[Pomp-commits] r1176 - in pkg: . pomp pomp/R pomp/tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Jun 4 15:06:26 CEST 2015

Author: kingaa
Date: 2015-06-04 15:06:26 +0200 (Thu, 04 Jun 2015)
New Revision: 1176

- mif2 integrated into pomp, but not yet exported

Deleted: pkg/mif2.R
--- pkg/mif2.R	2015-06-04 12:22:37 UTC (rev 1175)
+++ pkg/mif2.R	2015-06-04 13:06:26 UTC (rev 1176)
@@ -1,841 +0,0 @@
-## MIF2 algorithm functions
-## define a class of perturbation magnitudes
-  "mif2.perturb.sd",
-  slots=c(
-    sds="list",
-    rwnames="character"
-  ),
-  prototype=prototype(
-    sds=list(),
-    rwnames=character(0)
-  )
-## define the mif2d.pomp class
-  'mif2d.pomp',
-  contains='pfilterd.pomp',
-  slots=c(
-    Nmif = 'integer',
-    transform = 'logical',
-    perturb.fn = 'function',
-    rw.sd = 'mif2.perturb.sd',
-    conv.rec = 'matrix'
-  )
-mif2.sd <- function (...) {
-  sds <- list(...)
-  if (length(sds)==0)
-    stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," error: at least one parameter should be perturbed",call.=FALSE)
-  rwnames <- names(sds)
-  if (is.null(rwnames) || any(names(rwnames)==""))
-    stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," accepts only named arguments",call.=FALSE)
-  for (n in rwnames) {
-    sds[[n]] <- try(match.fun(sds[[n]]),silent=TRUE)
-    if (inherits(sds[[n]],"try-error"))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," error: ",sQuote(n)," is not a function",call.=FALSE)
-  }
-  new("mif2.perturb.sd",sds=sds,rwnames=rwnames)
-          signature=signature(object="mif2.perturb.sd"),
-          definition=function (object, paramnames) {
-            if (!all(object at rwnames %in% paramnames)) {
-              unrec <- object at rwnames[!object at rwnames %in% paramnames]
-              stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: the following parameter(s), ",
-                   "which are supposed to be estimated, are not present: ",
-                   paste(sapply(sQuote,unrec),collapse=","),
-                   call.=FALSE)
-            }
-            function (mifiter, timept) {
-              rw.sd <- setNames(numeric(length(object at rwnames)),object at rwnames)
-              for (nm in object at rwnames) {
-                rw.sd[nm] <- object at sds[[nm]](mifiter,timept)
-              }
-              rw.sd
-            }
-          })
-geomcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
-  if (missing(sd))
-    stop(sQuote("geomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
-  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
-  if (sd <= 0)
-    stop(sQuote("geomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
-  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
-  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
-    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
-  factor <- cooling.fraction.50^(1/50)
-  function (mifiter, timept) {
-    sd*(factor^(mifiter-1))
-  }
-hypcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1, ntimes = NULL) {
-  if (missing(sd))
-    stop(sQuote("hypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
-  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
-  if (sd <= 0)
-    stop(sQuote("hypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
-  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
-  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
-    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
-  if (is.null(ntimes)) {
-    scal <- (50*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
-    function (mifiter, timept) {
-      (1+scal)/(mifiter+scal)
-    }
-  } else {
-    scal <- (50*ntimes*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
-    function (mifiter, timept) {
-      sd*(1+scal)/(timept+ntimes*(mifiter-1)+scal)
-    }
-  }
-ivphypcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
-  if (missing(sd))
-    stop(sQuote("ivphypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
-  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
-  if (sd <= 0)
-    stop(sQuote("ivphypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
-  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
-  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
-    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
-  scal <- (50*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
-  function (mifiter, timept) {
-    if (timept==1L)
-      sd*(1+scal)/(mifiter+scal)
-    else 0.0
-  }
-ivpgeomcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
-  if (missing(sd))
-    stop(sQuote("ivpgeomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
-  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
-  if (sd <= 0)
-    stop(sQuote("ivpgeomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
-  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
-  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
-    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
-  factor <- cooling.fraction.50^(1/50)
-  function (mifiter, timept) {
-    if (timept==1L)
-      sd*factor^(mifiter-1)
-    else 0.0
-  }
-mif2.pfilter <- function (object, params, Np,
-                          mifiter, cooling.fn, perturb.fn,
-                          tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf,
-                          transform = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
-                          filter.mean = FALSE,
-                          .getnativesymbolinfo = TRUE) {
-  gnsi <- as.logical(.getnativesymbolinfo)
-  transform <- as.logical(transform)
-  verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
-  filter.mean <- as.logical(filter.mean)
-  mifiter <- as.integer(mifiter)
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
-  ntimes <- length(times)-1
-  paramnames <- rownames(params)
-  npars <- nrow(params)
-  loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
-  eff.sample.size <- numeric(ntimes)
-  nfail <- 0
-  for (nt in seq_len(ntimes)) {
-    ## perturb parameters
-    params <- perturb.fn(params,sd=cooling.fn(mifiter,nt))
-    if (transform)
-      tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="fromEstimationScale",
-                          .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi)
-    if (nt == 1L) {
-      ## get initial states
-      x <- init.state(object,params=if (transform) tparams else params)
-      if (filter.mean)
-        filt.m <- array(dim=c(nrow(x),ntimes),
-                        dimnames=list(rownames(x),NULL))
-      else
-        filt.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
-    }
-    ## advance the state variables according to the process model
-    X <- try(
-      rprocess(
-        object,
-        xstart=x,
-        times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
-        params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-        offset=1,
-        .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
-      ),
-      silent=FALSE
-    )
-    if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: process simulation error")
-    ## determine the weights
-    weights <- try(
-      dmeasure(
-        object,
-        y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
-        x=X,
-        times=times[nt+1],
-        params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-        log=FALSE,
-        .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
-      ),
-      silent=FALSE
-    )
-    if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
-    if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("dmeasure"),
-           " returns non-finite value",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    gnsi <- FALSE
-    ## compute weighted mean at last timestep
-    if (nt == ntimes)
-      coef(object,transform=transform) <- apply(params,1L,weighted.mean,w=weights)
-    ## compute effective sample size, log-likelihood
-    ## also do resampling if filtering has not failed
-    xx <- try(
-      .Call(
-        pomp:::pfilter_computations,
-        x=X,
-        params=params,
-        Np=Np[nt+1],
-        rw=FALSE,
-        rw_sd=numeric(0),
-        predmean=FALSE,
-        predvar=FALSE,
-        filtmean=filter.mean,
-        onepar=FALSE,
-        weights=weights,
-        tol=tol
-      ),
-      silent=FALSE
-    )
-    if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    all.fail <- xx$fail
-    loglik[nt] <- xx$loglik
-    eff.sample.size[nt] <- xx$ess
-    x <- xx$states
-    params <- xx$params
-    if (filter.mean)
-      filt.m[,nt] <- xx$fm
-    if (all.fail) { ## all particles are lost
-      nfail <- nfail+1
-      if (verbose)
-        message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
-      if (nfail>max.fail)
-        stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: too many filtering failures",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    if (verbose && (nt%%5==0))
-      cat("mif2 pfilter timestep",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
-  }
-  if (nfail>0)
-    warning(sprintf(ngettext(nfail,msg1="%d filtering failure occurred in ",
-                             msg2="%d filtering failures occurred in "),nfail),
-            sQuote("mif2.pfilter"),call.=FALSE)
- new(
-    "pfilterd.pomp",
-    object,
-    paramMatrix=params,
-    eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
-    cond.loglik=loglik,
-    filter.mean=filt.m,
-    Np=Np,
-    tol=tol,
-    nfail=as.integer(nfail),
-    loglik=sum(loglik)
-  )
-mif2.internal <- function (object, Nmif, start, Np, rw.sd, perturb.fn = NULL,
-                           tol = 1e17, max.fail = Inf, transform = FALSE,
-                           verbose = FALSE, .ndone = 0L,
-                           .getnativesymbolinfo = TRUE, ...) {
-  pompLoad(object)
-  gnsi <- as.logical(.getnativesymbolinfo)
-  Nmif <- as.integer(Nmif)
-  if (Nmif<0) stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: ",sQuote("Nmif"),
-                   " must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
-  ntimes <- length(time(object))
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  if (is.null(names(start)))
-    stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",
-         call.=FALSE)
-  cooling.fn <- cooling_fn(rw.sd,paramnames=names(start))
-  conv.rec <- array(data=NA,dim=c(Nmif+1,length(start)+2),
-                    dimnames=list(seq.int(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
-                                  c('loglik','nfail',names(start))))
-  conv.rec[1L,] <- c(NA,NA,start)
-  if (.ndone > 0) {                     # call is from 'continue'
-    paramMatrix <- object at paramMatrix
-  } else if (Nmif > 0) {                # initial call
-    paramMatrix <- array(data=start,dim=c(length(start),Np[1L]),
-                         dimnames=list(names(start),NULL))
-  } else {                              # no work to do
-    paramMatrix <- array(dim=c(0,0))
-  }
-  object <- as(object,"pomp")
-  if (transform)
-    paramMatrix <- partrans(object,paramMatrix,dir="toEstimationScale",
-                            .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi)
-  ## iterate the filtering
-  for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
-    pfp <- try(
-      mif2.pfilter(
-        object=object,
-        params=paramMatrix,
-        Np=Np,
-        mifiter=.ndone+n,
-        cooling.fn=cooling.fn,
-        perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-        tol=tol,
-        max.fail=max.fail,
-        verbose=verbose,
-        filter.mean=(n==Nmif),
-        transform=transform,
-        .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
-      ),
-      silent=FALSE
-    )
-    if (inherits(pfp,"try-error"))
-      stop("mif2 particle-filter error")
-    gnsi <- FALSE
-    paramMatrix <- pfp at paramMatrix
-    conv.rec[n+1,-c(1,2)] <- coef(pfp)
-    conv.rec[n,c(1,2)] <- c(pfp at loglik,pfp at nfail)
-    if (verbose) cat("mif2 iteration ",n," of ",Nmif," completed\n")
-  }
-  if (transform)
-    pfp at paramMatrix <- partrans(object,paramMatrix,dir="fromEstimationScale",
-                                .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi)
-  pompUnload(object)
-  new(
-    "mif2d.pomp",
-    pfp,
-    Nmif=Nmif,
-    rw.sd=rw.sd,
-    perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-    transform=transform,
-    conv.rec=conv.rec,
-    tol=tol
-  )
-  "mif2",
-  signature=signature(object="pomp"),
-  definition = function (object, Nmif = 1, start, Np, rw.sd, perturb.fn,
-                         tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf, transform = FALSE,
-                         verbose = getOption("verbose"),...) {
-    if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-    if (length(start)==0)
-      stop(
-        sQuote("mif2")," error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified if ",
-        sQuote("coef(object)")," is NULL",
-        call.=FALSE
-      )
-    ntimes <- length(time(object))
-    if (missing(Np)) {
-      stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE) }
-    else if (is.function(Np)) {
-      Np <- try(
-        vapply(seq.int(1,ntimes),Np,numeric(1)),
-        silent=FALSE
-      )
-      if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
-        stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: if ",sQuote("Np"),
-             " is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
-    } else if (!is.numeric(Np))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: ",sQuote("Np"),
-           " must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
-    if (length(Np)==1) {
-      Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes+1)
-    } else if (length(Np)==ntimes) {
-      Np <- c(Np,Np[1L])
-    } else if (length(Np)>ntimes) {
-      if (Np[1L] != Np[ntimes+1])
-        stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: Np[ntimes+1] != Np[1]")
-      if (length(Np)>ntimes+1)
-        warning("in ",sQuote("mif2"),": Np[k] ignored for k > ntimes")
-    }
-    if (any(Np<=0))
-      stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
-    if (missing(perturb.fn)) {
-      perturb.fn <- function (theta, sd) {
-        theta[names(sd),] <- rnorm(n=length(sd)*ncol(theta),mean=theta[names(sd),],sd=sd)
-        theta
-      }
-    } else {
-      perturb.fn <- match.fun(perturb.fn)
-      if (!all(c('theta','sd')%in%names(formals(perturb.fn)))) {
-        stop(
-          sQuote("mif2")," error: ",
-          sQuote("perturb.fn"),
-          " must be a function of prototype ",
-          sQuote("perturb.fn(theta,sd)"),
-          call.=FALSE
-        )
-      }
-    }
-    mif2.internal(
-      object=object,
-      Nmif=Nmif,
-      start=start,
-      Np=Np,
-      rw.sd=rw.sd,
-      perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-      tol=tol,
-      max.fail=max.fail,
-      transform=transform,
-      verbose=verbose,
-      ...
-    )
-  }
-  "mif2",
-  signature=signature(object="pfilterd.pomp"),
-  definition = function (object, Nmif = 1, Np, tol, ...) {
-    if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-    if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-    mif2(
-      object=as(object,"pomp"),
-      Nmif=Nmif,
-      Np=Np,
-      tol=tol,
-      ...
-    )
-  }
-  "mif2",
-  signature=signature(object="mif2d.pomp"),
-  definition = function (object, Nmif, start, Np, rw.sd, perturb.fn, tol,
-                         transform, ...) {
-    if (missing(Nmif)) Nmif <- object at Nmif
-    if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-    if (missing(rw.sd)) rw.sd <- object at rw.sd
-    if (missing(perturb.fn)) perturb.fn <- object at perturb.fn
-    if (missing(transform)) transform <- object at transform
-    if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-    if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-    f <- selectMethod("mif2","pomp")
-    f(object,Nmif=Nmif,start=start,Np=Np,rw.sd=rw.sd,
-      perturb.fn=perturb.fn,tol=tol,transform=transform,...)
-  }
-  'continue',
-  signature=signature(object='mif2d.pomp'),
-  definition = function (object, Nmif = 1, ...) {
-    ndone <- object at Nmif
-    obj <- mif2(object=object,Nmif=Nmif,.ndone=ndone,...)
-    object at conv.rec[ndone+1,c('loglik','nfail')] <- obj at conv.rec[1L,c('loglik','nfail')]
-    obj at conv.rec <- rbind(
-      object at conv.rec,
-      obj at conv.rec[-1L,colnames(object at conv.rec)]
-    )
-    obj at Nmif <- as.integer(ndone+Nmif)
-    obj
-  }
-## extract the estimated log likelihood
-setMethod('logLik','mif2d.pomp',function(object,...)object at loglik)
-          function (object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) {
-            pomp:::conv.rec.internal(object=object,pars=pars,transform=transform,...)
-          }
-## mif2List class
-  'mif2List',
-  contains='list',
-  validity=function (object) {
-    if (!all(sapply(object,is,'mif2d.pomp'))) {
-      retval <- paste0(
-        "error in ",sQuote("c"),
-        ": dissimilar objects cannot be combined"
-      )
-      return(retval)
-    }
-    d <- sapply(object,function(x)dim(x at conv.rec))
-    if (!all(apply(d,1,diff)==0)) {
-      retval <- paste0(
-        "error in ",sQuote("c"),
-        ": to be combined, ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-        " objects must equal numbers of iterations"
-      )
-      return(retval)
-    }
-    TRUE
-  }
-  'c',
-  signature=signature(x='mif2d.pomp'),
-  definition=function (x, ...) {
-    y <- list(...)
-    if (length(y)==0) {
-      new("mif2List",list(x))
-    } else {
-      p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
-      pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
-      if (any(!(p||pl)))
-        stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-             " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
-      y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
-      y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
-      new("mif2List",c(list(x),y,recursive=TRUE))
-    }
-  }
-  'c',
-  signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
-  definition=function (x, ...) {
-    y <- list(...)
-    if (length(y)==0) {
-      x
-    } else {
-      p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
-      pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
-      if (any(!(p||pl)))
-        stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-             " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
-      y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
-      y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
-      new("mif2List",c(as(x,"list"),y,recursive=TRUE))
-    }
-  }
-  "[",
-  signature=signature(x="mif2List"),
-  definition=function(x, i, ...) {
-    new('mif2List',as(x,"list")[i])
-  }
-  'conv.rec',
-  signature=signature(object='mif2List'),
-  definition=function (object, ...) {
-    lapply(object,conv.rec,...)
-  }
-mif2.diagnostics <- function (z) {
-  ## assumes that z is a list of mif2d.pomps with identical structure
-  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
-  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
-  xx <- z[[1]]
-  ivpnames <- xx at ivps
-  estnames <- c(xx at pars,ivpnames)
-  parnames <- names(coef(xx,transform=xx at transform))
-  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
-  ## plot filter means
-  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
-  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
-  plotnames <- if(length(unestnames)>0) filtnames[-match(unestnames,filtnames)] else filtnames
-  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
-  on.exit(par(oldpar))
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  time <- time(xx)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
-      dat <- sapply(
-                    z,
-                    function(po, label) {
-                      if (label=="eff. sample size")
-                        po at eff.sample.size
-                      else
-                        filter.mean(po,label)
-                    },
-                    label=plotnames[i]
-                    )
-      matplot(
-              y=dat,
-              x=time,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              log=logplot,
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
-    }
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  ## plot mif convergence diagnostics
-  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "nfail")
-  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
-  ## on.exit(par(oldpar))
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmif)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
-      matplot(
-              y=dat,
-              x=iteration,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("MIF iteration",side=1,line=3)
-    }
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("MIF convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  invisible(NULL)
-          "plot",
-          "mif2d.pomp",
-          function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y)) {
-              y <- substitute(y)
-              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
-            }
-            pomp:::mif.diagnostics(list(x))
-          }
-          )
-          "plot",
-          signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
-          definition=function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y)) {
-              y <- substitute(y)
-              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
-            }
-            pomp:::mif.diagnostics(x)
-          }
-          )
-  keep.source=TRUE,
-  stringsAsFactors=FALSE,
-  encoding="UTF-8",
-  scipen=5,
-  cores=5
-## ----gompertz-init,cache=FALSE-------------------------------------------
-theta <- coef(gompertz)
-theta.true <- theta
-## ----gompertz-multi-mif2-eval,results='hide'-----------------------------
-save.seed <- .Random.seed
-estpars <- c("r","sigma","tau")
-mf <- foreach(i=1:5,
-              .inorder=FALSE,
-              .options.multicore=list(set.seed=TRUE)
-) %dopar%
-  theta.guess <- theta.true
-  theta.guess[estpars] <- rlnorm(
-    n=length(estpars),
-    meanlog=log(theta.guess[estpars]),
-    sdlog=1
-  )
-  m1 <- mif2(
-    gompertz,
-    Nmif=50,
-    start=theta.guess,
-    transform=TRUE,
-    rw.sd=mif2.sd(
-      r=hypcool(0.02,0.95,ntimes=101),
-      sigma=hypcool(0.02,0.95,ntimes=101),
-      tau=hypcool(0.05,0.95,ntimes=101)
-    ),
-    Np=2000
-  )
-  m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,rw.sd=mif2.sd(
-    r=hypcool(0.02,0.8,ntimes=101),
-    sigma=hypcool(0.02,0.8,ntimes=101),
-    tau=hypcool(0.05,0.8,ntimes=101)
-  ))
-  m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,rw.sd=mif2.sd(
-    r=hypcool(0.02,0.6,ntimes=101),
-    sigma=hypcool(0.02,0.6,ntimes=101),
-    tau=hypcool(0.05,0.6,ntimes=101)
-  ))
-  m1 <- continue(m1,Nmif=50,rw.sd=mif2.sd(
-    r=hypcool(0.02,0.2,ntimes=101),
-    sigma=hypcool(0.02,0.2,ntimes=101),
-    tau=hypcool(0.05,0.2,ntimes=101)
-  ))
-  ll <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(m1,Np=10000)))
-  list(mif=m1,ll=ll)
-## ----gompertz-post-mif2--------------------------------------------------
-loglik.true <- replicate(n=10,logLik(pfilter(gompertz,Np=10000)))
-loglik.true <- logmeanexp(loglik.true,se=TRUE)
-theta.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)coef(x$mif)))
-loglik.mif <- t(sapply(mf,function(x)logmeanexp(x$ll,se=TRUE)))
-best <- which.max(loglik.mif[,1])
-theta.mif <- theta.mif[best,]
-loglik.mif <- loglik.mif[best,]
-  mle=c(signif(theta.mif[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.mif,2)),
-  truth=c(signif(theta.true[estpars],3),loglik=round(loglik.true,2))
-) -> results.table
-.Random.seed <<- save.seed
-## ----mif2-plot,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE,fig.height=6-----------------------
-op <- par(mfrow=c(4,1),mar=c(3,3,0,0),mgp=c(2,1,0),bty='l')
-loglik <- sapply(mf,function(x)conv.rec(x$mif,"loglik"))
-log.r <- sapply(mf,function(x)log(conv.rec(x$mif,"r")))
-log.sigma <- sapply(mf,function(x)log(conv.rec(x$mif,"sigma")))
-log.tau <- sapply(mf,function(x)log(conv.rec(x$mif,"tau")))
-matplot(log.tau,type='l',lty=1,xlab="MIF iteration",ylab=expression(log~tau))
-## ----first-mif-results-table,echo=FALSE,cache=FALSE----------------------
-# plot(do.call(c,lapply(mf,getElement,"mif")))

Modified: pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-04 12:22:37 UTC (rev 1175)
+++ pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-04 13:06:26 UTC (rev 1176)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: pomp
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
-Version: 0.65-3
-Date: 2015-06-02
+Version: 0.66-1
+Date: 2015-06-04
 Authors at R: c(person(given=c("Aaron","A."),family="King",
 		role=c("aut","cre"),email="kingaa at umich.edu"),
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	 simulate-pomp.R trajectory-pomp.R plot-pomp.R
 	 pfilter.R pfilter-methods.R minim.R traj-match.R
 	 bsmc.R bsmc2.R
-	 mif.R mif-methods.R
+	 mif.R mif-methods.R mif2.R
 	 proposals.R pmcmc.R pmcmc-methods.R
  	 nlf-funcs.R nlf-guts.R nlf-objfun.R nlf.R
 	 probe.R probe-match.R basic-probes.R spect.R spect-match.R

Copied: pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R (from rev 1175, pkg/mif2.R)
--- pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R	2015-06-04 13:06:26 UTC (rev 1176)
@@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
+## MIF2 algorithm functions
+## define a class of perturbation magnitudes
+         "mif2.perturb.sd",
+         slots=c(
+           sds="list",
+           rwnames="character"
+           ),
+         prototype=prototype(
+           sds=list(),
+           rwnames=character(0)
+           )
+         )
+## define the mif2d.pomp class
+         'mif2d.pomp',
+         contains='pfilterd.pomp',
+         slots=c(
+           Nmif = 'integer',
+           transform = 'logical',
+           perturb.fn = 'function',
+           rw.sd = 'mif2.perturb.sd',
+           conv.rec = 'matrix'
+           )
+         )
+mif2.sd <- function (...) {
+  sds <- list(...)
+  if (length(sds)==0)
+    stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," error: at least one parameter should be perturbed",call.=FALSE)
+  rwnames <- names(sds)
+  if (is.null(rwnames) || any(names(rwnames)==""))
+    stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," accepts only named arguments",call.=FALSE)
+  for (n in rwnames) {
+    sds[[n]] <- try(match.fun(sds[[n]]),silent=TRUE)
+    if (inherits(sds[[n]],"try-error"))
+      stop(sQuote("mif2.sd")," error: ",sQuote(n)," is not a function",call.=FALSE)
+  }
+  new("mif2.perturb.sd",sds=sds,rwnames=rwnames)
+          signature=signature(object="mif2.perturb.sd"),
+          definition=function (object, paramnames) {
+            if (!all(object at rwnames %in% paramnames)) {
+              unrec <- object at rwnames[!object at rwnames %in% paramnames]
+              stop(sQuote("mif2")," error: the following parameter(s), ",
+                   "which are supposed to be estimated, are not present: ",
+                   paste(sapply(sQuote,unrec),collapse=","),
+                   call.=FALSE)
+            }
+            function (mifiter, timept) {
+              rw.sd <- setNames(numeric(length(object at rwnames)),object at rwnames)
+              for (nm in object at rwnames) {
+                rw.sd[nm] <- object at sds[[nm]](mifiter,timept)
+              }
+              rw.sd
+            }
+          })
+geomcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
+  if (missing(sd))
+    stop(sQuote("geomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
+  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
+  if (sd <= 0)
+    stop(sQuote("geomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
+  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
+  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
+    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
+  factor <- cooling.fraction.50^(1/50)
+  function (mifiter, timept) {
+    sd*(factor^(mifiter-1))
+  }
+hypcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1, ntimes = NULL) {
+  if (missing(sd))
+    stop(sQuote("hypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
+  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
+  if (sd <= 0)
+    stop(sQuote("hypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
+  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
+  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
+    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
+  if (is.null(ntimes)) {
+    scal <- (50*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
+    function (mifiter, timept) {
+      (1+scal)/(mifiter+scal)
+    }
+  } else {
+    scal <- (50*ntimes*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
+    function (mifiter, timept) {
+      sd*(1+scal)/(timept+ntimes*(mifiter-1)+scal)
+    }
+  }
+ivphypcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
+  if (missing(sd))
+    stop(sQuote("ivphypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
+  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
+  if (sd <= 0)
+    stop(sQuote("ivphypcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
+  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
+  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
+    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
+  scal <- (50*cooling.fraction.50-1)/(1-cooling.fraction.50)
+  function (mifiter, timept) {
+    if (timept==1L)
+      sd*(1+scal)/(mifiter+scal)
+    else 0.0
+  }
+ivpgeomcool <- function (sd, cooling.fraction.50 = 1) {
+  if (missing(sd))
+    stop(sQuote("ivpgeomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
+  sd <- as.numeric(sd)
+  if (sd <= 0)
+    stop(sQuote("ivpgeomcool")," error: ",sQuote("sd")," must be non-negative",call.=FALSE)
+  cooling.fraction.50 <- as.numeric(cooling.fraction.50)
+  if (cooling.fraction.50 <= 0 || cooling.fraction.50 > 1)
+    stop(sQuote("cooling.fraction.50")," must be in (0,1]",call.=FALSE)
+  factor <- cooling.fraction.50^(1/50)
+  function (mifiter, timept) {
+    if (timept==1L)
+      sd*factor^(mifiter-1)
+    else 0.0
+  }
+mif2.pfilter <- function (object, params, Np,
+                          mifiter, cooling.fn, perturb.fn,
+                          tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf,
+                          transform = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
+                          filter.mean = FALSE,
+                          .getnativesymbolinfo = TRUE) {
+  gnsi <- as.logical(.getnativesymbolinfo)
+  transform <- as.logical(transform)
+  verbose <- as.logical(verbose)
+  filter.mean <- as.logical(filter.mean)
+  mifiter <- as.integer(mifiter)
+  Np <- as.integer(Np)
+  times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
+  ntimes <- length(times)-1
+  paramnames <- rownames(params)
+  npars <- nrow(params)
+  loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
+  eff.sample.size <- numeric(ntimes)
+  nfail <- 0
+  for (nt in seq_len(ntimes)) {
+    ## perturb parameters
+    params <- perturb.fn(params,sd=cooling.fn(mifiter,nt))
+    if (transform)
+      tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="fromEstimationScale",
+                          .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi)
+    if (nt == 1L) {
+      ## get initial states
+      x <- init.state(object,params=if (transform) tparams else params)
+      if (filter.mean)
+        filt.m <- array(dim=c(nrow(x),ntimes),
+                        dimnames=list(rownames(x),NULL))
+      else
+        filt.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+    }
+    ## advance the state variables according to the process model
+    X <- try(
+             rprocess(
+                      object,
+                      xstart=x,
+                      times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
+                      params=if (transform) tparams else params,
+                      offset=1,
+                      .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
+                      ),
+             silent=FALSE
+             )
+    if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
+      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: process simulation error")
+    ## determine the weights
+    weights <- try(
+                   dmeasure(
+                            object,
+                            y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
+                            x=X,
+                            times=times[nt+1],
+                            params=if (transform) tparams else params,
+                            log=FALSE,
+                            .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
+                            ),
+                   silent=FALSE
+                   )
+    if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
+      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
+    if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
+      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("dmeasure"),
+           " returns non-finite value",call.=FALSE)
+    }

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 1176

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