[Raster-commits] r151 - in pkg/raster: . R man

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Sun Jan 18 07:47:03 CET 2009

Author: rhijmans
Date: 2009-01-18 07:47:03 +0100 (Sun, 18 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 151


Modified: pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: Raster data handling for geographic data analysis and modeling
 Version: 0.8.5
-Date: 15-Jan-2009
+Date: 18-Jan-2009
 Depends: methods, sp, rgdal (>= 0.5-33), R (>= 2.8.0)
 Author: Robert J. Hijmans & Jacob van Etten
 Maintainer: Robert J. Hijmans <r.hijmans at gmail.com> 

Modified: pkg/raster/R/aggregate.R
--- pkg/raster/R/aggregate.R	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/R/aggregate.R	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 # Version 0,7
 # Licence GPL v3
-Aggregate <- function(raster, fact = 2, fun = mean, expand = TRUE, rm.NA = TRUE, ForceIntOutput = FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE)  {
+Aggregate <- function(raster, fact = 2, fun = mean, expand = TRUE, rm.NA = TRUE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ForceIntOutput = FALSE)  {
 	if (length(fact)==1) {
 		fact <- round(fact)
 		if (fact < 2) { stop('fact should be > 1') }

Added: pkg/raster/R/exportGDAL.R
--- pkg/raster/R/exportGDAL.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/raster/R/exportGDAL.R	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+exportGDAL <- function(raster, driver="HFA", filename, overwrite=FALSE, ForceIntOutput = FALSE) { 
+	if (file.exists(filename) & !overwrite) {
+		stop("filename exists; use overwrite=TRUE")
+	}	
+	# this needs to get fancier; depending on raster and the abilties of the drivers
+	dataformat <- 'Int32'
+	if (dataType(raster) == 'numeric' & !ForceIntOutput) {
+		dataformat <- 'Float32'
+	} 
+	driver <- new("GDALDriver", driver) 
+	export <- new("GDALTransientDataset", driver, nrow(raster), ncol(raster), 1, dataformat) 
+	for (r in 1:nrow(raster)) {
+		x <- putRasterData(export, values(readRow(raster, r)), 1, c((r-1), 0)) 
+	}	
+	saveDataset(export, filename) 
+	GDAL.close(export) 
+	GDAL.close(driver) 

Modified: pkg/raster/R/group.generic.functions.R
--- pkg/raster/R/group.generic.functions.R	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/R/group.generic.functions.R	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@
 # Licence GPL v3
+# for very large rasters, use 
+#  filename <- tempfile() 
 setMethod('==', signature(e1='BasicRaster', e2='BasicRaster'),
 		cond <- compare(c(e1, e2), bb=TRUE, rowcol=TRUE, prj=TRUE, tolerance=0.0001, stopiffalse=FALSE) 
@@ -13,6 +18,7 @@
 setMethod('!=', signature(e1='BasicRaster', e2='BasicRaster'),
 		cond <- compare(c(e1, e2), bb=TRUE, rowcol=TRUE, prj=TRUE, tolerance=0.0001, stopiffalse=FALSE) 

Modified: pkg/raster/R/properties.R
--- pkg/raster/R/properties.R	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/R/properties.R	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -157,6 +157,15 @@
 	return(object at data@source)
+dataType <- function(object) {
+	return(object at file@datatype)
+dataSize <- function(object) {
+	return(object at file@datasize)
 .driver <- function(object) {
 	return(object at file@driver)

Added: pkg/raster/man/aggregate.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/aggregate.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/raster/man/aggregate.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+\title{Change raster database}
+	(Dis)aggregated a raster to create a new raster 
+Aggregate(raster, fact = 2, fun = mean, expand = TRUE, rm.NA = TRUE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ForceIntOutput = FALSE) 
+disaggregate(raster, fact=2, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
+  \item{raster}{a RasterLayer object}
+  \item{filename}{output filename for a new raster}
+  \item{fun}{function used to Aggregate values. It should return one number. E.g. mean or max}
+  \item{fact}{degree of aggregation or disaggregation expressed as number of cells (horizontally and vertically). See details}
+  \item{expand}{if \code{expand == TRUE} grids will get larger if \code{factor} if the number of the division of the columns or rows with factor does not return an integer}
+  \item{rm.NA}{if \code{rm.NA == TRUE}, remove NA cells from calculations}
+  \item{ForceIntOutput}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the values will be rounded and stored as integer}
+  \item{overwrite}{if TRUE, "filename" will be overwritten if it exists}
+ In aggregation \code{fact = 2} will result in a grid with 2 x 2 = 4 times fewer cells, while in disaggregation 4 times more cells will be created.
+ In disaggregation fact can be a single integer or two integers c(x,y), in which case the first one is the horizontal disaggregation factor and y the vertical disaggreation factor
+  a new RasterLayer object (in the R environment) which is in some cases written to disk 
+\author{Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
+	r <- newRaster()
+	r <- setValues(r, runif(ncells(r)))
+	ra <- Aggregate(r, fact=10, fun=max)
+	rd <- disaggregate(ra, 3)

Added: pkg/raster/man/change.extent.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/change.extent.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/raster/man/change.extent.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+\name{change extent}
+\title{Change raster database}
+	Use existing raster(s) to create a new raster with different spatial extent or resolution
+crop(raster, bndbox, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
+expand(raster, bndbox, filename="", overwrite=FALSE)
+Merge(rasters, tolerance=0.05, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
+  \item{raster}{a RasterLayer object}
+  \item{rasters}{a list of RasterLayer objects}
+  \item{bndbox}{bounding box used to crop a raster. Any object that is or has a bounding box (see below)}
+  \item{filename}{output filename for a new raster}
+  \item{overwrite}{if TRUE, "filename" will be overwritten if it exists}
+  \item{tolerance}{difference permissable (relative to the cell resolution) for objects to be 'equal'. See ?all.equal}
+ Objects that have bounding boxes include RasterLayer, and other objects descending from the Spatial class in the sp package. 
+ You can check this with getBbox(object)
+ They can be created with the function newBbox
+  a new RasterLayer object (in the R environment) which is in some cases written to disk 
+\author{Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
+	rs <- newRaster()
+	rs <- setValues(rs, runif(ncells(rs)))
+#	map(rsa)
+	bb1 <- newBbox(-180, -150, 60, 90)
+	rsc1 <- crop(rs, bb1)	
+	bb2 <- newBbox(0, 50, 0, 90)
+	rsc2 <- crop(rs, bb2)	
+	rsc <- Merge(c(rsc1, rsc2))
+#	map(rsc)
+#	rs provides the bounding box for expand
+	rse <- expand(rsc, rs)

Added: pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+\title{ Coercion of Raster*, SpatialGrid and SpatialPixels* objects. }
+	Functions to coerce a Raster* objects into an sp SpatialGridDataFrame object and 
+	to coerce a RasterLayer or RasterBrick object from a sp SpatialPixels* or SpatialGrid* object
+asRasterLayer(object, index) 
+asSpGrid(object, type='grid') 
+  \item{object}{ a Raster* type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
+  \item{spgrid}{ a sp raster type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
+  \item{index}{integer values >= 1 indicating the layer in the RasterStack or RasterBrick, or the column in the sp object dataframe to take the values from}
+  \item{type}{character. Indicating what type of sp object to return. Should be 'pixel' or 'grid'.}
+ if \code{type} is 'pixel' a SpatialPixel* object is returned. If the RasterLayer object has data a SpatialPixelDataFrame will be returned.
+ if \code{type} is 'grid' a SpatialGrid* object is returned. If the RasterLayer object has data a SpatialGridDataFrame will be returned.
+	a Raster or a sp object
+\author{ Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com} }
+	rs <- newRaster()
+	rs <- setValues(rs, 1:ncells(rs))
+	sp <- asSpGrid(rs)
+	rs2 <- asRasterLayer(sp) 
+\keyword{ spatial }

Modified: pkg/raster/man/export.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/export.Rd	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/man/export.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -1,53 +1,82 @@
-\title{ Coercion of Raster*, SpatialGrid and SpatialPixels* objects. }
-	Functions to coerce a Raster* objects into an sp SpatialGridDataFrame object and 
-	to coerce a RasterLayer or RasterBrick object from a sp SpatialPixels* or SpatialGrid* object
+\title{ Write raster data to a file }
+  Write raster values to a file. Either as binary ('raster') format or Ascii (ESRI Arc Ascii) format. 
+  You can also export an existing raster file to an ASCII or BIL file. 
+  Or create header files associated with other formats for use in different software (use ENVI or ErdasRaw for ArcGIS).
-asRasterLayer(object, index) 
-asSpGrid(object, type='grid') 
+export(raster, filename="", filetype='ascii', keepGRD=TRUE, overwrite=FALSE)
+exportGDAL <- function(raster, driver, filename, overwrite=FALSE)
+writeHeader(raster, type) 
+writeWorldfile(raster, extension=".wld") 
-  \item{object}{ a Raster* type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
-  \item{spgrid}{ a sp raster type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
-  \item{index}{integer values >= 1 indicating the layer in the RasterStack or RasterBrick, or the column in the sp object dataframe to take the values from}
-  \item{type}{character. Indicating what type of sp object to return. Should be 'pixel' or 'grid'.}
+  \item{raster}{ RasterLayer object }
+  \item{overwrite}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} existing files are overwritten }
+  \item{filename}{ The file resulting from import or export }
+  \item{filetype}{ The type of file to export to ('ascii' or 'bil')}
+  \item{driver}{ GDAL driver that can create raster datasets (see below for list)}
+  \item{keepGRD}{ Logical. If \code{FALSE} the existing raster file (internal format) will not be kept after exporting; only applied to other formats that can use the same binary format. }
+  \item{type}{ Type of header file: 'BIL', 'ENVI', 'ErdasRaw', 'raster' }
+  \item{extension}{ extension of header file. Only implemented for worldfile. }
- if \code{type} is 'pixel' a SpatialPixel* object is returned. If the RasterLayer object has data a SpatialPixelDataFrame will be returned.
- if \code{type} is 'grid' a SpatialGrid* object is returned. If the RasterLayer object has data a SpatialGridDataFrame will be returned.
+	data in a \code{RasterLayer} object is written to a file. Small datasets can be loaded into memory manipulated, 
+	and saved to disk again. For large datasets, you can read and write by row. 
+	writeHeader writes an ENVI, or BIL header (.hdr) file; or an Erdas Raw (.raw) header file. This (hopefully) allows for reading the binary data ("raster.gri") in other programs such as ENVI ArcMap.
+	if format = "worldfile", the function writes an ESRI "world" file, that is sometimes used to georeference images.
+Supporte GDAL drivers are:
-	a Raster or a sp object
+	Driver			Long name	
+	ADRG			ARC Digitized Raster Graphics
+	BMP				MS Windows Device Independent Bitmap
+	BT				VTP	.bt (Binary Terrain) 1.3 Format
+	EHdr			ESRI .hdr Labelled
+	ENVI			ENVI .hdr Labelled
+	ERS				ERMapper .ers Labelled
+	GSBG			Golden Software Binary Grid (.grd)
+	GTiff			GeoTiff
+	HFA				Erdas Imagine Images (.img)
+	IDA				Image Data and Analysis
+	ILWIS			ILWIS Raster Map
+	INGR			Intergraph Raster
+	Leveller		Leveller heightfield
+	MEM				In Memory Raster
+	MFF				Vexcel MFF Raster
+	MFF2			Vexcel MFF2 (HKV) Raster
+	NITF			National Imagery Transmission Format
+	PAux			PCI .aux Labelled
+	PCIDSK			PCIDSK Database File
+	PNM				Portable Pixmap Format (netpbm)
+	RMF				Raster Matrix Format
+	RST				Idrisi Raster A.1
+	SGI				SGI	Image File Format 1.0
+	Terragen		Terragen heightfield
+	VRT				Virtual	Raster
-\author{ Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com} }
+\author{Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
+\seealso{ \code{\link[rgdal]{rgdal}} }
-	rs <- newRaster()
-	rs <- setValues(rs, 1:ncells(rs))
-	sp <- asSpGrid(rs)
-	rs2 <- asRasterLayer(sp) 
+rs <- rasterFromFile(system.file("external/test.ag", package="sp"))
+rsimport <- import(rs, filename="imported", overwrite=TRUE)
+rsexport <- export(rsimport, filename="exported", filetype='ascii', overwrite=TRUE)
+writeHeader(rsexport, type="ENVI") 
 \keyword{ spatial }

Modified: pkg/raster/man/properties.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/properties.Rd	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/man/properties.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -24,7 +24,9 @@
 \title{RasterLayer properties}
@@ -48,6 +50,8 @@
 projection(object, asText=TRUE)

Deleted: pkg/raster/man/raster.change.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/raster.change.Rd	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/man/raster.change.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-\title{Change raster database}
-	Use existing raster(s) to create a new raster with different spatial extent or resolution
-Aggregate(raster, fact = 2, fun = mean, expand = TRUE, rm.NA = TRUE, ForceIntOutput = FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
-disaggregate(raster, fact=2, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
-crop(raster, bndbox, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
-expand(raster, bndbox, filename="", overwrite=FALSE)
-Merge(rasters, tolerance=0.05, filename="", overwrite=FALSE) 
-  \item{raster}{a RasterLayer object}
-  \item{rasters}{a list of RasterLayer objects}
-  \item{bndbox}{bounding box used to crop a raster. Any object that is or has a bounding box (see below)}
-  \item{filename}{output filename for a new raster}
-  \item{fun}{function used to Aggregate values. It should return one number. E.g. mean or max}
-  \item{fact}{degree of aggregation or disaggregation expressed as number of cells (horizontally and vertically). See details}
-  \item{expand}{if \code{expand == TRUE} grids will get larger if \code{factor} if the number of the division of the columns or rows with factor does not return an integer}
-  \item{rm.NA}{if \code{rm.NA == TRUE}, remove NA cells from calculations}
-  \item{ForceIntOutput}{logical. If \code{TRUE} the values will be rounded and stored as integer}
-  \item{overwrite}{if TRUE, "filename" will be overwritten if it exists}
-  \item{tolerance}{difference permissable (relative to the cell resolution) for objects to be 'equal'. See ?all.equal}
- Objects that have bounding boxes include RasterLayer, and other objects descending from the Spatial class in the sp package. 
- You can check this with getBbox(object)
- They can be created with the function newBbox
- In aggregation \code{fact = 2} will result in a grid with 2 x 2 = 4 times fewer cells, while in disaggregation 4 times more cells will be created.
- In disaggregation fact can be a single integer or two integers c(x,y), in which case the first one is the horizontal disaggregation factor and y the vertical disaggreation factor
-  a new RasterLayer object (in the R environment) which is in some cases written to disk 
-\author{Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
-	rs <- newRaster()
-	rs <- setValues(rs, runif(ncells(rs)))
-#	map(rs)
-	rsa <- Aggregate(rs, fact=10, fun=max)
-#	map(rsa)
-	bb1 <- newBbox(-180, -150, 60, 90)
-	rsc1 <- crop(rsa, bb1)	
-	bb2 <- newBbox(0, 50, 0, 90)
-	rsc2 <- crop(rsa, bb2)	
-	rsc <- Merge(c(rsc1, rsc2))
-#	map(rsc)
-#	rs provides the bounding box for expand
-	rse <- expand(rsc, rs)
-	rsd <- disaggregate(rse, 3)

Modified: pkg/raster/man/raster.write.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/raster.write.Rd	2009-01-17 14:28:50 UTC (rev 150)
+++ pkg/raster/man/raster.write.Rd	2009-01-18 06:47:03 UTC (rev 151)
@@ -3,9 +3,6 @@
 \title{ Write raster data to a file }
@@ -17,26 +14,17 @@
 writeRaster(raster, overwrite=FALSE)
 writeAscii(raster, filename, overwrite=FALSE)
 import(raster, filename="", overwrite=FALSE)
-export(raster, filename="", filetype='ascii', keepGRD=TRUE, overwrite=FALSE)
-writeHeader(raster, type) 
-writeWorldfile(raster, extension=".wld") 
   \item{raster}{ RasterLayer object }
   \item{overwrite}{ Logical. If \code{TRUE} existing files are overwritten }
   \item{filename}{ The file resulting from import or export }
-  \item{filetype}{ The type of file to export to ('ascii' or 'bil')}
-  \item{keepGRD}{ Logical. If \code{FALSE} the existing raster file (internal format) will not be kept after exporting; only applied to other formats that can use the same binary format. }
-  \item{type}{ Type of header file: 'BIL', 'ENVI', 'ErdasRaw', 'raster' }
-  \item{extension}{ extension of header file. Only implemented for worldfile. }
 	data in a \code{RasterLayer} object is written to a file. Small datasets can be loaded into memory manipulated, 
 	and saved to disk again. For large datasets, you can read and write by row. 
-	writeHeader writes an ENVI, or BIL header (.hdr) file; or an Erdas Raw (.raw) header file. This (hopefully) allows for reading the binary data ("raster.gri") in other programs such as ENVI ArcMap.
-	if format = "worldfile", the function writes an ESRI "world" file, that is sometimes used to georeference images.
 \author{Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
@@ -77,8 +65,6 @@
 rsimport <- import(rs, filename="imported", overwrite=TRUE)
-rsexport <- export(rsimport, filename="exported", filetype='ascii', overwrite=TRUE)
-writeHeader(rsexport, type="ENVI") 

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