[Pomp-commits] r703 - in pkg/pomp: . R demo

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Thu May 3 18:27:45 CEST 2012

Author: kingaa
Date: 2012-05-03 18:27:45 +0200 (Thu, 03 May 2012)
New Revision: 703

- fix bug in 'trajectory' for vectorfield case that shows up when 'zeronames' has length > 1
- re-work 'sir' demo so that it uses 'pompBuilder'

Modified: pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2012-05-02 16:50:38 UTC (rev 702)
+++ pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2012-05-03 16:27:45 UTC (rev 703)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: pomp
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes
-Version: 0.42-1
-Date: 2012-05-02
+Version: 0.42-2
+Date: 2012-05-03
 Author: Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides, Carles Breto, Steve Ellner, Bruce Kendall, Helen Wearing, Matthew J. Ferrari, Michael Lavine, Daniel C. Reuman
 Maintainer: Aaron A. King <kingaa at umich.edu>
 URL: http://pomp.r-forge.r-project.org

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/builder.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/builder.R	2012-05-02 16:50:38 UTC (rev 702)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/builder.R	2012-05-03 16:27:45 UTC (rev 703)
@@ -99,8 +99,12 @@
-pompCBuilder <- function (name, statenames, paramnames, obsnames, rmeasure, dmeasure, step.fn, skeleton) {
+pompCBuilder <- function (name, statenames, paramnames, obsnames, rmeasure, dmeasure, step.fn, skeleton)
+  if (missing(name)) stop(sQuote("name")," must be supplied");
+  if (missing(statenames)) stop(sQuote("name")," must be supplied");
+  if (missing(paramnames)) stop(sQuote("name")," must be supplied");
+  if (missing(obsnames)) stop(sQuote("name")," must be supplied");
   name <- cleanForC(name)
   statenames <- cleanForC(statenames)
   paramnames <- cleanForC(paramnames)

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/trajectory-pomp.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/trajectory-pomp.R	2012-05-02 16:50:38 UTC (rev 702)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/trajectory-pomp.R	2012-05-03 16:27:45 UTC (rev 703)
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
-  if (length(znames)>0)
-    x[znames,,-1] <- apply(x[znames,,,drop=FALSE],c(1,2),diff)
+  for (z in znames)
+    x[z,,-1] <- apply(x[z,,,drop=FALSE],c(1,2),diff)
   if (as.data.frame) {
     x <- lapply(

Modified: pkg/pomp/demo/sir.R
--- pkg/pomp/demo/sir.R	2012-05-02 16:50:38 UTC (rev 702)
+++ pkg/pomp/demo/sir.R	2012-05-03 16:27:45 UTC (rev 703)
@@ -1,112 +1,165 @@
-## Coding up the SIR example using native routines results in much faster computations.
-## The C codes "sir_euler_simulator", "sir_ODE", "binom_rmeasure", and "binom_dmeasure"
-## are included in the "examples" directory (file "sir.c")
+dmeas <- "
+  lik = dbinom(reports,nearbyint(cases),rho,give_log);
+rmeas <- "
+  reports = rbinom(nearbyint(cases),rho);
+step.fn <- '
+  int nrate = 6;
+  double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
+  double trans[nrate];		// transition numbers
+  double beta;			// transmission rate
+  double dW;			// white noise increment
+  double period = 1.0;          // period of the seasonality
+  int nbasis = 3;               // number of seasonality basis functions
+  int deg = 3;                  // degree of the B-spline basis functions
+  double seasonality[nbasis];
+  int k;
-if (Sys.info()['sysname']=='Linux') {   # only run this under linux
+  // compute transmission rate from seasonality
+  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,deg,nbasis,&seasonality[0]); // evaluate the periodic B-spline basis
+  for (k = 0, beta = 0; k < nbasis; k++) 
+    beta += (&beta1)[k]*seasonality[k];
-  model <- "sir"
-  ## name of the file holding the model codes:
-  modelfile <- system.file("examples",paste(model,".c",sep=""),package="pomp")
-  ## name of the shared-object library:
-  solib <- paste(model,.Platform$dynlib.ext,sep="")
-  ## environment variables needed to locate the pomp header file:
-  cflags <- paste("PKG_CFLAGS=\"-I",system.file("include/",package="pomp"),"\"")
+  // compute the environmental stochasticity
+  dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt);
-  ## compile the shared-object library containing the model codes:
-  rv <- system2(
-                command=R.home("bin/R"),
-                args=c("CMD","SHLIB","-o",solib,modelfile),
-                env=cflags
-                )
-  if (rv!=0)
-    stop("cannot compile shared-object library ",sQuote(solib))
+  // compute the transition rates
+  rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
+  rate[1] = (iota+beta*I*dW/dt)/popsize; // force of infection
+  rate[2] = mu;			// death from susceptible class
+  rate[3] = gamma;		// recovery
+  rate[4] = mu;			// death from infectious class
+  rate[5] = mu; 		// death from recovered class
-  po <- pomp(
-             data=data.frame(
-               time=seq(from=1/52,to=4,by=1/52),
-               reports=NA
-               ),
-             times="time",
-             t0=0,
-             rprocess=euler.sim(
-               step.fun="sir_euler_simulator", # native routine for the simulation step
-               delta.t=1/52/20                 # Euler stepsize: 1/20 wk
-               ),
-             skeleton.type="vectorfield",
-             skeleton="sir_ODE", # native routine for the skeleton
-             rmeasure="binomial_rmeasure", # binomial measurement model
-             dmeasure="binomial_dmeasure", # binomial measurement model
-             PACKAGE="sir", ## name of the shared-object library
-             ## the order of the observables assumed in the native routines:
-             obsnames="reports",
-             ## the order of the state variables assumed in the native routines:
-             statenames=c("S","I","R","cases","W"),
-             ## the order of the parameters assumed in the native routines:
-             paramnames=c(
-               "gamma","mu","iota","beta1","beta.sd","pop","rho",
-               "nbasis","degree","period"
-               ), 
-             ## reset cases to zero after each new observation:
-             zeronames=c("cases"),      
-             logvar=c(
-               "gamma","mu","iota",
-               "beta1","beta2","beta3","beta.sd",
-               "S.0","I.0","R.0"
-               ),
-             logitvar="rho",
-             comp.names=c("S","I","R"),
-             ic.names=c("S.0","I.0","R.0"),
-             parameter.transform=function (params, logvar, logitvar, ic.names, ...) {
-               params[logvar] <- exp(params[logvar])
-               params[logitvar] <- plogis(params[logitvar])
-               params[ic.names] <- params[ic.names]/sum(params[ic.names])
-               params
-             },
-             parameter.inv.transform=function (params, logvar, logitvar, ic.names, ...) {
-               params[ic.names] <- params[ic.names]/sum(params[ic.names])
-               params[logvar] <- log(params[logvar])
-               params[logitvar] <- qlogis(params[logitvar])
-               params
-             },
-             initializer=function(params, t0, comp.names, ic.names, ...) {
-               x0 <- numeric(5)
-               names(x0) <- c("S","I","R","cases","W")
-               fracs <- params[ic.names]
-               x0[comp.names] <- round(params['pop']*fracs/sum(fracs))
-               x0
-             }
-             )
+  // compute the transition numbers
+  trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt);	// births are Poisson
+  reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]);
+  reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]);
+  reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]);
-  coef(po) <- c(                                                      
-                gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,                           
-                beta1=1200,beta2=1800,beta3=600,                      
-                beta.sd=1e-3,                                         
-                pop=2.1e6,                                            
-                rho=0.6,                                              
-                S.0=26/1200,I.0=0.001,R.0=1-26/1200,             
-                nbasis=3,degree=3,period=1
-                )
+  // balance the equations
+  S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2];
+  I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4];
+  R += trans[3]-trans[5];
+  cases += trans[3];		// cases are cumulative recoveries
+  if (beta_sd > 0.0) W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // increment has mean = 0, variance = dt
+skel <- '
+  int nrate = 6;
+  double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
+  double term[nrate];		// transition numbers
+  double beta;			// transmission rate
+  double dW;			// white noise increment
+  double period = 1.0;          // period of the seasonality
+  int nbasis = 3;
+  int deg = 3;
+  double seasonality[nbasis];
+  int k;
+  // compute transmission rate from seasonality
+  if (nbasis <= 0) return;
+  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,deg,nbasis,&seasonality[0]); // evaluate the periodic B-spline basis
+  for (k = 0, beta = 0; k < nbasis; k++) 
+    beta += (&beta1)[k]*seasonality[k];
-  dyn.load(solib) ## load the shared-object library
+  // compute the transition rates
+  rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
+  rate[1] = (iota+beta*I)/popsize; // force of infection
+  rate[2] = mu;			// death from susceptible class
+  rate[3] = gamma;		// recovery
+  rate[4] = mu;			// death from infectious class
+  rate[5] = mu; 		// death from recovered class
-  ## compute a trajectory of the deterministic skeleton
-  tic <- Sys.time()
-  X <- trajectory(po,hmax=1/52,as.data.frame=TRUE)
-  toc <- Sys.time()
-  print(toc-tic)
+  // compute the several terms
+  term[0] = rate[0];
+  term[1] = rate[1]*S;
+  term[2] = rate[2]*S;
+  term[3] = rate[3]*I;
+  term[4] = rate[4]*I;
+  term[5] = rate[5]*R;
-  plot(cases~time,data=X,type='l')
+  // assemble the differential equations
+  DS = term[0]-term[1]-term[2];
+  DI = term[1]-term[3]-term[4];
+  DR = term[3]-term[5];
+  Dcases = term[3];		// accumulate the new I->R transitions
+  DW = 0;
-  ## simulate from the model
-  tic <- Sys.time()
-  x <- simulate(po,nsim=3,as.data.frame=TRUE)
-  toc <- Sys.time()
-  print(toc-tic)
-  plot(cases~time,data=x,col=as.factor(x$sim),pch=16)
+            name="SIR",
+            data=data.frame(
+              time=seq(from=1/52,to=4,by=1/52),
+              reports=NA
+              ),
+            times="time",
+            t0=0,
+            dmeasure=dmeas,
+            rmeasure=rmeas,
+            step.fn=step.fn,
+            step.fn.delta.t=1/52/20,
+            skeleton.type="vectorfield",
+            skeleton=skel,
+            statenames=c("S","I","R","cases","W"),
+            paramnames=c(
+              "gamma","mu","iota","beta1","beta.sd","popsize","rho"
+              ), 
+            zeronames=c("cases","W"),
+            logvar=c(
+              "gamma","mu","iota",
+              "beta1","beta2","beta3","beta.sd",
+              "S.0","I.0","R.0"
+              ),
+            logitvar="rho",
+            comp.names=c("S","I","R"),
+            ic.names=c("S.0","I.0","R.0"),
+            parameter.transform=function (params, logvar, logitvar, ic.names, ...) {
+              params[logvar] <- exp(params[logvar])
+              params[logitvar] <- plogis(params[logitvar])
+              params[ic.names] <- params[ic.names]/sum(params[ic.names])
+              params
+            },
+            parameter.inv.transform=function (params, logvar, logitvar, ic.names, ...) {
+              params[ic.names] <- params[ic.names]/sum(params[ic.names])
+              params[logvar] <- log(params[logvar])
+              params[logitvar] <- qlogis(params[logitvar])
+              params
+            },
+            initializer=function(params, t0, comp.names, ic.names, ...) {
+              x0 <- numeric(5)
+              names(x0) <- c("S","I","R","cases","W")
+              fracs <- params[ic.names]
+              x0[comp.names] <- round(params['popsize']*fracs/sum(fracs))
+              x0
+            }
+            ) -> po
-  dyn.unload(solib)
+coef(po) <- c(
+              gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
+              beta1=120,beta2=140,beta3=100,
+              beta.sd=1e-3,
+              popsize=5e5,
+              rho=0.6,
+              S.0=26/120,I.0=0.001,R.0=1-26/120
+              )
+## compute a trajectory of the deterministic skeleton
+tic <- Sys.time()
+X <- trajectory(po,hmax=1/52,as.data.frame=TRUE)
+toc <- Sys.time()
+## simulate from the model
+tic <- Sys.time()
+x <- simulate(po,nsim=3,as.data.frame=TRUE)
+toc <- Sys.time()

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