[Pomp-commits] r852 - pkg/pomp/src
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Wed Apr 17 14:14:12 CEST 2013
Author: kingaa
Date: 2013-04-17 14:14:11 +0200 (Wed, 17 Apr 2013)
New Revision: 852
- fix the fortran90 in SSA.f and designate this file as fortran90
- fix minor inconsistency in SSA_wrapper.c
Deleted: pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f
--- pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f 2013-04-17 11:27:55 UTC (rev 851)
+++ pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f 2013-04-17 12:14:11 UTC (rev 852)
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
- subroutine driverSSA(fprob,nvar,nevent,npar,nreps,ntimes,kflag,
- & xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,nzero,izero,istate,ipar,
- & ncovar,icovar,lcov,mcov,tcov,cov)
- implicit integer (i-n)
- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
- dimension xstart(nvar,nreps), times(ntimes)
- dimension params(npar,nreps), par(npar)
- dimension xout(nvar,nreps,ntimes)
- dimension e(nvar),v(nvar,nevent),d(nvar,nevent)
- dimension izero(nzero)
- dimension istate(nvar), ipar(npar), icovar(ncovar)
- dimension tcov(lcov), cov(lcov,mcov)
- dimension covars(mcov)
- external fprob
- ntreeh=1+int(log(nevent*1.0)/log(2.0)+1)
- do irep=1,nreps
- call SSA(fprob,irep,nvar,nevent,ntreeh,npar,nreps,
- & ntimes,kflag,xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,
- & nzero,izero,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,lcov,mcov,
- & tcov,cov)
- enddo
- return
- end
- subroutine SSA(fprob,irep,nvar,nevent,ntreeh,npar,nreps,
- & ntimes,kflag,xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,nzero,
- & izero,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,lcov,mcov,tcov,cov)
- implicit integer (i-n)
- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
- dimension xstart(nvar,nreps), times(ntimes)
- dimension params(npar,nreps), par(npar)
- dimension xout(nvar,nreps,ntimes)
- dimension y(nvar),f(nevent,ntreeh),k(nevent)
- dimension e(nvar),v(nvar,nevent),d(nvar,nevent)
- dimension izero(nzero)
- dimension istate(nvar), ipar(npar), icovar(ncovar)
- dimension tcov(lcov), cov(lcov,mcov)
- dimension covars(mcov)
- external gillespie,kleap,fprob
- n=nvar
- m=nevent
-c Initialisation
- t=times(1)
- tmax=times(ntimes)
- iflag=0
- icount=2
- do i=1,npar
- par(i)=params(i,irep)
- enddo
- do i=1,n
- y(i)=xstart(i,irep)
- enddo
-c Set appropriate states to zero
- do i=1,nzero
- y(izero(i)+1)=0.0d0
- enddo
-c Copy initial states into xout
- do i=1,n
- xout(i,irep,1)=y(i)
- enddo
-c Initialize the covariate vector
- if(mcov.gt.0)then
- call tlook(lcov,mcov,tcov,cov,t,covars)
- endif
-c Initialise propensity functions & tree
- do j=1,m
- f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,covars)
- enddo
- jdum=m
- do itree=2,ntreeh
- jend=int((jdum+1)/2)
- do j=1,jend
- if(2*j.le.jdum)then
- f(j,itree)=f(2*j-1,itree-1)+f(2*j,itree-1)
- else
- f(j,itree)=f(2*j-1,itree-1)
- endif
- enddo
- jdum=jend
- enddo
- do while(icount.le.ntimes)
- call rchkusr
- if(kflag.eq.0)then
- call gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,
- & jevent,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,
- & mcov,covars)
- if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
- else !if(kflag.eq.1)then
-c Determine kappa (most accurate but slowest method)
- dum=10d8
- do i=1,n
- dum=min(e(i)*y(i),dum)
- if(dum.le.1.0)goto 50
- enddo
- 50 kappa=max(dum,1.0d0)
- if(kappa.eq.1)then
- call gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,
- & jevent,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,
- & mcov,covars)
- if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
- else
- call kleap(fprob,kappa,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,
- & k,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,
- & mcov,covars)
- if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
- endif
-c else
-c Determine tau (need to add code to avoid negative #s & determine tau)
-c tau=e(1)
-c call tauleap(fprob,tau,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,
-c & k,iflag)
-c if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
- endif
-c Recording output at required time points
- if (icount.le.ntimes) then
- do while((icount.le.ntimes).and.(t.ge.times(icount)))
- do i=1,n
- xout(i,irep,icount)=y(i)
- enddo
-c Set appropriate states to zero
- do i=1,nzero
- y(izero(i)+1)=0.0d0
- enddo
- icount=icount+1
- enddo
- endif
- if((mcov.gt.0).and.(t.le.tmax))then
- call tlook(lcov,mcov,tcov,cov,t,covars)
- endif
- enddo
- 100 return
- end
- subroutine gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,jevent,
- & iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- implicit integer (i-n)
- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
- dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar),ichangey(n)
- dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
- external unifrnd,fprob
-c Generate uniform random numbers
- p1=unifrnd()
- p2=unifrnd()
-c Determine time interval and update time
- fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
- if(fsum.gt.0.0)then
- tstep=-log(p1)/fsum
- t=t+tstep
- else
- iflag=1
- goto 500
- endif
-c Determine event, update pops & events
- jtree=1
- temp=p2*fsum
- do itree=ntreeh-1,1,-1
- if(itree.eq.1)then
- if(temp.lt.f(jtree,itree))then
- jevent=jtree
- else
- jevent=jtree+1
- endif
- else
- if(temp.lt.f(jtree,itree))then
- jtree=2*jtree-1
- else
- temp=temp-f(jtree,itree)
- jtree=2*jtree+1
- endif
- endif
- enddo
- do i=1,n
- ichangey(i)=0
- enddo
- do i = 1,n
- if(v(i,jevent).ne.0)then
- y(i) = y(i) + v(i,jevent)
- ichangey(i)=1
- endif
- enddo
-c only updating events & tree entries that have changed
- do j=1,m
- do i=1,n
- if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
- fold=f(j,1)
- f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- diff=f(j,1)-fold
- jdum=int((j+1)/2)
- do itree=2,ntreeh
- f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
- jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
- enddo
- goto 400
- endif
- enddo
- 400 continue
- enddo
- 500 return
- end
- subroutine kleap(fprob,kappa,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,k,
- & iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- implicit integer (i-n)
- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
- dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),p(m),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar)
- dimension k(m),ichangey(n)
- dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
- external gammarnd,fprob
-c Determine time interval and update time
- fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
- if(fsum.gt.0.0d0)then
- tstep=gammarnd(kappa,fsum)
- t=t+tstep
- else
- iflag=1
- goto 500
- endif
-c Determine frequency of events, update pops & events
- do j=1,m
- p(j)=f(j,1)/fsum
- enddo
- call multinomrnd(kappa,p,m,k)
-c some matrix-vector multiplication but only where necessary
- do i=1,n
- ichangey(i)=0
- enddo
- do j=1,m
- if(k(j).ne.0)then
- temp=k(j)
- do i = 1,n
- if(v(i,j).ne.0)then
- y(i) = y(i) + temp*v(i,j)
- ichangey(i)=1
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- enddo
-c only updating events & tree entries that have changed
- do j=1,m
- do i=1,n
- if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
- fold=f(j,1)
- f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- diff=f(j,1)-fold
- jdum=int((j+1)/2)
- do itree=2,ntreeh
- f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
- jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
- enddo
- goto 400
- endif
- enddo
- 400 continue
- enddo
- 500 return
- end
- subroutine tauleap(fprob,tau,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,k,
- & iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- implicit integer (i-n)
- implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
- dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),k(m),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar)
- dimension ichangey(n)
- dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
- external poisrnd,fprob
-c Generate Poisson random variables (number of event firings in t+tau)
- fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
- if(fsum.gt.0.0d0)then
- do j=1,m
- k(j)=poisrnd(f(j,1)*tau)
- enddo
- else
- iflag=1
- goto 500
- endif
-c Update t
- t=t+tau
-c Compute changes in population numbers & events
-c some matrix-vector multiplication but only where necessary
- do i=1,n
- ichangey(i)=0
- enddo
- do j=1,m
- if(k(j).ne.0)then
- temp=k(j)
- do i = 1,n
- if(v(i,j).ne.0)then
- y(i) = y(i) + temp*v(i,j)
- ichangey(i)=1
- endif
- enddo
- endif
- enddo
-c only updating events & tree entries that have changed
- do j=1,m
- do i=1,n
- if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
- fold=f(j,1)
- f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
- diff=f(j,1)-fold
- jdum=int((j+1)/2)
- do itree=2,ntreeh
- f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
- jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
- enddo
- goto 400
- endif
- enddo
- 400 continue
- enddo
- 500 return
- end
Copied: pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f90 (from rev 850, pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f)
--- pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f90 (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/src/SSA.f90 2013-04-17 12:14:11 UTC (rev 852)
@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+ subroutine driverSSA(fprob,nvar,nevent,npar,nreps,ntimes,kflag,&
+ xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,nzero,izero,istate,ipar,ncovar,&
+ icovar,lcov,mcov,tcov,cov)
+ implicit integer (i-n)
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ dimension xstart(nvar,nreps), times(ntimes)
+ dimension params(npar,nreps)
+ dimension xout(nvar,nreps,ntimes)
+ dimension e(nvar),v(nvar,nevent),d(nvar,nevent)
+ dimension izero(nzero)
+ dimension istate(nvar), ipar(npar), icovar(ncovar)
+ dimension tcov(lcov), cov(lcov,mcov)
+ external fprob
+ ntreeh=1+int(log(nevent*1.0)/log(2.0)+1)
+ do irep=1,nreps
+ call SSA(fprob,irep,nvar,nevent,ntreeh,npar,nreps,&
+ ntimes,kflag,xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,&
+ nzero,izero,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,lcov,mcov,&
+ tcov,cov)
+ enddo
+ return
+ end
+ subroutine SSA(fprob,irep,nvar,nevent,ntreeh,npar,nreps,&
+ ntimes,kflag,xstart,times,params,xout,e,v,d,nzero,&
+ izero,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,lcov,mcov,tcov,cov)
+ implicit integer (i-n)
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ dimension xstart(nvar,nreps), times(ntimes)
+ dimension params(npar,nreps), par(npar)
+ dimension xout(nvar,nreps,ntimes)
+ dimension y(nvar),f(nevent,ntreeh),k(nevent)
+ dimension e(nvar),v(nvar,nevent),d(nvar,nevent)
+ dimension izero(nzero)
+ dimension istate(nvar), ipar(npar), icovar(ncovar)
+ dimension tcov(lcov), cov(lcov,mcov)
+ dimension covars(mcov)
+ external gillespie,kleap,fprob
+ n=nvar
+ m=nevent
+! Initialisation
+ t=times(1)
+ tmax=times(ntimes)
+ iflag=0
+ icount=2
+ do i=1,npar
+ par(i)=params(i,irep)
+ enddo
+ do i=1,n
+ y(i)=xstart(i,irep)
+ enddo
+! Set appropriate states to zero
+ do i=1,nzero
+ y(izero(i)+1)=0.0d0
+ enddo
+! Copy initial states into xout
+ do i=1,n
+ xout(i,irep,1)=y(i)
+ enddo
+! Initialize the covariate vector
+ if(mcov.gt.0)then
+ call tlook(lcov,mcov,tcov,cov,t,covars)
+ endif
+! Initialise propensity functions & tree
+ do j=1,m
+ f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,covars)
+ enddo
+ jdum=m
+ do itree=2,ntreeh
+ jend=int((jdum+1)/2)
+ do j=1,jend
+ if(2*j.le.jdum)then
+ f(j,itree)=f(2*j-1,itree-1)+f(2*j,itree-1)
+ else
+ f(j,itree)=f(2*j-1,itree-1)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ jdum=jend
+ enddo
+ do while(icount.le.ntimes)
+ call rchkusr
+ if(kflag.eq.0)then
+ call gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,&
+ jevent,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,&
+ mcov,covars)
+ if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
+ else !if(kflag.eq.1)then
+! Determine kappa (most accurate but slowest method)
+ dum=10d8
+ do i=1,n
+ dum=min(e(i)*y(i),dum)
+ if(dum.le.1.0)goto 50
+ enddo
+ 50 kappa=int(max(dum,1.0d0))
+ if(kappa.eq.1)then
+ call gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,&
+ jevent,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,&
+ mcov,covars)
+ if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
+ else
+ call kleap(fprob,kappa,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,&
+ k,iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,&
+ mcov,covars)
+ if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
+ endif
+! else
+! Determine tau (need to add code to avoid negative #s & determine tau)
+! tau=e(1)
+! call tauleap(fprob,tau,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,&
+! k,iflag)
+! if(iflag.eq.1)goto 100
+ endif
+! Recording output at required time points
+ do while ((icount.le.ntimes).and.(t.ge.times(icount)))
+ do i=1,n
+ xout(i,irep,icount)=y(i)
+ enddo
+! Set appropriate states to zero
+ do i=1,nzero
+ y(izero(i)+1)=0.0d0
+ enddo
+ icount=icount+1
+ if (icount.gt.ntimes) exit
+ enddo
+ if((mcov.gt.0).and.(t.le.tmax))then
+ call tlook(lcov,mcov,tcov,cov,t,covars)
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 100 return
+ end
+ subroutine gillespie(fprob,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,jevent,&
+ iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ implicit integer (i-n)
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar),ichangey(n)
+ dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
+ external unifrnd,fprob
+! Generate uniform random numbers
+ p1=unifrnd()
+ p2=unifrnd()
+! Determine time interval and update time
+ fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
+ if(fsum.gt.0.0)then
+ tstep=-log(p1)/fsum
+ t=t+tstep
+ else
+ iflag=1
+ goto 500
+ endif
+! Determine event, update pops & events
+ jtree=1
+ temp=p2*fsum
+ do itree=ntreeh-1,1,-1
+ if(itree.eq.1)then
+ if(temp.lt.f(jtree,itree))then
+ jevent=jtree
+ else
+ jevent=jtree+1
+ endif
+ else
+ if(temp.lt.f(jtree,itree))then
+ jtree=2*jtree-1
+ else
+ temp=temp-f(jtree,itree)
+ jtree=2*jtree+1
+ endif
+ endif
+ enddo
+ do i=1,n
+ ichangey(i)=0
+ enddo
+ do i = 1,n
+ if(v(i,jevent).ne.0)then
+ y(i) = y(i) + v(i,jevent)
+ ichangey(i)=1
+ endif
+ enddo
+! only updating events & tree entries that have changed
+ do j=1,m
+ do i=1,n
+ if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
+ fold=f(j,1)
+ f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ diff=f(j,1)-fold
+ jdum=int((j+1)/2)
+ do itree=2,ntreeh
+ f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
+ jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
+ enddo
+ goto 400
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 400 continue
+ enddo
+ 500 return
+ end
+ subroutine kleap(fprob,kappa,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,k,&
+ iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ implicit integer (i-n)
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),p(m),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar)
+ dimension k(m),ichangey(n)
+ dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
+ external gammarnd,fprob
+! Determine time interval and update time
+ fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
+ if(fsum.gt.0.0d0)then
+ tstep=gammarnd(kappa,fsum)
+ t=t+tstep
+ else
+ iflag=1
+ goto 500
+ endif
+! Determine frequency of events, update pops & events
+ do j=1,m
+ p(j)=f(j,1)/fsum
+ enddo
+ call multinomrnd(kappa,p,m,k)
+! some matrix-vector multiplication but only where necessary
+ do i=1,n
+ ichangey(i)=0
+ enddo
+ do j=1,m
+ if(k(j).ne.0)then
+ temp=k(j)
+ do i = 1,n
+ if(v(i,j).ne.0)then
+ y(i) = y(i) + temp*v(i,j)
+ ichangey(i)=1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+! only updating events & tree entries that have changed
+ do j=1,m
+ do i=1,n
+ if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
+ fold=f(j,1)
+ f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ diff=f(j,1)-fold
+ jdum=int((j+1)/2)
+ do itree=2,ntreeh
+ f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
+ jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
+ enddo
+ goto 400
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 400 continue
+ enddo
+ 500 return
+ end
+ subroutine tauleap(fprob,tau,t,f,y,v,d,par,n,m,ntreeh,npar,k,&
+ iflag,istate,ipar,ncovar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ implicit integer (i-n)
+ implicit double precision (a-h,o-z)
+ dimension y(n),f(m,ntreeh),k(m),v(n,m),d(n,m),par(npar)
+ dimension ichangey(n)
+ dimension istate(n),ipar(npar),icovar(ncovar),cov(mcov)
+ external poisrnd,fprob
+! Generate Poisson random variables (number of event firings in t+tau)
+ fsum=f(1,ntreeh)
+ if(fsum.gt.0.0d0)then
+ do j=1,m
+ k(j)=int(poisrnd(f(j,1)*tau))
+ enddo
+ else
+ iflag=1
+ goto 500
+ endif
+! Update t
+ t=t+tau
+! Compute changes in population numbers & events
+! some matrix-vector multiplication but only where necessary
+ do i=1,n
+ ichangey(i)=0
+ enddo
+ do j=1,m
+ if(k(j).ne.0)then
+ temp=k(j)
+ do i = 1,n
+ if(v(i,j).ne.0)then
+ y(i) = y(i) + temp*v(i,j)
+ ichangey(i)=1
+ endif
+ enddo
+ endif
+ enddo
+! only updating events & tree entries that have changed
+ do j=1,m
+ do i=1,n
+ if(ichangey(i).ne.0.and.d(i,j).ne.0)then
+ fold=f(j,1)
+ f(j,1)=fprob(j,t,y,par,istate,ipar,icovar,mcov,cov)
+ diff=f(j,1)-fold
+ jdum=int((j+1)/2)
+ do itree=2,ntreeh
+ f(jdum,itree)=f(jdum,itree)+diff
+ jdum=int((jdum+1)/2)
+ enddo
+ goto 400
+ endif
+ enddo
+ 400 continue
+ enddo
+ 500 return
+ end
Modified: pkg/pomp/src/SSA_wrapper.c
--- pkg/pomp/src/SSA_wrapper.c 2013-04-17 11:27:55 UTC (rev 851)
+++ pkg/pomp/src/SSA_wrapper.c 2013-04-17 12:14:11 UTC (rev 852)
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
double F77_SUB(gammarnd)(double shape, double scale) { return rgamma(shape,scale); }
void F77_SUB(multinomrnd)(int N, double *p, int ncat, int *ix) { rmultinom(N,p,ncat,ix); }
-void F77_NAME(driverssa)(_pomp_rxnrate *fprob, int *nvar, int *nevent, int *npar, int *nreps, int *ntimes,
+void F77_NAME(driverssa)(_pomp_rxnrate fprob, int *nvar, int *nevent, int *npar, int *nreps, int *ntimes,
int *kflag, double *xstart, double *times, double *params, double *xout,
double *e, double *v, double *d, int *nzero, int *izero, int *istate,
int *ipar, int *ncov, int *icov, int *lcov, int *mcov, double *tcov, double *cov);
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