[Pomp-commits] r759 - branches/mif2/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Aug 7 16:38:18 CEST 2012

Author: nxdao2000
Date: 2012-08-07 16:38:18 +0200 (Tue, 07 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 759

new update

Modified: branches/mif2/R/mif.R
--- branches/mif2/R/mif.R	2012-08-07 14:20:43 UTC (rev 758)
+++ branches/mif2/R/mif.R	2012-08-07 14:38:18 UTC (rev 759)
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
 ## MIF algorithm functions
 default.pomp.particles.fun <- function (Np, center, sd, ...) {
-  matrix(
-         data=rnorm(
-           n=Np*length(center),
-           mean=center,
-           sd=sd
-           ),
-         nrow=length(center),
-         ncol=Np,
-         dimnames=list(
-           names(center),
-           NULL
-           )
-         )
+	matrix(
+			data=rnorm(
+					n=Np*length(center),
+					mean=center,
+					sd=sd
+			),
+			nrow=length(center),
+			ncol=Np,
+			dimnames=list(
+					names(center),
+					NULL
+			)
+	)
 mif.cooling <- function (factor, n) {   # default cooling schedule
-  alpha <- factor^(n-1)
-  list(alpha=alpha,gamma=alpha^2)
+	alpha <- factor^(n-1)
+	list(alpha=alpha,gamma=alpha^2)
 mif.cooling2 <- function (cooling.scalar, nt, m , n ) {   # cooling schedule for mif2
 	alpha <- (1+cooling.scalar)/(cooling.scalar+nt+n*(m-1))
@@ -27,277 +27,226 @@
 powerlaw.cooling <- function (init = 1, delta = 0.1, eps = (1-delta)/2, n) {
-  m <- init
-  if (n <= m) {                         # linear cooling regime
-    alpha <- (m-n+1)/m
-    gamma <- alpha
-  } else {                              # power-law cooling regime
-    alpha <- ((n/m)^(delta+eps))/n
-    gamma <- ((n/m)^(delta+1))/n/n
-  }
-  list(alpha=alpha,gamma=gamma)
+	m <- init
+	if (n <= m) {                         # linear cooling regime
+		alpha <- (m-n+1)/m
+		gamma <- alpha
+	} else {                              # power-law cooling regime
+		alpha <- ((n/m)^(delta+eps))/n
+		gamma <- ((n/m)^(delta+1))/n/n
+	}
+	list(alpha=alpha,gamma=gamma)
 mif.internal <- function (object, Nmif,
-                          start, pars, ivps,
-                          particles,
-                          rw.sd,
-						  option, cooling.scalar, paramMatrix, 
-                          Np, cooling.factor, var.factor, ic.lag,
-                          method, tol, max.fail,
-                          verbose, transform, .ndone) {
-  transform <- as.logical(transform)
-  if (length(start)==0)
-    stop(
-         "mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified if ",
-         sQuote("coef(object)")," is NULL",
-         call.=FALSE
-         )
-  if (transform)
-    start <- partrans(object,start,dir="inverse")
-  start.names <- names(start)
-  if (missing(start.names))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(rw.sd))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-  if (missing(rw.names) || any(rw.sd<0))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be a named non-negative numerical vector",call.=FALSE)
-  if (!all(rw.names%in%start.names))
-    stop("mif error: all the names of ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be names of ",sQuote("start"),call.=FALSE)
-  rw.names <- names(rw.sd[rw.sd>0])
-  if (length(rw.names) == 0)
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must have one positive entry for each parameter to be estimated",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(pars))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("pars")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(ivps))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ivps")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if (
-      !is.character(pars) ||
-      !is.character(ivps) ||
-      !all(pars%in%start.names) ||
-      !all(ivps%in%start.names) ||
-      any(pars%in%ivps) ||
-      any(ivps%in%pars) ||
-      !all(pars%in%rw.names) ||
-      !all(ivps%in%rw.names)
-      )
-    stop(
-         "mif error: ",
-         sQuote("pars")," and ",sQuote("ivps"),
-         " must be mutually disjoint subsets of ",
-         sQuote("names(start)"),
-         " and must have a positive random-walk SDs specified in ",
-         sQuote("rw.sd"),
-         call.=FALSE
-         )
-  if (!all(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))) {
-    extra.rws <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))]
-    warning(
-            "mif warning: the variable(s) ",
-            paste(extra.rws,collapse=", "),
-            " have positive random-walk SDs specified, but are included in neither ",
-            sQuote("pars")," nor ",sQuote("ivps"),
-            ". These random walk SDs are ignored.",
-            call.=FALSE
-            )
-  }
-  rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
-  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-  if (missing(particles))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("particles")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  ntimes <- length(time(object))
-  if (missing(Np))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if (is.function(Np)) {
-    Np <- try(
-              vapply(seq.int(from=0,to=ntimes,by=1),Np,numeric(1)),
-              silent=FALSE
-              )
-    if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
-      stop("if ",sQuote("Np")," is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
-  }
-  if (length(Np)==1)
-    Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes+1)
-  else if (length(Np)!=(ntimes+1))
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must have length 1 or length ",ntimes+1)
-  if (any(Np<=0))
-    stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
-  if (!is.numeric(Np))
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  if (missing(ic.lag))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  ic.lag <- as.integer(ic.lag)
-  if ((length(ic.lag)!=1)||(ic.lag < 1))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
-  if (ic.lag>ntimes) {
-    warning(
-            "mif warning: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag," > ",ntimes,
-            " = length(time(",sQuote("object"),"))",
-            " is nonsensical.  Setting ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ntimes,".",
-            call.=FALSE
-            )
-    ic.lag <- length(time(object))
-  }
-  if ((length(pars)==0)&&(ic.lag<length(time(object)))) {
-    warning(
-            "mif warning: only IVPs are to be estimated, yet ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag,
-            " < ",ntimes," = length(time(",sQuote("object"),")),",
-            " so unnecessary work is to be done.",
-            call.=FALSE
-            )
-  }
-  if (missing(cooling.factor))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if ((length(cooling.factor)!=1)||(cooling.factor < 0)||(cooling.factor>1))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be a number between 0 and 1",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(var.factor))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if ((length(var.factor)!=1)||(var.factor < 0))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be a positive number",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(Nmif))
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Nmif")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  Nmif <- as.integer(Nmif)
-  if (Nmif<0)
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Nmif")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(option) && !missing(method) )
-  {	  option=method
-	  warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("method")," flag is deprecated, use ",sQuote("option"))
-  }	
-  if (missing(option) && missing(method))
-  {
-	  warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("option")," is missing and set to mif by default")
-	  option="mif"
-  }	  
-  if (missing(cooling.scalar) && ((option=="mif2")||(option=="mif2geom")))
-  {   warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("cooling scalar")," is missing and set to 5% of number of iteration by default.")
-	  cooling.scalar=(1/20)*Nmif*ntimes
-  }
-  theta <- start
-  sigma <- rep(0,length(start))
-  names(sigma) <- start.names
-  rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
-  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-  sigma[rw.names] <- rw.sd
-  conv.rec <- matrix(
-                     data=NA,
-                     nrow=Nmif+1,
-                     ncol=length(theta)+2,
-                     dimnames=list(
-                       seq(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
-                       c('loglik','nfail',names(theta))
-                       )
-                     )
-  conv.rec[1,] <- c(NA,NA,theta)
-  if (!all(is.finite(theta[c(pars,ivps)]))) {
-    stop(
-         sQuote("mif"),
-         " error: cannot estimate non-finite parameters: ",
-         paste(
-               c(pars,ivps)[!is.finite(theta[c(pars,ivps)])],
-               collapse=","
-               ),
-         call.=FALSE
-         )
-  }
-  obj <- as(object,"pomp")
-  if (Nmif>0)
-    tmp.mif <- new("mif",object,particles=particles,Np=Np) # only needed so that we can use the 'particles' method below
-  else
-    pfp <- obj
-if ((option != "mif2") && (option != "mif2geom")) {
-	for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
-		cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling(cooling.factor, .ndone + 
-								n), silent = FALSE)
-		if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
-			stop("mif error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
-		sigma.n <- sigma * cool.sched$alpha
-		P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
-						sd = sigma.n * var.factor), silent = FALSE)
-		if (inherits(P, "try-error")) 
-			stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("particles"), 
-					call. = FALSE)
-		pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = P, 
-							tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
-										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif") || (n == 
-											Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
-							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars], paramMatrix=FALSE,option=option,
-							verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
-		if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
-			stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
-					call. = FALSE)
-		switch(option, mif = {
-					v <- pfp$pred.var[pars, , drop = FALSE]
-					v1 <- cool.sched$gamma * (1 + var.factor^2) * 
-							sigma[pars]^2
-					theta.hat <- cbind(theta[pars], pfp$filter.mean[pars, 
-									, drop = FALSE])
-					theta[pars] <- theta[pars] + colSums(apply(theta.hat, 
-									1, diff)/t(v)) * v1
-				}, unweighted = {
-					theta.hat <- pfp$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE]
-					theta[pars] <- rowMeans(theta.hat)
-				}, fp = {
-					theta.hat <- pfp$filter.mean[pars, ntimes, drop = FALSE]
-					theta[pars] <- theta.hat
-				}, )
-		theta[ivps] <- pfp$filter.mean[ivps, ic.lag]
-		conv.rec[n + 1, -c(1, 2)] <- theta
-		conv.rec[n, c(1, 2)] <- c(pfp$loglik, pfp$nfail)
-		if (verbose) 
-			cat("MIF iteration ", n, " of ", Nmif, " completed\n")
+		start, pars, ivps,
+		particles,
+		rw.sd,
+		option, cooling.scalar, paramMatrix,
+		Np, cooling.factor, var.factor, ic.lag,
+		method, tol, max.fail,
+		verbose, transform, .ndone) {
+	transform <- as.logical(transform)
+	if (length(start)==0)
+		stop(
+				"mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified if ",
+				sQuote("coef(object)")," is NULL",
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
+	if (transform)
+		start <- partrans(object,start,dir="inverse")
+	start.names <- names(start)
+	if (missing(start.names))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(rw.sd))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
+	if (missing(rw.names) || any(rw.sd<0))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be a named non-negative numerical vector",call.=FALSE)
+	if (!all(rw.names%in%start.names))
+		stop("mif error: all the names of ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be names of ",sQuote("start"),call.=FALSE)
+	rw.names <- names(rw.sd[rw.sd>0])
+	if (length(rw.names) == 0)
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must have one positive entry for each parameter to be estimated",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(pars))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("pars")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(ivps))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ivps")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if (
+			!is.character(pars) ||
+			!is.character(ivps) ||
+			!all(pars%in%start.names) ||
+			!all(ivps%in%start.names) ||
+			any(pars%in%ivps) ||
+			any(ivps%in%pars) ||
+			!all(pars%in%rw.names) ||
+			!all(ivps%in%rw.names)
+			)
+		stop(
+				"mif error: ",
+				sQuote("pars")," and ",sQuote("ivps"),
+				" must be mutually disjoint subsets of ",
+				sQuote("names(start)"),
+				" and must have a positive random-walk SDs specified in ",
+				sQuote("rw.sd"),
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
+	if (!all(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))) {
+		extra.rws <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))]
+		warning(
+				"mif warning: the variable(s) ",
+				paste(extra.rws,collapse=", "),
+				" have positive random-walk SDs specified, but are included in neither ",
+				sQuote("pars")," nor ",sQuote("ivps"),
+				". These random walk SDs are ignored.",
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
-else if (option == "mif2")  {
+	rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
+	rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-	for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
-		cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling2(cooling.scalar, 1 , .ndone + 
-								n, ntimes), silent = FALSE)
-		if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
-			stop("mif error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
-		sigma.n <- sigma * cool.sched$alpha
-		if (n==1)
-		{	P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
+	if (missing(particles))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("particles")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	ntimes <- length(time(object))
+	if (missing(Np))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if (is.function(Np)) {
+		Np <- try(
+				vapply(seq.int(from=0,to=ntimes,by=1),Np,numeric(1)),
+				silent=FALSE
+		)
+		if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
+			stop("if ",sQuote("Np")," is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
+	}
+	if (length(Np)==1)
+		Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes+1)
+	else if (length(Np)!=(ntimes+1))
+		stop(sQuote("Np")," must have length 1 or length ",ntimes+1)
+	if (any(Np<=0))
+		stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
+	if (!is.numeric(Np))
+		stop(sQuote("Np")," must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
+	Np <- as.integer(Np)
+	if (missing(ic.lag))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	ic.lag <- as.integer(ic.lag)
+	if ((length(ic.lag)!=1)||(ic.lag < 1))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
+	if (ic.lag>ntimes) {
+		warning(
+				"mif warning: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag," > ",ntimes,
+				" = length(time(",sQuote("object"),"))",
+				" is nonsensical.  Setting ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ntimes,".",
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
+		ic.lag <- length(time(object))
+	}
+	if ((length(pars)==0)&&(ic.lag<length(time(object)))) {
+		warning(
+				"mif warning: only IVPs are to be estimated, yet ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag,
+				" < ",ntimes," = length(time(",sQuote("object"),")),",
+				" so unnecessary work is to be done.",
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
+	}
+	if (missing(cooling.factor))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if ((length(cooling.factor)!=1)||(cooling.factor < 0)||(cooling.factor>1))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be a number between 0 and 1",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(var.factor))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if ((length(var.factor)!=1)||(var.factor < 0))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be a positive number",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(Nmif))
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Nmif")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	Nmif <- as.integer(Nmif)
+	if (Nmif<0)
+		stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Nmif")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(option) && !missing(method) )
+	{	  option=method
+		warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("method")," flag is deprecated, use ",sQuote("option"))
+	}	
+	if (missing(option) && missing(method))
+	{
+		warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("option")," is missing and set to mif by default")
+		option="mif"
+	}	  
+	if (missing(cooling.scalar) && (option=="mif2"))
+	{   warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("cooling scalar")," is missing and set to 5% number of iteration.")
+		cooling.scalar=(1/20)*Nmif*ntimes
+	}
+	if (missing(cooling.scalar) && (option!="mif2"))
+	{   warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("cooling scalar")," is missing and set to -1 by default.")
+		cooling.scalar=-1
+	}
+	theta <- start
+	sigma <- rep(0,length(start))
+	names(sigma) <- start.names
+	rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
+	rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
+	sigma[rw.names] <- rw.sd
+	conv.rec <- matrix(
+			data=NA,
+			nrow=Nmif+1,
+			ncol=length(theta)+2,
+			dimnames=list(
+					seq(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
+					c('loglik','nfail',names(theta))
+			)
+	)
+	conv.rec[1,] <- c(NA,NA,theta)
+	if (!all(is.finite(theta[c(pars,ivps)]))) {
+		stop(
+				sQuote("mif"),
+				" error: cannot estimate non-finite parameters: ",
+				paste(
+						c(pars,ivps)[!is.finite(theta[c(pars,ivps)])],
+						collapse=","
+				),
+				call.=FALSE
+		)
+	}
+	obj <- as(object,"pomp")
+	if (Nmif>0)
+		tmp.mif <- new("mif",object,particles=particles,Np=Np) # only needed so that we can use the 'particles' method below
+	else
+		pfp <- obj
+	if (option != "mif2") {
+		for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
+			cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling(cooling.factor, .ndone + 
+									n), silent = FALSE)
+			if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
+				stop("mif error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
+			sigma.n <- sigma * cool.sched$alpha
+			P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
 							sd = sigma.n * var.factor), silent = FALSE)
 			if (inherits(P, "try-error")) 
@@ -305,168 +254,173 @@
 						call. = FALSE)
 			pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = P, 
 							tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
-										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2") || (n == 
+										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif") || (n == 
 											Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
-							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar, paramMatrix=TRUE, option=option,
+							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=-1, cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar, option=option, paramMatrix=FALSE,
 							verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
 			if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
 				stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
 						call. = FALSE)
+			switch(option, mif = {
+						v <- pfp$pred.var[pars, , drop = FALSE]
+						v1 <- cool.sched$gamma * (1 + var.factor^2) * 
+								sigma[pars]^2
+						theta.hat <- cbind(theta[pars], pfp$filter.mean[pars, 
+										, drop = FALSE])
+						theta[pars] <- theta[pars] + colSums(apply(theta.hat, 
+										1, diff)/t(v)) * v1
+					}, unweighted = {
+						theta.hat <- pfp$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE]
+						theta[pars] <- rowMeans(theta.hat)
+					}, fp = {
+						theta.hat <- pfp$filter.mean[pars, ntimes, drop = FALSE]
+						theta[pars] <- theta.hat
+					}, )
+			theta[ivps] <- pfp$filter.mean[ivps, ic.lag]
+			conv.rec[n + 1, -c(1, 2)] <- theta
+			conv.rec[n, c(1, 2)] <- c(pfp$loglik, pfp$nfail)
-		}	
-		else
-		{	
-			pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = paramMatrix, 
-							tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
-										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2geom") || (n == 
-											Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
-							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar, paramMatrix=TRUE, option=option,
-							verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
-			if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
-				stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
-						call. = FALSE)
+			if (verbose) 
+				cat("MIF iteration ", n, " of ", Nmif, " completed\n")
-		theta.hat <- rowMeans(pfp$paramMatrix[pars, , drop = FALSE])
-		theta[pars] <- theta.hat
-		theta[ivps] <- pfp$filter.mean[ivps, ic.lag]
-		conv.rec[n + 1, -c(1, 2)] <- theta
-		conv.rec[n, c(1, 2)] <- c(pfp$loglik, pfp$nfail)
-		if (verbose) 
-			cat("MIF iteration ", n, " of ", Nmif, " completed\n")
+	else {
-	for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
-		cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling2(cooling.scalar, 1 , .ndone + 
-								n, ntimes), silent = FALSE)
-		if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
-			stop("mif error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
-		sigma.n <- sigma * cool.sched$alpha
-		if (n==1)
-		{	P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
-							sd = sigma.n * var.factor), silent = FALSE)
+		for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) {
-			if (inherits(P, "try-error")) 
-				stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("particles"), 
-						call. = FALSE)
-			pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = P, 
-							tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
-										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2") || (n == 
-											Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
-							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar, paramMatrix=TRUE, option=option,
-							verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
-			if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
-				stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
-						call. = FALSE)
+			cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling2(cooling.scalar, 1 , .ndone + 
+									n, ntimes), silent = FALSE)
-		}	
-		else
-		{	
-			pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = paramMatrix, 
-							tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
-										Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2") || (n == 
-											Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
-							save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar, paramMatrix=TRUE, option=option,
-							verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
-			if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
-				stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
-						call. = FALSE)
+			if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
+				stop("mif error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
+			sigma.n <-sigma * cool.sched$alpha
+			if (n==1)
+			{	P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
+								sd = sigma.n * var.factor), silent = FALSE)
+				if (inherits(P, "try-error")) 
+					stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("particles"), 
+							call. = FALSE)
+				pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = P, 
+								tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
+											Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2") || (n == 
+												Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
+								save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar,option=option, paramMatrix=TRUE, 
+								verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
+				if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
+					stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
+							call. = FALSE)
+			}
+			else
+			{	
+				P <- try(particles(tmp.mif, Np = Np[1], center = theta, 
+								sd = sigma.n * var.factor), silent = FALSE)
+				if (inherits(P, "try-error")) 
+					stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("particles"), 
+							call. = FALSE)
+				# Replace sample of pars with the sample point from the last iteration
+				for ( i in 1:length(pars))
+					for (j in 1:Np)
+					{ 	P[pars[i],j]=paramMatrix[pars[i],j]
+					}
+				pfp <- try(pfilter.internal(object = obj, params = P, 
+								tol = tol, max.fail = max.fail, pred.mean = (n == 
+											Nmif), pred.var = ((option == "mif2") || (n == 
+												Nmif)), filter.mean = TRUE, save.states = FALSE, 
+								save.params = FALSE, .rw.sd = sigma.n[pars],cooling.m=n,   cooling.scalar=cooling.scalar,option=option, paramMatrix=TRUE, 
+								verbose = verbose, transform = transform), silent = FALSE)
+				if (inherits(pfp, "try-error")) 
+					stop("mif error: error in ", sQuote("pfilter"), 
+							call. = FALSE)
+			}
+			paramMatrix = pfp$paramMatrix
+			theta.hat <- rowMeans(pfp$paramMatrix[pars, , drop = FALSE])
+			theta[pars] <- theta.hat
+			theta[ivps] <- pfp$filter.mean[ivps, ic.lag]
+			conv.rec[n + 1, -c(1, 2)] <- theta
+			conv.rec[n, c(1, 2)] <- c(pfp$loglik, pfp$nfail)
+			if (verbose) 
+				cat("MIF iteration ", n, " of ", Nmif, " completed\n")
-		theta.hat <- rowMeans(pfp$paramMatrix[pars, , drop = FALSE])
-		theta[pars] <- theta.hat
-		theta[ivps] <- pfp$filter.mean[ivps, ic.lag]
-		conv.rec[n + 1, -c(1, 2)] <- theta
-		conv.rec[n, c(1, 2)] <- c(pfp$loglik, pfp$nfail)
-		if (verbose) 
-			cat("MIF iteration ", n, " of ", Nmif, " completed\n")
+	if (option =="mif2")
+	{
+		paramMatrix = pfp$paramMatrix
+	}	
+	## back transform the parameter estimate if necessary
+	if (transform)
+		theta <- partrans(pfp,theta,dir="forward")
-  if (option =="mif2"|| option=="mif2geom")
-  	paramMatrix = pfp$params
-  ## back transform the parameter estimate if necessary
-  if (transform)
-    theta <- partrans(pfp,theta,dir="forward")
-  new(
-      "mif",
-      pfp,
-      transform=transform,
-      params=theta,
-      ivps=ivps,
-      pars=pars,
-      Nmif=Nmif,
-      particles=particles,
-      var.factor=var.factor,
-      ic.lag=ic.lag,
-      cooling.factor=cooling.factor,
-      random.walk.sd=sigma[rw.names],
-      tol=tol,
-      conv.rec=conv.rec,
-	  option=option,
-	  cooling.scalar = cooling.scalar
-	  )
+	new(
+			"mif",
+			pfp,
+			transform=transform,
+			params=theta,
+			ivps=ivps,
+			pars=pars,
+			Nmif=Nmif,
+			particles=particles,
+			var.factor=var.factor,
+			ic.lag=ic.lag,
+			cooling.factor=cooling.factor,
+			random.walk.sd=sigma[rw.names],
+			tol=tol,
+			conv.rec=conv.rec,
+			option=option,
+			cooling.scalar = cooling.scalar
+	)
-          "mif",
-          signature=signature(object="pomp"),
-          function (object, Nmif = 1,
-                    start,
-                    pars, ivps = character(0),
-                    particles, rw.sd,
-					Np, ic.lag, var.factor, cooling.factor,
-                    weighted, option = c("mif","unweighted","fp","mif2", "mif2geom"),cooling.scalar,paramMatrix,
-                    tol = 1e-17, max.fail = 0,
-                    verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-                    transform = FALSE, ...) {
-            transform <- as.logical(transform)
-            if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-            if (missing(rw.sd))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(pars)) {
-              rw.names <- names(rw.sd)[rw.sd>0]
-              pars <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%ivps)]
-            }
-            if (missing(Np))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(ic.lag))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(var.factor))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(cooling.factor))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            option <- match.arg(option)
-			if (option=="mif2"||option=="mif2geom")
+		"mif",
+		signature=signature(object="pomp"),
+		function (object, Nmif = 1,
+				start,
+				pars, ivps = character(0),
+				particles, rw.sd,
+				Np, ic.lag, var.factor, cooling.factor,
+				weighted, option = c("mif","unweighted","fp","mif2"),cooling.scalar,paramMatrix,
+				tol = 1e-17, max.fail = 0,
+				verbose = getOption("verbose"),
+				transform = FALSE, ...) {
+			transform <- as.logical(transform)
+			if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
+			if (missing(rw.sd))
+				stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+			if (missing(pars)) {
+				rw.names <- names(rw.sd)[rw.sd>0]
+				pars <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%ivps)]
+			}
+			if (missing(Np))
+				stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+			if (missing(ic.lag))
+				stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+			if (missing(var.factor))
+				stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+			if (missing(cooling.factor))
+				stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+			option <- match.arg(option)
+			if (option=="mif2")
 				cooling.scalar <- as.numeric(cooling.scalar)
 			if (missing(paramMatrix))
@@ -482,342 +436,342 @@
 			if (!missing(weighted)) {
-              warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("weighted")," flag is deprecated, use ",sQuote("option"))
-              if (weighted) {
-                if (option!="mif") {
-                  warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: use of ",sQuote("weighted")," argument overrides choice of ",sQuote("option"))
-                }
-                option <- "mif"
-              } else {
-                if (option!="unweighted") {
-                  warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: use of ",sQuote("weighted")," argument overrides choice of ",sQuote("option"))
-                }
-                option <- "unweighted"
-              }
-            }
+				warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: ",sQuote("weighted")," flag is deprecated, use ",sQuote("option"))
+				if (weighted) {
+					if (option!="mif") {
+						warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: use of ",sQuote("weighted")," argument overrides choice of ",sQuote("option"))
+					}
+					option <- "mif"
+				} else {
+					if (option!="unweighted") {
+						warning(sQuote("mif")," warning: use of ",sQuote("weighted")," argument overrides choice of ",sQuote("option"))
+					}
+					option <- "unweighted"
+				}
+			}
+			if (missing(particles)) {         # use default: normal distribution
+				particles <- default.pomp.particles.fun
+			} else {
+				particles <- match.fun(particles)
+				if (!all(c('Np','center','sd','...')%in%names(formals(particles))))
+					stop(
+							"mif error: ",
+							sQuote("particles"),
+							" must be a function of prototype ",
+							sQuote("particles(Np,center,sd,...)"),
+							call.=FALSE
+					)
+			}
+			mif.internal(
+					object=object,
+					Nmif=Nmif,
+					start=start,
+					pars=pars,
+					ivps=ivps,
+					particles=particles,
+					rw.sd=rw.sd,
+					Np=Np,
+					cooling.factor=cooling.factor,
+					var.factor=var.factor,
+					ic.lag=ic.lag,
+					option=option,
+					cooling.scalar = cooling.scalar,
+					paramMatrix= paramMatrix,
+					tol=tol,
+					max.fail=max.fail,
+					verbose=verbose,
+					transform=transform,
+					.ndone=0
+			)
+		}
-            if (missing(particles)) {         # use default: normal distribution
-              particles <- default.pomp.particles.fun
-            } else {
-              particles <- match.fun(particles)
-              if (!all(c('Np','center','sd','...')%in%names(formals(particles))))
-                stop(
-                     "mif error: ",
-                     sQuote("particles"),
-                     " must be a function of prototype ",
-                     sQuote("particles(Np,center,sd,...)"),
-                     call.=FALSE
-                     )
-            }
-            mif.internal(
-                         object=object,
-                         Nmif=Nmif,
-                         start=start,
-                         pars=pars,
-                         ivps=ivps,
-                         particles=particles,
-                         rw.sd=rw.sd,
-                         Np=Np,
-                         cooling.factor=cooling.factor,
-                         var.factor=var.factor,
-                         ic.lag=ic.lag,
-                         option=option,
-						 cooling.scalar = cooling.scalar,
-						 paramMatrix= paramMatrix,
-                         tol=tol,
-                         max.fail=max.fail,
-                         verbose=verbose,
-                         transform=transform,
-                         .ndone=0
-                         )
-          }
-          )
-          "mif",
-          signature=signature(object="pfilterd.pomp"),
-          function (object, Nmif = 1,
-                    start,
-                    pars, ivps = character(0),
-                    particles, rw.sd,
-                    Np, ic.lag, var.factor, cooling.factor,
-                    weighted, option = c("mif","unweighted","fp","mif2","mif2geom"),cooling.scalar, paramMatrix,
-                    tol = 1e-17, max.fail = 0,
-                    verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-                    transform = FALSE, ...) {
-            transform <- as.logical(transform)
-            if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-            if (missing(rw.sd))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(pars)) {
-              rw.names <- names(rw.sd)[rw.sd>0]
-              pars <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%ivps)]
-            }
-            if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-            if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-            if (missing(ic.lag))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(var.factor))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("var.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(cooling.factor))

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 759

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