[Qpcr-commits] r94 - pkg/NormqPCR/R
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Thu Feb 25 18:51:32 CET 2010
Author: jperkins
Date: 2010-02-25 18:51:31 +0100 (Thu, 25 Feb 2010)
New Revision: 94
allows the user to deal with NAs themselves. Means we can just do mean, na.rm = T and not have to worry
Copied: pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R (from rev 90, pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithUndetermined.R)
--- pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R (rev 0)
+++ pkg/NormqPCR/R/dealWithNA.R 2010-02-25 17:51:31 UTC (rev 94)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+# replaceNAs - this replaces all NAs with a set number
+ function(qPCRBatch, newNA=40)
+ standardGeneric("replaceNAs")
+setMethod("replaceNAs", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
+ function(qPCRBatch, newNA) {
+ exprs(qPCRBatch)[is.na(exprs(qPCRBatch))] <- newNA
+ return(qPCRBatch)
+ }
+# replaceAboveCutOff - this replaces anything above a given number with a (supplied) new value
+ function(qPCRBatch, newVal=NA, cutOff=38)
+ standardGeneric("replaceAboveCutOff")
+setMethod("replaceAboveCutOff", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
+ function(qPCRBatch, newVal, cutOff) {
+ exprs(qPCRBatch)[exprs(qPCRBatch) > cutOff] <- newVal
+ return(qPCRBatch)
+ }
+# makeAllNAs - for each detector, if you have > a given number of NAs, then all values are all replaced with NA
+# This means we can ignore any NAs in future calculations (since they can be dealt with using these functions
+ function(qPCRBatch, maxNACase, maxNAControl, contrastM, case, control)
+ standardGeneric("makeAllNAs")
+setMethod("makeAllNAs", signature = "qPCRBatch", definition =
+ function(qPCRBatch, maxNACase, maxNAControl, contrastM, case, control) {
+ case <- row.names(contrastM)[contrastM[,case] == 1]
+ control <- row.names(contrastM)[contrastM[,control] == 1]
+ expM <- exprs(qPCRBatch)
+ caseM <- expM[,case]
+ controlM <- expM[,control]
+ for (detector in featureNames(qPCRBatch)) {
+ if(sum(is.na(expM[detector,case])) > maxNACase) caseM[detector,case] <- NA
+ if(sum(is.na(expM[detector,control])) > maxNAControl) controlM[detector,case] <- NA
+ }
+ return(qPCRBatch)
+ }
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