[R-gregmisc-commits] r2079 - in pkg/gplots: R man

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Fri Feb 26 20:59:52 CET 2016

Author: warnes
Date: 2016-02-26 20:59:52 +0100 (Fri, 26 Feb 2016)
New Revision: 2079

New angleAxis() function to create axis labels with rotated text.

Added: pkg/gplots/R/angleAxis.R
--- pkg/gplots/R/angleAxis.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gplots/R/angleAxis.R	2016-02-26 19:59:52 UTC (rev 2079)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+angleAxis <- function(side, labels, at=1:length(labels), srt=45, adj, xpd=TRUE, ...)
+  usr <- par("usr")
+  emH <- strheight("M")
+  emW <- strwidth("M")
+  if(missing(adj))
+    adj <- switch(side, 1, 1, 0, 0)
+  switch(side,
+         #1 - below
+         text(x=at,           y=usr[3]-emH/2, labels=labels, srt=srt, adj=adj, xpd=xpd, ...), 
+         #2 - left
+         text(x=usr[1]-emW/2, y=at,           labels=labels, srt=srt, adj=adj, xpd=xpd, ...), 
+         #3 - above
+         text(x=at,           y=usr[4]+emH/2, labels=labels, srt=srt, adj=adj, xpd=xpd, ...), 
+         #4 - right
+         text(x=usr[2]+emW/2, y=at,           labels=labels, srt=srt, adj=adj, xpd=xpd, ...)
+  )       
+  invisible(NULL)
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/gplots/man/angleAxis.Rd
--- pkg/gplots/man/angleAxis.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/gplots/man/angleAxis.Rd	2016-02-26 19:59:52 UTC (rev 2079)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+\title{Add a Axis to a Plot with Rotated Labels}
+Add a labeled axis to the current plot with rotated text
+angleAxis(side, labels, at = 1:length(labels), srt = 45, adj, xpd = TRUE, ...)
+  \item{side}{
+    an integer specifying which side of the plot the axis is to be
+    drawn on. The axis is placed as follows: 1=below, 2=left, 3=above and 
+    4=right.
+    }
+  \item{labels}{character or expression vector of labels to be placed at the
+    tickpoints.
+    }
+  \item{at}{the points at which tick-marks are to be drawn. Non-finite
+    (infinite, NaN or NA) values are omitted.
+    }
+  \item{srt}{
+    The string rotation in degrees. Defaults to 45 degrees (clockwise).
+    }
+  \item{adj}{Text justification.  
+    A value of 0 produces left-justified text, 0.5 centered text and 1 
+    right-justified text. For \code{side=1} and \code{side=2}, the 
+    default value is \code{adj=1}.  For \code{side=3} and \code{side=4} 
+    the default value is \code{adj=0}.
+    }
+  \item{xpd}{A logical value or NA. If FALSE, labels are clipped to the 
+    plot region, if TRUE, labels are clipped to the figure region, and
+    if NA, labels are clipped to the device region.
+    }
+  \item{\dots}{optional arguments passed to \code{text}.  Common examples are \code{col}, \code{cex}.}
+This function augments the feature of the \code{axis} functon by allowing the axis labels to be rotated.
+\author{Gregory R. Warnes \email{greg at warnes.net} }
+# create a vector with some values and long labels
+values <- sample(1:10)
+names(values) <- sapply(letters[1:10], 
+                        function(x) paste(rep(x, 10), sep="",collapse="") 
+                        ) 
+# barplot labels are too long for the available space, hence some are not plotted
+# to add angled labels, tell barplot not to label the x axis, and store the bar location
+at <- barplot(values, xaxt="n")
+# then use angleAxs
+angleAxis(1, at=at, labels = names(values))
+# angle counter-clockwise instead
+at <- barplot(values, xaxt="n")
+angleAxis(1, at=at, labels = names(values), srt=-45, adj=0)
+# put labels at the top
+oldpar <- par()$mar
+at <- barplot(values, xaxt="n")
+angleAxis(3, at=at, labels = names(values))
+# put labels on the left
+oldpar <- par()$mar
+at <- barplot(values, yaxt="n", horiz=TRUE)
+angleAxis(2, at=at, labels = names(values))
+# put labels on the right
+oldpar <- par()$mar
+at <- barplot(values, yaxt="n", horiz=TRUE)
+angleAxis(4, at=at, labels = names(values))
+# specify colors for bars and labels
+at <- barplot(values, xaxt="n", col=1:10)
+angleAxis(1, at=at, labels = names(values), col=1:10)

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