[Rcpp-commits] r697 - in pkg: Rcpp Rcpp/man Rcpp/src RcppExamples/man RcppExamples/src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Feb 16 17:21:28 CET 2010

Author: edd
Date: 2010-02-16 17:21:27 +0100 (Tue, 16 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 697

moved manual pages

Modified: pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/NAMESPACE	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,12 +1,6 @@
-       print.RcppExample,
-       RcppDateExample,
-       RcppParamsExample,
-       RcppVectorExample, 
-       Rcpp.package.skeleton
 importFrom( utils, capture.output )

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppDate.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppDate.Rd	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppDate.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-\title{C++ classes for receiving date and datetime R objects in C++}
-  \code{RcppDate}, \code{RcppDatetime}, \code{RcppDateVector} and
-  \code{RcppDatetimeVector} are C++ classes defined in \code{Rcpp.h} that can
-  pass scalars and vectors of of \R objects of types \code{Date} and
-  \code{POSIXct}, respectively, to C++ via the \code{.Call()} function interface. 
-  Member functions are provided to query the dimension of the vector or
-  matrix object, convert it in a corresponding \code{C} representation.
-  \R objects of type \code{Date}, and hence the \code{RcppDate} and
-  \code{RcppDateVector} objects, are internally represented as an integer
-  counting days since the epoch, i.e. January 1, 1970. Similarly, \R objects of type
-  \code{POSIXct} and the \code{RcppDatetime} and
-  \code{RcppDatetimeVector} objects, are internally represented as
-  seconds since the epoch.  However, \R extends the POSIX standard by
-  using a double leading to microsecond precision in timestamps. This is
-  fully supported by \code{Rcpp} as well.
-%  Internal to the C++ code.
-  Usage of the \code{RcppDate}, \code{RcppDatetime} (and their vector
-  extensions) in \code{C++} is fully defined in \code{Rcpp.h}. 
-  As example, consider a call from \R to \code{C++} such as
-  \preformatted{
-  # an R example passing one type of each class to a function
-  # someFunction in package somePackage
-  val <- .Call("someFunction",
-               Sys.Date(),        # current date
-	       Sys.time(), 	  # current timestamp
-	       as.Date("2000-02-25")
-	          + 0:5,         # date vector
-	       ISOdatetime(1999,12,31,23,59,0)
-	          + (0:5)*0.250, # datetime vector
-   	       PACKAGE="somePackage")
-  }
-  At the \code{C++} level, the corresponding code to assign these parameter to
-  \code{C++} objects is can be as follows::
-  \preformatted{%
-  SEXP someFunction(SEXP ds, SEXP dts,
-                    SEXP dvs, SEXP dtvs) {
-    RcppDate           d(ds);  		      
-    RcppDatetime       dt(dts);
-    RcppDateVector     dv(dvs);
-    RcppDatetimeVector dtv(dtvs);
-  }
-  }
-  Standard accessor functions are defined, see \code{Rcpp.h} for details.
-  Objects of these types can also be returned via \code{RcppResultSet}. 
-%  See \code{Rcpp.h} and the package vignette.
-  \code{RcppResultSet}, the vignette \dQuote{RcppAPI}.
-\author{Dominick Samperi wrote most of Rcpp during 2005 and 2006.  Dirk
-  Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008.}
-# set up date and datetime vectors
-dvec <- Sys.Date() + -2:2
-dtvec <- Sys.time() + (-2:2)*0.5
-# call the underlying  C++ function
-result <- RcppDateExample(dvec, dtvec)
-# inspect returned object

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppExample.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppExample.Rd	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppExample.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-\title{Rcpp R / C++ interface example}
-  \code{RcppExample} illustrates how the \code{Rcpp} R/C++
-  interface class library is used.
-RcppExample(params, nlist, numvec, nummat, df, datevec, stringvec,
-fnvec, fnlist)
-  \item{params}{A heterogeneous list specifying \code{method} (string),
-    \code{tolerance} (double), \code{maxIter} (int).}
-  \item{nlist}{a list of named numeric values (double or int).}
-  \item{numvec}{a numeric 1D vector (double or int).}
-  \item{nummat}{a numeric 2D matrix (double or int).}
-  \item{df}{a data frame.}
-  \item{datevec}{a vector of Date's.}
-  \item{stringvec}{a vector of strings.}
-  \item{fnvec}{an R function with numeric vector argument.}
-  \item{fnlist}{an R function with list argument.}
-  \item{x}{Object of type \code{RcppExample}.}
-  \item{...}{Extra named parameters.}
-  }
-  The C++ represention of data frames are not passed back to R in a form
-  that R recognizes as a data frame, but it is a simple matter to do the
-  conversion. For example, the return value named \code{PreDF} (see
-  return values below) is not seen as a data frame on the R side (thus
-  the name "pre-data frame"), but it can be converted to a data frame
-  using \code{df <- data.frame(result$PreDF)}.
-  The print.RcppExample() function is defined so that we can control
-  what gets printed when a variable assigned the return value is entered
-  on a line by itself. It is defined to simply list the names of the
-  fields returned (see RcppExample.R).
-  The source files for this
-  example and for the \code{Rcpp} class library
-  can be found in the RcppTemplate package source archive (the .tar.gz file).
-  \code{RcppExample} returns a list containing:
-  \item{method}{string input paramter}
-  \item{tolerance}{double input paramter}
-  \item{maxIter}{int input parameter}
-  \item{nlFirstName}{first name in nlist}
-  \item{nlFirstValue}{first value in nlist}
-  \item{matD}{R matrix from an RcppMatrix<double> object}
-  \item{stlvec}{R vector from a vector<double> object}
-  \item{stlmat}{R matrix from a vector<vector<double> > object}
-  \item{a}{R matrix from C/C++ matrix}
-  \item{v}{R vector from C/C++ vector}
-  \item{strings}{R vector of strings from vector<string> object}
-  \item{InputDF}{a data frame passed in from R}
-  \item{PreDF}{a data frame created on C++ side to be passed back to R}
-  \item{params}{input parameter list (this is redundant because we returned the input parameters above)}
-  }
-\author{Dominick Samperi wrote most of Rcpp during 2005 and 2006.  Dirk
-  Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008.}
-  Samperi, D., (2006) \emph{Rcpp: R/C++ Interface Classes:
-      Using C++ Libraries from R},
-    available as a package vignette, or in the \code{RcppTemplate}
-    package \code{doc} subdirectory
-  (\code{RcppAPI.pdf}).
-  \emph{Writing R Extensions}, available at \url{http:www.r-project.org}.
-params <- list(method='BFGS',
-               tolerance=1.0e-8,
-               maxIter=1000,
-               startDate=as.Date('2006-7-15'))
-nlist <- list(ibm = 80.50, hp = 53.64, c = 45.41)
-numvec <- seq(1,5) # numerical vector
-nummat <- matrix(seq(1,20),4,5) # numerical matrix
-stringvec <- c("hello", "world", "fractal") # string vector
-datestr <- c('2006-6-10', '2006-7-12', '2006-8-10')
-datevec <- as.Date(datestr, "\%Y-\%m-\%d") # date vector
-df <- data.frame(a=c(TRUE, TRUE, FALSE), b=I(c('a','b','c')),
-c=c('beta', 'beta', 'gamma'), dates=datevec)
-fnvec <- function(x) { sum(x) } # Add up components of vector
-fnlist <- function(l) { # Return vector with 1 added to each component
-  vec <- c(l$alpha + 1, l$beta + 1, l$gamma + 1)
-  vec
-result <- RcppExample(params, nlist, numvec, nummat, df, datevec,
-                      stringvec, fnvec, fnlist)

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppParams.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppParams.Rd	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppParams.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-\title{C++ class for receiving (scalar) parameters from R}
-  \code{RcppParams} is a C++ class defined in \code{Rcpp.h} that receive
-  any number of scalar parameters of types in a single named list object
-  from \R through the \code{.Call()} function.
-  The parameters can be of different types that are limited to the \R
-  types \code{numeric}, \code{integer}, \code{character}, \code{logical}
-  or \code{Date}. These types are mapped into, respectively, the
-  corresponding C++ types \code{double},  \code{int}, \code{string},
-  \code{bool} and \code{Date} (a custom class defined by \code{Rcpp}.
-  val <- RcppParamsExample(params) 
-  \item{params}{A heterogeneous list specifying \code{method} (string),
-    \code{tolerance} (double), \code{maxIter} (int) and \code{startDate}
-  (Date in R, RcppDate in C++).}
-  \code{RcppExample} returns a list containing:
-  \item{method}{string input paramter}
-  \item{tolerance}{double input paramter}
-  \item{maxIter}{int input parameter}
-  \item{startDate}{Date type with starting date}
-  \item{params}{input parameter list (this is redundant because we
-    returned the input parameters above)}
-  Usage of \code{RcppParams} from \R via \code{.Call()} is as follows:
-  \preformatted{%
-  # an R example passing one type of each class to a function
-  # someFunction in package somePackage
-  val <- .Call("someFunction",
-               list(pie=3.1415, magicanswer=42, sometext="foo",
-                    yesno=true, today=Sys.date()),
-		    PACKAGE="somePackage")
-  }
-  At the C++ level, the corresponding code to assign these parameter to
-  C++ objects is 
-  \preformatted{%
-  SEXP someFunction(SEXP params) {
-    RcppParams par(params);
-    double p   = par.getDoubleValue("pie");
-    int magic  = par.getIntValue("magicanswer");
-    string txt = par.getStringValue("sometext");
-    bool yn    = par.getBoolValue("yesno");
-    RcppDate d = par.getDateValue("today");
-    // some calculations ...
-    // some return values ...
-  }
-  }
-  As the lookup is driven by the names givem at the \R level, order is
-  not important.  It is however important that the types match. Errors
-  are typically caught and an exception is thrown. 
-  The class member function \code{checkNames} can be used to verify that the
-  \code{SEXP} object passed to the function contains a given set of
-  named object.
-%  See \code{Rcpp.h} and the package vignette.
-  \code{RcppExample}, the vignette \dQuote{RcppAPI}.
-\author{Dominick Samperi wrote most of Rcpp during 2005 and 2006.  Dirk
-  Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008.}
-# set up some value
-params <- list(method='BFGS',
-               tolerance=1.0e-5,
-               maxIter=100,
-               startDate=as.Date('2006-7-15'))
-# call the underlying  C++ function
-result <- RcppParamsExample(params)
-# inspect returned object

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppResultSet.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppResultSet.Rd	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppResultSet.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-\title{C++ class for sending C++ objects back to R}
-  \code{RcppResultSet} is a C++ class defined in \code{Rcpp.h} that can
-  assign any number of C++ objects to \R in a single named list object 
-  as the \code{SEXP} return value of a \code{.Call()} function call.
-  The C++ objects can be of different types that are limited to 
-  types  \code{double},  \code{int}, \code{string}, vectors of
-  \code{double} or \code{int} (with explicit dimensions),
-  matrices of \code{double} or \code{int} (with explicit dimensions), 
-  STL vectors of \code{double}, \code{int} or \code{string}, STL
-  \sQuote{vector of vectors} of types \code{double} or \code{int} (all
-  with implicit dimensions), the internal types \code{RcppDate}, \code{RcppDateVector},
-  \code{RcppStringVector}, \code{RcppVector} of types \code{double} or
-  \code{int}, \code{RcppMatrix} of types \code{double} or \code{int}
-  as well \code{RcppFrame}, a type that can be converted into a
-  \code{data.frame}, and the \R type \code{SEXP}. 
-  Where applicable, the \code{C++} types are automatically converted to the
-  corresponding \R types structures around types \code{numeric},
-  \code{integer}, or \code{character}.  The \code{C++} code can all be
-  retrieved in \R as elements of a named list object.
-%  Internal to the C++ code.
-  Usage of \code{RcppResultSet} from  \code{C++} is fully defined in
-  \code{Rcpp.h}. An example for returning data to \R at the end of a
-  \code{.Call()} call follows.
-  At the C++ level, the corresponding code to assign these parameter to
-  C++ objects is can be as follows (taken from the C++ source of
-  \code{RcppExample}):
-  \preformatted{%
-  SEXP rl;
-  RcppResultSet rs;
-  rs.add("date", aDate);	// RcppDate
-  rs.add("dateVec", dateVec);	// RcppDateVec
-  rs.add("method", method);	// string
-  rs.add("tolerance", tol);	// numeric
-  rs.add("maxIter", maxIter);	// int
-  rs.add("matD", matD);		// RcppMatrix
-  rs.add("stlvec", stlvec);	// vector<double> or <int>
-  rs.add("stlmat", stlmat);	// vector< vector <double> >
-  				//   or <int>
-  rs.add("a", a, nrows, ncols);	// double** (or int**) with 
-				//   two dimension
-  rs.add("v", v, len);		// double* (or int*) with 
-				//   one dimension
-  rs.add("stringVec", strVec);	// RcppStringVector
-  rs.add("strings", svec);	// vector<string>
-  rs.add("InputDF", inframe);	// RcppFrame
-  rs.add("PreDF", frame);	// RcppFrame
-  rl = rs.getReturnList();
-  return(rl);
-  }
-  As the \R level, we assign the returned object a list variables from
-  which we select each list element by its name.
-  lookup is driven by the names givem at the \R level, order is
-  not important.  It is however important that the types match. Errors
-  are typically caught and an exception is thrown. 
-  The class member function \code{checkNames} can be used to verify that the
-  \code{SEXP} object passed to the function contains a given set of
-  named object.
-%  See \code{Rcpp.h} and the package vignette.
-  \code{RcppExample}, the vignette \dQuote{RcppAPI}.
-\author{Dominick Samperi wrote most of Rcpp during 2005 and 2006.  Dirk
-  Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008.}
-# example from RcppDate
-# set up date and datetime vectors
-dvec <- Sys.Date() + -2:2
-dtvec <- Sys.time() + (-2:2)*0.5
-# call the underlying  C++ function
-result <- RcppDateExample(dvec, dtvec)
-# inspect returned object

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppVector.Rd
--- pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppVector.Rd	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppVector.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-\title{C++ classes for receiving R object in C++}
-  \code{RcppVector}, \code{RcppMatrix} and \code{RcppStringVector} are
-  C++ classes defined in \code{Rcpp.h} that can
-  pass vectors (matrices) of \R objects of appropriate types to C++ via
-  the \code{.Call()} function interface. 
-  The vector and matrix types are templated and can operate on \R types
-  \code{intger} and \code{numeric}. 
-  Member functions are provided to query the dimension of the vector or
-  matrix object, convert it in a corresponding \code{C} representation,
-  and also to convert it into a corresponding STL object.
-%  Internal to the C++ code.
-  Usage of \code{RcppVector}, \code{RcppMatrix} and
-  \code{RcppStringVector} in \code{C++} is fully defined in
-  \code{Rcpp.h}. 
-  As example, consider a call from \R to \code{C++} such as
-  \preformatted{
-  # an R example passing one type of each class to a function
-  # someFunction in package somePackage
-  val <- .Call("someFunction",
-               rnorm(100),        # numeric vector
-	       sample(1:10, 5, TRUE)  # int vector
-	       search(),          # character vector
-	       as.matrix(rnorm(100),10,10), # matrix
-   	       PACKAGE="somePackage")
-  }
-  At the \code{C++} level, the corresponding code to assign these parameter to
-  \code{C++} objects is can be as follows (taken from the C++ source of
-  \code{RcppExample}):
-  \preformatted{%
-  SEXP someFunction(SEXP nvec, SEXP ivec,
-                    SEXP svec, SEXP nmat) {
-    RcppVector<double> nv(nvec);  		      
-    RcppVector<int>    iv(ivec);
-    RcppStringVector   sv(svec);
-    RcppMatrix<double> nm(nmat);
-  }
-  }
-  These \code{C++} objects could then be queried via
-  \preformatted{%
-    int n = nv.size();
-    int d1 = nm.dim1(), d2 = nm.dim2();
-  }
-  to retrieve, respectively, vector length and matrix dimensions.
-  Moreover, the \code{stlVector()} and \code{stlMatrix()} member
-  functions can be used to convert the objects into STL objects:
-  \preformatted{%
-    vector<int> ivstl = iv.stlVector();
-    vector< vector< double > > = nm.stlMatrix();
-  }
-%  See \code{Rcpp.h} and the package vignette.
-  \code{RcppExample}, the vignette \dQuote{RcppAPI}.
-\author{Dominick Samperi wrote most of Rcpp during 2005 and 2006.  Dirk
-  Eddelbuettel made some additions, and became maintainer in 2008.}
-# set up some value
-vector <- (seq(1,9))^2
-# call the underlying  C++ function
-result <- RcppVectorExample(vector)
-# inspect returned object

Deleted: pkg/Rcpp/src/RcppExample.cpp
--- pkg/Rcpp/src/RcppExample.cpp	2010-02-16 16:17:03 UTC (rev 696)
+++ pkg/Rcpp/src/RcppExample.cpp	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -1,478 +0,0 @@
-// -*- mode: C++; c-indent-level: 4; c-basic-offset: 4; -*-
-// RcppExample.cpp: R/C++ interface class library example
-// Copyright (C) 2005 - 2006 Dominick Samperi
-// Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Dirk Eddelbuettel
-// This file is part of Rcpp.
-// Rcpp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
-// under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-// (at your option) any later version.
-// Rcpp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-// along with Rcpp.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-#include <Rcpp.h>
- * The following class definitions employ advanced features of the Rcpp
- * library and R, permitting the C++ programmer to call user-defined functions
- * on the R side. They should be skipped on first reading.
- */
- * Define a class that can be used to call an R function that expects a
- * real vector argument and returns a scalar. The R function is defined in
- * the example section of the documentation page for RcppExample (see
- * RcppExample.Rd).
- */
-class MyRVectorFunc : public RcppFunction {
-    MyRVectorFunc(SEXP fn) : RcppFunction(fn) {}
-    // This trivial function will use an R function to compute the
-    // sum of the elements of v!
-    double getSum(std::vector<double>& v) {
-	// Turn vector into a SEXP that can be passed to R as an argument.
-	setRVector(v);
-	// Call the R function that was passed in as the paramter fn, with
-	// the SEXP vector that was just set as its argument.
-	SEXP result = vectorCall();
-	// Assuming that the R function simply returns a real number we
-	// pass it back to the C++ user as follows. If the R function returns
-	// something more complicated transform result into a C++ object to
-	// be returned, and  clear the part of the protection stack due to
-	// this object before returning (to prevent protection stack overflow).
-	// Note that it is unsafe to do this if the returned result depends
-	// on PROTECT-ed SEXP's. For example, result should not be 
-	// wrapped in a class like RcppParams where objects hold onto the
-	// the PROTECT-ed SEXP that was used to construct them.
-	double value = REAL(result)[0];
-	// Safe now to clear the contribution of this function to the
-	// protection stack.
-	clearProtectionStack();
-	return value;
-    }
- * Define a class that can be used to call an R function that expects a
- * heterogeneous list argument, and returns a vector of the same length
- * with 1 added to each component (no names). The R function is defined in
- * the example section of the documentation page for RcppExample (see
- * RcppExample.Rd).
- */
-class MyRListFunc : public RcppFunction {
-    MyRListFunc(SEXP fn) : RcppFunction(fn) {}
-    std::vector<double> addOne(double alpha, double beta, double gamma) {
-	// Build argument list.
-	setRListSize(3);
-	appendToRList("alpha", alpha);
-	appendToRList("beta",  beta);
-	appendToRList("gamma", gamma);
-	// Call the R function passed in as fn with the list argument just
-	// constructed.
-	SEXP result = listCall();
-	// Turn returned R vector into a C++ vector, clear protection stack,
-	// and return.
-	std::vector<double> vec(Rf_length(result));
-	for(int i=0; i < Rf_length(result); i++)
-	    vec[i] = REAL(result)[i];
-	// See comments in previous class definition on the purpose of this.
-	clearProtectionStack();
-	return vec;
-    }
- * Sample function illustrates how to use the Rcpp R/C++ interface library.
- */
-RcppExport SEXP Rcpp_Example(SEXP params, SEXP nlist, 
-			     SEXP numvec, SEXP nummat,
-			     SEXP df, SEXP datevec, SEXP stringvec,
-			     SEXP fnvec, SEXP fnlist) {
-    SEXP rl=R_NilValue; // Use this when there is nothing to be returned.
-    char *exceptionMesg=NULL;
-    try {
-	int i=0, j=0;
-	// Get parameters in params.
-	RcppParams rparam(params);
-	std::string method = rparam.getStringValue("method");
-	double tolerance = rparam.getDoubleValue("tolerance");
-	int    maxIter = rparam.getIntValue("maxIter");
-	RcppDate startDate = rparam.getDateValue("startDate");
-	// The output of commands like this may not appear under Windows.
-	Rprintf("Parsing start date argument: %d/%d/%d\n", 
-		startDate.getMonth(),
-		startDate.getDay(),
-		startDate.getYear());
-	// QuantLib note: an RcppDate is automatically converted to QuantLib
-	// Date when the context calls for this, provided 
-	// USING_QUANTLIB is set.
-	RcppDateVector dateVec(datevec);
-	//dateVec(0) = RcppDate(12, 15, 1989); // update one element.
-	RcppStringVector stringVec(stringvec);
-	//stringVec(1) = string("New York"); // update one element.
-	// and nl.getValue(i) to fetch data.
-	RcppNumList nl(nlist);
-	// numvec parameter viewed as vector of ints (with truncation).
-	//RcppVector<int> vecI(numvec);
-	// mat parameter viewed as matrix of ints (with truncation).
-	//RcppMatrix<int> matI(nummat);
-	// vec parameter viewed as vector of doubles.
-	RcppVector<double> vecD(numvec);
-	// mat parameter viewed as matrix of doubles.
-	RcppMatrix<double> matD(nummat);
-	// Do some computations with the matrices.
-	int nrows = matD.getDim1();
-	int ncols = matD.getDim2();
-	for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
-	    for(j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
-		matD(i,j) = 2 * matD(i,j);
-	int len = vecD.size();
-	for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
-	    vecD(i) = 3 * vecD(i);
-	// Get copy of matrix/vector in standard (unchecked) C/C++ format.
-	// May be useful when these vectors need to be passed to
-	// C/C++ code that does not know about Rcpp classes...
-	double **a = matD.cMatrix();
-	double  *v = vecD.cVector();
-	// ...or we might want to use an STL container...
-	std::vector<double> stlvec(vecD.stlVector());
-	nrows = (int)stlvec.size();
-	for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
-	    stlvec[i] += 1;
-	// ...or perhaps a container of containers.
-	std::vector<std::vector<double> > stlmat(matD.stlMatrix());
-	nrows = (int)stlmat.size();
-	ncols = (int)stlmat[0].size();
-	for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
-	    for(j = 0; j < ncols; j++)
-		stlmat[i][j] += 2;
-	// Get a zero matrix the same size as matD.
-	//RcppMatrix<double> matZ(nrows, ncols);
-	// Make a vector of strings
-	std::vector<std::string> svec(2);
-        svec[0] = "hello";
-	svec[1] = "world";
-	// Process the input data frame and show factors and dates.
-	RcppFrame inframe(df);
-	/*
-	Rprintf("\nFactors and Dates in frame...");
-	vector<vector<ColDatum> > table = inframe.getTableData();
-	int nrow = table.size();
-	int ncol = table[0].size();
-	for(int row=0; row < nrow; row++) {
-	    for(int col=0; col < ncol; col++) {
-		RcppDate d;
-		string name;
-		int level;
-		switch(table[row][col].getType()) {
-		    level = table[row][col].getFactorLevel();
-		    name  = table[row][col].getFactorLevelName();
-		    Rprintf("Level, name: %d, %s\n",
-		            level, name.c_str());
-		    break;
-		    d = table[row][col].getDateValue();
-		    Rprintf("Start Date: %d/%d/%d\n", 
-		            d.getMonth(),
-			    d.getDay(),
-			    d.getYear());
-		    break;
-		default:
-		    ; // Ignore other types.
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-	*/
-	// Make a pre-data frame, that is, a list object that when passed
-	// the the R function data.frame() will return a data frame with
-	// the specified column names and data types. The first row added
-	// determines the types for all columns.
-	int numCol=4;
-	std::vector<std::string> colNames(numCol);
-	colNames[0] = "alpha"; // column of strings
-	colNames[1] = "beta";  // column of reals
-	colNames[2] = "gamma"; // factor column
-	colNames[3] = "delta"; // column of Dates
-	RcppFrame frame(colNames);
-	// Third column will be a factor. In the current implementation the
-	// level names are copied to every factor value (and factors
-	// in the same column must have the same level names). The level names
-	// for a particular column will be factored out (pardon the pun) in
-	// a future release.
-	int numLevels = 2;
-	std::string *levelNames = new std::string[2];
-	levelNames[0] = std::string("pass"); // level 1
-	levelNames[1] = std::string("fail"); // level 2
-	// First row (this one determines column types).
-	std::vector<ColDatum> row1(numCol);
-	row1[0].setStringValue("a");
-	row1[1].setDoubleValue(3.14);
-	row1[2].setFactorValue(levelNames, numLevels, 1);
-	row1[3].setDateValue(RcppDate(7,4,2006));
-	frame.addRow(row1);
-	// Second row.
-	std::vector<ColDatum> row2(numCol);
-	row2[0].setStringValue("b");
-	row2[1].setDoubleValue(6.28);
-	row2[2].setFactorValue(levelNames, numLevels, 1);
-	row2[3].setDateValue(RcppDate(12,25,2006));
-	frame.addRow(row2);
-	// Done with levelNames.
-	delete [] levelNames;
-	// Test MyRVectorFunction defined above...
-	MyRVectorFunc vfunc(fnvec);
-	int n = 10;
-	std::vector<double> vecInput(n);
-	for(int i=0; i < n; i++)
-	    vecInput[i] = i;
-	double vecSum = vfunc.getSum(vecInput);
-	Rprintf("Testing vector function argument: vecSum = %lf\n", vecSum);
-	// Test MyRListFunction defined above...
-	MyRListFunc lfunc(fnlist);
-	double alpha=1, beta=2, gamma=3;
-	std::vector<double> vecOut = lfunc.addOne(alpha, beta, gamma);
-	Rprintf("Testing list function argument: %lf, %lf, %lf\n", vecOut[0], vecOut[1], vecOut[2]);
-	RcppDate aDate(12, 25, 1999);
-	// Build result set to be returned as a list to R.
-	RcppResultSet rs;
-	rs.add("date", aDate);
-	rs.add("dateVec", dateVec);
-	rs.add("method", method);
-	rs.add("tolerance", tolerance);
-	rs.add("maxIter", maxIter);
-	rs.add("nlFirstName", nl.getName(0));
-	rs.add("nlFirstValue", nl.getValue(0));
-	rs.add("matD", matD);
-	rs.add("stlvec", stlvec);
-	rs.add("stlmat", stlmat);
-	rs.add("a", a, nrows, ncols);
-	rs.add("v", v, len);
-	rs.add("stringVec", stringVec);
-	rs.add("strings", svec);
-	rs.add("InputDF", inframe);
-	rs.add("PreDF", frame);
-	// Instead of returning selected input parameters as we did in
-	// the last three statements, the entire input parameter list
-	// can be returned like this:
-	rs.add("params", params, false);
-	// Get the list to be returned to R.
-	rl = rs.getReturnList();
-    } catch(std::exception& ex) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR(ex.what());
-    } catch(...) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("unknown reason");
-    }
-    if(exceptionMesg != NULL)
-	Rf_error(exceptionMesg);
-    return rl;
-RcppExport SEXP RcppParamsExample(SEXP params) {
-    SEXP rl=R_NilValue; // Use this when there is nothing to be returned.
-    char *exceptionMesg=NULL;
-    try {
-	// Get parameters in params.
-	RcppParams rparam(params);
-	std::string method      = rparam.getStringValue("method");
-	double tolerance   = rparam.getDoubleValue("tolerance");
-	int    maxIter     = rparam.getIntValue("maxIter");
-	RcppDate startDate = rparam.getDateValue("startDate");
-	Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing the following value\n");
-	Rprintf("Method argument    : %s\n", method.c_str());
-	Rprintf("Tolerance argument : %f\n", tolerance);
-	Rprintf("MaxIter argument   : %d\n", maxIter);
-	Rprintf("Start date argument: %04d-%02d-%02d\n", 
-		startDate.getYear(), startDate.getMonth(), startDate.getDay());
-	// Build result set to be returned as a list to R.
-	RcppResultSet rs;
-	rs.add("method",    method);
-	rs.add("tolerance", tolerance);
-	rs.add("maxIter",   maxIter);
-	rs.add("startDate", startDate);
-	// Instead of returning selected input parameters as we did in
-	// the last statements, the entire input parameter list can be
-	// returned like this:
-	rs.add("params", params, false);  // 'false' to not PROTECT params
-	// Get the list to be returned to R.
-	rl = rs.getReturnList();
-    } catch(std::exception& ex) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR(ex.what());
-    } catch(...) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("unknown reason");
-    }
-    if(exceptionMesg != NULL)
-	Rf_error(exceptionMesg);
-    return rl;
-RcppExport SEXP RcppDateExample(SEXP dvsexp, SEXP dtvsexp) {
-    SEXP rl=R_NilValue; // Use this when there is nothing to be returned.
-    char *exceptionMesg=NULL;
-    try {
-	RcppDateVector dv(dvsexp);
-	RcppDatetimeVector dtv(dtvsexp);
-	Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing the following date value\n");
-	for (int i=0; i<dv.size(); i++) {
-	    std::cout << dv(i) << std::endl;
-	    dv(i) = dv(i) + 7;		// shift a week
-	}
-	Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing the following datetime value\n");
-	for (int i=0; i<dtv.size(); i++) {
-	    std::cout << dtv(i) << std::endl;
-	    dtv(i) = dtv(i) + 0.250;    // shift 250 millisec
-	}
-	// Build result set to be returned as a list to R.
-	RcppResultSet rs;
-	rs.add("date",   dv);
-	rs.add("datetime", dtv);
-	// Get the list to be returned to R.
-	rl = rs.getReturnList();
-    } catch(std::exception& ex) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR(ex.what());
-    } catch(...) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("unknown reason");
-    }
-    if(exceptionMesg != NULL)
-	Rf_error(exceptionMesg);
-    return rl;
-RcppExport SEXP RcppVectorExample(SEXP vector) {
-    SEXP rl=R_NilValue; // Use this when there is nothing to be returned.
-    char *exceptionMesg=NULL;
-    try {
-	// Get parameters in params.
-	RcppVector<int> vec(vector);
-	int n = vec.size();
-	Rprintf("\nIn C++, seeing a vector of length %d\n", n);
-	// create a C++ STL vector, and reserve appropriate size
-	std::vector<double> res(n);
-	for (int i=0; i<n; i++) {
-	    res[i] = sqrt(static_cast<double>(vec(i)));
-	}
-	// Build result set to be returned as a list to R.
-	RcppResultSet rs;
-	rs.add("result",  res);
-	rs.add("original", vec);
-	// Get the list to be returned to R.
-	rl = rs.getReturnList();
-    } catch(std::exception& ex) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR(ex.what());
-    } catch(...) {
-	exceptionMesg = copyMessageToR("unknown reason");
-    }
-    if(exceptionMesg != NULL)
-	Rf_error(exceptionMesg);
-    return rl;
-RcppExport SEXP RcppXPtrExample_create_external_pointer(){
-	std::vector<int> *v = new std::vector<int> ;
-	v->push_back( 1 ) ;
-	v->push_back( 2 ) ;
-	Rcpp::XPtr< std::vector<int> > p(v) ;
-	return p ;
-RcppExport SEXP RcppXPtrExample_get_external_pointer(SEXP x){
-	Rcpp::XPtr< std::vector<int> > p(x) ;
-	return Rf_ScalarInteger( p->back( ) ) ;

Copied: pkg/RcppExamples/man/RcppDate.Rd (from rev 694, pkg/Rcpp/man/RcppDate.Rd)
--- pkg/RcppExamples/man/RcppDate.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RcppExamples/man/RcppDate.Rd	2010-02-16 16:21:27 UTC (rev 697)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/rcpp -r 697

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