[R-marketing-bugs] possible bug in R Code (Chap 13, page 369)

Srinivas Kowta srinivas.kowta at adelphigroup.com
Tue Oct 4 18:45:49 CEST 2016

I was testing some R code in Chapter 13 on Choice Based Conjoint. I was going through the step by step introduction you have that creates the cbc.df data file from scratch. Here is the code (in italics) I have so far when the following error cropped up: Error in nrow(profiles) : object 'profiles' not found (please see the highlighted code at the end of the code section in the email below). What is causing the error?

Thanks for your help.


attrib <- list(seat = c("6", "7", "8"),
cargo = c("2ft", "3ft"),
eng = c("gas", "hyb", "elec"),
price = c("30", "35", "40"))

coef.names <- NULL
for (a in seq_along(attrib)) {
coef.names <- c(coef.names,
paste(names(attrib)[a], attrib[[a]][-1], sep=""))


mu <- c(-1, -1, 0.5, -1, -2, -1, -2)
names(mu) <- coef.names

Sigma <- diag(c(0.3, 1, 0.1, 0.3, 1, 0.2, 0.3))
dimnames(Sigma) <- list(coef.names, coef.names)
Sigma["enghyb", "engelec"] <- Sigma["engelec", "enghyb"] <- 0.3

resp.id <- 1:200 # respondent ids
carpool <- sample(c("yes", "no"), size=length(resp.id), replace=TRUE, prob=c(0.3, 0.7))

coefs <- mvrnorm(length(resp.id), mu=mu, Sigma=Sigma)
colnames(coefs) <- coef.names

coefs[carpool=="yes", "seat8"] <- coefs[carpool=="yes", "seat8"] + 2
coefs[carpool=="yes", "seat7"] <- coefs[carpool=="yes", "seat7"] + 1.5

head(cbind(carpool, coefs))

nques <- 15
nalt <- 3

profiles <- expand.grid(attrib)

profiles.coded <- model.matrix(~ seat + cargo + eng + price, data=profiles)[ , -1]

cbc.df <- data.frame(NULL)
for (i in seq_along(resp.id)) {
profiles.i <- sample(1:nrow(profiles), size=nques*nalt)
utility <- profiles.coded[profiles.i, ] %*% coefs[i, ]
wide.util <- matrix(data=utility, ncol=nalt, byrow=TRUE)
probs <- exp(wide.util) / rowSums(exp(wide.util))
choice <- apply(probs, 1, function(x) sample(1:nalt, size=1, prob=x))
choice <- rep(choice, each=nalt)==rep(1:nalt, nques)
conjoint.i <- data.frame(resp.id=rep(i, nques),
ques = rep(1:nques, each=nalt),
alt = rep(1:nalt, nques),
carpool = rep(carpool[i], nques),
profiles[profiles.i, ],
choice = as.numeric(choice))
cbc.df <- rbind(cbc.df, conjoint.i)
# Tidy up, keeping only cbc.df and attrib
rm(a, i, resp.id, carpool, mu, Sigma, coefs, coef.names,
conjoint.i, profiles, profiles.i, profiles.coded, utility,
wide.util, probs, choice, nalt, nques)


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