal
-for( int i=0; i<10: i++){
-	mat(i,i) = i ;
+for( int i=0; i<10: i++) {              // fill the diagonal
+        mat(i,i) = i ;
-The \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix} type also defines :
-\item nrow : extract the number of rows
-\item ncol : extract the number of columns
-\item size : extract the number of elements
-\item free : release the memory
+The \texttt{RcppGSL::matrix} type also defines the following member functions:
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item[\texttt{nrow}] extracts the number of rows
+  \item[\texttt{ncol}] extract the number of columns
+  \item[\texttt{size}] extracts the number of elements
+  \item[\texttt{free}] releases the memory
+  \end{itemize}
+The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) by \citet{GSL} offers a very comprehensive
+collection of rigorously developed and tested functions for applied
+scientific computing under a common Open Source license. This has lead to
+widespread deployment of \pkg{GSL} among a number of disciplines.
+Using the automatic wrapping and converters offered by the \pkg{RcppGSL}
+package presented here, \proglang{R} users and programmers can now deploy
+algorithmns provided by the \pkg{GSL} with  greater ease.

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