[Rcpp-commits] r854 - pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc

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Sun Mar 7 17:34:35 CET 2010

Author: edd
Date: 2010-03-07 17:34:35 +0100 (Sun, 07 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 854

adding Rcpp-introduction.Rnw as the current version of the RJ paper

Added: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/RJournal.sty	2010-03-07 16:34:35 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+%% This is file `RJournal.sty',
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+%% Package `RJournal' to use with LaTeX2e
+%% Copyright (C) 2009 by the R Foundation
+%% Please report errors to KH or FL
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+                        RJournal package]
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+%% End of file `RJournal.sty'.

Added: pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.Rnw
--- pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.Rnw	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/inst/doc/Rcpp-introduction.Rnw	2010-03-07 16:34:35 UTC (rev 854)
@@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@
+%\VignetteKeywords{foreign function interface, .Call, C++, R}
+\usepackage{booktabs}           % fancier \hrule
+\usepackage{float}		% float 'here' -- but not with multicol?
+\RequirePackage{ae,mathpple}    % ae as a default font pkg works with Sweave
+%% do not edit, for illustration only
+\fancyhead[LO,RE]{\textsc{Submitted Article currently under Review}}
+%\fancyfoot[L]{The R Journal Vol. X/Y, Month, Year}
+%\fancyfoot[R]{ISSN 2073-4859}
+  %\input{EddelbuettelFrancois}  %% pull in EddelbuettelFrancois.tex
+\title{Rcpp: Seamless R and C++ integration}
+\author{by Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Fran\c{c}ois}
+\abstract{The \pkg{Rcpp} package simplifies integrating C++ code with R. It
+  provides a consistent C++ class hierarchy that maps various types of R
+  objects (vectors, functions, environments, ...) to dedicated C++
+  classes. Object interchange between R and C++ is managed by
+  simple, flexible and extensible concepts which include broad support for
+  C++ STL idioms. C++ code can be compiled, linked and loaded on the fly.
+  Flexible error and exception code handling is provided.  \pkg{Rcpp}
+  substantially lowers the barrier for programmers wanting to combine
+  C++ code with R.}
+R is an extensible system. The `Writing R Extensions' manual \citep{R:exts}
+describes in detail how to augment R with compiled code,
+focussing mostly on the C language. The R API described in `Writing R Extensions' is
+based on a set of functions and macros operating on \code{SEXP}, the internal
+representation of R objects.
+In this article, we discuss the functionality of the \pkg{Rcpp}
+package, which simplifies the usage of C++ code
+in R. Combining R and C++ is not a new idea, so we start with
+a short review of other approaches and give some historical
+background on the development of \pkg{Rcpp}.
+The current version of \pkg{Rcpp} combines two distinct
+APIs. The first---which we call `classic \pkg{Rcpp} API'---exists since 
+the first version of \pkg{Rcpp}. The second API, enclosed in the 
+\code{Rcpp} C++ namespace, is a newer codebase which we started to develop
+more recently. This article 
+highlights some of the key design and implementation choices: 
+lightweight encapsulation of R objects in C++ classes, automatic
+garbage collection strategy, code inlining, data interchange between 
+R and C++ and error handling. 
+Several examples are included to illustrate the benefits of using \pkg{Rcpp}
+as opposed to the traditional R API. Many more examples are available within
+the package, both as explicit examples and as part of the numerous unit tests.
+\subsection{Historical Context}
+\pkg{Rcpp} first appeared in 2005 as a contribution to the \pkg{RQuantLib}
+package \citep{eddelbuettelkhan09:rquantlib} before becoming a CRAN
+package in early 2006. Several releases followed in quick succession; all of
+these were under the name \pkg{Rcpp}. The package was then renamed to
+\pkg{RcppTemplate} and several more releases followed during 2006 under the
+new name.  However, no new releases or updates were made during 2007, 2008
+and most of 2009.
+Given the continued use of the package, it was revitalized. New
+releases, using the initial name \pkg{Rcpp}, started in November 2008. These
+already included an improved build and distribution process, additional
+documentation, and new functionality---while retaining the existing
+interface.  This constitutes the `classic \pkg{Rcpp}' interface (described in
+the next section) which will be maintained for the foreseeable future.
+Yet C++ coding standards continued to evolve \citep{meyers:effectivecplusplus}.
+So starting in 2009 the codebase was significantly extended and numerous new
+features were added.  Several of these are described below in the section on
+the `new \pkg{Rcpp}' interface. This new API is our current focus, and we
+intend to both extend and support it going forward.
+Integration of C++ and R has been addressed by several authors; the earliest
+published reference is probably \cite{batesdebroy01:cppclasses}.
+An unpublished paper by \cite{javagailemanly07:r_cpp} expresses several ideas
+that are close to some of our approaches, though not yet fully fleshed out.
+The \pkg{Rserve} package \citep{cran:Rserve} was another early approach,
+going back to 2002. On the server side, \pkg{Rserve} translates R data
+structures into a binary serialization format and uses TCP/IP for
+transfer. On the client side, objects are reconstructed as instances of Java
+or C++ classes that emulate the structure of R objects. 
+The packages \pkg{rcppbind} \citep{liang08:rcppbind}, \pkg{RAbstraction}
+\citep{armstrong09:RAbstraction} and \pkg{RObjects}
+\citep{armstrong09:RObjects} are all implemented using C++ templates.
+However, neither has matured to the point of a CRAN release and it is
+unclear how much usage these packages are seeing beyond their own authors.
+CXXR \citep{runnalls09:cxxr} comes to this topic from the other side: 
+its aim is to completely refactor R on a stronger C++ foundation. 
+CXXR is therefore concerned with all aspects of the R interpreter,
+REPL loop, threading---and object interchange between R and C++ is but one
+part. A similar approach is discussed by \cite{templelang09:modestproposal}
+who suggests making low-level internals extensible by package developers in
+order to facilitate extending \R.
+Another slightly different angle is offered by
+\cite{templelang09:rgcctranslationunit} who uses compiler output for
+references on the code in order to add bindings and wrappers.
+Lastly, the \pkg{RcppTemplate} package \citep{samperi09:rcpptemplate}
+recently introduced a few new ideas yet decided to break with the
+`classic \pkg{Rcpp}' API.
+A critical comparison of these packages that addresses relevant aspects such
+API features, performance, usability and documentation would be a welcome
+addition to the literature, but is beyond the scope of this article.
+\section{Classic Rcpp API}
+The core focus of \pkg{Rcpp}---particularly for the earlier API described in
+this section---has always been on allowing the programmer to add C++-based
+functions. We use this term in the standard mathematical sense of providing
+results (output) given a set of parameters or data (input). This was
+facilitated from the earliest releases using C++ classes for receiving
+various types of R objects, converting them to C++ objects and allowing the
+programmer to return the results to R with relative use. 
+This API therefore supports two typical use cases. First, one can think of
+replacing existing R code with equivalent C++ code in order to reap
+performance gains.  This case is conceptually easy as there may not be
+(built- or run-time) dependencies on other C or C++ libraries.  It typically
+involves setting up data and parameters---the right-hand side components of a
+function call---before making the call in order to provide the result that is
+to be assigned to the left-hand side. Second, \pkg{Rcpp} facilitates calling
+functions provided by other libraries. The use resembles the first case: data
+and parameters are passed via \pkg{Rcpp} to a function set-up to call code
+from an external library.  
+An illustration can be provided using the time-tested example of a
+convolution of two vectors. This example is shown in sections 5.2 (for the
+\code{.C()} interface) and 5.9 (for the \code{.Call()} interface) of 'Writing
+R Extensions' \citep{R:exts}. We have rewritten it here using classes of the
+classic \pkg{Rcpp} API:
+#include <Rcpp.h>
+RcppExport SEXP convolve2cpp(SEXP a,SEXP b) \{
+  RcppVector<double> xa(a);
+  RcppVector<double> xb(b);
+  int nab = xa.size() + xb.size() - 1;
+  RcppVector<double> xab(nab);
+  for (int i = 0; i < nab; i++) xab(i) = 0.0;
+  for (int i = 0; i < xa.size(); i++)
+    for (int j = 0; j < xb.size(); j++) 
+       xab(i + j) += xa(i) * xb(j);
+  RcppResultSet rs;
+  rs.add("ab", xab);
+  return rs.getReturnList();
+We can highlight several aspects. First, only a single header file
+\code{Rcpp.h} is needed to use the \pkg{Rcpp} API.  Second, given two
+\code{SEXP} types, a third is returned.
+Third, both inputs are converted to templated\footnote{C++ templates
+allow functions or classes to be written somewhat independently from the 
+template parameter. The actual class is instantiated by the compiler
+by replacing occurences of the templated parameter(s).}
+C++ vector types, here a standard \code{double}
+type is used to create a vector of doubles from the template type.
+Fourth, the usefulness of these classes can be seen when we query the
+vectors directly for their size---using the \code{size()} member function---in
+order to reserve a new result type of appropriate length whereas use based
+on C arrays would have required additional parameters for the length of
+vectors $a$ and $b$, leaving open the possibility of mismatches between the
+actual length and the length reported by the programmer. 
+Fifth, the computation itself is straightforward embedded looping just as in the
+original examples in the 'Writing R Extensions' manual \citep{R:exts}.
+Sixth, a return type (\code{RcppResultSet}) is prepared as a named
+object which is then
+converted to a list object that is returned.  We should note that the
+\code{RcppResultSet} supports the return of numerous (named) objects which can
+also be of different types.
+We argue that this usage is already much easier to read, write and debug than the
+C macro-based approach supported by R itself. Possible performance issues and
+other potential limitations will be discussed throughout the article and
+reviewed at the end.
+\section{New \pkg{Rcpp} API}
+More recently, the \pkg{Rcpp} API has been dramatically extended, leading to a 
+complete redesign, based on the usage experience of several 
+years of \pkg{Rcpp} deployment, needs from other projects, knowledge 
+of the internal R API, as well as current C++ design approaches. 
+This redesign of \code{Rcpp} was also motivated by the needs of other 
+projects such as \code{RInside}  \citep{cran:rinside} for easy embedding 
+of R in a C++ applications and \code{RProtoBuf} \citep{cran:rprotobuf} 
+that interfaces with the protocol buffers library. 
+\subsection{Rcpp Class hierarchy}
+The \code{Rcpp::RObject} class is the basic class of the new \pkg{Rcpp} API. 
+An instance of the \code{RObject} class encapsulates an R object
+(\code{SEXP}), exposes methods that are appropriate for all types 
+of objects and transparently manages garbage collection.
+The most important aspect of the \code{RObject} class is that it is 
+a very thin wrapper around the \code{SEXP} it encapsulates. The 
+\code{SEXP} is indeed the only data member of an \code{RObject}. The 
+\code{RObject} class does not interfere with the way R manages its 
+memory, does not perform copies of the object into a suboptimal 
+C++ representation, but instead merely acts as a proxy to the 
+object it encapsulates so that methods applied to the \code{RObject}
+instance are relayed back to the \code{SEXP} in terms of the standard
+The \code{RObject} class takes advantage of the explicit life cycle of 
+C++ objects to manage exposure of the underlying R object to the 
+garbage collector. The \code{RObject} effectively treats 
+its underlying \code{SEXP} as a resource.
+The constructor of the \code{RObject} class takes 
+the necessary measures to guarantee that the underlying \code{SEXP}
+is protected from the garbage collector, and the destructor
+assumes the responsibility to withdraw that protection. 
+By assuming the entire responsibility of garbage collection, \code{Rcpp}
+relieves the programmer from writing boiler plate code to manage
+the protection stack with \code{PROTECT} and \code{UNPROTECT} macros.
+The \code{RObject} class defines a set of member functions applicable
+to any R object, regardless of its type. This ranges from 
+querying properties of the object (\texttt{isNULL}, \texttt{isObject}, 
+\texttt{isS4}), management of the attributes 
+(\texttt{attributeNames}, \texttt{hasAttribute}, \texttt{attr}) and 
+handling of slots\footnote{The member functions that deal with slots
+are only applicable on S4 objects; otherwise an exception is thrown.} 
+(\texttt{hasSlot}, \texttt{slot}).
+\subsection{Derived classes}
+Internally, an R object must have one type amongst the set of 
+predefined types, commonly referred to as SEXP types. R internals
+\citep{R:ints} documents these various types. 
+\pkg{Rcpp} associates a dedicated C++ class for most SEXP types, 
+therefore only exposes functionality that is relevant to the R object
+that it encapsulates.
+For example \code{Rcpp::Environment} contains 
+member functions to manage objects in the associated environment. 
+Similarly, classes related to vectors (\code{IntegerVector}, \code{NumericVector}, 
+\code{RawVector}, \code{LogicalVector}, \code{CharacterVector}, 
+\code{GenericVector} and \code{ExpressionVector}) expose functionality
+to extract and set values from the vectors.
+The following sub-sections present typical uses of \pkg{Rcpp} classes in
+comparison with the same code expressed using functions of the R API.
+\subsection{Numeric vectors}
+The following code snippet is taken from Writing R extensions
+\citep{R:exts}. It creates a \code{numeric} vector of two elements 
+and assigns some values to it. 
+SEXP ab;
+PROTECT(ab = allocVector(REALSXP, 2));
+REAL(ab)[0] = 123.45;
+REAL(ab)[1] = 67.89;
+Although this is one of the simplest examples in Writing R extensions, 
+it seems verbose and it is not obvious at first sight to understand what is happening.
+Memory is allocated by \code{allocVector}; we must also supply it with
+the type of data (\code{REALSXP}) and the number of elements.  Once
+allocated, the \code{ab} object must be protected from garbage
+collection\footnote{Since the garbage collection can be triggered at any time, not
+protecting an object means its memory might be reclaimed too soon.}. 
+Lastly, the \code{REAL} macro returns a pointer to the
+beginning of the actual array; its indexing does not resemble either R or
+Using the \code{Rcpp::NumericVector} class, the code can be rewritten: 
+Rcpp::NumericVector ab(2) ;
+ab[0] = 123.45;
+ab[1] = 67.89;
+The code contains fewer idiomatic decorations. The \code{NumericVector}
+constructor is given the number of elements the vector contains (2), this
+hides a call to the \code{allocVector} we saw previously. Also hidden is
+protection of the object from garbage collection, which is a behavior that
+\code{NumericVector} inherits from \code{RObject}.  Values are assigned to
+the first and second elements of the vector as \code{NumericVector} overloads
+the \code{operator[]}.
+With the most recent compilers (e.g. GNU g++ >= 4.4) which already implement
+parts of the next C++ standard (C++0x) currently being drafted, the preceding
+code may even be reduced to this:
+Rcpp::NumericVector ab = \{123.45, 67.89\};
+\subsection{Character vectors}
+A second example deals with character vectors and emulates this R code
+> c("foo", "bar")
+Using the traditional R API, the vector can be allocated and filled as such:
+SEXP ab;
+PROTECT(ab = allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
+SET_STRING_ELT( ab, 0, mkChar("foo") );
+SET_STRING_ELT( ab, 1, mkChar("bar") );
+This imposes on the programmer knowledge of \code{PROTECT}, \code{UNPROTECT}, 
+\code{SEXP}, \code{allocVector}, \code{SET\_STRING\_ELT}, \code{mkChar}. 
+Using the \pkg{Rcpp::CharacterVector} class, we can express the same
+code more concisely:
+CharacterVector ab(2) ;
+ab[0] = "foo" ;
+ab[1] = "bar" ;
+\section{R and C++ data interchange}
+In addition to classes, the \pkg{Rcpp} package contains two 
+functions to perform conversion of C++ objects to R objects and back. 
+\subsection{C++ to R : wrap}
+The C++ to R conversion is performed by the \code{Rcpp::wrap} templated
+function. It uses advanced template meta programming techniques\footnote{A
+  discussion of template meta programming is beyond the scope of this
+  article.}  to convert a wide and extensible set of types and classes to the
+most appropriate type of R object. The signature of the \code{wrap} template
+template <typename T> 
+SEXP wrap(const T& object) ;
+The templated function takes a reference to a `wrappable` 
+object and converts this object into a \code{SEXP}, which is what R expects. 
+Currently wrappable types are :
+\item primitive types, \code{int}, \code{double}, ... which are converted 
+into the corresponding atomic R vectors;
+\item \code{std::string} which are converted to R atomic character vectors;
+\item STL containers such as \code{std::vector<T>} or \code{std::list<T>}, 
+as long as the template parameter type \code{T} is itself wrappable;
+\item STL maps which use \code{std::string} for keys 
+(e.g. \code{std::map<std::string,T>}); as long as 
+the type \code{T} is wrappable;
+\item any type that implements implicit conversion to \code{SEXP} through the 
+\code{operator SEXP()};
+\item any type for which the \code{wrap} template is partially or fully 
+One example for the specialisation of the templated \code{wrap} function is
+provided in \pkg{RInside} \citep{cran:rinside} by \code{vector< vector<
+  double > >} and \code{vector< vector< int > >} which are used for
+representing numeric matrices.
+Wrappability of an object type is resolved at compile time using 
+modern techniques of template meta programming and class traits.
+The following code snippet illustrates that the design allows
+std::vector< std::map<std::string,int> > v;
+std::map< std::string, int > m1;
+std::map< std::string, int > m2;
+m1["foo"] = 1; m1["bar"] = 2;
+m2["foo"] = 1; m2["bar"] = 2; m2["baz"] = 3;
+v.push_back( m1) ;
+v.push_back( m2) ;
+Rcpp::wrap( v ) ;
+The code creates a list of two named vectors, equal to the 
+result of this R statement:
+list( c( bar = 2L, foo = 1L) , 
+      c( bar = 2L, baz = 3L, foo = 1L) )
+\subsection{R to C++ : as}
+The reversed conversion is implemented by variations of the 
+\code{Rcpp::as} template. It offers less flexibility and currently
+handles conversion of R objects into primitive types (bool, int, std::string, ...), 
+STL vectors of primitive types  (\code{std::vector<bool>}, 
+\code{std::vector<double>}, etc ...) and arbitrary types that offer 
+a constructor that takes a \code{SEXP}. In addition \code{as} can 
+be fully or partially specialized to manage conversion of R data 
+structures to third-party types.
+\subsection{Implicit use of converters}
+The converters offered by \code{wrap} and \code{as} provide a very 
+useful framework to implement the logic of the code in terms of C++ 
+data structures and then explicitly convert data back to R. 
+In addition, the converters are also used implicitly
+in various places in the \code{Rcpp} API. 
+Consider the following code that uses the \code{Rcpp::Environment} class to 
+interchange data between C++ and R.
+# assuming the global environment contains 
+# a variable 'x' that is a numeric vector
+Rcpp::Environment global = 
+\ \ \ \ Rcpp::Environment::global_env()
+# extract a std::vector<double> from 
+# the global environment
+std::vector<double> vx = global["x"] ;
+# create a map<string,string>
+std::map<std::string,std::string> map ;
+map["foo"] = "oof" ;
+map["bar"] = "rab" ;
+# push the STL map to R
+global["y"] = map ;
+In the first part of the example, the code extracts a 
+\code{std::vector<double>} from the global environment. This is 
+achieved by the templated \code{operator[]} of \code{Environment}
+that first extracts the requested object from the environment as a \code{SEXP}, 
+and then outsources to \code{Rcpp::as} the creation of the 
+requested type. 
+In the second part of the example, the \code{operator[]} 
+delegates to wrap the production of an R object based on the 
+type that is passed in (\code{std::map<std::string,std::string>}), 
+and then assigns the object to the requested name.
+The same mechanism is used throughout the API. Examples include access/modification
+of object attributes, slots, elements of generic vectors (lists), 
+function arguments, nodes of dotted pair lists and language calls and more. 
+\section{Function calls}
+  \begin{minipage}[t]{0.465\linewidth}
+    \centering{\underline{Environment: Using the \pkg{Rcpp} API}}
+    \begin{example}
+Environment stats("package:stats");
+Function rnorm = stats["rnorm"];
+return rnorm(10, Named("sd", 100.0));
+    \end{example}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}{0.06\linewidth}
+    \phantom{XXX}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[t]{0.465\linewidth}
+    \centering{\underline{Environment: Using the R API}}
+    \begin{example}
+SEXP stats = PROTECT( 
+\ \ R_FindNamespace( mkString("stats")));
+SEXP rnorm = PROTECT( 
+\ \ findVarInFrame( stats, install("rnorm")));
+SEXP call  = PROTECT( 
+\ \ LCONS( rnorm, 
+\ \ \ \ CONS(ScalarInteger(10), 
+\ \ \ \ \ \ CONS(ScalarReal(100.0),R_NilValue))));
+SET_TAG( CDDR(call), install("sd") );
+SEXP res = PROTECT(eval(call, R_GlobalEnv));
+return res ;
+    \end{example}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[t]{0.465\linewidth}
+    \centering{\underline{Language: Using the \pkg{Rcpp} API}}
+    \begin{example}
+Language call("rnorm",10,Named("sd",100.0));
+return call.eval();
+    \end{example}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}{0.06\linewidth}
+    \phantom{XXX}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \begin{minipage}[t]{0.465\linewidth}
+    \centering{\underline{Language: Using the R API}}
+    \begin{example}
+SEXP call  = PROTECT( 
+\ \ LCONS( install("rnorm"), 
+\ \ \ \ CONS(ScalarInteger(10), 
+\ \ \ \ \ \ CONS(ScalarReal(100.0),R_NilValue))));
+SET_TAG( CDDR(call), install("sd") ) ;
+SEXP res = PROTECT(eval(call, R_GlobalEnv));
+return res ;
+    \end{example}
+  \end{minipage}
+  \caption{\pkg{Rcpp} versus the R API: Four ways of calling \code{rnorm(10L, sd=100)} in C / C++. 
+  We have removed the \code{Rcpp::} prefix from the
+  examples for readability; this corresponds to adding a statement
+  \texttt{using namespace Rcpp;} in the code}
+  \label{fig:rnormCode}
+The next example shows how to use \pkg{Rcpp} to emulate the R code
+\code{rnorm(10L, sd=100.0)}.
+As shown in table~\ref{fig:rnormCode}, the code can be expressed in several
+ways in either \pkg{Rcpp} or the standard R API. The first version shows the
+use of the \code{Environment} and \code{Function} classes by
+The second version shows the use of the \code{Language} class, which 
+manage calls (LANGSXP). 
+For comparison, we also show both versions using the standard R API.
+This example illustrates that the \pkg{Rcpp} API permits us to work with code
+that is easier to read, write and maintain. More examples are available as
+part of the documentation included in the \pkg{Rcpp} package, as well as
+among its over one hundred and ninety unit tests.
+\section{Using code `inline'}
+Extending R with compiled code also needs to address how to reliably compile,
+link and load the code.  While using a package is preferable in the long run,
+it may be too involved for for quick explorations. An alternative is
+provided by the \pkg{inline} package \citep{cran:inline} which compiles,
+links and loads a C, C++ or Fortran function---directly from the R prompt
+using a simple function \code{cfunction}.  It was recently extended to work
+with \pkg{Rcpp} by allowing for the use of additional header files and
+libraries. This works particularly well with the \pkg{Rcpp} package where
+headers and the library are automatically found if the appropriate option
+\code{Rcpp} to \texttt{cfunction} is set to \code{TRUE}.
+The use of \pkg{inline} is possible as \pkg{Rcpp} can be installed and
+updated just like any other R package using \textsl{e.g.} the
+\code{install.packages()} function for initial installation as well as
+\code{update.packages()} for upgrades.  So even though R / C++ interfacing
+would otherwise require source code, the \pkg{Rcpp} library is always provided
+ready for use as a pre-built library through the CRAN package
+mechanism.\footnote{This presumes a platform for which pre-built binaries are

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    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 854

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