[Rcicr-users] InfoVal and Calculating Pixel Luminance Values

Shivani Goyal goyals4848 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 18:27:12 CET 2019

Hi All,

I have run into two roadblocks with my reverse correlation study. My first issue concerns calculating infoVal scores. Following the use of the command "computeInfoVal2IFC(ci, rdata)," I have been receiving the message "Error: $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors." Would you happen to know how I can resolve this error? 

My second roadblock regards calculating Cronbach's alpha on pixel luminance values for participants' CI noise patterns. Would anyone be able to refer me to a source for how to compute this function in R? I am hoping to compute Cronbach's alpha and to then correlate pixel luminance values between my classification images for different constructs. While I understand how to calculate these functions for numerical values, I am unsure how to do so for pixel luminance values.

Thank you so much for your help!

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