[Pomp-commits] r558 - in pkg: . R inst man tests

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Mon Sep 5 17:37:23 CEST 2011

Author: kingaa
Date: 2011-09-05 17:37:23 +0200 (Mon, 05 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 558


- 'mif' is modified to allow estimation of IVPs only
- update the 'mif' help page to document this
- add codes to test this in 'tests/ou2-icfit'
- remove the 'sir-icfit' test codes for the moment

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes
 Version: 0.39-3
-Date: 2011-09-03
+Date: 2011-09-05
 Author: Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides, Carles Breto, Steve Ellner, Bruce Kendall, Helen Wearing, Matthew J. Ferrari, Michael Lavine, Daniel C. Reuman
 Maintainer: Aaron A. King <kingaa at umich.edu>
 URL: http://pomp.r-forge.r-project.org

Modified: pkg/R/mif.R
--- pkg/R/mif.R	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/R/mif.R	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -65,9 +65,6 @@
   if (missing(pars))
     stop("mif error: ",sQuote("pars")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if (length(pars)==0)
-    stop("mif error: at least one ordinary (non-IVP) parameter must be estimated",call.=FALSE)
   if (missing(ivps))
     stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ivps")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
@@ -134,6 +131,23 @@
   ic.lag <- as.integer(ic.lag)
   if ((length(ic.lag)!=1)||(ic.lag < 1))
     stop("mif error: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
+  if (ic.lag>ntimes) {
+    warning(
+            "mif warning: ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag," > ",ntimes,
+            " = length(time(",sQuote("object"),"))",
+            " is nonsensical.  Setting ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ntimes,".",
+            call.=FALSE
+            )
+    ic.lag <- length(time(object))
+  }
+  if ((length(pars)==0)&&(ic.lag<length(time(object)))) {
+    warning(
+            "mif warning: only IVPs are to be estimated, yet ",sQuote("ic.lag")," = ",ic.lag,
+            " < ",ntimes," = length(time(",sQuote("object"),")),",
+            " so unnecessary work is to be done.",
+            call.=FALSE
+            )
+  }
   if (missing(cooling.factor))
     stop("mif error: ",sQuote("cooling.factor")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)

Modified: pkg/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/inst/NEWS	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/inst/NEWS	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
      o	Inside 'init.state', a check has been added to make sure that the user's initializer function returns a vector of uniform size, as per the algorithms' assumptions.
      	Thanks to Micaela Martinez-Bakker for catching this.
+     o	'mif' has been modified so as to allow estimation of initial-value parameters alone via fixed-lag smoothing.
      o	When 'po' is a 'pomp'-class object with covariates, 'as.data.frame(po)' and 'as(po,"data.frame")' now contain columns for the covariates. 
      	The latter are interpolated, if necessary, at the observation times.

Modified: pkg/man/mif.Rd
--- pkg/man/mif.Rd	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/man/mif.Rd	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -53,8 +53,9 @@
     Leaving \code{pars} unspecified is equivalent to setting it equal to the names of all parameters with a positive value of \code{rw.sd} that are not \code{ivps}.
-    optional character vector naming the initial-value parameters to be estimated.
+    optional character vector naming the initial-value parameters (IVPs) to be estimated.
     Every parameter named in \code{ivps} must have a positive random-walk standard deviation specified in \code{rw.sd}.
+    If \code{pars} is empty, i.e., only IVPs are to be estimated, see below \dQuote{"Using MIF to estimate initial-value parameters only"}.
     Function of prototype \code{particles(Np,center,sd,...)} which sets up the starting particle matrix by drawing a sample of size \code{Np} from the starting particle distribution centered at \code{center} and of width \code{sd}.
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
     the number of particles to use in filtering.
     This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
-    Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timesteps, one may specify \code{Np} either as a vector of positive integers (of length \code{length(time(object,t0=TRUE))}) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
+    Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timestep, one may specify \code{Np} either as a vector of positive integers (of length \code{length(time(object,t0=TRUE))}) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
     In the latter case, \code{Np(k)} must be a single positive integer, representing the number of particles to be used at the \code{k}-th timestep:
     \code{Np(0)} is the number of particles to use going from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
     \code{Np(1)}, from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
@@ -85,6 +86,8 @@
     a positive integer;
     the timepoint for fixed-lag smoothing of initial-value parameters.
     The \code{mif} update for initial-value parameters consists of replacing them by their filtering mean at time \code{times[ic.lag]}, where \code{times=time(object)}.
+    It makes no sense to set \code{ic.lag>length(times)};
+    if it is so set, \code{ic.lag} is set to \code{length(times)} with a warning.
     a positive number;
@@ -130,11 +133,18 @@
   If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
 \section{Continuing MIF Iterations}{
-  One can continue a series of MIF iterations from where one left off using the \code{continue} method.
+  One can resume a series of MIF iterations from where one left off using the \code{continue} method.
   A call to \code{mif} to perform \code{Nmif=m} iterations followed by a call to \code{continue} to perform \code{Nmif=n} iterations will produce precisely the same effect as a single call to \code{mif} to perform \code{Nmif=m+n} iterations.
   By default, all the algorithmic parameters are the same as used in the original call to \code{mif}.
   Additional arguments will override the defaults.
+\section{Using MIF to estimate initial-value parameters only}{
+  One can use MIF's fixed-lag smoothing to estimate only initial value parameters (IVPs).
+  In this case, \code{pars} is left empty and the IVPs to be estimated are named in \code{ivps}.
+  If \code{theta} is the current parameter vector, then at each MIF iteration, \code{Np} particles are drawn from a distribution centered at \code{theta} and with width proportional to \code{var.factor*rw.sd}, a particle filtering operation is performed, and \code{theta} is replaced by the filtering mean at \code{time(object)[ic.lag]}.
+  Note the implication that, when \code{mif} is used in this way on a time series any longer than \code{ic.lag}, unnecessary work is done.
+  If the time series in \code{object} is longer than \code{ic.lag}, consider replacing \code{object} with \code{window(object,end=ic.lag)}. 
 % \section{Likelihood profiles using MIF}{
 %   The function \code{mif.profile.design} sets up a MIF likelihood-profile calculation.
 %   It returns a list of lists, each one of which contains a \code{mif} object.

Added: pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.R
--- pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.R	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ics <- c("x1.0","x2.0")    # names of the initial condition parameters
+p <- coef(ou2)
+p[ics] <- c(4,-4)
+fit <- mif(
+           ou2,
+           start=p,
+           Nmif=2,
+           ic.lag=1000,
+           var.factor=4,
+           ivps=ics,
+           rw.sd=c(
+             x1.0=1,x2.0=1
+             ),
+           Np=1000,
+           cooling.factor=1,
+           max.fail=10
+           )
+fit <- mif(
+           ou2,
+           start=p,
+           Nmif=2,
+           ic.lag=10,
+           var.factor=4,
+           ivps=ics,
+           rw.sd=c(
+             x1.0=1,x2.0=1
+             ),
+           Np=1000,
+           cooling.factor=1,
+           max.fail=10
+           )
+fit <- mif(
+           window(ou2,end=10),
+           start=p,
+           Nmif=500,
+           ic.lag=10,
+           var.factor=4,
+           ivps=ics,
+           rw.sd=c(
+             x1.0=1,x2.0=1
+             ),
+           Np=1000,
+           cooling.factor=1,
+           max.fail=10
+           )

Added: pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.Rout.save
--- pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.Rout.save	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/tests/ou2-icfit.Rout.save	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+R version 2.13.1 (2011-07-08)
+Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+ISBN 3-900051-07-0
+Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> library(pomp)
+Loading required package: mvtnorm
+Loading required package: subplex
+Loading required package: deSolve
+> set.seed(921625222L)
+> data(ou2)
+> ics <- c("x1.0","x2.0")    # names of the initial condition parameters
+> p <- coef(ou2)
+> p[ics] <- c(0,0)
+> fit <- mif(
++            ou2,
++            start=p,
++            Nmif=2,
++            ic.lag=1000,
++            var.factor=4,
++            ivps=ics,
++            rw.sd=c(
++              x1.0=1,x2.0=1
++              ),
++            Np=1000,
++            cooling.factor=1,
++            max.fail=10
++            )
+Warning message:
+mif warning: 'ic.lag' = 1000 > 100 = length(time('object')) is nonsensical.  Setting 'ic.lag' = 100. 
+> fit <- mif(
++            ou2,
++            start=p,
++            Nmif=2,
++            ic.lag=10,
++            var.factor=4,
++            ivps=ics,
++            rw.sd=c(
++              x1.0=1,x2.0=1
++              ),
++            Np=1000,
++            cooling.factor=1,
++            max.fail=10
++            )
+Warning message:
+mif warning: only IVPs are to be estimated, yet 'ic.lag' = 10 < 100 = length(time('object')), so unnecessary work is to be done. 
+> fit <- mif(
++            window(ou2,end=10),
++            start=p,
++            Nmif=300,
++            ic.lag=10,
++            var.factor=4,
++            ivps=ics,
++            rw.sd=c(
++              x1.0=1,x2.0=1
++              ),
++            Np=1000,
++            cooling.factor=0.99,
++            max.fail=10
++            )
+> print(logLik(pfilter(ou2,Np=2000)),digits=4)
+[1] -479.4
+> print(logLik(pfilter(ou2,params=p,Np=2000)),digits=4)
+[1] -481.3
+> print(logLik(pfilter(ou2,params=coef(fit),Np=2000)),digits=4)
+[1] -480.3
+> print(coef(fit,ics))
+     x1.0      x2.0 
+-2.991659  2.880117 
+> print(p-coef(ou2))
+alpha.1 alpha.2 alpha.3 alpha.4 sigma.1 sigma.2 sigma.3     tau    x1.0    x2.0 
+      0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       3      -4 
+> print(coef(fit)-p)
+  alpha.1   alpha.2   alpha.3   alpha.4   sigma.1   sigma.2   sigma.3       tau 
+ 0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000 
+     x1.0      x2.0 
+-2.991659  2.880117 
+> print(coef(fit)-coef(ou2))
+     alpha.1      alpha.2      alpha.3      alpha.4      sigma.1      sigma.2 
+ 0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000  0.000000000 
+     sigma.3          tau         x1.0         x2.0 
+ 0.000000000  0.000000000  0.008340701 -1.119883047 

Deleted: pkg/tests/sir-icfit.R
--- pkg/tests/sir-icfit.R	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/tests/sir-icfit.R	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-po <- window(euler.sir,end=0.2)
-guess <- coef(po)
-ics <- c("S.0","I.0","R.0") 
-guess[ics[-3]] <- guess[ics[-3]]+c(0.2,-0.2)
-plist <- list(
-              probe.marginal("reports",ref=obs(po),order=3,diff=1,transform=sqrt),
-              probe.acf("reports",lags=c(0,1,2,3,4,5),transform=sqrt),
-              median=probe.median("reports")
-              )
-summary(pm.true <- probe(po,probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=1066L))
-summary(pm.guess <- probe(po,params=guess,probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=1066L))
-pm.fit <- probe.match(
-                      po,
-                      start=guess,
-                      probes=plist,
-                      est=ics[-1],
-                      method="Nelder-Mead",
-                      trace=3,
-                      reltol=1e-5,
-                      parscale=c(0.1,0.1),
-                      nsim=100,
-                      seed=1066L
-                     )
-comp.table <- cbind(true=exp(coef(po,ics)),guess=exp(guess[ics]),fit=exp(coef(pm.fit,ics)))
-comp.table <- apply(comp.table,2,function(x)x/sum(x))
-comp.table <- rbind(
-                    comp.table,
-                    synth.loglik=c(
-                      summary(pm.true)$synth.loglik,
-                      summary(pm.guess)$synth.loglik,
-                      summary(pm.fit)$synth.loglik
-                      )
-                    )
-x <- sapply(
-            list(true=pm.true,guess=pm.guess,fit=pm.fit),
-            function (x) trajectory(x,times=time(x),t0=timezero(x))["cases",1,]
-            )
-summary(tm.true <- traj.match(po,eval.only=TRUE))
-summary(tm.guess <- traj.match(po,start=guess,eval.only=TRUE))
-tm.fit <- traj.match(
-                     po,
-                     start=guess,
-                     est=ics[-1],
-                     method="sannbox",
-                     maxit=300,
-                     trace=2,
-                     parscale=c(0.1,0.1)
-                     )
-tm.fit <- traj.match(
-                     tm.fit,
-                     est=ics[-1],
-                     method="Nelder-Mead",
-                     trace=3,
-                     reltol=1e-8,
-                     parscale=c(0.1,0.1)
-                     )
-comp.table <- cbind(true=exp(coef(po,ics)),guess=exp(guess[ics]),fit=exp(coef(tm.fit,ics)))
-comp.table <- apply(comp.table,2,function(x)x/sum(x))
-comp.table <- rbind(
-                    comp.table,
-                    loglik=sapply(list(tm.true,tm.guess,tm.fit),logLik)
-                    )
-x <- sapply(
-            list(true=tm.true,guess=tm.guess,fit=tm.fit),
-            function (x) trajectory(x,times=time(x),t0=timezero(x))["cases",1,]
-            )
-### now try an initial condition fitting approach based on particle filtering
-est <- ics[-1]
-np <- 10000                              # number of particles to use
-pp <- array(coef(po),dim=c(length(coef(po)),np),dimnames=list(names(coef(po)),NULL))
-## generate an array of guesses
-guesses <- sobolDesign(lower=guess[est]-0.5,upper=guess[est]+0.5,nseq=np)
-nd <- length(time(po))
-## fit the initial conditions using repeated filtering on the initial window of the data
-for (j in seq_len(3)) {
-  for (k in est) {
-    pp[k,] <- guesses[[k]]
-  }
-  for (k in seq_len(5)) {
-    pf <- pfilter(po,params=pp,save.params=TRUE)
-    pp <- pf at saved.params[[nd]]
-  }
-  guesses <- sobolDesign(
-                         lower=apply(pp[est,],1,min),
-                         upper=apply(pp[est,],1,max),
-                         nseq=np
-                         )
-pf.fit <- po
-coef(pf.fit,ics) <- log(apply(apply(exp(pp[ics,]),2,function(x)x/sum(x)),1,mean))
-pf.true <- pfilter(po,Np=2000)
-pf.guess <- pfilter(po,params=guess,Np=2000,max.fail=100)
-pf.fit <- pfilter(pf.fit,Np=2000)
-comp.table <- cbind(true=exp(coef(po,ics)),guess=exp(guess[ics]),fit=exp(coef(pf.fit,ics)))
-comp.table <- apply(comp.table,2,function(x)x/sum(x))
-comp.table <- rbind(
-                    comp.table,
-                    loglik=sapply(list(pf.true,pf.guess,pf.fit),logLik)
-                    )
-x <- sapply(
-            list(true=pf.true,guess=pf.guess,fit=pf.fit),
-            function (x) trajectory(x,times=time(x),t0=timezero(x))["cases",1,]
-            )

Deleted: pkg/tests/sir-icfit.Rout.save
--- pkg/tests/sir-icfit.Rout.save	2011-09-03 13:54:05 UTC (rev 557)
+++ pkg/tests/sir-icfit.Rout.save	2011-09-05 15:37:23 UTC (rev 558)
@@ -1,716 +0,0 @@
-R Under development (unstable) (2011-07-13 r56369)
-Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-ISBN 3-900051-07-0
-Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> library(pomp)
-Loading required package: mvtnorm
-Loading required package: subplex
-Loading required package: deSolve
-> set.seed(343435488L)
-> pdf(file="sir-icfit.pdf")
-> data(euler.sir)
-> po <- window(euler.sir,end=0.2)
-> guess <- coef(po)
-> ics <- c("S.0","I.0","R.0") 
-> guess[ics[-3]] <- guess[ics[-3]]+c(0.2,-0.2)
-> plist <- list(
-+               probe.marginal("reports",ref=obs(po),order=3,diff=1,transform=sqrt),
-+               probe.acf("reports",lags=c(0,1,2,3,4,5),transform=sqrt),
-+               median=probe.median("reports")
-+               )
-> summary(pm.true <- probe(po,probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=1066L))
-        gamma            mu          iota        nbasis        degree 
- 3.258097e+00 -3.912023e+00 -4.605170e+00  3.000000e+00  3.000000e+00 
-       period         beta1         beta2         beta3       beta.sd 
- 1.000000e+00  7.090077e+00  7.495542e+00  6.396930e+00 -6.907755e+00 
-          pop           rho           S.0           I.0           R.0 
- 2.100000e+06 -5.108256e-01 -3.831980e+00 -6.907755e+00 -2.292750e-02 
-[1] 100
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-         0.96          0.39          0.06          0.45          0.47 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-         0.31          0.20          0.89          0.79          0.59 
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-    0.0990099     0.7920792     0.1386139     0.9108911     0.9504950 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-    0.6336634     0.4158416     0.2376238     0.4356436     0.8118812 
-[1] -3.327182
-> summary(pm.guess <- probe(po,params=guess,probes=plist,nsim=100,seed=1066L))
-        gamma            mu          iota        nbasis        degree 
- 3.258097e+00 -3.912023e+00 -4.605170e+00  3.000000e+00  3.000000e+00 
-       period         beta1         beta2         beta3       beta.sd 
- 1.000000e+00  7.090077e+00  7.495542e+00  6.396930e+00 -6.907755e+00 
-          pop           rho           S.0           I.0           R.0 
- 2.100000e+06 -5.108256e-01 -3.631980e+00 -7.107755e+00 -2.292750e-02 
-[1] 100
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-         0.91          0.28          0.07          0.00          0.00 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-         0.00          0.00          1.00          1.00          0.00 
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-   0.19801980    0.57425743    0.15841584    0.01980198    0.01980198 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-   0.01980198    0.01980198    0.01980198    0.01980198    0.01980198 
-[1] -63.04768
-> pm.fit <- probe.match(
-+                       po,
-+                       start=guess,
-+                       probes=plist,
-+                       est=ics[-1],
-+                       method="Nelder-Mead",
-+                       trace=3,
-+                       reltol=1e-5,
-+                       parscale=c(0.1,0.1),
-+                       nsim=100,
-+                       seed=1066L
-+                      )
-  Nelder-Mead direct search function minimizer
-function value for initial parameters = 63.047679
-  Scaled convergence tolerance is 0.000630477
-Stepsize computed as 7.107755
-BUILD              3 4929.990658 63.047679
-HI-REDUCTION       5 601.469297 63.047679
-HI-REDUCTION       7 496.928487 10.499482
-HI-REDUCTION       9 71.488070 10.499482
-HI-REDUCTION      11 63.047679 10.499482
-LO-REDUCTION      13 42.035345 3.573073
-HI-REDUCTION      15 14.564709 3.573073
-HI-REDUCTION      17 10.499482 3.573073
-HI-REDUCTION      19 7.478882 3.573073
-REFLECTION        21 5.096958 2.628314
-HI-REDUCTION      23 3.573073 2.628314
-SHRINK            27 3.617480 2.109975
-LO-REDUCTION      29 2.628314 2.109975
-HI-REDUCTION      31 2.482146 2.109975
-HI-REDUCTION      33 2.203390 1.540292
-SHRINK            37 3.121442 1.540292
-LO-REDUCTION      39 2.324264 1.540292
-SHRINK            43 2.420458 1.540292
-SHRINK            47 4.610749 1.540292
-LO-REDUCTION      49 2.444944 1.540292
-LO-REDUCTION      51 2.439068 1.540292
-HI-REDUCTION      53 2.012399 1.540292
-SHRINK            57 3.233547 1.540292
-LO-REDUCTION      59 1.972827 1.540292
-SHRINK            63 3.404917 1.540292
-LO-REDUCTION      65 2.424849 1.540292
-SHRINK            69 2.424849 1.540292
-HI-REDUCTION      71 2.393003 1.540292
-SHRINK            75 2.393003 1.540292
-SHRINK            79 3.279083 1.540292
-Exiting from Nelder Mead minimizer
-    81 function evaluations used
-> summary(pm.fit)
-        gamma            mu          iota        nbasis        degree 
- 3.258097e+00 -3.912023e+00 -4.605170e+00  3.000000e+00  3.000000e+00 
-       period         beta1         beta2         beta3       beta.sd 
- 1.000000e+00  7.090077e+00  7.495542e+00  6.396930e+00 -6.907755e+00 
-          pop           rho           S.0           I.0           R.0 
- 2.100000e+06 -5.108256e-01 -3.631980e+00 -6.691678e+00  1.777793e-01 
-[1] 100
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-         0.89          0.42          0.09          0.52          0.46 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-         0.35          0.23          0.91          0.75          0.43 
-       marg.1        marg.2        marg.3 acf.0.reports acf.1.reports 
-    0.2376238     0.8514851     0.1980198     0.9702970     0.9306931 
-acf.2.reports acf.3.reports acf.4.reports acf.5.reports        median 
-    0.7128713     0.4752475     0.1980198     0.5148515     0.8712871 
-[1] -1.540292
-[1] "I.0" "R.0"
-[1] 1
-[1] 1.540292
-[1] 81 NA
-[1] 0
-> comp.table <- cbind(true=exp(coef(po,ics)),guess=exp(guess[ics]),fit=exp(coef(pm.fit,ics)))
-> comp.table <- apply(comp.table,2,function(x)x/sum(x))
-> comp.table <- rbind(
-+                     comp.table,
-+                     synth.loglik=c(
-+                       summary(pm.true)$synth.loglik,
-+                       summary(pm.guess)$synth.loglik,
-+                       summary(pm.fit)$synth.loglik
-+                       )
-+                     )
-> comp.table
-                    true         guess          fit
-S.0           0.02166667   0.026342137  0.021651353
-I.0           0.00100000   0.000814969  0.001015489
-R.0           0.97733333   0.972842894  0.977333157
-synth.loglik -3.32718185 -63.047679163 -1.540292335
-> x <- sapply(
-+             list(true=pm.true,guess=pm.guess,fit=pm.fit),
-+             function (x) trajectory(x,times=time(x),t0=timezero(x))["cases",1,]
-+             )
-> plot(range(time(po)),range(c(states(po,"cases"),x)),bty='l',xlab="time",ylab="cases",type='n')
-> points(time(po),states(po,"cases"))
-> matlines(time(po),x,lty=1,col=c("red","blue","green"))
-> legend("topright",lty=c(NA,1,1,1),pch=c(1,NA,NA,NA),bty='n',col=c("black","red","blue","green"),legend=c("actual",colnames(x)))
-> summary(tm.true <- traj.match(po,eval.only=TRUE))
-        gamma            mu          iota        nbasis        degree 
- 3.258097e+00 -3.912023e+00 -4.605170e+00  3.000000e+00  3.000000e+00 
-       period         beta1         beta2         beta3       beta.sd 
- 1.000000e+00  7.090077e+00  7.495542e+00  6.396930e+00 -6.907755e+00 
-          pop           rho           S.0           I.0           R.0 
- 2.100000e+06 -5.108256e-01 -3.831980e+00 -6.907755e+00 -2.292750e-02 
-[1] -49.09745
-[1] 1 0
-[1] NA
-[1] "no optimization performed"
-> summary(tm.guess <- traj.match(po,start=guess,eval.only=TRUE))
-        gamma            mu          iota        nbasis        degree 
- 3.258097e+00 -3.912023e+00 -4.605170e+00  3.000000e+00  3.000000e+00 
-       period         beta1         beta2         beta3       beta.sd 
- 1.000000e+00  7.090077e+00  7.495542e+00  6.396930e+00 -6.907755e+00 
-          pop           rho           S.0           I.0           R.0 
- 2.100000e+06 -5.108256e-01 -3.631980e+00 -7.107755e+00 -2.292750e-02 
-[1] -1768.807
-[1] 1 0
-[1] NA
-[1] "no optimization performed"
-> tm.fit <- traj.match(
-+                      po,
-+                      start=guess,
-+                      est=ics[-1],
-+                      method="sannbox",
-+                      maxit=300,
-+                      trace=2,
-+                      parscale=c(0.1,0.1)
-+                      )
-initial evaluation:  1768.807 
-iter  1  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  2  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  3  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  4  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  5  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  6  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  7  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  8  val= 1768.807 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  9  val= 1687.885 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  10  val= 1687.885 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  11  val= 1548.83 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  12  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  13  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  14  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  15  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  16  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  17  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  18  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  19  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  20  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  21  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  22  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  23  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  24  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  25  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  26  val= 1548.83 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  27  val= 1389.144 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  28  val= 1389.144 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  29  val= 1375.29 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  30  val= 976.1314 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  31  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  32  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  33  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  34  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  35  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  36  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  37  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  38  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  39  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  40  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  41  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  42  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  43  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  44  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  45  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  46  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  47  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  48  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  49  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  50  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  51  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  52  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  53  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  54  val= 976.1314 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  55  val= 518.0907 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  56  val= 331.9071 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  57  val= 331.9071 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  58  val= 263.2471 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  59  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  60  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  61  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  62  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  63  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  64  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  65  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  66  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  67  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  68  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  69  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  70  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  71  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  72  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  73  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  74  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  75  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  76  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  77  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  78  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  79  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  80  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  81  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  82  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  83  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  84  val= 263.2471 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  85  val= 248.6137 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  86  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  87  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  88  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  89  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  90  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  91  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  92  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  93  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  94  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  95  val= 248.6137 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  96  val= 240.8026 , accept= TRUE 
-iter  97  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  98  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  99  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  100  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  101  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  102  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  103  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  104  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  105  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  106  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  107  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  108  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  109  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  110  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  111  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  112  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  113  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  114  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  115  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  116  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  117  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  118  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  119  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  120  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  121  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  122  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  123  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  124  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  125  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  126  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  127  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  128  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  129  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  130  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  131  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  132  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  133  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  134  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  135  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  136  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 
-iter  137  val= 240.8026 , accept= FALSE 

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 558

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