[Rcpp-commits] r904 - pkg/Rcpp/inst/codebloat scripts

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Mon Mar 15 19:40:39 CET 2010

Author: romain
Date: 2010-03-15 19:40:38 +0100 (Mon, 15 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 904

move the ciodebloat script out of the distribution

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/inst/codebloat/codebloat.R
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/codebloat/codebloat.R	2010-03-15 18:33:54 UTC (rev 903)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/codebloat/codebloat.R	2010-03-15 18:40:38 UTC (rev 904)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# to change the maximum number of arguments to 20
-# move to the root directory of Rcpp and do : 
-# Rscript inst/codebloat/codebloat.R 20
-target <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1]
-typenames <- function( n = 1){
-	paste( sprintf( "typename T%d", 1:n ), collapse = ", " )
-arguments <- function( n = 1){
-	paste( sprintf( "const T%d& t%d", 1:n, 1:n ), collapse = ", " )	
-parameters <- function( n = 1 ){
-	paste( sprintf( "t%d", 1:n ), collapse = ", " )	
-grow <- function( n = 1 ){
-	grow__ <- function( n, m){
-		if( m > n ){
-			"R_NilValue"
-		} else{
-			sprintf( "grow( t%d, %s )", m, grow__( n , m+1) )	
-		}
-	}
-	grow__( n, 1 ) ;
-modify <- function(txt, token, n, fun){
-	if( any( grepl( token, txt ) ) ){
-		gsub( token, fun(n), txt )
-	} else {
-		txt
-	}
-path <- file.path( "src", "Rcpp" )
-for( f in list.files(path, full.names = TRUE) ){
-	content <- readLines( f )
-	if( any( grepl( "code-bloat", content ) ) ){
-		first <- grep( "<code-bloat>", content )
-		last <- grep( "</code-bloat>", content )
-		code.end <- grep( "^[*]/", content[first:last] )[1] - 2
-		code <- content[ first + (2:code.end) ]
-		result <- lapply( 1:target, function(n){
-			txt <- code
-			txt <- modify( txt, "TYPENAMES" , n, typenames  )
-			txt <- modify( txt, "ARGUMENTS" , n, arguments  )
-			txt <- modify( txt, "PARAMETERS", n, parameters )
-			txt <- modify( txt, "GROW"      , n, grow )
-			txt
-		} )
-		output <- unlist( result )
-		new.content <- c( 
-			content[1:(first+code.end+1)], 
-			output, 
-			content[last:length(content)] )
-		cat( new.content, file = f, sep = "\n" )
-	}

Copied: scripts/codebloat.R (from rev 903, pkg/Rcpp/inst/codebloat/codebloat.R)
--- scripts/codebloat.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ scripts/codebloat.R	2010-03-15 18:40:38 UTC (rev 904)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# to change the maximum number of arguments to 20
+# move to the root directory of Rcpp and do : 
+# Rscript inst/codebloat/codebloat.R 20
+target <- commandArgs(TRUE)[1]
+typenames <- function( n = 1){
+	paste( sprintf( "typename T%d", 1:n ), collapse = ", " )
+arguments <- function( n = 1){
+	paste( sprintf( "const T%d& t%d", 1:n, 1:n ), collapse = ", " )	
+parameters <- function( n = 1 ){
+	paste( sprintf( "t%d", 1:n ), collapse = ", " )	
+grow <- function( n = 1 ){
+	grow__ <- function( n, m){
+		if( m > n ){
+			"R_NilValue"
+		} else{
+			sprintf( "grow( t%d, %s )", m, grow__( n , m+1) )	
+		}
+	}
+	grow__( n, 1 ) ;
+modify <- function(txt, token, n, fun){
+	if( any( grepl( token, txt ) ) ){
+		gsub( token, fun(n), txt )
+	} else {
+		txt
+	}
+path <- file.path( "src", "Rcpp" )
+for( f in list.files(path, full.names = TRUE) ){
+	content <- readLines( f )
+	if( any( grepl( "code-bloat", content ) ) ){
+		first <- grep( "<code-bloat>", content )
+		last <- grep( "</code-bloat>", content )
+		code.end <- grep( "^[*]/", content[first:last] )[1] - 2
+		code <- content[ first + (2:code.end) ]
+		result <- lapply( 1:target, function(n){
+			txt <- code
+			txt <- modify( txt, "TYPENAMES" , n, typenames  )
+			txt <- modify( txt, "ARGUMENTS" , n, arguments  )
+			txt <- modify( txt, "PARAMETERS", n, parameters )
+			txt <- modify( txt, "GROW"      , n, grow )
+			txt
+		} )
+		output <- unlist( result )
+		new.content <- c( 
+			content[1:(first+code.end+1)], 
+			output, 
+			content[last:length(content)] )
+		cat( new.content, file = f, sep = "\n" )
+	}

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