[Rcpp-commits] r1374 - in pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc: . Rcpp-modules snippets

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sun May 30 21:34:56 CEST 2010

Author: romain
Date: 2010-05-30 21:34:55 +0200 (Sun, 30 May 2010)
New Revision: 1374

include the snippets in the document

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Makefile
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 	Rscript -e "tools::texi2dvi( 'Rcpp-introduction.tex', pdf = TRUE, clean = TRUE )"
 	rm -fr Rcpp-introduction.tex
-Rcpp-modules.pdf: snippets Rcpp-modules.Rnw 
+Rcpp-modules.pdf: Rcpp-modules/Rcpp-modules.Rnw
+	rm Rcpp-modules.Rnw 
+	cp -f Rcpp-modules/Rcpp-modules.Rnw .
 	( cd snippets ; Rscript highlight.R ; cd .. )
-	R CMD Sweave Rcpp-modules.Rnw
+	Rscript -e "require(highlight); driver <- HighlightWeaveLatex(); Sweave( 'Rcpp-modules.Rnw', driver = driver ); "
 	Rscript -e "tools::texi2dvi( 'Rcpp-modules.tex', pdf = TRUE, clean = FALSE )"
 	bibtex Rcpp-modules
 	Rscript -e "tools::texi2dvi( 'Rcpp-modules.tex', pdf = TRUE, clean = TRUE )"
@@ -42,3 +44,5 @@
 	rm -fr Rcpp-modules.aux
 	rm -fr Rcpp-modules.out
 	rm -fr Rcpp-modules.log
+	rm Rcpp-modules.Rnw
+	cp Rcpp-modules/Rcpp-modules-fake.Rnw Rcpp-modules.Rnw

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Added: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-modules/Rcpp-modules.Rnw
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+\author{Dirk Eddelbuettel \and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}
+\title{Exposing C++ functions and classes with Rcpp modules}
+  \noindent
+  \textsl{Rcpp modules} have been introduced in version 0.8.1 of \texttt{Rcpp}
+  to allow programmers to simply expose C++ functions and classes to R.  
+  \textsl{Rcpp modules} are inspired from the \texttt{Boost.Python} \citep{Boost:Python}
+  C++ library which provides the same features (and much more) for 
+  Python. This document is a short overview of the capabilities of modules.
+Exposing C++ functionality to R is greatly facilitated by the \texttt{Rcpp}
+package and underlying C++ library \citep{CRAN:Rcpp}. \texttt{Rcpp}
+facilitates R and C++ integration by replacing use of the traditionnal R API
+by a consistent set of C++ classes.
+However, these facilities are limited to a function by function basis. The 
+programmer has to implement a \texttt{.Call} compatible function
+using classes of the \texttt{Rcpp} API. 
+\subsection{Exposing functions}
+Exposing existing C++ functions to R through \texttt{Rcpp}
+usually involves writing an additional wrapper function that is responsible
+for converting input objects to the appropriate types, calling the function
+and converting the results back to a suitable type that can be returned to 
+R: the traditionnal \texttt{SEXP} from the R API or any type from the 
+\texttt{Rcpp} API that offer implicit conversion to \texttt{SEXP} (many of them do).
+Consider the \texttt{hello} function below: 
+const char* hello( std::string who ){
+	std::string result( "hello " ) ;
+	result += who ; 
+	return result.c_str() ;
+One can expose a such a function using \texttt{Rcpp} converters
+RcppExport SEXP hello_wrapper( SEXP who){
+    std::string input = Rcpp::as<std::string>( who )
+    const char* result = hello( input ) ;
+    return Rcpp::wrap( result );
+Or more traditionally using the R API :
+extern "C" SEXP hello_wrapper( SEXP who){
+    std::string input = CHAR(STRING_ELT(input,0)) ;
+    const char* result = hello( input ) ;
+    return mkString( result );
+Either way requires direct involvement from the programmer and quickly
+becomes an time sink when many functions are involved. \textsl{Rcpp modules}
+provides a much more efficient way to expose the \texttt{hello} function to R.
+\subsection{Exposing classes}
+Exposing C++ classes or structs is even more of a challenge because it
+requires writing glue code for each function that is to be exposed. Consider the 
+simple \texttt{World} class below: 
+class World {
+    World() : msg("hello"){}
+    void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
+    std::string greet() { return msg; }
+    std::string msg;
+We might want a way to create objects of this class, and use the member
+functions \texttt{greet} and \texttt{set} to alter the object. External pointers 
+\citep{R:exts} are the perfect vessel for this, and using the 
+\texttt{Rcpp:::XPtr} template from \texttt{Rcpp} we can expose the class
+by exposing three functions : 
+using namespace Rcpp ;
+/** create an external pointer to a World object */
+RcppExport SEXP World__new(){
+	return Rcpp::XPtr<World>( new World, true ) ;
+/** invoke the greet method */
+RcppExport SEXP World__greet( SEXP xp ) {
+	Rcpp::XPtr<World> w(xp) ;
+	return Rcpp::wrap( w->greet() ) ;
+/** invoke the set method */
+RcppExport SEXP World__set( SEXP xp, SEXP msg ){
+	Rcpp::XPtr<World> w(xp) ;
+	w->set( Rcpp::as<std::string>( msg ) ) ;
+	return R_NilValue ;
+which can be used from R with some S4 glue code: 
+setClass( "World", representation( pointer = "externalptr" ) )
+World_method <- function(name){
+	paste( "World", name, sep = "__" )
+setMethod( "$", "World", function(x, name ){
+	function(...) .Call( World_method(name) , x at pointer, ... )
+} )
+w <- new( "World", .Call( World_method( "new" ) ) )
+w$set( "hello world" )
+\texttt{Rcpp} considerably simplifies the code that would be involved for using 
+external pointers with the traditional R API. This still involves 
+a lot of pattern code that quickly becomes hard to maintain and error prone. 
+\textsl{Rcpp modules} offer a much nicer way to expose the \texttt{World}
+class in a way that makes both the internal C++ code and the R code easier. 
+\section{Rcpp modules}
+Rcpp modules are inspired from Python modules that are generated
+by the \texttt{Boost.Python} library. They provide an easy way to expose
+C++ functions and classes to R, grouped together in a single entity. 
+The module is created in a cpp file using the \texttt{RCPP\_MODULE}
+macro, which then contains declarative code of what the module 
+exposes to R. 
+\subsection{Exposing C++ functions}
+Consider the \texttt{hello} function from the previous section. 
+We can expose it to R :
+const char* hello( std::string who ){
+	std::string result( "hello " ) ;
+	result += who ; 
+	return result.c_str() ;
+	using namespace Rcpp ;
+	function( "hello", &hello ) ;
+The code creates a module called an Rcpp module called \texttt{yada}
+that exposes the \texttt{hello} function. \texttt{Rcpp} automatically 
+deduces the conversions that are needed for input and output. 
+On the R side, the module is simply retrieved by using the \texttt{Module}
+function from \texttt{Rcpp}:
+require( Rcpp )
+yada <- Module( "yada" )
+yada$hello( "world" )
+A module can contain any number of calls to \texttt{function} to register
+many internal functions to R. For example, these 6 functions : 
+std::string hello(){
+	return "hello" ;
+int bar( int x){
+	return x*2 ;
+double foo( int x, double y){
+	return x * y ;
+void bla( ){
+	Rprintf( "hello\\n" ) ;
+void bla1( int x){
+	Rprintf( "hello (x = %d)\\n", x ) ;
+void bla2( int x, double y){
+	Rprintf( "hello (x = %d, y = %5.2f)\\n", x, y ) ;
+can be exposed with the following minimal code: 
+	using namespace Rcpp ;
+	function( "hello" , &hello ) ;
+	function( "bar"   , &bar   ) ;
+	function( "foo"   , &foo   ) ;
+	function( "bla"   , &bla   ) ;
+	function( "bla1"  , &bla1   ) ;
+	function( "bla2"  , &bla2   ) ;
+and used from R: 
+require( Rcpp )
+yada <- Module( "yada" )
+yada$bar( 2L )
+yada$foo( 2L, 10.0 )
+yada$bla1( 2L) 
+yada$bla2( 2L, 5.0 )
+The requirements on the functions to be exposed are: 
+\item It takes between 0 and 65 parameters. 
+\item The type of each input parameter must be manageable by the \texttt{Rcpp::as}
+\item The output type must be either \texttt{void} or any type that 
+can be managed by the \texttt{Rcpp::wrap} template
+\subsection{Exposing C++ classes}
+Rcpp modules also provide a mechanism for exposing C++ classes. The mechanism
+internally uses external pointers, but the user should consider this as
+hidden implementation details as this is properly encapsulated.
+A class is exposed using the \texttt{class\_} class. The \texttt{World}
+class may be exposed to R :
+class World {
+    World() : msg("hello"){}
+    void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
+    std::string greet() { return msg; }
+    std::string msg;
+void clearWorld( World* w){
+	w->set( "" ) ;
+	using namespace Rcpp ;
+	class_<World>( "World" )
+		.method( "greet", &World::greet )
+		.method( "set", &World::set )
+		.method( "clear", &clearWorld )
+	;
+\texttt{class\_} is templated by the C++ class or struct that is to be exposed
+to R. The parameter of the \texttt{class\_<World>} constructor is the name we will
+use on the R side. It usually makes sense to use the same name as the class 
+name, but this is not forced, which might be useful when exposing a class 
+generated from a template. 
+The construction of the object is then followed by two calls to the 
+\texttt{method} member function of \texttt{class\_<World>}. \texttt{method}
+can expose :
+\item member functions of the target class, such as \texttt{greet} or \texttt{set}, by 
+providing the name that will be used on the R side (e.g. \texttt{greet}) and 
+a pointer to the actual member function (e.g. \texttt{\&World::greet} )
+\item free funtions that take a pointer to the target class as their 
+first parameter such as the C++ function \texttt{clearWorld} in the previous
+example. Again, we provide the R name for the method (\texttt{clear}) and 
+a pointer to the C++ function. 
+The module exposes the default constructor of the \texttt{World} class as well
+to support creation of \texttt{World} objects from R. The Rcpp module assumes
+responsabilities for type conversion for input and output types. 
+require( Rcpp )
+# load the module
+yada <- Module( "yada" )
+# grab the World class
+World <- yada$World
+# create a new World object
+w <- new( World )
+# use methods of the class
+w$set( "hello world" ) 
+\subsubsection{Const and non-const member functions}
+\texttt{method} is able to expose both \texttt{const} and \texttt{non const}
+member functions of a class. There are however situations where
+a class defines two versions of the same method, differing only in their 
+signature by the \texttt{const}-ness. It is for example the case of the 
+member functions \texttt{back} of the \texttt{std::vector} template from 
+the STL. 
+reference back ( );
+const_reference back ( ) const;
+\subsubsection{S4 dispatch}
+When a C++ class is exposed by the \texttt{class\_} template, 
+a new S4 class is registered as well. This allows implementation of R-level 
+(S4) dispatch. For example, one might implement the \texttt{show}
+method for C++ \texttt{World} objects: 
+setMethod( "show", "World", function(object){
+	msg <- paste( "World object with message : ", object$greet() )
+	writeLines( msg )
+} )
+\subsubsection{Special methods}
+\texttt{Rcpp} considers the methods \texttt{[[} and \texttt{[[<-} special, 
+and promote them to indexing methods on the R side. 
+\subsubsection{Full example}
+The following example illustrates how to use Rcpp modules to expose
+the class \texttt{std::vector<double>} from the STL. 
+// convenience typedef
+typedef std::vector<double> vec ;
+// helpers
+void vec_assign( vec* obj, Rcpp::NumericVector data ){
+	obj->assign( data.begin(), data.end() ) ;
+void vec_insert( vec* obj, int position, Rcpp::NumericVector data){
+	vec::iterator it = obj->begin() + position ;
+	obj->insert( it, data.begin(), data.end() ) ;
+Rcpp::NumericVector vec_asR( vec* obj ){
+	return Rcpp::wrap( *obj ) ;
+void vec_set( vec* obj, int i, double value ){
+	obj->at( i ) = value ;
+	using namespace Rcpp ;
+	// we expose the class std::vector<double> as "vec" on the R side
+	class_<vec>( "vec")
+		// exposing member functions
+	 	.method( "size", &vec::size)
+ 		.method( "max_size", &vec::max_size) 
+ 		.method( "resize", &vec::resize) 
+ 		.method( "capacity", &vec::capacity) 
+ 		.method( "empty", &vec::empty) 
+ 		.method( "reserve", &vec::reserve) 
+ 		.method( "push_back", &vec::push_back )
+ 		.method( "pop_back", &vec::pop_back )
+ 		.method( "clear", &vec::clear )
+ 		// specifically exposing const member functions
+ 		.const_method( "back", &vec::back )
+		.const_method( "front", &vec::front )
+		.const_method( "at", &vec::at )
+		// exposing free functions taking a std::vector<double>*
+		// as their first argument
+		.method( "assign", &vec_assign )
+		.method( "insert", &vec_insert )
+		.method( "as.vector", &vec_asR ) 
+		// special methods for indexing
+		.const_method( "[[", &vec::at )
+		.method( "[[<-", &vec_set )
+	;
+\section{Future extensions}
+\texttt{Boost.Python} has many more features that we would like to port 
+to Rcpp modules : class inheritance, overloading, default arguments, ... 

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-modules.Rnw
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-modules.Rnw	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
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-% from highlight
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-\def\urltilda{\kern -.15em\lower .7ex\hbox{\~{}}\kern .04em}
-% from R package "highlight"
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-\author{Dirk Eddelbuettel \and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}
-\title{Exposing \proglang{C++} functions and classes with \pkg{Rcpp} modules}
-  \noindent
-  \textsl{Rcpp modules} have been introduced in version 0.8.1 of \pkg{Rcpp}
-  to allow programmers to simply expose \proglang{C++} functions and classes to R.  
-  \textsl{Rcpp modules} are inspired from the \texttt{Boost.Python} \citep{Boost:Python}
-  \proglang{C++} library which provides the same features (and much more) for 
-  Python. This document is a short overview of the capabilities of modules.
-Exposing \proglang{C++} functionality to R is greatly facilitated by the \pkg{Rcpp}
-package and underlying \proglang{C++} library \citep{CRAN:Rcpp}. \pkg{Rcpp}
-facilitates R and \proglang{C++} integration by replacing use of the traditionnal R API
-by a consistent set of \proglang{C++} classes.
-However, these facilities are limited to a function by function basis. The 
-programmer has to implement a \texttt{.Call} compatible function
-using classes of the \pkg{Rcpp} API. 
-\subsection{Exposing functions}
-Exposing existing \proglang{C++} functions to R through \pkg{Rcpp}
-usually involves writing an additional wrapper function that is responsible
-for converting input objects to the appropriate types, calling the function
-and converting the results back to a suitable type that can be returned to 
-R: the traditionnal \texttt{SEXP} from the R API or any type from the 
-\pkg{Rcpp} API that offer implicit conversion to \texttt{SEXP} (many of them do).
-Consider the \texttt{hello} function below: 
-One can expose a such a function using \pkg{Rcpp} converters
-Or more traditionally using the R API :
-Either way requires direct involvement from the programmer and quickly
-becomes an time sink when many functions are involved. \textsl{Rcpp modules}
-provides a much more efficient way to expose the \texttt{hello} function to R.
-\subsection{Exposing classes}
-Exposing \proglang{C++} classes or structs is even more of a challenge because it
-requires writing glue code for each function that is to be exposed. Consider the 
-simple \texttt{World} class below: 
-We might want a way to create objects of this class, and use the member
-functions \texttt{greet} and \texttt{set} to alter the object. External pointers 
-\citep{R:exts} are the perfect vessel for this, and using the 
-\texttt{Rcpp:::XPtr} template from \pkg{Rcpp} we can expose the class
-by exposing three functions : 
-which can be used from R with some S4 glue code: 
-\pkg{Rcpp} considerably simplifies the code that would be involved for using 
-external pointers with the traditional R API. This still involves 
-a lot of pattern code that quickly becomes hard to maintain and error prone. 
-\textsl{Rcpp modules} offer a much nicer way to expose the \texttt{World}
-class in a way that makes both the internal \proglang{C++} code and the R code easier. 
-\section{\pkg{Rcpp} modules}
-\textsl{Rcpp modules} are inspired from Python modules that are generated
-by the \texttt{Boost.Python} library. They provide an easy way to expose
-\proglang{C++} functions and classes to R, grouped together in a single entity. 
-The module is created in a cpp file using the \texttt{RCPP\_MODULE}
-macro, which then contains declarative code of what the module 
-exposes to R. 
-\subsection{Exposing \proglang{C++} functions}
-Consider the \texttt{hello} function from the previous section. 
-We can expose it to R :
-The code creates a module called an \pkg{Rcpp} module called \texttt{yada}
-that exposes the \texttt{hello} function. \pkg{Rcpp} automatically 
-deduces the conversions that are needed for input and output. 
-On the R side, the module is simply retrieved by using the \texttt{Module}
-function from \pkg{Rcpp}:
-A module can contain any number of calls to \texttt{function} to register
-many internal functions to R. For example, these 6 functions : 
-can be exposed with the following minimal code: 
-and used from R: 
-The requirements on the functions to be exposed are: 
-\item It takes between 0 and 65 parameters. 
-\item The type of each input parameter must be manageable by the \texttt{Rcpp::as}
-\item The output type must be either \texttt{void} or any type that 
-can be managed by the \texttt{Rcpp::wrap} template
-\subsection{Exposing \proglang{C++} classes}
-\pkg{Rcpp} modules also provide a mechanism for exposing \proglang{C++} classes. The mechanism
-internally uses external pointers, but the user should consider this as
-hidden implementation details as this is properly encapsulated.
-A class is exposed using the \texttt{class\_} class. The \texttt{World}
-class may be exposed to R :
-\texttt{class\_} is templated by the \proglang{C++} class or struct that is to be exposed
-to R. The parameter of the \texttt{class\_<World>} constructor is the name we will
-use on the R side. It usually makes sense to use the same name as the class 
-name, but this is not forced, which might be useful when exposing a class 
-generated from a template. 
-The construction of the object is then followed by two calls to the 
-\texttt{method} member function of \texttt{class\_<World>}. \texttt{method}
-can expose :
-\item member functions of the target class, such as \texttt{greet} or \texttt{set}, by 
-providing the name that will be used on the R side (e.g. \texttt{greet}) and 
-a pointer to the actual member function (e.g. \texttt{\&World::greet} )
-\item free funtions that take a pointer to the target class as their 
-first parameter such as the \proglang{C++} function \texttt{clearWorld} in the previous
-example. Again, we provide the R name for the method (\texttt{clear}) and 
-a pointer to the \proglang{C++} function. 
-The module exposes the default constructor of the \texttt{World} class as well
-to support creation of \texttt{World} objects from R. The \pkg{Rcpp} module assumes
-responsabilities for type conversion for input and output types. 
-\subsubsection{Const and non-const member functions}
-\texttt{method} is able to expose both \texttt{const} and \texttt{non const}
-member functions of a class. There are however situations where
-a class defines two versions of the same method, differing only in their 
-signature by the \texttt{const}-ness. It is for example the case of the 
-member functions \texttt{back} of the \texttt{std::vector} template from 
-the STL. 
-\subsubsection{S4 dispatch}
-When a \proglang{C++} class is exposed by the \texttt{class\_} template, 
-a new S4 class is registered as well. This allows implementation of R-level 
-(S4) dispatch. For example, one might implement the \texttt{show}
-method for \proglang{C++} \texttt{World} objects: 
-\subsubsection{Special methods}
-\pkg{Rcpp} considers the methods \texttt{[[} and \texttt{[[<-} special, 
-and promote them to indexing methods on the R side. 
-\subsubsection{Full example}
-The following example illustrates how to use \pkg{Rcpp} modules to expose
-the class \texttt{std::vector<double>} from the STL. 
-\section{Future extensions}
-\texttt{Boost.Python} has many more features that we would like to port 
-to Rcpp modules : class inheritance, overloading, default arguments, ... 

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/S4dispatch.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/S4dispatch.R	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/S4dispatch.R	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-setMethod( "show", "World", function(object){
-	msg <- paste( "World object with message : ", object$greet() )
-	writeLines( msg )
-} )

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/World.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/World.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/World.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-class World {
-    World() : msg("hello"){}
-    void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
-    std::string greet() { return msg; }
-    std::string msg;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModule.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModule.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModule.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-class World {
-    World() : msg("hello"){}
-    void set(std::string msg) { this->msg = msg; }
-    std::string greet() { return msg; }
-    std::string msg;
-void clearWorld( World* w){
-	w->set( "" ) ;
-	using namespace Rcpp ;
-	class_<World>( "World" )
-		.method( "greet", &World::greet )
-		.method( "set", &World::set )
-		.method( "clear", &clearWorld )
-	;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModuleR.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModuleR.R	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldModuleR.R	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-require( Rcpp )
-# load the module
-yada <- Module( "yada" )
-# grab the World class
-World <- yada$World
-# create a new World object
-w <- new( World )
-# use methods of the class
-w$set( "hello world" ) 

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcpp.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcpp.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcpp.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-using namespace Rcpp ;
-/** create an external pointer to a World object */
-RcppExport SEXP World__new(){
-	return Rcpp::XPtr<World>( new World, true ) ;
-/** invoke the greet method */
-RcppExport SEXP World__greet( SEXP xp ) {
-	Rcpp::XPtr<World> w(xp) ;
-	return Rcpp::wrap( w->greet() ) ;
-/** invoke the set method */
-RcppExport SEXP World__set( SEXP xp, SEXP msg ){
-	Rcpp::XPtr<World> w(xp) ;
-	w->set( Rcpp::as<std::string>( msg ) ) ;
-	return R_NilValue ;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcppR.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcppR.R	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/WorldRcppR.R	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-setClass( "World", representation( pointer = "externalptr" ) )
-World_method <- function(name){
-	paste( "World", name, sep = "__" )
-setMethod( "$", "World", function(x, name ){
-	function(...) .Call( World_method(name) , x at pointer, ... )
-} )
-w <- new( "World", .Call( World_method( "new" ) ) )
-w$set( "hello world" )

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functions.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functions.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functions.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-std::string hello(){
-	return "hello" ;
-int bar( int x){
-	return x*2 ;
-double foo( int x, double y){
-	return x * y ;
-void bla( ){
-	Rprintf( "hello\\n" ) ;
-void bla1( int x){
-	Rprintf( "hello (x = %d)\\n", x ) ;
-void bla2( int x, double y){
-	Rprintf( "hello (x = %d, y = %5.2f)\\n", x, y ) ;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModule.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModule.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModule.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-	using namespace Rcpp ;
-	function( "hello" , &hello ) ;
-	function( "bar"   , &bar   ) ;
-	function( "foo"   , &foo   ) ;
-	function( "bla"   , &bla   ) ;
-	function( "bla1"  , &bla1   ) ;
-	function( "bla2"  , &bla2   ) ;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModuleR.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModuleR.R	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/functionsModuleR.R	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-require( Rcpp )
-yada <- Module( "yada" )
-yada$bar( 2L )
-yada$foo( 2L, 10.0 )
-yada$bla1( 2L) 
-yada$bla2( 2L, 5.0 )

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/hello.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/hello.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/hello.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-const char* hello( std::string who ){
-	std::string result( "hello " ) ;
-	result += who ; 
-	return result.c_str() ;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModule.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModule.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModule.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-const char* hello( std::string who ){
-	std::string result( "hello " ) ;
-	result += who ; 
-	return result.c_str() ;
-	using namespace Rcpp ;
-	function( "hello", &hello ) ;

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModuleR.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModuleR.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloModuleR.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-require( Rcpp )
-yada <- Module( "yada" )
-yada$hello( "world" )

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexpose.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexpose.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexpose.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-RcppExport SEXP hello_wrapper( SEXP who){
-    std::string input = Rcpp::as<std::string>( who )
-    const char* result = hello( input ) ;
-    return Rcpp::wrap( result );

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexposerapi.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexposerapi.cpp	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/helloexposerapi.cpp	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-extern "C" SEXP hello_wrapper( SEXP who){
-    std::string input = CHAR(STRING_ELT(input,0)) ;
-    const char* result = hello( input ) ;
-    return mkString( result );

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/highlight.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/highlight.R	2010-05-30 07:26:34 UTC (rev 1373)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/snippets/highlight.R	2010-05-30 19:34:55 UTC (rev 1374)
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
 require( highlight )
-if( compareVersion( "0.1-9", packageDescription( "highlight" )[["Version"]] ) ){
-	stop( "version 0.1-9 of highlight is required for the minipage argument" )

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 1374

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