[Pomp-commits] r204 - in pkg: R data man src tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Mar 13 19:35:40 CET 2010

Author: kingaa
Date: 2010-03-13 19:35:40 +0100 (Sat, 13 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 204

- move default initializer to pomp namespace
- go back to binary format data-loadable examples to avoid the ugly problem of tag-along environments
- speed up for degenerate cases in reulermultinom
- put euler-density function for SIR model into source (though it is not used at present)

Modified: pkg/R/pomp.R
--- pkg/R/pomp.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/R/pomp.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
 ## constructor of the pomp class
+default.initializer <- function (params, t0, ...) {
+  ivpnames <- grep("\\.0$",names(params),val=TRUE)
+  if (length(ivpnames)<1)
+    stop("default initializer error: no parameter names ending in ",sQuote(".0")," found: see ",sQuote("pomp")," documentation")
+  x <- params[ivpnames]
+  names(x) <- sub("\\.0$","",ivpnames)
+  x
 pomp <- function (data, times, t0, ..., rprocess, dprocess,
                   rmeasure, dmeasure, measurement.model,
                   skeleton.map, skeleton.vectorfield, initializer, covar, tcovar,
@@ -114,14 +123,7 @@
   if (missing(initializer)) {
-    initializer <- function (params, t0, ...) {
-      ivpnames <- grep("\\.0$",names(params),val=TRUE)
-      if (length(ivpnames)<1)
-        stop("default initializer error: no parameter names ending in ",sQuote(".0")," found: see ",sQuote("pomp")," documentation")
-      x <- params[ivpnames]
-      names(x) <- sub("\\.0$","",ivpnames)
-      x
-    }
+    initializer <- default.initializer
   if (missing(PACKAGE)) PACKAGE <- character(0)

Deleted: pkg/data/euler.sir.R
--- pkg/data/euler.sir.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/data/euler.sir.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-      {
-        po <- pomp(
-                   times=seq(1/52,4,by=1/52),
-                   data=rbind(measles=numeric(52*4)),
-                   t0=0,
-                   delta.t=1/52/20,
-                   statenames=c("S","I","R","cases","W"),
-                   paramnames=c(
-                     "gamma","mu","iota",
-                     "beta1","beta.sd","pop","rho",
-                     "nbasis","degree","period"
-                     ),
-                   zeronames=c("cases"),
-                   comp.names=c("S","I","R"),
-                   step.fun="sir_euler_simulator",
-                   rprocess=euler.simulate,
-                   skeleton.vectorfield="sir_ODE",
-                   rmeasure="binom_rmeasure",
-                   dmeasure="binom_dmeasure",
-                   PACKAGE="pomp",
-                   initializer=function(params, t0, comp.names, ...){
-                     p <- exp(params)
-                     snames <- c("S","I","R","cases","W")
-                     fracs <- p[paste(comp.names,"0",sep=".")]
-                     x0 <- numeric(length(snames))
-                     names(x0) <- snames
-                     x0[comp.names] <- round(p['pop']*fracs/sum(fracs))
-                     x0
-                   }
-                   )
-        coef(po) <- c(
-                      gamma=log(26),mu=log(0.02),iota=log(0.01),
-                      nbasis=3,degree=3,period=1, # NB: all parameters are log-transformed but these
-                      beta1=log(1200),beta2=log(1800),beta3=log(600),
-                      beta.sd=log(1e-3),
-                      pop=log(2.1e6),
-                      rho=log(0.6),
-                      S.0=log(26/1200),I.0=log(0.001),R.0=log(1-0.001-26/1200)
-                      )
-        simulate(po,nsim=1,seed=329348545L)
-      }
-      ) -> euler.sir

Added: pkg/data/euler.sir.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/euler.sir.rda
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: pkg/data/ou2.R
--- pkg/data/ou2.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/data/ou2.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-      {
-        po <- pomp( 
-                   times=seq(1,100),
-                   data=rbind(
-                     y1=rep(0,100),
-                     y2=rep(0,100)
-                     ),
-                   t0=0,
-                   rprocess = function (xstart, times, params, paramnames, ...) {
-                     nvar <- nrow(xstart)
-                     npar <- nrow(params)
-                     nrep <- ncol(xstart)
-                     ntimes <- length(times)
-                     ## get indices of the various parameters in the 'params' matrix
-                     ## C uses zero-based indexing!
-                     parindex <- match(paramnames,rownames(params))-1
-                     array(
-                           .C("ou2_adv",
-                              X = double(nvar*nrep*ntimes),
-                              xstart = as.double(xstart),
-                              par = as.double(params),
-                              times = as.double(times),
-                              n = as.integer(c(nvar,npar,nrep,ntimes)),
-                              parindex = as.integer(parindex),
-                              DUP = FALSE,
-                              NAOK = TRUE,
-                              PACKAGE = "pomp"
-                              )$X,
-                           dim=c(nvar,nrep,ntimes),
-                           dimnames=list(rownames(xstart),NULL,NULL)
-                           )
-                   },
-                   dprocess = function (x, times, params, log, paramnames, ...) {
-                     nvar <- nrow(x)
-                     npar <- nrow(params)
-                     nrep <- ncol(x)
-                     ntimes <- length(times)
-                     parindex <- match(paramnames,rownames(params))-1
-                     array(
-                           .C("ou2_pdf",
-                              d = double(nrep*(ntimes-1)),
-                              X = as.double(x),
-                              par = as.double(params),
-                              times = as.double(times),
-                              n = as.integer(c(nvar,npar,nrep,ntimes)),
-                              parindex = as.integer(parindex),
-                              give_log=as.integer(log),
-                              DUP = FALSE,
-                              NAOK = TRUE,
-                              PACKAGE = "pomp"
-                              )$d,
-                           dim=c(nrep,ntimes-1)
-                           )
-                   },
-                   dmeasure = "normal_dmeasure",
-                   rmeasure = "normal_rmeasure",
-                   paramnames = c(
-                     "alpha.1","alpha.2","alpha.3","alpha.4",
-                     "sigma.1","sigma.2","sigma.3",
-                     "tau"
-                     ),
-                   statenames = c("x1","x2")
-                   )
-        coef(po) <- c(
-                      alpha.1=0.9,alpha.2=0,alpha.3=0,alpha.4=0.99,
-                      sigma.1=1,sigma.2=0,sigma.3=2,
-                      tau=1,x1.0=50,x2.0=-50
-                      )
-        simulate(po,nsim=1,seed=377456545L)
-      }
-      ) -> ou2

Added: pkg/data/ou2.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/ou2.rda
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: pkg/data/rw2.R
--- pkg/data/rw2.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/data/rw2.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-      {
-        po <- pomp(
-                   rprocess = onestep.simulate,
-                   dprocess = onestep.density,
-                   step.fun = function(x, t, params, delta.t, ...) {
-                     c(
-                       x1=rnorm(n=1,mean=x['x1'],sd=params['s1']*delta.t),
-                       x2=rnorm(n=1,mean=x['x2'],sd=params['s2']*delta.t)
-                       )
-                   },
-                   dens.fun = function (x1, t1, x2, t2, params, ...) {
-                     sum(
-                         dnorm(
-                               x=x2[c('x1','x2')],
-                               mean=x1[c('x1','x2')],
-                               sd=params[c('s1','s2')]*(t2-t1),
-                               log=TRUE
-                               ),
-                         na.rm=TRUE
-                         )
-                   },
-                   measurement.model=list(
-                     y1 ~ norm(mean=x1,sd=tau),
-                     y2 ~ norm(mean=x2,sd=tau)
-                     ),
-                   times=1:100,
-                   data=rbind(
-                     y1=rep(0,100),
-                     y2=rep(0,100)
-                     ),
-                   t0=0
-                   )
-        simulate(po,params=c(x1.0=0,x2.0=0,s1=1,s2=3,tau=1),nsim=1,seed=738377475L)
-      }
-      ) -> rw2

Added: pkg/data/rw2.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/rw2.rda
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Deleted: pkg/data/verhulst.R
--- pkg/data/verhulst.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/data/verhulst.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-      {
-        po <- pomp(
-                   data=rbind(obs=rep(0,1000)),
-                   times=seq(0.1,by=0.1,length=1000),
-                   t0=0,
-                   rprocess=euler.simulate,
-                   step.fun=function(x,t,params,delta.t,...){
-                     with(
-                          as.list(c(x,params)),
-                          rnorm(
-                                n=1,
-                                mean=n+r*n*(1-n/K)*delta.t,
-                                sd=sigma*n*sqrt(delta.t)
-                                )
-                          )
-                   },
-                   dprocess=onestep.density,
-                   dens.fun=function(x1,x2,t1,t2,params,log,...){
-                     delta.t <- t2-t1
-                     with(
-                          as.list(c(x1,params)),
-                          dnorm(
-                                x=x2['n'],
-                                mean=n+r*n*(1-n/K)*delta.t,
-                                sd=sigma*n*sqrt(delta.t),
-                                log=log
-                                )
-                          )
-                   },
-                   measurement.model=obs~lnorm(meanlog=log(n),sdlog=log(1+tau)),
-                   skeleton.vectorfield=function(x,t,params,...){
-                     with(
-                          as.list(c(x,params)),
-                          r*n*(1-n/K)
-                          )
-                   },
-                   delta.t=0.01
-                   )
-        simulate(
-                 po,
-                 params=c(
-                   n.0=10000,
-                   K=10000,
-                   r=0.9,
-                   sigma=0.4,
-                   tau=0.1
-                   ),
-                 seed=73658676L
-                 )
-      }
-      ) -> verhulst

Added: pkg/data/verhulst.rda
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/data/verhulst.rda
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Modified: pkg/man/mif.Rd
--- pkg/man/mif.Rd	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/man/mif.Rd	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
     The number of MIF iterations to perform.
-    The initial guess of the parameters.
-    This must be a named vector.
+    named numerical vector;
+    the starting guess of the parameters.
     optional character vector naming the ordinary parameters to be estimated.
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     Every parameter named in \code{ivps} must have a positive random-walk standard deviation specified in \code{rw.sd}.
-    Function of prototype \code{particles(Np,center,sd,...)} which sets up the initial particle matrix by drawing a sample of size \code{Np} from the initial particle distribution centered at \code{center} and of width \code{sd}.
+    Function of prototype \code{particles(Np,center,sd,...)} which sets up the starting particle matrix by drawing a sample of size \code{Np} from the starting particle distribution centered at \code{center} and of width \code{sd}.
     If \code{particles} is not supplied by the user, the default behavior is to draw the particles from a multivariate normal distribution with mean \code{center} and standard deviation \code{sd}.
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
     a positive number;
-    the scaling coefficient relating the width of the initial particle distribution to \code{rw.sd}
-    The width of the initial distribution of particles will be \code{random.walk.sd*var.factor}.
+    the scaling coefficient relating the width of the starting particle distribution to \code{rw.sd}.
+    In particular, the width of the distribution of particles at the start of the first MIF iteration will be \code{random.walk.sd*var.factor}.
     a positive number not greater than 1;
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     instead, an unweighed average of the filtering means is used for the update.
-    numeric scalar; particles with log likelihood below \code{tol} are considered to be "lost".
+    numeric scalar; particles with log likelihood below \code{tol} are considered to be \dQuote{lost}.
     A filtering failure occurs when, at some time point, all particles are lost.
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
   The center of the particle distribution returned by \code{particles} should be \code{center}.
   The width of the particle distribution should vary monotonically with \code{sd}.
-  In particular, when \code{sd=0}, the \code{particles} should return matrices with \code{Np} identical columns, each corresponding to the parameters specified in \code{center}.
+  In particular, when \code{sd=0}, the \code{particles} should return matrices with \code{Np} identical columns, each given by the parameters specified in \code{center}.
   E. L. Ionides, C. Bret\'o, & A. A. King,

Added: pkg/src/euler_sir_density.c
--- pkg/src/euler_sir_density.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/src/euler_sir_density.c	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// dear emacs, please treat this as -*- C++ -*-
+#include <Rmath.h>
+#include "pomp.h"
+static double expit (double x) {
+  return 1.0/(1.0 + exp(-x));
+static double logit (double x) {
+  return log(x/(1-x));
+static double term_time (double t, double b0, double b1) 
+  static double correction = 0.52328767123287671233;
+  double day = 365.0 * (t - floor(t));
+  int tt = (day >= 7.0 && day <= 100.0) 
+    || (day >= 115.0 && day <= 200.0) 
+    || (day >= 252.0 && day <= 300.0) 
+    || (day >= 308.0 && day <= 356.0);
+  return b0 * (1.0 + b1 * (-1.0 + 2.0 * ((double) tt))) / (1.0 + correction * b1);
+#define LOGGAMMA       (p[parindex[0]]) // recovery rate
+#define LOGMU          (p[parindex[1]]) // baseline birth and death rate
+#define LOGIOTA        (p[parindex[2]]) // import rate
+#define LOGBETA        (p[parindex[3]]) // transmission rate
+#define LOGBETA_SD     (p[parindex[4]]) // environmental stochasticity SD in transmission rate
+#define LOGPOPSIZE     (p[parindex[5]]) // population size
+#define LOGRHO         (p[parindex[6]]) // reporting probability
+#define NBASIS         (p[parindex[7]]) // number of periodic B-spline basis functions
+#define DEGREE         (p[parindex[8]]) // degree of periodic B-spline basis functions
+#define PERIOD         (p[parindex[9]]) // period of B-spline basis functions
+#define SUSC      (x1[stateindex[0]]) // number of susceptibles
+#define INFD      (x1[stateindex[1]]) // number of infectives
+#define RCVD      (x1[stateindex[2]]) // number of recovereds
+#define CASE      (x1[stateindex[3]]) // number of cases (accumulated per reporting period)
+#define W         (x1[stateindex[4]]) // integrated white noise
+#define BIRTHS    (x2[stateindex[5]]) // births
+#define dW        (x2[stateindex[6]]) // white noise process
+// SIR model with Euler multinomial step
+// forced transmission (basis functions passed as covariates)
+// constant population size as a parameter
+// environmental stochasticity on transmission
+void sir_euler_density (double *f, double *x1, double *x2, double t1, double t2, const double *p, 
+			const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
+			int covdim, const double *covar)
+  int nrate = 6;
+  double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
+  double *trans;		// transition numbers
+  double gamma, mu, iota, beta_sd, popsize;
+  double beta;
+  double dt = t2-t1;
+  int nseas = (int) NBASIS;	// number of seasonal basis functions
+  int deg = (int) DEGREE;	// degree of seasonal basis functions
+  double seasonality[nseas];
+  // untransform the parameters
+  gamma = exp(LOGGAMMA);
+  mu = exp(LOGMU);
+  iota = exp(LOGIOTA);
+  beta_sd = exp(LOGBETA_SD);
+  popsize = exp(LOGPOPSIZE);
+  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t1,PERIOD,deg,nseas,&seasonality[0]);
+  beta = exp(dot_product(nseas,&seasonality[0],&LOGBETA));
+  // test to make sure the parameters and state variable values are sane
+  if (!(R_FINITE(beta)) || 
+      !(R_FINITE(gamma)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(mu)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(beta_sd)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(iota)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(popsize)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(SUSC)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(INFD)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(RCVD)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(CASE)) ||
+      !(R_FINITE(W)) ||
+      (nseas <= 0)) {
+    *f = R_NaN;
+    return;
+  }
+  // compute the transition rates
+  trans = &BIRTHS;
+  if (beta_sd > 0.0) {		// environmental noise is ON
+    double beta_var = beta_sd*beta_sd;
+    *f = dgamma(dW,dt/beta_var,beta_var,1);
+  } else {			// environmental noise is OFF
+    *f = 0;			// THIS ASSUMES THAT dw = dt !!!
+  }
+  rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
+  rate[1] = (iota+beta*INFD*dW/dt)/popsize; // force of infection
+  rate[2] = mu;			// death from susceptible class
+  rate[3] = gamma;		// recovery
+  rate[4] = mu;			// death from infectious class
+  rate[5] = mu; 		// death from recovered class
+  // compute the transition numbers
+  *f += dpois(trans[0],rate[0]*dt,1); // births are Poisson
+  *f += deulermultinom(2,SUSC,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1],1);
+  *f += deulermultinom(2,INFD,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3],1);
+  *f += deulermultinom(1,RCVD,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5],1);
+#undef SUSC
+#undef INFD
+#undef RCVD
+#undef CASE
+#undef W
+#undef BIRTHS
+#undef dW
+#undef LOGGAMMA
+#undef LOGMU
+#undef LOGIOTA
+#undef LOGBETA
+#undef LOGBETA_SD
+#undef LOGRHO
+#undef NBASIS
+#undef DEGREE
+#undef PERIOD

Modified: pkg/src/eulermultinom.c
--- pkg/src/eulermultinom.c	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/src/eulermultinom.c	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -9,31 +9,33 @@
   double p = 0.0;
   int j, k;
   if ((size < 0.0) || (dt < 0.0) || (floor(size+0.5) != size)) {
-    for (k = 0; k < m; k++)
-      trans[k] = R_NaN;
+    for (k = 0; k < m; k++) trans[k] = R_NaN;
   for (k = 0; k < m; k++) {
     if (rate[k] < 0.0) {
-      for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
-	trans[j] = R_NaN;
+      for (j = 0; j < m; j++) trans[j] = R_NaN;
     p += rate[k]; // total event rate
-  size = rbinom(size,1-exp(-p*dt)); // total number of events
-  if (!(R_FINITE(size)))
-    warning("reulermultinom: result of binomial draw is not finite");
-  m -= 1;
-  for (k = 0; k < m; k++) {
-    if (rate[k] > p) p = rate[k];
-    trans[k] = ((size > 0) && (p > 0)) ? rbinom(size,rate[k]/p) : 0;
-    if (!(R_FINITE(size)&&R_FINITE(p)&&R_FINITE(rate[k])&&R_FINITE(trans[k])))
+  if (p > 0.0) {
+    size = rbinom(size,1-exp(-p*dt)); // total number of events
+    if (!(R_FINITE(size)))
       warning("reulermultinom: result of binomial draw is not finite");
-    size -= trans[k];
-    p -= rate[k];
+    m -= 1;
+    for (k = 0; k < m; k++) {
+      if (rate[k] > p) p = rate[k];
+      trans[k] = ((size > 0) && (p > 0)) ? rbinom(size,rate[k]/p) : 0;
+      if (!(R_FINITE(size)&&R_FINITE(p)&&R_FINITE(rate[k])&&R_FINITE(trans[k])))
+	warning("reulermultinom: result of binomial draw is not finite");
+      size -= trans[k];
+      p -= rate[k];
+    }
+    trans[m] = size;
+  } else {
+    for (k = 0; k < m; k++) trans[k] = 0.0;
-  trans[m] = size;
 // probability density of Euler-multinomial transitions

Modified: pkg/tests/ou2-forecast.R
--- pkg/tests/ou2-forecast.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/tests/ou2-forecast.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 pf <- pfilter(ou2,Np=1000,save.states=TRUE)
 ll <- cumsum(pf$cond.loglik)
 pp <- matrix(data=coef(ou2),nrow=length(coef(ou2)),ncol=1000,dimnames=list(names(coef(ou2)),NULL))

Modified: pkg/tests/sir.R
--- pkg/tests/sir.R	2010-02-11 02:45:06 UTC (rev 203)
+++ pkg/tests/sir.R	2010-03-13 18:35:40 UTC (rev 204)
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@
 ## now repeat using the compiled native codes built into the package
 po <- euler.sir

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