[Qca-commits] r49 - in pkg: . R data inst/staticdocs man src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Jul 20 14:47:27 CEST 2018

Author: dusadrian
Date: 2018-07-20 14:47:26 +0200 (Fri, 20 Jul 2018)
New Revision: 49

version 3.3

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Package: QCA
 Version: 3.3
-Date: 2018-07-14
+Date: 2018-07-20
 Title: Qualitative Comparative Analysis
 Authors at R: c(person("Adrian", "Dusa", role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"),
                     email = "dusa.adrian at unibuc.ro"),
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
              minimal causal combination that explains a given phenomenon.
 License: GPL (>= 2)
 NeedsCompilation: yes
-Packaged: 2018-07-14 04:11:31 UTC; dusadrian
+Packaged: 2018-07-20 12:36:49 UTC; dusadrian
 Author: Adrian Dusa [aut, cre, cph],
   jQuery Foundation [cph] (jQuery library and jQuery UI library),
   jQuery contributors [ctb, cph] (jQuery library; authors listed in

Deleted: pkg/R/base3rows.R
--- pkg/R/base3rows.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/base3rows.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-base3rows <- function(nofconditions) {
-    multiplier <- 0
-    gap <- NULL
-    for (i in 2:nofconditions) {
-        multiplier <- 3*multiplier + 1
-        gap <- c(gap, multiplier, gap)
-    }
-    linejump <- (3^nofconditions + 1)/2
-    rownums <- c(linejump, sapply(gap, function(jump) {
-        linejump <<- linejump + jump + 2
-        }))
-    return(sort(c(rownums, rownums + 1)))

Deleted: pkg/R/createChart.R
--- pkg/R/createChart.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/createChart.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-`createChart` <- 
-function (input, copyinput, rows, cols) {
-	input2 <- matrix(logical(length(input)), dim(input))
-	input2[input > 0] <- TRUE
-	result <- sapply(seq(nrow(input)), function(x) {
-		apply(copyinput, 1, function(y) {
-			all(input[x, input2[x,]] == y[input2[x,]])
-        })
-    })
-    if (nrow(copyinput) == 1) {
-        result <- matrix(result)
-    }
-    else {
-        result <- t(result)
-    }
-    if (!missing(rows)) rownames(result) <- rows
-    if (!missing(cols)) colnames(result) <- cols
-    return(result)

Deleted: pkg/R/createString.R
--- pkg/R/createString.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/createString.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-`createString` <-
-function(mydata, collapse="*", uplow=FALSE, use.tilde=FALSE) {
-    mydata <- changemydata <- as.matrix(mydata)
-    conditions <- colnames(mydata)
-    if (uplow) {
-        changemydata[mydata == 0] <- tolower(rep(conditions, each=nrow(mydata))[mydata == 0])
-        changemydata[mydata == 1] <- toupper(rep(conditions, each=nrow(mydata))[mydata == 1])
-    }
-    else if (use.tilde) {
-        changemydata[mydata == 0] <- paste("~", toupper(rep(conditions, each=nrow(mydata))[mydata == 0]), sep="")
-        changemydata[mydata == 1] <- toupper(rep(conditions, each=nrow(mydata))[mydata == 1])
-    }
-    else {
-        for (i in sort(unique(as.vector(mydata)))) {
-            changemydata[mydata == i] <- paste(rep(conditions, each=nrow(mydata))[mydata == i], "{", i, "}", sep="")
-        }
-    }
-    input <- rep(NA, nrow(mydata))
-    for (i in 1:nrow(mydata)) {
-        input[i] <- paste(changemydata[i, ], collapse = collapse)
-    }
-    return(input)

Deleted: pkg/R/deMorgan.R
--- pkg/R/deMorgan.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/deMorgan.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
-`deMorgan` <-
-function(expression, prod.split = "", use.tilde = FALSE) {
-    # print("bla")
-    # TO DO: capture and error the usage of both "cD" and "D*E" in the same expression 
-    # STRUCTURE of the big.list
-    # level 1: split by separate components
-        # "A + B(C + D*~E)" has two components "A" and "B(C + D*~E)"
-    # level 2: split by brackets
-        # "B(C + D*~E)" has "B" and "C + D*~E"
-    # level 3: split by "+"
-        # "C + D*~E" has "C" and "D*~E"
-    # level 4: split by "*"
-        # "D*~E" has "D" and "~E"
-    # level 5: split by "~" (the result is only a vector, not a list)
-        # "~E" has "~" and "E"
-        # big.list <- splitMainComponents(expression)
-        # big.list <- splitBrackets(big.list)
-        # big.list <- removeSingleStars(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitPluses(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitStars(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitTildas(big.list)
-        # big.list <- solveBrackets(big.list)
-        # big.list <- simplifyList(big.list)
-    if (class(expression) == "deMorgan") {
-        expression <- paste(expression[[1]][[2]], collapse = " + ")
-    }
-    splitMainComponents <- function(expression) {
-        ind.char <- unlist(strsplit(expression, split=""))
-        # remove all spaces (or white space)
-        ind.char <- ind.char[ind.char != " "]
-        if (grepl("\\(", expression)) {
-            # split the string in individual characters
-            open.brackets <- which(ind.char == "(")
-            closed.brackets <- which(ind.char == ")")
-            invalid <- ifelse(grepl("\\)", expression), length(open.brackets) != length(closed.brackets), FALSE)
-            if (invalid) {
-                cat("\n")
-                stop("Invalid expression, open bracket \"(\" not closed with \")\".\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-            }
-            all.brackets <- sort(c(open.brackets, closed.brackets))
-            if (length(all.brackets) > 2) {
-                for (i in seq(3, length(all.brackets))) {
-                    if (all.brackets[i] - all.brackets[i - 1] == 1) {
-                        open.brackets <- setdiff(open.brackets, all.brackets[seq(i - 1, i)])
-                        closed.brackets <- setdiff(closed.brackets, all.brackets[seq(i - 1, i)])
-                    }
-                    if (all.brackets[i] - all.brackets[i - 1] == 2) {
-                        if (ind.char[all.brackets[i] - 1] != "+") {
-                            open.brackets <- setdiff(open.brackets, all.brackets[seq(i - 1, i)])
-                            closed.brackets <- setdiff(closed.brackets, all.brackets[seq(i - 1, i)])
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            for (i in seq(length(open.brackets))) {
-                plus.signs <- which(ind.char == "+")
-                last.plus.sign <- plus.signs[plus.signs < open.brackets[i]]
-                if (length(last.plus.sign) > 0) {
-                    open.brackets[i] <- max(last.plus.sign) + 1
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (1 == 1) {
-                        open.brackets[i] <- 1
-                    }
-                }
-                next.plus.sign <- plus.signs[plus.signs > closed.brackets[i]]
-                if(length(next.plus.sign) > 0) {
-                    closed.brackets[i] <- min(next.plus.sign) - 1
-                }
-                else {
-                    closed.brackets[i] <- length(ind.char)
-                }
-            }
-            # create an empty list with at least 3 times as many components as number of open brackets (just to make sure I have enough)
-            big.list <- vector(mode="list", length = length(open.brackets) + 2)
-            if (length(open.brackets) == 1) {
-                # there is only one open bracket
-                if (open.brackets > 1) {
-                    # there's something before that open bracket
-                    big.list[[1]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(1, open.brackets - 2)], collapse = "")
-                }
-                nep <- min(which(unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))))
-                big.list[[nep]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(open.brackets, closed.brackets)], collapse = "")
-                if (closed.brackets < length(ind.char)) {
-                    # there is something beyond the closed bracket
-                    nep <- min(which(unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))))
-                    big.list[[nep]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(closed.brackets + 2, length(ind.char))], collapse = "")
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                for (i in seq(length(open.brackets))) {
-                    if (i == 1) {
-                        # check if there's anything meaningful before the FIRST bracket
-                        # i.e. containing a "+" sign, like "A + B(C + D)"
-                        # before the first bracket is "A + B", but only B should be multiplied with "C + D"
-                        if (open.brackets[1] > 1) {
-                            # there is something before the first bracket
-                            big.list[[1]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(1, open.brackets[1] - 2)], collapse = "")
-                        }
-                        nep <- min(which(unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))))
-                        big.list[[nep]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(open.brackets[i], closed.brackets[i])], collapse = "")
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        nep <- min(which(unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))))
-                        big.list[[nep]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(open.brackets[i], closed.brackets[i])], collapse = "")
-                        if (i == length(closed.brackets)) {
-                            if (closed.brackets[i] < length(ind.char)) {
-                                # there is something beyond the last closed bracket
-                                nep <- min(which(unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))))
-                                big.list[[nep]] <- paste(ind.char[seq(closed.brackets[i] + 2, length(ind.char))], collapse = "")
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            nulls <- unlist(lapply(big.list, is.null))
-            if (any(nulls)) {
-                big.list <- big.list[-which(nulls)]
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            big.list <- vector("list", length = 1)
-            big.list[[1]] <- paste(ind.char, collapse="")
-        }
-        return(big.list)
-    }
-    #####
-    # split each main component by separating brackets components
-    splitBrackets <- function(big.list) {
-        return(lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            as.list(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(x, split="\\(")), split="\\)")))
-        }))
-    }
-    #####
-    # remove individual components with single "*" signs 
-    removeSingleStars <- function(big.list) {
-        return(lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            single.components <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
-                return(y == "*")
-            }))
-            return(x[!single.components])
-        }))
-    }
-    #####
-    # split by "+"
-    splitPluses <- function(big.list) {
-        return(lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            lapply(x, function(y) {
-                plus.split <- unlist(strsplit(y, "\\+"))
-                return(as.list(plus.split[plus.split != ""]))
-            })
-        }))
-    }
-    #####
-    # split by "*"
-    splitStars <- function(big.list) {
-        return(lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            lapply(x, function(y) {
-                lapply(y, function(z) {
-                    star.split <- unlist(strsplit(z, ifelse(prod.split == "", "", paste("\\", prod.split, sep=""))))
-                    star.split <- star.split[star.split != ""]
-                    if (prod.split == "") {
-                        tilda <- star.split == "~"
-                        if (any(tilda)) {
-                            tilda.pos <- which(tilda)
-                            if (max(tilda.pos) == length(star.split)) {
-                                cat("\n")
-                                stop(paste("Unusual expression \"", z, "\": terminated with a \"~\" sign?\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-                            }
-                            star.split[tilda.pos + 1] <- paste("~", star.split[tilda.pos + 1], sep="")
-                            star.split <- star.split[-tilda.pos]
-                        }
-                    }
-                    return(as.list(star.split[star.split != ""]))
-                })
-            })
-        }))
-    }
-    #####
-    # split by "~"
-    splitTildas <- function (big.list) {
-        return(lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            lapply(x, function(y) {
-                lapply(y, function(z) {
-                    lapply(z, function(w) {
-                        if (grepl("~", w)) {
-                            wsplit <- unlist(strsplit(w, split=""))
-                            if (max(which(wsplit == "~")) > 1) {
-                                cat("\n")
-                                stop(paste("Unusual expression: ", w, ". Perhaps you meant \"*~\"?\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                return(c("~", sub("~", "", w)))
-                            }
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            return(w)
-                        }
-                    })
-                })
-            })
-        }))
-    }
-    ######
-    # determine if and which main components have brackets, and SOLVE them
-    solveBrackets <- function(big.list) {
-        bracket.comps <- which(unlist(lapply(big.list, length)) > 1)
-        if (length(bracket.comps) > 0) {
-            for (i in bracket.comps) {
-                lengths <- unlist(lapply(big.list[[i]], length))
-                indexes <- createMatrix(lengths) + 1
-                ncol.ind <- ncol(indexes)
-                i.list <- vector("list", length = nrow(indexes))
-                for (j in seq(length(i.list))) {
-                    i.list[[j]] <- vector("list", length = prod(dim(indexes)))
-                    start.position <- 1
-                    for (k in seq(ncol.ind)) {
-                        for (l in seq(length(big.list[[i]][[k]][[indexes[j, k]]]))) {
-                            i.list[[j]][[start.position]] <- big.list[[i]][[k]][[indexes[j, k]]][[l]]
-                            start.position <- start.position + 1
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if (start.position <= length(i.list[[j]])) {
-                        i.list[[j]] <- i.list[[j]][- seq(start.position, length(i.list[[j]]))]
-                    }
-                }
-                big.list[[i]] <- list(i.list)
-            }
-        }
-        return(big.list)
-    }
-    simplifyList <- function(big.list) {
-        lengths <- unlist(lapply(big.list, function(x) length(x[[1]])))
-        big.list.copy <- vector("list", length = sum(lengths))
-        start.position <- 1
-        for (i in seq(length(big.list))) {
-            for (j in seq(lengths[i])) {
-                big.list.copy[[start.position]] <- big.list[[i]][[1]][[j]]
-                start.position <- start.position + 1
-            }
-        }
-        return(big.list.copy)
-    }
-    negateValues <- function(big.list, tilda = TRUE) {
-        lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            lapply(x, function(y) {
-                if (tilda) {
-                    if (length(y) > 1) {
-                        y <- toupper(y[2])
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        if (use.tilde) {
-                            y <- c("~", toupper(y))
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            y <- tolower(y)
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (y == toupper(y)) {
-                        if (use.tilde) {
-                            y <- c("~", toupper(y))
-                        }
-                        else {
-                            y <- tolower(y)
-                        }
-                    }
-                    else {
-                        y <- toupper(y)
-                    }
-                }
-            })
-        })
-    }
-    removeDuplicates <- function(big.list) {
-        big.list <- lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            values <- unlist(lapply(x, paste, collapse=""))
-            x <- x[!duplicated(values)]
-            # now trying to eliminate those which have both positive and negative
-            # like "~A" and "A", or "a" and "A"
-            ind.values <- unlist(x)
-            ind.values <- ind.values[ind.values != "~"]
-            ind.values <- toupper(ind.values)
-            if (length(x) == 0 | any(table(ind.values) > 1)) {
-                return(NULL)
-            }
-            else {
-                return(x)
-            }
-        })
-        big.list <- big.list[!unlist((lapply(big.list, is.null)))]
-        # big.list.pasted
-        blp <- lapply(big.list, function(x) {
-            unlist(lapply(x, paste, collapse=""))
-        })
-        redundants <- vector(length = length(big.list))
-        pairings <- combn(length(big.list), 2)
-        for (i in seq(ncol(pairings))) {
-            blp1 <- blp[[pairings[1, i]]]
-            blp2 <- blp[[pairings[2, i]]]
-            if (length(blp1) == length(blp2)) {
-                if (all(sort(blp1) == sort(blp2))) {
-                    redundants[pairings[2, i]] <- TRUE
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                if (length(blp1) < length(blp2)) {
-                    if (length(setdiff(blp1, blp2)) == 0) {
-                        redundants[pairings[2, i]] <- TRUE
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    if (length(setdiff(blp2, blp1)) == 0) {
-                        redundants[pairings[1, i]] <- TRUE
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return(big.list[!redundants])
-    }
-    if (is.qca(expression)) {
-        result <- deMorganLoop(expression)
-    }
-    else if (is.character(expression) & length(expression) == 1) {
-        if (grepl("\\{", expression)) {
-            if (grepl("~", expression)) {
-                cat("\n")
-                stop("Impossible combination of both \"~\" and \"{}\" multi-value notation.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-            }
-            use.tilde <- FALSE
-        }
-        if (prod.split == "" & grepl("\\*", expression)) {
-            # cat("\n")
-            # stop("The \"*\" symbol was found: consider using the argument prod.split = \"*\".\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-            prod.split <- "*"
-        }
-        if (prod.split != "" & prod.split != "*") {
-            if (!grepl(prod.split, expression)) {
-                cat("\n")
-                stop("The product operator \"", prod.split, "\" was not found.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-            }
-        }
-        big.list <- simplifyList(solveBrackets(splitTildas(splitStars(splitPluses(removeSingleStars(splitBrackets(splitMainComponents(expression))))))))
-        flat.vector <- unlist(big.list)
-        unique.values <- unique(flat.vector)
-        already.letters <- all(nchar(unique.values) == 1)
-        tilda <- ifelse(any(flat.vector == "~"), TRUE, FALSE)
-        if (tilda) {
-            use.tilde <- TRUE
-        }
-        if (tilda & prod.split == "" & any(toupper(flat.vector) != flat.vector)) {
-            cat("\n")
-            stop("Unusual usage of both \"~\" sign and lower letters.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-        }
-        negated.string <- paste("(", paste(unlist(lapply(negateValues(big.list, tilda), function(x) {
-            paste(unlist(lapply(x, paste, collapse = "")), collapse = " + ")
-        })), collapse = ")("), ")", sep="")
-        big.list <- simplifyList(solveBrackets(splitTildas(splitStars(splitPluses(removeSingleStars(splitBrackets(splitMainComponents(negated.string))))))))
-        # big.list <- splitMainComponents(negated.string)
-        # big.list <- splitBrackets(big.list)
-        # big.list <- removeSingleStars(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitPluses(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitStars(big.list)
-        # big.list <- splitTildas(big.list)
-        # big.list <- solveBrackets(big.list)
-        # big.list <- simplifyList(big.list)
-        initial <- expression
-        negated <- unlist(lapply(removeDuplicates(big.list), function(x) {
-            copyx <- unlist(lapply(x, function(y) {
-                y <- y[y != "~"]
-            }))
-            x <- x[order(copyx)]
-            paste(unlist(lapply(x, paste, collapse="")), collapse = prod.split)
-        }))
-        result <- list(S1 = list(initial, negated))
-    }
-    return(structure(result, class = "deMorgan"))
-`deMorganLoop` <-
-function(qca.object) {
-    prod.split <- qca.object$opts$collapse
-    if ("i.sol" %in% names(qca.object)) {
-        result <- vector("list", length=length(qca.object$i.sol))
-        for (i in seq(length(qca.object$i.sol))) {
-            names(result) <- names(qca.object$i.sol)
-            result[[i]] <- lapply(qca.object$i.sol[[i]]$solution, paste, collapse = " + ")
-            for (j in length(result[[i]])) {
-                result[[i]][j] <- deMorgan(result[[i]][[j]], prod.split)
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    else {
-        result <- lapply(lapply(qca.object$solution, paste, collapse = " + "), function(x) {
-            deMorgan(x, prod.split)[[1]]
-        })
-        names(result) <- paste("S", seq(length(result)), sep="")
-    }
-    return(result)

Deleted: pkg/R/demoChart.R
--- pkg/R/demoChart.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/demoChart.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-`demoChart` <-
-function(primes = c(""), configs = c(""), prod.split="") {
-    if (prod.split != "") prod.split <- paste("\\", prod.split, sep="")
-    primes.split <- strsplit(primes, prod.split)
-    configs.split <- strsplit(configs, prod.split)
-    mtrx <- matrix(FALSE, nrow=length(primes), ncol=length(configs))
-    for (i in seq(nrow(mtrx))) {
-        for (j in seq(ncol(mtrx))) {
-            mtrx[i, j] <- all(primes.split[[i]] %in% configs.split[[j]])
-        }
-    }
-    colnames(mtrx) <- configs
-    rownames(mtrx) <- primes
-    return(mtrx)

Deleted: pkg/R/eqmcc.R
--- pkg/R/eqmcc.R	2018-07-20 08:26:24 UTC (rev 48)
+++ pkg/R/eqmcc.R	2018-07-20 12:47:26 UTC (rev 49)
@@ -1,689 +0,0 @@
-`eqmcc` <-
-function(data, outcome = c(""), neg.out = FALSE, conditions = c(""), 
-      relation = "suf", n.cut = 1, incl.cut1 = 1, incl.cut0 = 1, 
-      explain = c("1"), include = c(""), row.dom = FALSE, min.dis = TRUE, 
-      omit = c(), dir.exp = c(), details = FALSE, show.cases = FALSE, 
-      inf.test = c(""), use.tilde = FALSE, use.letters = FALSE, ...) {
-    m2 <- FALSE
-    metacall <- match.call()
-    other.args <- list(...)
-    if ("rowdom" %in% names(other.args)) {
-        row.dom <- other.args$rowdom
-    }
-    if ("all.sol" %in% names(other.args)) {
-        if (is.logical(other.args$all.sol)) {
-            min.dis <- !other.args$all.sol
-        }
-    }
-    PRI <- FALSE
-    if ("direxp" %in% names(other.args)) {
-        dir.exp <- other.args$direxp
-    }
-    if ("PRI" %in% names(other.args)) {
-        if (is.logical(other.args$PRI)) {
-            PRI <- other.args$PRI[1] # [1] just to make sure only the first value is taken, should someone incorrectly provide a vector
-        }
-    }
-    print.truth.table <- details & !is.tt(data)
-    if (all(include == "")) {
-        if (!is.null(dir.exp)) {
-            cat("\n")
-            stop("Directional expectations were specified, without including the remainders.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-        }
-        else {
-            include <- explain
-        }
-    }
-    if (!is.tt(data)) {
-        if (length(outcome) > 1) {
-            return(eqmccLoop(data=data, outcome=outcome, neg.out=neg.out, conditions=conditions, n.cut=n.cut,
-                      incl.cut1=incl.cut1, incl.cut0 = incl.cut0, explain=explain, include=include, row.dom=row.dom,
-                      min.dis = min.dis, omit=omit, dir.exp = dir.exp, details=details, show.cases=show.cases,
-                      use.tilde=use.tilde, use.letters=use.letters, inf.test=inf.test, relation=relation, ...=...))
-        }
-        outcome.copy <- outcome
-        indata <- data # important before altering the outcome, if multi-value
-        names(data) <- toupper(names(data))
-        conditions <- toupper(conditions)
-        outcome <- toupper(outcome)
-        if (grepl("[{]", outcome)) { # there is a "{" sign in the outcome's name
-            outcome <- unlist(strsplit(outcome, split = ""))
-            outcome.value <- as.numeric(outcome[which(outcome == "{") + 1])
-            outcome <- paste(outcome[seq(1, which(outcome == "{") - 1)], collapse="")
-            if (!any(unique(data[, outcome]) == outcome.value)) {
-                cat("\n")
-                stop(paste("The value {", outcome.value, "} does not exist in the outcome.\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-            }
-            data[, outcome] <- ifelse(data[, outcome] == outcome.value, 1, 0)
-        }
-        if (all(conditions == c(""))) {
-            conditions <- names(data)[-which(names(data) == outcome)]
-        }
-        data <- data[, c(conditions, outcome)]
-        # dir.exp should now be a list, in the same order as the conditions' names
-        verify.qca(data, outcome, conditions, explain, include, use.letters)
-        complete <- FALSE
-        if ("complete" %in% names(other.args)) {
-            complete <- other.args$complete
-        }
-        tt <- truthTable(data=data, outcome=outcome, conditions=conditions, show.cases=show.cases, n.cut=n.cut, incl.cut1=incl.cut1,
-                         incl.cut0=incl.cut0, use.letters=use.letters, neg.out=neg.out, complete=complete, PRI=PRI)
-        tt$initial.data <- indata
-        indata <- data # data is already altered in outcome value, if initially multi-value
-        recdata <- tt$recoded.data
-        conditions <- toupper(conditions)
-        outcome <- toupper(outcome)
-        names(indata) <- c(conditions, outcome)
-        dir.exp <- verify.dir.exp(recdata, outcome, conditions, dir.exp)
-        if (!is.null(dir.exp)) {
-            names(dir.exp) <- toupper(names(dir.exp))
-        }
-        rowsNotMissing <- which(tt$tt$OUT != "?")
-    }
-    else { # data already is a tt
-        chexplain <- c(0, 1)[which(0:1 %in% explain)]
-        chinclude <- c(0, 1)[which(0:1 %in% include)]
-        if (length(chinclude) > 0) {
-            if (any(chinclude != chexplain)) {
-                chinclude <- chinclude[which(chinclude != chexplain)]
-                cat("\n")
-                stop(paste("You cannot include ", chinclude, " since you want to explain ", chexplain, ".\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-            }
-        }
-         # check if explain has both 1 and 0
-        if (length(chexplain) == 2) {
-            cat("\n")
-            stop("You cannot explain both 0 and 1.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-        }
-        tt <- data
-        indata <- tt$initial.data
-        recdata <- tt$recoded.data
-        conditions <- colnames(recdata)[seq(length(tt$noflevels))]
-        outcome <- colnames(recdata)[ncol(recdata)]
-        rowsNotMissing <- which(tt$tt$OUT != "?")
-        if (any(tt$tt$OUT == "?")) {
-            missings <- which(tt$tt$OUT == "?")
-            tt$tt <- tt$tt[-missings, ]
-        }
-        neg.out <- tt$neg.out
-        dir.exp <- verify.dir.exp(recdata, outcome, conditions, dir.exp)
-        if (!is.null(dir.exp)) {
-            names(dir.exp) <- toupper(names(dir.exp))
-        }
-    }
-    uplow <- TRUE
-    noflevels <- tt$noflevels
-     # check if the column names are not already letters
-    alreadyletters <- sum(nchar(colnames(recdata)[-ncol(recdata)])) == ncol(recdata) - 1
-    output <- list()
-    output$tt <- tt
-    output$opts$print.truth.table <- print.truth.table
-    tt$tt[, seq(length(conditions))] <- as.data.frame(lapply(tt$tt[, seq(length(conditions))], function(x) {
-        x[x %in% c("-", "dc")] <- -1
-        return(as.numeric(x))
-    }))
-    expl.incl <- unique(c(explain, include)) # here "include" may contain contradictions; missings are irrelevant as they were already erased
-    subset.tt <- tt$tt[, "OUT"] %in% expl.incl
-    expl.matrix <- as.matrix(tt$tt[subset.tt, seq(length(noflevels))])
-    expl.matrix <- matrix(as.numeric(expl.matrix), ncol=length(noflevels)) + 1
-    rownames(expl.matrix) <- tt$indexes[subset.tt]
-    subset.tt <- !tt$tt[, "OUT"] %in% expl.incl
-    excl.matrix <- as.matrix(tt$tt[subset.tt, seq(length(noflevels))])
-    excl.matrix <- matrix(as.numeric(excl.matrix), ncol=length(noflevels)) + 1
-    subset.tt <- tt$tt[, "OUT"] %in% explain
-    if (all(!subset.tt)) {
-        cat("\n")
-        stop(paste("None of the values in OUT is explained. Please check the truth table.\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-    }
-    inputt <- as.matrix(tt$tt[subset.tt, seq(length(noflevels))])
-    rownms <- rownames(inputt)
-    inputt <- matrix(as.numeric(inputt), ncol=length(noflevels)) + 1
-    inputcases <- tt$cases[rowsNotMissing][subset.tt]
-    nofcases1 <- sum(tt$tt$n[tt$tt$OUT == 1])
-    nofcases0 <- sum(tt$tt$n[tt$tt$OUT == 0])
-    nofcasesC <- sum(tt$tt$n[tt$tt$OUT == "C"])
-    tomit <- logical(nrow(expl.matrix))
-    tomitinputt <- logical(nrow(inputt))
-    if (is.matrix(omit)) {
-        cnoflevels <- noflevels
-        for (i in seq(ncol(omit))) {
-            if (any(omit[, i] < 0)) {
-                omit[, i][omit[, i] < 0] <- noflevels[i]
-                cnoflevels[i] <- noflevels[i] + 1
-            }
-        }
-        omitrows <- drop(rev(c(1, cumprod(rev(cnoflevels))))[-1] %*% t(omit)) + 1
-        tomit <- rownames(expl.matrix) %in% omitrows
-        tomitinputt <- rownms %in% omitrows
-        excl.matrix <- rbind(excl.matrix, omit + 1)
-    }
-    else if (is.vector(omit)) {
-        tomit <- rownames(expl.matrix) %in% omit
-        tomitinputt <- rownms %in% omit
-        excl.matrix <- unique(rbind(excl.matrix, getRow(noflevels, as.numeric(omit)) + 1))
-    }
-    output$excluded <- sort(drop(rev(c(1, cumprod(rev(noflevels))))[-1] %*% t(excl.matrix - 1)) + 1)
-    expl.matrix <- expl.matrix[!tomit, , drop=FALSE]
-    inputt <- inputt[!tomitinputt, , drop=FALSE]
-    inputcases <- inputcases[!tomitinputt]
-    if (nrow(expl.matrix) == 0) {
-        cat("\n")
-        stop("Nothing to explain. Please check the truth table.\n\n", call. = FALSE)
-    }
-    incl.rem <- "?" %in% include
-    if (nrow(excl.matrix) == 0 & incl.rem) {
-        cat("\n")
-        stop(paste("All combinations have been included into analysis. The solution is 1.\n",
-                   "Please check the truth table.", "\n\n", sep=""), call. = FALSE)
-    }
-     # expl.matrix needs to be unaltered for the incl.rem argument
-    expressions <- expl.matrix
-    recdata[, conditions] <- as.data.frame(lapply(recdata[, conditions], function(x) {
-        x[x %in% c("-", "?", "dc")] <- -1
-        return(as.numeric(x))
-    }))
-     # check if the data has multiple values
-    if (any(recdata[, seq(ncol(recdata) - 1)] > 1)) {
-        uplow <- FALSE
-        use.tilde <- FALSE
-    }
-    if (use.tilde) {
-        uplow <- FALSE
-    }
-    collapse <- ifelse(alreadyletters & uplow | use.tilde, "", "*")
-    changed <- FALSE
-     # if not already letters and user specifies using letters for conditions, change it
-    if (use.letters & !alreadyletters) {
-        colnames(expressions) <- colnames(inputt) <- colnames(expl.matrix) <- LETTERS[seq(ncol(inputt))]
-        changed <- TRUE
-        collapse <- ifelse(!uplow | use.tilde, "*", "")
-    }
-    else {

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/qca -r 49

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