[Pomp-commits] r1038 - in pkg/pompExamples: . inst/examples src tests

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Thu Jan 1 22:20:25 CET 2015

Author: kingaa
Date: 2015-01-01 22:20:25 +0100 (Thu, 01 Jan 2015)
New Revision: 1038

- Ebola example
- put Matteo Fasiolo's variant cholera model source code into the package

Modified: pkg/pompExamples/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pompExamples/DESCRIPTION	2014-12-31 12:36:42 UTC (rev 1037)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/DESCRIPTION	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: pompExamples
 Type: Package
 Title: Additional pomp examples
-Version: 0.24-1
-Date: 2014-12-31
+Version: 0.25-1
+Date: 2015-01-01
 Maintainer: Aaron A. King <kingaa at umich.edu>
 Authors at R: c(person(given=c("Aaron","A."),family="King",role=c("aut","cre"),
 	   email="kingaa at umich.edu"),

Added: pkg/pompExamples/inst/examples/ebola.R
--- pkg/pompExamples/inst/examples/ebola.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/inst/examples/ebola.R	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+WHO.situation.report.Oct.1 <- '
+## Population sizes in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone (census 2014)
+populations <- c(Guinea=10628972,Liberia=4092310,SierraLeone=6190280)
+populations["WestAfrica"] <- sum(populations)
+dat <- read.csv(text=WHO.situation.report.Oct.1,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+rename(dat,c(Week="week")) -> dat
+dat <- melt(dat,id="week",variable.name="country",value.name="cases")
+mutate(dat,deaths=NA) -> dat
+ebolaModel <- function (country=c("Guinea", "SierraLeone", "Liberia", "WestAfrica"),
+                        timestep = 0.01, nstageE = 3L,
+                        type = c("raw","cum"), na.rm = FALSE, least.sq = FALSE) {
+  type <- match.arg(type)
+  ctry <- match.arg(country)
+  pop <- unname(populations[ctry])
+  ## Incubation period is supposed to be Gamma distributed with shape parameter 3 and mean 11.4 days
+  ## The discrete-time formula is used to calculate the corresponding alpha (cf He et al., Interface 2010)
+  ## Case-fatality ratio is fixed at 0.7 (cf WHO Ebola response team, NEJM 2014)
+  incubation_period <- 11.4/7
+  infectious_period <- 7/7
+  index_case <- 10/pop
+  dt <- timestep
+  theta <- c(N=pop,R0=1.4,
+             alpha=-1/(nstageE*dt)*log(1-nstageE*dt/incubation_period),
+             gamma=-log(1-dt/infectious_period)/dt,
+             rho=0.2,cfr=0.7,
+             k=0,
+             S_0=1-index_case,E_0=index_case/2-5e-9,
+             I_0=index_case/2-5e-9,R_0=1e-8)
+  dat <- subset(dat,country==ctry,select=-country)
+  if (na.rm) {
+    dat <- mutate(subset(dat,!is.na(cases)),week=week-min(week)+1)
+  }
+  if (type=="cum") {
+    dat <- mutate(dat,cases=cumsum(cases),deaths=cumsum(deaths))
+  }
+  print(dat)
+  ## Create the pomp object
+  pomp(
+       data=dat,
+       times="week",
+       t0=0,
+       params=theta,
+       obsnames=c("cases","deaths"),
+       statenames=c("S","E1","I","R","N_EI","N_IR"),
+       zeronames=if (type=="raw") c("N_EI","N_IR") else character(0),
+       paramnames=c("N","R0","alpha","gamma","rho","k","cfr",
+         "S_0","E_0","I_0","R_0"),
+       nstageE=nstageE,
+       PACKAGE="pompExamples",
+       dmeasure=if (least.sq) "_ebola_dObsLS" else "_ebola_dObs",
+       rmeasure=if (least.sq) "_ebola_rObsLS" else "_ebola_rObs",
+       rprocess=discrete.time.sim(step.fun="_ebola_rSim",delta.t=timestep),
+       skeleton="_ebola_skel",
+       skeleton.type="vectorfield",
+       parameter.transform="_ebola_par_trans",
+       parameter.inv.transform="_ebola_par_untrans",
+       initializer=function (params, t0, nstageE, ...) {
+         all.state.names <- c("S",paste0("E",1:nstageE),"I","R","N_EI","N_IR")
+         comp.names <- c("S",paste0("E",1:nstageE),"I","R")
+         x0 <- setNames(numeric(length(all.state.names)),all.state.names)
+         frac <- c(params["S_0"],rep(params["E_0"]/nstageE,nstageE),params["I_0"],params["R_0"])
+         x0[comp.names] <- round(params["N"]*frac/sum(frac))
+         x0
+       }
+       ) -> po

Added: pkg/pompExamples/src/cholmodel.c
--- pkg/pompExamples/src/cholmodel.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/src/cholmodel.c	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// -*- C++ -*-
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include "pomp.h"
+#define TAU        (p[parindex[0]])
+#define GAMMA      (p[parindex[1]])
+#define EPS        (p[parindex[2]])
+#define DELTA      (p[parindex[3]])
+#define DELTA_I    (p[parindex[4]])
+#define LOGOMEGA   (p[parindex[5]])
+#define SD_BETA    (p[parindex[6]])
+#define BETATREND  (p[parindex[7]])
+#define LOGBETA    (p[parindex[8]])
+#define ALPHA      (p[parindex[9]])
+#define RHO        (p[parindex[10]])
+#define CLIN       (p[parindex[11]])
+#define NBASIS     (p[parindex[12]])
+#define NRSTAGE    (p[parindex[13]])
+#define S0         (p[parindex[14]])
+#define I0         (p[parindex[15]])
+#define RS0        (p[parindex[16]])
+#define RL0        (p[parindex[17]])
+#define SUSCEP     (x[stateindex[0]])
+#define INFECT     (x[stateindex[1]])
+#define RSHORT     (x[stateindex[2]])
+#define RLONG      (x[stateindex[3]])
+#define DEATHS     (x[stateindex[4]])
+#define NOISE      (x[stateindex[5]])
+#define COUNT      (x[stateindex[6]])
+#define POP        (covar[covindex[0]])
+#define DPOPDT     (covar[covindex[1]])
+#define SEASBASIS  (covar[covindex[2]])
+#define TREND      (covar[covindex[3]])
+#define DATADEATHS   (y[obsindex[0]])
+void _cholmodel_untrans (double *pt, double *p, int *parindex) 
+  int k, nrstage = (int) NRSTAGE;
+  pt[parindex[0]] = log(TAU);
+  pt[parindex[1]] = log(GAMMA);
+  pt[parindex[2]] = log(EPS);
+  pt[parindex[3]] = log(DELTA);
+  pt[parindex[4]] = log(DELTA_I);
+  pt[parindex[6]] = log(SD_BETA);
+  pt[parindex[9]] = log(ALPHA);
+  pt[parindex[10]] = log(RHO);
+  pt[parindex[11]] = logit(CLIN);
+  to_log_barycentric(&pt[parindex[14]],&S0,3+nrstage);
+void _cholmodel_trans (double *pt, double *p, int *parindex) 
+  int k, nrstage = (int) NRSTAGE;
+  pt[parindex[0]] = exp(TAU);
+  pt[parindex[1]] = exp(GAMMA);
+  pt[parindex[2]] = exp(EPS);
+  pt[parindex[3]] = exp(DELTA);
+  pt[parindex[4]] = exp(DELTA_I);
+  pt[parindex[6]] = exp(SD_BETA);
+  pt[parindex[9]] = exp(ALPHA);
+  pt[parindex[10]] = exp(RHO);
+  pt[parindex[11]] = expit(CLIN);
+  from_log_barycentric(&pt[parindex[14]],&S0,3+nrstage);
+void _cholmodel_norm_rmeasure (double *y, double *x, double *p, 
+			       int *obsindex, int *stateindex, 
+			       int *parindex, int *covindex,
+			       int ncovars, double *covars, double t)
+  double tol = 1.0e-18;
+  if ((COUNT > 0) || (!(R_FINITE(DEATHS)))) {
+    DATADEATHS = R_NaReal;
+  } else { 
+    DATADEATHS = rnbinom_mu(1 / (TAU*TAU), DEATHS + tol);
+  }
+void _cholmodel_norm_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, 
+			       double *p, int give_log,
+			       int *obsindex, int *stateindex, 
+			       int *parindex, int *covindex,
+			       int ncovars, double *covars, double t)
+  double tol = 1.0e-18;
+  if ((COUNT>0.0) || (!(R_FINITE(DEATHS)))) {
+    *lik = tol;
+  } else {
+    *lik = dnbinom_mu(DATADEATHS+tol, 1 / (TAU*TAU), DEATHS + tol, 0) + tol;
+  }
+  if (give_log) *lik = log(*lik);
+inline double out_flow(double init, double rate_by_dt)
+  return init * (1.0 - exp( - rate_by_dt ));
+// two-path SIRS cholera model using SDEs
+// exponent (alpha) on I/n
+// only "severe" infections are infectious
+// truncation is not used
+// instead, particles with negative states are killed
+void _cholmodel_two (double *x, const double *p, 
+		     const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, 
+		     const int *covindex,
+		     int covdim, const double *covar, 
+		     double t, double dt)
+{			   // implementation of the SIRS cholera model
+  int nrstage = (int) NRSTAGE;
+  int nbasis  = (int) NBASIS;
+  double *pt_r, *pt_w;
+  int j;
+  double k_eps = NRSTAGE * EPS;
+  double gamma_delta_deltaI = GAMMA + DELTA + DELTA_I;
+  double keps_div_keps_delta = k_eps / (k_eps + DELTA);
+  /* 
+   * Preliminaries
+   */
+  double beta = exp(dot_product(nbasis,&SEASBASIS,&LOGBETA)+BETATREND*TREND);
+  double omega = exp(dot_product(nbasis,&SEASBASIS,&LOGOMEGA));
+  double dw = rgammawn(SD_BETA, dt);  // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(beta_sd^2 dt)
+  double lambda = omega + (beta * dw/dt) * INFECT/POP;  // Time-dependent force of infection
+  /* 
+   * Out-flows from compartments using aboundances at previous time step
+   */
+  double S_o = out_flow(SUSCEP, (lambda + DELTA) * dt);
+  double I_o = out_flow(INFECT, gamma_delta_deltaI * dt);
+  double RSH_o = out_flow(RSHORT, (RHO + DELTA) * dt);
+  double R_o[nrstage];
+  for (pt_r = &RLONG, pt_w = R_o, j = 0; 
+       j < nrstage; 
+       j++, pt_r++, pt_w++) {
+    *pt_w = out_flow(*pt_r, (k_eps + DELTA) * dt); 
+  }
+  double new_infect = S_o * (lambda / (lambda + DELTA));
+  /*
+   * Cholera deaths = (I_o * DELTA_I) / gamma_delta_deltaI are not reborn in SUSCEPT.
+   * To offset this downward bias on total population, we add the average number of (observed) deaths:
+   *
+   * average_chol_death = tot_cholc_deaths / (n_months * n_step)  <----->  29.522 = 354275.0 / (600 * 200) 
+   */
+  double chol_deaths_dt = 29.523;
+  double births = DPOPDT * dt + chol_deaths_dt + S_o * (DELTA / (lambda + DELTA)) + I_o * DELTA / gamma_delta_deltaI + RSH_o * (DELTA / (DELTA + RHO));
+  for (pt_r = R_o, j = 0; 
+       j < nrstage; 
+       j++, pt_r++) {
+    births += *pt_r * (DELTA / (k_eps + DELTA)); 
+  } 
+  /* 
+   * Updating all compartments
+   */
+  SUSCEP += - S_o + births + R_o[nrstage-1] * keps_div_keps_delta + RSH_o * (RHO / (RHO + DELTA));
+  INFECT += - I_o + CLIN * new_infect;
+  RSHORT += - RSH_o + (1 - CLIN) * new_infect;
+  for (pt_w = &RLONG, pt_r = R_o, j = 0; 
+       j < nrstage; 
+       j++, pt_r++, pt_w++) {
+    if(j == 0)
+      {
+	*pt_w += - *pt_r + I_o * (GAMMA / gamma_delta_deltaI); 
+      } else {
+      *pt_w += - *pt_r + *(pt_r-1) * keps_div_keps_delta;
+    } 
+  }
+  DEATHS += I_o * (DELTA_I / gamma_delta_deltaI);	// cumulative deaths due to disease
+  NOISE += (dw-dt) / SD_BETA;
+#undef GAMMA    
+#undef EPS      
+#undef DELTA    
+#undef DELTA_I  
+#undef LOGOMEGA    
+#undef SD_BETA  
+#undef LOGBETA  
+#undef ALPHA    
+#undef RHO      
+#undef CLIN     
+#undef NBASIS   
+#undef NRSTAGE  
+#undef SUSCEP   
+#undef INFECT   
+#undef RSHORT   
+#undef RLONG    
+#undef DEATHS   
+#undef NOISE    
+#undef COUNT    
+#undef POP      
+#undef DPOPDT   

Added: pkg/pompExamples/src/ebola.c
--- pkg/pompExamples/src/ebola.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/src/ebola.c	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+// SEIR Ebola model
+#include <R.h>
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
+#include <pomp.h>
+// State variables
+#define S (x[stateindex[0]]) // Susceptible
+#define E(J) (x[stateindex[1] + (J)]) // Exposed
+#define I (x[stateindex[2]]) // Infected
+#define R (x[stateindex[3]]) // Removed
+#define N_EI (x[stateindex[4]]) // Number of transitions from E to I
+#define N_IR (x[stateindex[5]]) // Number of transitions from I to R
+// Variations
+#define DS (f[stateindex[0]]) // Susceptible
+#define DE(J) (f[stateindex[1] + (J)]) // Exposed
+#define DI (f[stateindex[2]]) // Infected
+#define DR (f[stateindex[3]]) // Removed
+#define DN_EI (f[stateindex[4]]) // Number of transitions from E to I
+#define DN_IR (f[stateindex[5]]) // Number of transitions from I to R
+// Parameters on the natural scale (all rates are per day)
+#define N (p[parindex[0]]) // Population size
+#define R0 (p[parindex[1]]) // Basic reproduction number
+#define alpha (p[parindex[2]]) // Inverse of latency period
+#define gamma (p[parindex[3]]) // Inverse of duration of infection
+#define rho (p[parindex[4]]) // Reporting probability
+#define k (p[parindex[5]]) // Reporting overdispersion
+#define cfr (p[parindex[6]]) // Case-fatality ratio
+#define IC(J) (p[parindex[7] + (J)]) // Initial conditions
+// Parameters on the transformed scale (all rates are per day)
+#define TN (pt[parindex[0]]) // Population size
+#define TR0 (pt[parindex[1]]) // Basic reproduction number
+#define Talpha (pt[parindex[2]]) // Inverse of latency period
+#define Tgamma (pt[parindex[3]]) // Inverse of duration of infection
+#define Trho (pt[parindex[4]]) // Reporting probability
+#define Tk (pt[parindex[5]]) // Reporting overdispersion
+#define Tcfr (pt[parindex[6]]) // Case-fatality ratio
+#define TIC(J) (pt[parindex[7] + (J)]) // Initial conditions
+// Observations
+#define cases (y[obsindex[0]]) // Number of reported cases
+#define deaths (y[obsindex[1]]) // Number of reported deaths
+// Transforms the parameters to the transformed scale
+void _ebola_par_untrans (double *pt, double *p, int *parindex){
+  TN = log(N);
+  TR0 = log(R0);
+  Talpha = log(alpha);
+  Tgamma = log(gamma);
+  Trho = logit(rho);
+  Tk = log(k);
+  Tcfr = logit(cfr);
+  to_log_barycentric(&(TIC(0)),&(IC(0)),4);
+// Transforms the parameters to the natural scale
+void _ebola_par_trans (double *pt, double *p, int *parindex){
+  TN = exp(N);
+  TR0 = exp(R0);
+  Talpha = exp(alpha);
+  Tgamma = exp(gamma);
+  Trho = expit(rho);
+  Tk = exp(k);
+  Tcfr = expit(cfr);
+  from_log_barycentric(&(TIC(0)),&(IC(0)),4);
+//  Observation model: hierarchical model for cases and deaths
+// p(R_t, D_t| C_t) = p(R_t | C_t) * p(D_t | C_t, R_t)
+// p(R_t | C_t): Negative binomial with mean rho * C_t and dispersion parameter 1 / k
+// p(D_t | C_t, R_t): Binomial B(R_t, cfr)
+void _ebola_dObs (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log,
+		  int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		  int ncovars, double *covars, double t) {
+  double f;
+  if (k > 0.0)
+    f = dnbinom_mu(nearbyint(cases),1.0/k,rho*N_EI,1);
+  // f += dnbinom_mu(nearbyint(deaths), 1.0 / k, rho * cfr * N_IR, 1);
+  else
+    f = dpois(nearbyint(cases),rho*N_EI,1);
+  *lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);
+// For least-squares trajectory-matching:
+void _ebola_dObsLS (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log,
+		    int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		    int ncovars, double *covars, double t) {
+  double f;
+  f = dnorm(cases,rho*N_EI,k,1);
+  *lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);
+void _ebola_rObs (double *y, double *x, double *p,
+		  int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		  int ncovars, double *covars, double t)
+  if (k > 0) {
+    cases = rnbinom_mu(1.0/k,rho*N_EI);
+    deaths = rnbinom_mu(1.0/k,rho*cfr*N_IR);
+  } else {
+    cases = rpois(rho*N_EI);
+    deaths = rpois(rho*cfr*N_IR);
+  }
+// For least-squares trajectory-matching:
+void _ebola_rObsLS (double *y, double *x, double *p,
+		    int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		    int ncovars, double *covars, double t)
+  cases = rnorm(rho*N_EI,k);
+  deaths = NA_REAL;
+// Process model
+void _ebola_rSim (double *x, const double *p,
+		  const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
+		  int covdim, const double *covars,
+		  double t, double dt) {
+  // Retrieve user data in the pomp object
+  int *(*get_pomp_userdata_int)(const char *);
+  get_pomp_userdata_int = (int *(*)(const char *)) R_GetCCallable("pomp","get_pomp_userdata_int");
+  int nstageE = *(get_pomp_userdata_int("nstageE")); // Number of stages in the E class
+  // Other parameters
+  double lambda, beta;
+  beta = R0 * gamma; // Transmission rate
+  lambda = beta * I / N; // Force of infection
+  int i;
+  // Transitions
+  // From class S
+  double transS = rbinom(S, 1.0 - exp(- lambda * dt)); // No of infections
+  // From class E
+  double transE[nstageE]; // No of transitions between classes E
+  for(i = 0; i < nstageE; i++){
+    transE[i] = rbinom(E(i), 1.0 - exp(- nstageE * alpha * dt));
+  }
+  // From class I
+  double transI = rbinom(I, 1.0 - exp(- gamma * dt)); // No of transitions I->R
+  // Balance the equations
+  S -= transS;
+  E(0) += transS - transE[0];
+  for(i=1; i < nstageE; i++) {
+    E(i) += transE[i-1] - transE[i];
+  }
+  I += transE[nstageE - 1] - transI;
+  R += transI;
+  N_EI += transE[nstageE - 1]; // No of transitions from E to I
+  N_IR += transI; // No of transitions from I to R
+// Continuous-time deterministic skeleton
+void _ebola_skel (double *f, double *x, double *p,
+		  int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		  int ncovars, double *covars, double t) {
+  // Retrieve user data in the pomp object
+  int *(*get_pomp_userdata_int)(const char *);
+  get_pomp_userdata_int = (int *(*)(const char *)) R_GetCCallable("pomp","get_pomp_userdata_int");
+  int nstageE = *(get_pomp_userdata_int("nstageE")); // Number of stages in the E class
+  // Other parameters
+  double lambda, beta;
+  beta = R0 * gamma; // Transmission rate
+  lambda = beta * I / N; // Force of infection
+  int i;
+  // Balance the equations
+  DS = - lambda * S;
+  DE(0) = lambda * S - nstageE * alpha * E(0);
+  for(i=1; i < nstageE; i++) DE(i) = nstageE * alpha * (E(i - 1) -  E(i));
+  DI = nstageE * alpha * E(nstageE - 1) - gamma * I;
+  DR = gamma * I;
+  DN_EI = nstageE * alpha * E(nstageE - 1);
+  DN_IR = gamma * I;

Modified: pkg/pompExamples/tests/examples.R
--- pkg/pompExamples/tests/examples.R	2014-12-31 12:36:42 UTC (rev 1037)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/tests/examples.R	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -22,3 +22,12 @@
 pf <- pfilter(simulate(bbp),Np=100,max.fail=Inf)
 tj <- trajectory(bbp)
+ebolaModel(country="Guinea") -> po
+pf <- pfilter(simulate(po),Np=100)
+tj <- trajectory(po)
+ebolaModel(country="SierraLeone",na.rm=TRUE,type='cum') -> po
+pf <- pfilter(simulate(po),Np=100)
+tj <- trajectory(po)

Modified: pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.R
--- pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.R	2014-12-31 12:36:42 UTC (rev 1037)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.R	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 y <- trajectory(pertussis.sim(SEIRS.small),as.data.frame=TRUE)
-system.time(pf <- pfilter(pertussis.sim(full.small),seed=3445886L,Np=1000))
+pf <- pfilter(pertussis.sim(full.small),seed=3445886L,Np=1000)
 pttest <- function (po, digits = 15) {

Modified: pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.Rout.save
--- pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.Rout.save	2014-12-31 12:36:42 UTC (rev 1037)
+++ pkg/pompExamples/tests/pertussis.Rout.save	2015-01-01 21:20:25 UTC (rev 1038)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-R Under development (unstable) (2014-12-14 r67168) -- "Unsuffered Consequences"
+R version 3.1.2 (2014-10-31) -- "Pumpkin Helmet"
 Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
@@ -144,9 +144,7 @@
 1040 19.98077    1
 1041 20.00000    1
-> system.time(pf <- pfilter(pertussis.sim(full.small),seed=3445886L,Np=1000))
-   user  system elapsed 
- 17.801   0.004  17.861 
+> pf <- pfilter(pertussis.sim(full.small),seed=3445886L,Np=1000)
 > logLik(pf)
 [1] -3829.33
@@ -170,4 +168,4 @@
 > proc.time()
    user  system elapsed 
- 18.657   0.060  18.801 
+ 23.494   0.034  23.544 

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