[Qpcr-commits] r131 - in pkg/NormqPCR: R inst/exData man
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Wed Mar 23 09:51:26 CET 2011
Author: jperkins
Date: 2011-03-23 09:51:26 +0100 (Wed, 23 Mar 2011)
New Revision: 131
replaced generics and allowed combineTechReps to use median or geometric mean alongisde arithmetic mean
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -7,3 +7,23 @@
function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+ function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+ standardGeneric("combineTechReps")
+ function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+ standardGeneric("replaceNAs")
+ function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+ standardGeneric("replaceAboveCutOff")
+ function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+ standardGeneric("makeAllNAs")
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/combineTechReps.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/combineTechReps.R 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/combineTechReps.R 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
- function(qPCRBatch)
- standardGeneric("combineTechReps")
setMethod("combineTechReps", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
- function(qPCRBatch) {
+ function(qPCRBatch, calc = "arith") {
expM <- exprs(qPCRBatch)
origDetectors <- row.names(expM)
if (FALSE %in% grepl("_TechReps", origDetectors)) stop("These are not tech reps")
newDetectors <- unique(gsub("_TechReps.\\d","", origDetectors))
NewExpM <- matrix(nrow = length(newDetectors), ncol = dim(expM)[2], dimnames = list(newDetectors,colnames(expM)))
- for(detector in newDetectors){ # for each detector
- dValues <- colMeans(expM[gsub("_TechReps.\\d","", origDetectors) %in% detector,],na.rm=TRUE) # find everything that begins with new detector, and find the mean
- NewExpM[detector,] <- dValues # add values to the matrix
+ if (calc == "arith") {
+ for (detector in newDetectors) {
+ dValues <- colMeans(expM[gsub("_TechReps.\\d", "", origDetectors) %in% detector, ], na.rm = TRUE)
+ NewExpM[detector, ] <- dValues
+ }
+ else if (calc == "geom") {
+ for (detector in newDetectors) {
+ dValues <- apply(expM[gsub("_TechReps.\\d", "", origDetectors) %in% detector, ], 2, geomMean, na.rm = TRUE)
+ NewExpM[detector, ] <- dValues
+ }
+ }
+ else if (calc == "median") {
+ for (detector in newDetectors) {
+ dValues <- apply(expM[gsub("_TechReps.\\d", "", origDetectors) %in% detector, ], 2, median, na.rm = TRUE)
+# dValues <- colMedians(expM[gsub("_TechReps.\\d", "", origDetectors) %in% detector, ], na.rm = TRUE)
+ NewExpM[detector, ] <- dValues
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ stop("ensure you have specified the correct centrality measure, 'arith', 'geom' or 'median'")
+ }
NewExpM[is.na(NewExpM)] <- NA # make NAs real NAs
qPCRBatch <- new("qPCRBatch", exprs = NewExpM, phenoData = phenoData(qPCRBatch))
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
# replaceNAs - this replaces all NAs with a set number
- function(qPCRBatch, newNA=40)
- standardGeneric("replaceNAs")
setMethod("replaceNAs", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
function(qPCRBatch, newNA) {
exprs(qPCRBatch)[is.na(exprs(qPCRBatch))] <- newNA
@@ -12,12 +8,8 @@
# replaceAboveCutOff - this replaces anything above a given number with a (supplied) new value
- function(qPCRBatch, newVal=NA, cutOff=38)
- standardGeneric("replaceAboveCutOff")
setMethod("replaceAboveCutOff", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
- function(qPCRBatch, newVal, cutOff) {
+ function(qPCRBatch, newVal = NA, cutOff = 38) {
exprs(qPCRBatch)[exprs(qPCRBatch) > cutOff] <- newVal
@@ -25,10 +17,6 @@
# makeAllNAs - for each detector, if you have > a given number of NAs, then all values are all replaced with NA
# This means we can ignore any NAs in future calculations (since they can be dealt with using these functions
- function(qPCRBatch, contrastM, sampleMaxM)
- standardGeneric("makeAllNAs")
setMethod("makeAllNAs", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
function(qPCRBatch, contrastM, sampleMaxM) {
expM <- exprs(qPCRBatch)
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/inst/exData/qPCR.techReps.txt
--- pkg/NormqPCR/inst/exData/qPCR.techReps.txt 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/inst/exData/qPCR.techReps.txt 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
6 caseA one gene_ei 20.7773052257951
7 caseA one gene_bo 18.8705150882936
8 caseA one gene_cp 20.3037101230571
-1 caseB one gene_dx 20.2712554227792
+1 caseB one gene_dx NA
2 caseB one gene_aj 19.8498329931463
3 caseB one gene_jy 19.5007131087816
4 caseB one gene_ax 19.1686621517887
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/man/combineTechReps.Rd
--- pkg/NormqPCR/man/combineTechReps.Rd 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/man/combineTechReps.Rd 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -6,18 +6,22 @@
Takes expression set of qPCR values containing technical replicates and combines them.
+combineTechReps(qPCRBatch, \dots)
+\S4method{combineTechReps}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, calc="arith")
- \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data, read in by a ReadqPCR function and containing technical reps, denoted by \code{_TechRep.n} suffix.
+ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data, read in by a ReadqPCR function and containing technical reps, denoted by \code{_TechRep.n} suffix. }
+ \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below }
+ \item{calc}{ use median, arithmetic or geometric mean for combining the values}
- Takes \code{exprs} of qPCR values containing technical replicates and combines them.
+ Takes \code{exprs} of qPCR values containing technical replicates and combines them using a specified centrality measure.
\code{qPCRBatch} with same number of samples, but with less features, since all technical replicates are replaced with a single value of their means.
%\references{ }
\author{ James Perkins \email{jperkins at biochem.ucl.ac.uk}}
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/man/makeAllNAs.Rd
--- pkg/NormqPCR/man/makeAllNAs.Rd 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/man/makeAllNAs.Rd 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -5,17 +5,17 @@
\description{ Make all Ct values for a given detector NA when the number of NAs for that detector is above a given threshold
- makeAllNAs(qPCRBatch, contrastM, sampleMaxM)
+makeAllNAs(qPCRBatch, \dots)
+\S4method{makeAllNAs}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, contrastM, sampleMaxM)
- \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.
+ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.}
+ \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below}
\item{contrastM}{ Contrast Matrix like that used in \code{limma}. Columns represent the different samples types, rows are the different samples,
-with a 1 or 0 in the matrix indicating which sample types the different samples belong to.
+with a 1 or 0 in the matrix indicating which sample types the different samples belong to.}
+ \item{sampleMaxM}{ Sample Max Matrix. Columns represent the different sample types. There is one value per column, which represents the max number of NAs allowed for that sample type.}
- \item{sampleMaxM}{ Sample Max Matrix. Columns represent the different sample types. There is one value per column, which represents the max number of NAs allowed for that sample type.
Make all NAs when number of NAs above a given threshold
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@
qPCRBatch.taqman.replaced <- makeAllNAs(qPCRBatch.taqman, contM, sMaxM)
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceAboveCutOff.Rd
--- pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceAboveCutOff.Rd 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceAboveCutOff.Rd 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -5,16 +5,16 @@
\description{ Replace Ct values above a given threshold with a new value
-replaceAboveCutOff(qPCRBatch, newVal=NA, cutOff=38)
+replaceAboveCutOff(qPCRBatch, \dots)
+\S4method{replaceAboveCutOff}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, newVal=NA, cutOff=38)
- \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.
+ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data. }
+ \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below }
+ \item{newVal}{ The new value with which to replace the values above the cutoff }
+ \item{cutOff}{ the minimal threshold above which the values will be replaced }
- \item{newVal}{ The new value with which to replace the values above the cutoff
- \item{cutOff}{ the minimal threshold above which the values will be replaced
Replaces values in the exprs slot of the \code{qPCRBatch} object that are above a threshold value with a new number
Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceNAs.Rd
--- pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceNAs.Rd 2011-02-22 19:50:14 UTC (rev 130)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/man/replaceNAs.Rd 2011-03-23 08:51:26 UTC (rev 131)
@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
\description{ Replace NAs with a given value
-replaceNAs(qPCRBatch, newNA)
+replaceNAs(qPCRBatch, \dots)
+\S4method{replaceNAs}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, newNA)
- \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.
+ \item{qPCRBatch}{ Expression set containing qPCR data.}
+ \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below}
+ \item{newNA}{ The new value to replace the NAs with}
- \item{newNA}{ The new value to replace the NAs with
Replaces NA values in the exprs slot of the qPCRBatch object with a given number
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