[Raster-commits] r250 - pkg/raster/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Feb 6 04:59:41 CET 2009

Author: jacobvanetten
Date: 2009-02-06 04:59:41 +0100 (Fri, 06 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 250

untested distance disk-to-disk

Modified: pkg/raster/R/distance.R
--- pkg/raster/R/distance.R	2009-02-06 03:33:37 UTC (rev 249)
+++ pkg/raster/R/distance.R	2009-02-06 03:59:41 UTC (rev 250)
@@ -6,43 +6,107 @@
 setGeneric("distance", function(object, ...) standardGeneric("distance"))
-setMethod("distance", signature(object = "RasterLayer"), def =	function(object) {
+setMethod("distance", signature(object = "RasterLayer"), def =	function(object, filename="") {
 		n <- ncell(object)
-		fromCells <- which(!is.na(values(object)))
-		toCells <- which(is.na(values(object)))
-		accDist <- rep(0,times=n)
-		accDist[toCells] <- Inf
-		if (isLatLon(object)) {
-			while(length(fromCells)>0)
-			{			
-				adj <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions=8)
-				coord <- cbind(xyFromCell(object,adj[,1]),xyFromCell(object,adj[,2]))
-				distance <- apply(coord,1,function(x){distanceGreatcircle(x[1:2],x[3:4])})
-				transitionValues <- accDist[adj[,1]] + distance
-				transitionValues <- tapply(transitionValues,adj[,2],min)
-				transitionValues <- transitionValues[transitionValues < Inf]
-				index <- as.integer(names(transitionValues))
-				fromCells <- index[transitionValues < accDist[index]]
-				accDist[index] <- pmin(transitionValues,accDist[index])
+		if(dataContent=='all'){
+			fromCells <- which(!is.na(values(object)))
+			toCells <- which(is.na(values(object)))
+			accDist <- rep(0,times=n)
+			accDist[toCells] <- Inf
+			if (isLatLon(object)) {
+				while(length(fromCells)>0)
+				{			
+					adj <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions=8)
+					coord <- cbind(xyFromCell(object,adj[,1]),xyFromCell(object,adj[,2]))
+					distance <- apply(coord,1,function(x){distanceGreatcircle(x[1:2],x[3:4])})
+					#What follows is the same as for  non-projected (below)
+					transitionValues <- accDist[adj[,1]] + distance
+					transitionValues <- tapply(transitionValues,adj[,2],min)
+					transitionValues <- transitionValues[transitionValues < Inf]
+					index <- as.integer(names(transitionValues))
+					fromCells <- index[transitionValues < accDist[index]]
+					accDist[index] <- pmin(transitionValues,accDist[index])
+				}
+			} else {
+				while(length(fromCells)>0) {			
+					adj1 <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions=4)
+					adj2 <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions="Bishop")
+					distance <- c(rep(1,length=length(adj1[,1])),rep(sqrt(2),length=length(adj2[,1])))
+					adj <- rbind(adj1,adj2)
+					#What follows is the same as for LatLon
+					transitionValues <- accDist[adj[,1]] + distance
+					transitionValues <- tapply(transitionValues,adj[,2],min)
+					transitionValues <- transitionValues[transitionValues < Inf]
+					index <- as.integer(names(transitionValues))
+					fromCells <- index[transitionValues < accDist[index]]
+					accDist[index] <- pmin(transitionValues,accDist[index])
+				}
-		} else {
-			while(length(fromCells)>0) {			
-				adj1 <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions=4)
-				adj2 <- adjacency(object,fromCells=fromCells,toCells=toCells,directions="Bishop")
-				distance <- c(rep(1,length=length(adj1[,1])),rep(sqrt(2),length=length(adj2[,1])))
-				adj <- rbind(adj1,adj2)
-				transitionValues <- accDist[adj[,1]] + distance
-				transitionValues <- tapply(transitionValues,adj[,2],min)
-				transitionValues <- transitionValues[transitionValues < Inf]
-				index <- as.integer(names(transitionValues))
-				fromCells <- index[transitionValues < accDist[index]]
-				accDist[index] <- pmin(transitionValues,accDist[index])
+			outRaster <- object
+			outRaster <- setValues(outRaster, accDist)	
+			return(outRaster)
+		}
+		if(dataContent(object)=='disk'){ #to be tested
+			nrows <- nrow(object)
+			ncols <- ncol(object)
+			outRaster <- setRaster(object, filename)
+			for(r in 1:nrows)
+			{
+				rowValues <- readRows(object, startrow = r, nrows = 1)
+				outRowValues <- rep(Inf,times=ncols)
+				outRowValues[is.na(rowValues)] <- 0
+				outRaster <- setValues(outRaster, outRowValues, r)
+				outRaster <- writeRaster(outRaster, overwrite=overwrite)				
+			if(isLatLon){
+				while(remainingCells){
+					remainingCells <- FALSE
+					oldRowValues <- integer(0)
+					for(r in 0:(nrows-1))){
+						startRow <- max(r,1)
+						endRow <- min(r+1,nrows)
+						startCell <- ((startRow - 1) * ncols) + 1 
+						endCell <- endRow * ncols
+						rowValues <- cbind(oldRowValues,readRows(outRaster, startrow=startRow, nrows=1))
+						fromCells <- which(rowValues < Inf) + startCell - 1
+						toCells <-  startCell : endCell 
+						adj <- adjacency(object, fromCells=fromCells, toCells= toCells1, directions=8) #optimize adjacency by allowing row argument
+						coord <- cbind(xyFromCell(object,adj[,1]),xyFromCell(object,adj[,2]))
+						distance <- apply(coord,1,function(x){distanceGreatcircle(x[1:2],x[3:4])})
+						transitionValues <- rowValues[adj[,1]-(startCell-1)] + distance
+						transitionValues <- tapply(c(rowValues,transitionValues),c(toCells,adj[,2]-(startCell-1)),min)
+						transitionValues <- transitionValues[transitionValues < Inf]
+						index <- as.integer(names(transitionValues))
+						rowValues[index] <- transitionValues						
+						outRaster <- setValues(outRaster, rowValues, startRow)
+						outRaster <- writeRaster(outRaster)
+						oldRowValues <- rowValues[(length(rowValues)-ncols+1):length(rowValues)]
+						if(length(fromCells)>0){remainingCells <- TRUE}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else{
+			}
-		result <- object
-		result <- setValues(result, accDist)	
-		return(result)
+outRaster <- setRaster(x, filename)
+			if (filename(outRaster) == "") {
+				v <- c(v, vals)
+			} else {
+				outRaster <- setValues(outRaster, vals, r)
+				outRaster <- writex(outRaster, overwrite=overwrite)
+			}
+		} 
+		if (filename(outRaster) == "") { 
+			outRaster <- setValues(outRaster, v) 
+		}

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