[Pomp-commits] r356 - pkg/R

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Mon Oct 4 17:43:05 CEST 2010

Author: kingaa
Date: 2010-10-04 17:43:05 +0200 (Mon, 04 Oct 2010)
New Revision: 356


- 'simulate.internal' is now the named function for the guts of 'simulate'

Modified: pkg/R/simulate-pomp.R
--- pkg/R/simulate-pomp.R	2010-10-01 14:05:21 UTC (rev 355)
+++ pkg/R/simulate-pomp.R	2010-10-04 15:43:05 UTC (rev 356)
@@ -1,80 +1,78 @@
 ## simulate a partially-observed Markov process
-          "simulate",
-          "pomp",
-          function (object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, params,
-                    states = FALSE, obs = FALSE,
-                    times = time(object,t0=TRUE), ...) {
-            ntimes <- length(times)
-            times <- as.numeric(times)
-            if (ntimes<1)
-              stop("if length of ",sQuote("times")," is less than 1, there is no work to do",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(params)) {
-              if (length(object at params)>0)
-                params <- object at params
-              else
-                stop("no ",sQuote("params")," specified",call.=FALSE)
-            }
-            if (is.null(dim(params)))
-              params <- matrix(params,ncol=1,dimnames=list(names(params),NULL))
-            npars <- ncol(params)
-            if (!is.null(seed)) { # set the random seed (be very careful about this)
-              if (!exists('.Random.seed',envir=.GlobalEnv)) runif(1)
-              save.seed <- get('.Random.seed',envir=.GlobalEnv)
-              set.seed(seed)
-            }
-            if (!is.numeric(nsim)||(length(nsim)>1)||nsim<1)
-              stop(sQuote("nsim")," must be a positive integer")
-            nsim <- as.integer(nsim)
-            xstart <- init.state(object,params=params,t0=times[1])
-            nreps <- npars*nsim                   # total number of replicates
-            ## we will do the process model simulations with single calls to the user functions
-            if (nsim > 1) {    # make nsim copies of the IC and parameter matrices
-              xstart <- array(rep(xstart,nsim),dim=c(nrow(xstart),nreps),dimnames=list(rownames(xstart),NULL))
-              params <- array(rep(params,nsim),dim=c(nrow(params),nreps),dimnames=list(rownames(params),NULL))
-            }
-            x <- rprocess(object,xstart=xstart,times=times,params=params) # simulate the process model
-            ## rprocess returns a rank-3 matrix (nvars x nreps x ntimes)  
-            if (obs || !states) { # we need only simulate the observation process if obs=T or states=F
-              y <- rmeasure(object,x=x,times=times,params=params)
-              ## rmeasure returns a rank-3 matrix (nobs x nreps x ntimes)
-            }
-            if (!is.null(seed)) {                 # restore the RNG state
-              assign('.Random.seed',save.seed,envir=.GlobalEnv)
-            }
-            if (!obs && !states) { # both obs=F and states=F, return a list of pomp objects
-              nm.y <- rownames(y)
-              nobs <- nrow(y)
-              retval <- lapply(
-                               seq(length=nreps),
-                               function (rep) {
-                                 po <- as(object,'pomp') # copy the pomp object
-                                 po at t0 <- times[1]
-                                 po at times <- times[-1]
-                                 po at data <- array(0,dim=c(nobs,ntimes-1),dimnames=list(nm.y,NULL))
-                                 po at data[,] <- y[,rep,-1] # replace the data
-                                 po at params <- params[,rep] # store the parameters
-                                 po at states <- array(dim=dim(x)[c(1,3)],dimnames=list(rownames(x),NULL))
-                                 po at states[,] <- x[,rep,] # store the states
-                                 po
-                               }
-                               )
-              if (nreps==1) {
-                retval <- retval[[1]]
-              }
-            } else {
-              if (!obs && states) {               # return states only
-                retval <- x
-              } else if (obs && !states) {        # return only observations
-                retval <- y
-              } else {                     # return both states and observations
-                retval <- list(
-                               states = x,
-                               obs = y
-                               )
-              }
-            }
-            retval
-          }
-          )
+simulate.internal <- function (object, nsim = 1, seed = NULL, params,
+                               states = FALSE, obs = FALSE,
+                               times = time(object,t0=TRUE), ...) {
+  ntimes <- length(times)
+  times <- as.numeric(times)
+  if (ntimes<1)
+    stop("if length of ",sQuote("times")," is less than 1, there is no work to do",call.=FALSE)
+  if (missing(params)) {
+    if (length(object at params)>0)
+      params <- object at params
+    else
+      stop("no ",sQuote("params")," specified",call.=FALSE)
+  }
+  if (is.null(dim(params)))
+    params <- matrix(params,ncol=1,dimnames=list(names(params),NULL))
+  npars <- ncol(params)
+  if (!is.null(seed)) { # set the random seed (be very careful about this)
+    if (!exists('.Random.seed',envir=.GlobalEnv)) runif(1)
+    save.seed <- get('.Random.seed',envir=.GlobalEnv)
+    set.seed(seed)
+  }
+  if (!is.numeric(nsim)||(length(nsim)>1)||nsim<1)
+    stop(sQuote("nsim")," must be a positive integer")
+  nsim <- as.integer(nsim)
+  xstart <- init.state(object,params=params,t0=times[1])
+  nreps <- npars*nsim                   # total number of replicates
+  ## we will do the process model simulations with single calls to the user functions
+  if (nsim > 1) {    # make nsim copies of the IC and parameter matrices
+    xstart <- array(rep(xstart,nsim),dim=c(nrow(xstart),nreps),dimnames=list(rownames(xstart),NULL))
+    params <- array(rep(params,nsim),dim=c(nrow(params),nreps),dimnames=list(rownames(params),NULL))
+  }
+  x <- rprocess(object,xstart=xstart,times=times,params=params) # simulate the process model
+  ## rprocess returns a rank-3 matrix (nvars x nreps x ntimes)  
+  if (obs || !states) { # we need only simulate the observation process if obs=T or states=F
+    y <- rmeasure(object,x=x,times=times,params=params)
+    ## rmeasure returns a rank-3 matrix (nobs x nreps x ntimes)
+  }
+  if (!is.null(seed)) {                 # restore the RNG state
+    assign('.Random.seed',save.seed,envir=.GlobalEnv)
+  }
+  if (!obs && !states) { # both obs=F and states=F, return a list of pomp objects
+    nm.y <- rownames(y)
+    nobs <- nrow(y)
+    retval <- lapply(
+                     seq(length=nreps),
+                     function (rep) {
+                       po <- as(object,'pomp') # copy the pomp object
+                       po at t0 <- times[1]
+                       po at times <- times[-1]
+                       po at data <- array(0,dim=c(nobs,ntimes-1),dimnames=list(nm.y,NULL))
+                       po at data[,] <- y[,rep,-1] # replace the data
+                       po at params <- params[,rep] # store the parameters
+                       po at states <- array(dim=dim(x)[c(1,3)],dimnames=list(rownames(x),NULL))
+                       po at states[,] <- x[,rep,] # store the states
+                       po
+                     }
+                     )
+    if (nreps==1) {
+      retval <- retval[[1]]
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (!obs && states) {               # return states only
+      retval <- x
+    } else if (obs && !states) {        # return only observations
+      retval <- y
+    } else {                     # return both states and observations
+      retval <- list(
+                     states = x,
+                     obs = y
+                     )
+    }
+  }
+  retval

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