[Qpcr-commits] r138 - in pkg/NormqPCR: . R inst/doc man

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Thu Jun 30 00:26:15 CEST 2011

Author: jperkins
Date: 2011-06-30 00:26:15 +0200 (Thu, 30 Jun 2011)
New Revision: 138

made selectHKs S4 & changed examples so it dispatched on qPCR.Batch (in fact it now only dispatches on qPCR.Batch, this is valid since ReadqPCR can read in the data to a qPCRBatch easily)

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/NormqPCR/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/DESCRIPTION	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 Package: NormqPCR
-Version: 0.99.1
+Version: 0.99.0
 Date: 2011-06-23
 Title: Functions for normalisation of RT-qPCR data
 Description: Functions for normalisation of real-time quantitative PCR data

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/allGenerics.R	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -27,3 +27,8 @@
   function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+  function(qPCRBatch, ...)
+  standardGeneric("selectHKs")

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaCt.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaCt.R	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaCt.R	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
 setMethod("deltaCt", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
   function(qPCRBatch, hkgs, combineHkgs=FALSE, calc="arith") {
     hkgs <- make.names(hkgs)
-#    cat("hkgs",hkgs)
     if(FALSE %in% (hkgs %in% featureNames(qPCRBatch))) stop ("given housekeeping gene, ", hkgs," not found in file. Ensure entered housekeeping genes appear in the file")
     expM <- exprs(qPCRBatch)
     hkgM <- expM[hkgs, ]
-#    print(hkgM)
     if(length(hkgs) > 1) {
       if (TRUE %in% apply(hkgM, 1, is.na))  {
         warning("NAs present in housekeeping genes readings")
         if (0 %in% apply(! apply(hkgM, 1, is.na),2,sum)) stop("Need at least 1 non NA for each housekeeper")
       hkgV <- vector(length = dim(hkgM)[2])
       if(calc == "arith") {
         for(i in 1:dim(hkgM)[2]) {
@@ -26,15 +23,13 @@
           hkgV[i] <- geomMean(hkgM[,i], na.rm=TRUE)
-#	cat("hkgV",hkgV,"\n")
     else {
       if(TRUE %in% is.na(hkgM)) {
-          warning("NAs present in housekeeping gene readings")
-          if(! FALSE %in% is.na(hkgM)) stop("Need at least 1 non NA for the housekeeper")
+       warning("NAs present in housekeeping gene readings")
+       if(! FALSE %in% is.na(hkgM)) stop("Need at least 1 non NA for the housekeeper")
-      hkgV <- hkgM # Because it's a vector really anyway
-#      cat(hkgV)
+      hkgV <- hkgM # Because it's a vector really anyway: we only have one NA
     exprs(qPCRBatch) <- t(t(exprs(qPCRBatch)) - hkgV)

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaDeltaCt.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaDeltaCt.R	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/deltaDeltaCt.R	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 setMethod("deltaDeltaCt", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
   function(qPCRBatch, maxNACase=0, maxNAControl=0, hkgs, contrastM, case, control, paired=TRUE, hkgCalc="arith", statCalc="arith") {
     hkgs <- make.names(hkgs)
+    if(length(hkgs) < 1) stop("Not enough hkgs given")
-#    if(combineHkgs == TRUE) {
-	if(length(hkgs) < 1) stop("Not enough hkgs given")
-#    }
     if(FALSE %in% (hkgs %in% featureNames(qPCRBatch))) stop("invalid housekeeping gene given")
     for(hkg in hkgs){
         if(sum(is.na(hkg)) > 0) warning(hkg, " May be a bad housekeeping gene to normalise with since it did not produce a reading ", sum(is.na(hkg)), "times out of", length(hkg))
@@ -18,8 +16,6 @@
     if(length(hkgs) > 1) {
 	hkgMCase <- caseM[hkgs, ]
         hkgMControl <- controlM[hkgs, ]
-	#hkgVCase <- apply(hkgMCase, 2, geomMean, na.rm=TRUE)
-	#hkgVControl <- apply(hkgMControl, 2, geomMean, na.rm=TRUE)
 	if(hkgCalc == "arith") {
 		hkgVCase <- apply(hkgMCase, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
 		hkgVControl <- apply(hkgMControl, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE)
@@ -49,7 +45,6 @@
     for (detector in featureNames(qPCRBatch)) {
         VCase <- caseM[detector,]
         VControl <- controlM[detector,]
-#stop("length of case is:",VCase,"_",length(VCase))
         if(length(VCase) == 1) {
           warning("Only one Detector for Control")
           dCtCase <- VCase
@@ -57,7 +52,6 @@
         } else if(! FALSE %in% is.na(VCase)) {
           warning("No Detector for Case")
           dCtCase <- rep(NA, length = VCase)
-#          dCtControl <- NA
           sdCase <- NA
         } else {
           if(statCalc == "geom") {
@@ -81,7 +75,6 @@
         } else if(! FALSE %in% is.na(VControl)) {
           warning("No Detector for Control")
           dCtControl <- rep(NA, length = VControl)
-#          dCtCase <- NA
           sdControl <- NA
         } else {
           if(statCalc == "geom") {
@@ -137,7 +130,6 @@
         if(statCalc == "geom") {
-#          ddCts[i] <- (dCtCase/dCtControl)
 	  dCtCases[i] <- dCtCase
 	  sdCtCases[i] <- sdCase
 	  dCtControls[i] <- dCtControl
@@ -156,6 +148,5 @@
     ddCtTable <- as.data.frame(cbind(featureNames(qPCRBatch),format(dCtCases, digits=4),format(sdCtCases, digits=4),format(dCtControls, digits=4),format(sdCtControls, digits=4),format(ddCts,digits=4),format(minddCts, digits=4),format(maxddCts, digits=4)))
     names(ddCtTable) <- c("ID", paste("2^-dCt",case,sep="."), paste(case,"sd",sep="."), paste("2^-dCt",control,sep="."), paste(control,"sd",sep="."),"2^-ddCt","2^-ddCt.min", "2^-ddCt.max")
-#    stop(ddCtTable)

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/plotDCt.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/plotDCt.R	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/plotDCt.R	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -17,10 +17,5 @@
     plotU <- plotCts  + plotSds
     plotL <- plotCts - plotSds
-#  print(plotCts)
-#  cat(plotU,"\t")
-#  cat(plotL,"\n")
   barplot2(..., height=t(plotCts), plot.ci=TRUE, ci.u=t(plotU), ci.l=t(plotL), beside=T)

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/R/selectHKs.R
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/selectHKs.R	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/selectHKs.R	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -8,21 +8,11 @@
 ## Symbols: character, symbols for variables/columns
 ## trace: locical, print information
 ## na.rm: remove NA values
-selectHKs <- function(x, group, method = "geNorm", minNrHKs = 2, 
-                      log = TRUE, Symbols, trace = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE){
-    if(method == "geNorm") {
-        if(class(x) == "qPCRBatch") x <- t(exprs(x))
-    }
-    if(method == "NormFinder") {
-        if(class(x) == "qPCRBatch"){
-            if (missing(group)) group <- pData(x)[,"Group"]
-            x <- t(exprs(x))
-        }
-        else stop("'x' must be of class qPCRBatch")
-    }
-    if(!is.matrix(x) & !is.data.frame(x))
-        stop("'x' needs to be of class matrix or data.frame")
-    if(is.data.frame(x)) x <- data.matrix(x)
+setMethod("selectHKs", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
+  function(qPCRBatch, group, method = "geNorm", minNrHKs = 2, 
+ log = TRUE, Symbols, trace = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE){
+    x <- t(exprs(qPCRBatch))
+    x <- data.matrix(x)
     n <- ncol(x)
     if(n < 3)
         stop("you need data from at least 3 variables/columns")
@@ -67,14 +57,14 @@
-                cat("###############################################################\n")
-                cat("Step ", n-i+1, ":\n")
-                cat("stability values M:\n")
+                message("###############################################################\n")
+                message("Step ", n-i+1, ":\n")
+                message("stability values M:\n")
-                cat("average stability M:\t", meanM[n-i+1], "\n")
+                message("average stability M:\t", meanM[n-i+1], "\n")
                 if(i > 2){
-                    cat("variable with lowest stability (largest M value):\t", Symbols[ind], "\n")
-                    cat("Pairwise variation, (", i-1, "/", i, "):\t", V[n-i+1], "\n")
+                    message("variable with lowest stability (largest M value):\t", Symbols[ind], "\n")
+                    message("Pairwise variation, (", i-1, "/", i, "):\t", V[n-i+1], "\n")
             x <- x[,-ind]
@@ -95,11 +85,11 @@
         rho.min[1] <- rho[b[1]]
-            cat("###############################################################\n")
-            cat("Step ", 1, ":\n")
-            cat("stability values rho:\n")
+            message("###############################################################\n")
+            message("Step ", 1, ":\n")
+            message("stability values rho:\n")
-            cat("variable with highest stability (smallest rho value):\t", Symbols[b[1]], "\n")
+            message("variable with highest stability (smallest rho value):\t", Symbols[b[1]], "\n")
         for(i in 2:minNrHKs){
             rho[b[i-1]] <- NA
@@ -116,11 +106,11 @@
             R[i] <- Symbols[b[i]]
             rho.min[i] <- rho[b[i]]
-                cat("###############################################################\n")
-                cat("Step ", i, ":\n")
-                cat("stability values rho:\n")
+                message("###############################################################\n")
+                message("Step ", i, ":\n")
+                message("stability values rho:\n")
-                cat("variable with highest stability (smallest rho value):\t", Symbols[b[i]], "\n")
+                message("variable with highest stability (smallest rho value):\t", Symbols[b[i]], "\n")
         names(R) <- 1:minNrHKs
@@ -129,4 +119,5 @@
         stop("specified method not yet implemented")
+  }

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/inst/doc/NormqPCR.Rnw
--- pkg/NormqPCR/inst/doc/NormqPCR.Rnw	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/inst/doc/NormqPCR.Rnw	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -216,23 +216,21 @@
 \code{minNrHK} genes remain.
-geNorm <- t(exprs(geNorm.qPCRBatch))
 tissue <- as.factor(c(rep("BM", 9),  rep("FIB", 20), rep("LEU", 13),
                     rep("NB", 34), rep("POOL", 9)))
-res.BM <- selectHKs(geNorm[tissue == "BM",], method = "geNorm", 
-                    Symbols = colnames(geNorm), minNrHK = 2, log = FALSE)
-res.POOL <- selectHKs(geNorm[tissue == "POOL",], method = "geNorm", 
-                      Symbols = colnames(geNorm), minNrHK = 2, 
+res.BM <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "BM"], method = "geNorm", 
+                    Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, log = FALSE)
+res.POOL <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "POOL"], method = "geNorm", 
+                      Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, 
                       trace = FALSE, log = FALSE)
-res.FIB <- selectHKs(geNorm[tissue == "FIB",], method = "geNorm", 
-                     Symbols = colnames(geNorm), minNrHK = 2, 
+res.FIB <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "FIB"], method = "geNorm", 
+                     Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, 
                      trace = FALSE, log = FALSE)
-res.LEU <- selectHKs(geNorm[tissue == "LEU",], method = "geNorm", 
-                     Symbols = colnames(geNorm), minNrHK = 2, 
+res.LEU <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "LEU"], method = "geNorm", 
+                     Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, 
                      trace = FALSE, log = FALSE)
-res.NB <- selectHKs(geNorm[tissue == "NB",], method = "geNorm", 
-                    Symbols = colnames(geNorm), minNrHK = 2, 
+res.NB <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "NB"], method = "geNorm", 
+                    Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, 
                     trace = FALSE, log = FALSE)
 We obtain the following ranking of genes (cf. Table~3 in Vand02)
@@ -266,7 +264,7 @@
 legend("topright", legend = c("BM", "POOL", "FIB", "LEU", "NB"), 
        fill = mypalette)
 Second, we plot the pairwise variation for each cell type (cf. Figure~3~(a) in
@@ -333,11 +331,13 @@
 is available via function \code{selectHKs}.
+group <- pData(Colon.qPCRBatch)[,"Group"]
-          log = FALSE, trace = TRUE, 
+          log = FALSE, trace = TRUE, group = group,
           Symbols = featureNames(Colon.qPCRBatch), minNrHKs = 12,
           method = "NormFinder")$ranking
+group <- pData(Bladder.qPCRBatch)[,"Group"]
+selectHKs(Bladder.qPCRBatch, group = group,
           log = FALSE, trace = FALSE, 
           Symbols = featureNames(Bladder.qPCRBatch), minNrHKs = 13,
           method = "NormFinder")$ranking

Modified: pkg/NormqPCR/man/selectHKs.Rd
--- pkg/NormqPCR/man/selectHKs.Rd	2011-06-23 19:59:04 UTC (rev 137)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/man/selectHKs.Rd	2011-06-29 22:26:15 UTC (rev 138)
@@ -1,16 +1,21 @@
 \title{ Selection of reference/housekeeping genes }
   This function can be used to determine a set of reference/housekeeping (HK) 
   genes for gene expression experiments. 
-selectHKs(x, group, method = "geNorm", minNrHKs = 2, log = TRUE, Symbols, 
+selectHKs(qPCRBatch, \dots)
+\S4method{selectHKs}{qPCRBatch}(qPCRBatch, group, method = "geNorm", minNrHKs = 2, log = TRUE, Symbols, 
 	      trace = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
-  \item{x}{ matrix or data.frame containing the data }
+  \item{qPCRBatch}{ qPCRBatch, containing the data }
+  \item{\dots}{ Extra arguments, detailed below }
   \item{group}{ optional factor not used by all methods, hence may be missing }
   \item{method}{ method to compute most stable genes }
   \item{minNrHKs}{ minimum number of HK genes that should be considered }
@@ -67,8 +72,12 @@
-res.BM <- selectHKs(geNorm[1:9,], method = "geNorm", Symbols = names(geNorm), 
-                    minNrHK = 2, log = FALSE, trace = TRUE, na.rm = TRUE)
+path <- system.file("exData", package = "NormqPCR")
+geNorm.example <- file.path(path, "qPCR.geNorm.txt")
+geNorm.qPCRBatch <- read.qPCR(geNorm.example)
+tissue <- as.factor(c(rep("BM", 9), rep("FIB", 20), rep("LEU", 13),
+ rep("NB", 34), rep("POOL", 9)))
+res.BM <- selectHKs(geNorm.qPCRBatch[,tissue == "BM"], method = "geNorm", 
+                    Symbols = featureNames(geNorm.qPCRBatch), minNrHK = 2, log = FALSE)

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