[RQt-devel] next steps

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 14:56:40 CET 2009

Hi (Michael, mostly),

I'm at the stage where I'm happy with updates to qtutils, which is
basically all R code, using signals etc.

My next target is qtdevices, i.e., a traditional R graphics device
using QGraphicsScene. Is this feasible at this point? I've checked in
a few relevant questions in qtbase/questions.txt, the first couple of
which would help me plan my next steps:

 o Can we use user-written classes (defined in C++) from R yet? e.g.,

 o Related question: Let's say I want to manipulate a QWidget in
   native code; e.g.

   In R:

      edit <- Qt$QTextEdit()

   The in C++:

      QTextEdit *editor = getPointer(edit);
      RSyntaxHighlighter *highlighter =
          new RSyntaxHighlighter(editor->document());

   unwrapQWidget() doesn't work obviously, as it uses the old model.
   What would be the equivalent in the new world?  If this is
   available, then we probably get some flexibility in using both the
   old and new models together, even if we can't easily make new C++
   classes available in R.

Any thoughts?


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